(Give me a stealth roll for Aileen while I set this up) (Would Highly Maneuverable apply to stealth?) ( Nope ) [Meanwhile, Sonia's in the back of a van, a device that's some kind of localized EMP shutting down her cybernetics and preventing her from moving. To be honest, she probably shouldn't be able to see or hear, either, but I totally didn't think of that.] (Given that she actually has the 'deaf without cyber' defect, yeah.) ( Yeah ._. ) (She also has lip reading.) ( And cybernetic eyes ._. ) ( fuuuuuuuuuu ) (She doesn't have the 'blind without cyber' defect, so apparently it's fine, heh.) [Well for some reason her eyes still work. Maybe it's just designed to shut down her motor skills. And her hearing shorted out too.] [Just now. One of the soldiers jumps with a start, probably from the sparks. He taps Sonia on the side of the head and says something over his shoulder. He's wearing a mask anyway, so not like Sonia can tell what.] * Sonia looks forward, not responding to the guy because she, you know, couldn't even if she wanted to! [As for Alysha, they were nice enough to badage the wound on her forehead, but since there's not enough space on the seats of the van, they just cuffed her and left her lying on the floor. She's still unconscious anyhow.] * Sonia isn't out of a job! Yay! She breathes very lightly, which is just enough to stay functional. [And one of the soldiers, looking out the back windows of the van, calls something up to the front. Sonia can see the shady guy say, "Get rid of it, then", and they open up the back of the van and start firing at Dreamer. ( Gimme 2 defense rolls. highly maneuveeable helps here.] ) [The guy near Sonia must have said something again, because the shady guy responds, "That'd be the hearing modules shorting out. Our woman here was deaf before we got a hold of her.] ( Oh, you rolled in there >.> ) (I did, sorry.) [Dreamer's able to dodge, a combination of being maneuverable and distance and them not having steady hand. After a few useless attempts of firing, the shady guy rolls his head in frustration, and motions at another soldier, who starts loading the RPG launcher.] * Sonia hnns and attempts to get any part of her to respond. At a disadvantage or not, this isn't a time to lay back. [Sonia finds herself unable to move. [The man with the bazooka heads to the back of the van, where he aims towards Dreamer. Uh-oh.] ( And, gonna need a def roll here. ) (Total defense.) 2d6+8 * Dicesuke rolls 2d6+8 for Sonia and gets a natural 9 for a result of 17. [Dreamer manages to swerve away from the rocket, which blows large crater in the highway. The soldier says something over his shoulder, and the shady guy responds, "Idiot! Fine, get back inside. We're almost there anyhow.] * Sonia would smile if she could! Good Dreamer. Best friend. [The van turns off the highway and into the city. Sonia can't turn her head to see where they're going though.] [But it's not long after that it heads into a garage of some kind. The door slams shut behind them, locking Dreamer out. The shady guy gets up at once and barks orders, and several of the soldiers pick Sonia up and start dragging her. One of them brings Alysha, too.] (She's going to try to look around the building's outside.) [The garage is part of a large, flat building that takes up most of a city block. It looks like it might have been a meat packing plant at once, judging from the low-hanging bars and slate slabs in some of the rooms. Two of the slabs have people on them, too, though Sonia doesn't get a good look at them.] [They bring Sonia into a large, empty room and set her on one of the slabs. Her head's turned to one side, so she can see it when they recuff Alysha's handcuffs around one of the bars, so she's hanging off it by her wrists. Her feet don't quite reach the floor.] [As for Dreamer, she pretty much confirms that, yes, it is an old meat-packing plant.] [A white man walks in. He's got kind of a round face, a balding head and a short beard and 'stache. And a white lab coat. He's followed by a black woman, her hair long, the sides braided. She looks naked at first glance, but on closer inspection, she's wearing a skin-tight brown suit, nearly the same color as her skin.] [The shady guy looks at the doctor. "Finally. She sent out some sort of mobile device when we caught her, so we don't have much time. Get to work."] * Sonia watches Alysha get hung up like a legfish, eyes the doctor, and then grimaces internally. If only she could actually do anything. [The doctor probably said something to protest, but the shady man responds. "Then you can tell the new company president. See how she responds to your failure.] [The man frowns and gets to work, opening his bag -- did I mention he had a bag? Well he does -- and removing his tools. Some of them look like surgeon's tools, but a lot more look more like a mechanic's.] [The shady man eyes the woman up and down. "One of her new experiments, huh? Did they finally work the bugs out of your software?" The woman may or may not respond; her back is to Sonia.] [But she must have, because he shrugs. "Well I guess you're going to get your first field test soon. Sonia here's got friends on the way."] ["Quiet, Joost, I need to work, here." The doctor peers into Sonia's eyes, shining a light in one, then the other.] * Sonia is wearing contacts. Everyone loves contacts. [Not for long. The doctor pulls out a nasty looking grabby-thing with four metal claws and manuvers it towards one of Sonia's eyes.] [And then he stops suddenly, and turns around. So have the woman and the shady guy, whose name is 'Joost', apparently. They're all staring at Alysha, who has a big grin on her face. "... and you're gonna regret it," she finishes saying.] * Sonia tries not to have a heart attack at Alysha being useful. [She starts to say something else, but Sonia can't see what, when Joost moves in front of her. She does see her wide-eyed face, though, when he hits her squarely in the stomach, her body swinging backwards with the blow.] [He does it a second time, too, then turns to yell at the doctor, who's just staring at them. "Get back to work!" Despite the pain, Alysha's still trying to maintain a defiant grin.] [And then they all look towards the door, probably a response to the audible crash.] [Joost scowls. "Great. That's all we need." He makes his way towards the door. The doc starts to follow, but the woman blocks his path. "Finish your work." He must protest, because she grabs his lapels and sneers at him. "Worse than me?"] [The doctor shakes his head rapidly. The woman glances towards the door, then shoves the doctor away from her and heads out of the room.] [The doctor shakes his head and gets to his feet. He walks back over and picks up the tool, hands shaking.] [The doctor gets back to work, the tool coming closer to Sonia's eye. Suddenly he stops, turning towards Alysha, who's still grinning. "You're gonna die. If my people don't kill you, your employers will.] " [The doctor responds, and Alysha grins wider. "You think? Looks to me like that Joost guy abandoned you. And your cyborg is no match for my people, no matter how experimental she is. I picked the best."] ["But I can save you. Let us go and I'll keep them off you. You get to live. Hell, you can work for me instead. We pay better, and we don't leave our own to die."] [Possibly for the first time, Sonia sees Alysha's grin falter at the doctor's response. He turns around, hands no longer shaking, and approaches Sonia again. "But I love my work too much."] * Sonia sucks in a slightly tighter breath, which is about all she can manage, as she stares down the ocular extraction device. [Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt when the thing clamps down around her eye. That's one advantage of having cybernetic eyes: No pain nodes. It still feels uncomfortable, though. Especially when the eye starts to leave the socket, coming closer to the doctor's face. He's got a grin of his own now, the grin of a madman tinkering with toys.] * Sonia gets the awkward feeling of her face being tugged on without the feeling, and can do little but breathe just a little more heavily at the experience. [And then half her sight is gone. Through her other eye, she can see unsettling image of the doctor pull away, the device holding her eye in its pincers. He turns to deposit it on a tray, and she gets another view of Alysha, who looks both horrified and desperate, trying to find some hook to fast-talk the man and buy time.] [The man ignores her, though, turning back towards Sonia with the device in hand again, moving towards her other eye.] * Montana has joined #mc5-2 * Nigel has joined #mc5-2 ( This will be some desc, so give me a bit ) [Nigel, being British, catches up with Montana without much trouble, and they head towards the room where they heard Alysha's voice.] [This being a meat-packing plant, there's low metal bars along the sides of the room and slate slabs in the middle. Alysha is hanging on one of the bars via her wrists, handcuffed over the bar. She has a bandage spotted with blood around her head and a desperate look on her face. She's screaming her lungs off. Why? Because... ] [Also in the room is a white, balding man with a beard and a labcoat. He's kneeling next to Sonia, whose lying on one of the slabs on her back, a metallic disc-like device attached to her chest. She's unmoving and not looking in great shape. Mainly because she's missing an eye. Actually you can see it on a tray on the other slab, resting next to a multitude of tools that look partly like a surgeon's, partly like a mechanic's.] (Done?) [The man jumps up with a start, dropping a nasty looking device with 4-prongs. "No... How'd you get past the model N-04?"] ( Done ) (Aw, dammit, he noticed us already!) [Alysha glances to you guys. "Montana! The thing on her chest is a localized EMP! It's keeping her from moving!"] * Nigel shrugs. "Pro-Tip: Don't kidnap an arms dealer. They tend to have well-armed muscle." [The doctor glances at Alysha, then makes a move towards his tools , reaching for a scalpel!] (How is the localized EMP like... attached? Is it just sitting there? Like could we just knock it off?) * Montana starts walking for the doctor (and Sonia), cracking his whip before snapping it at the doctor's hand. ( I didn't think about it :O But it's definitally attached somehow. Like magnetically, I guess. ) (Is there an obvious control panel?) [The doctor winces and pulls back, lifting his hands up. "W-Wait a minute, now. I'm a civillian.] ( Yeah, on the device itself. ) (Trying to wrap the whip around the forearm/hand reaching for the scalpel and basically just drag him down.) (Also, it'll probably hurt!) 2d6+7 * Dicesuke rolls 2d6+7 for Montana and gets a natural 9 for a result of 16. ( Oh. My bad ._. ) (it's fine.) (He can totally do that.) * Nigel steps forward and shakes his head. "A civillian who kidnapped an arms dealer, removed our friend's eye and tried to kill us." (Montana's doing this anyway. ^^) ( Ok. ) * Nigel draws his sword, but waits for what Montana's move is. [The doctor has the reflexes of a walrus in space, so Montana easily drags him to the ground. "Oof! I didn't know she was an arm's dealer! We're j-just trying to get back our stolen property!"] * Nigel shrugs and heads over to Sonia, making an attempt to deactivate the EMP. Research is important, Doc. [There's no instruction manual!] ( Gimme an electronics roll, though :P ) * Sonia is completely unresponsive to Nigel's approach, although she is at least barely breathing. 2d6+9 * Dicesuke rolls 2d6+9 for Nigel and gets a natural 8 for a result of 17. ( I guess comput... hell it doesn't matter. ) (If it is computers that's an 18) [Nigel easily figures out how to deactivate the device, and it comes offline. Almost instantly, Sonia's body is responsive again.] * Montana makes his way to him and shoves a foot on the doctor's back, pushing him further down if he tries to get up. "Y'mean her?" he asks. ["Yes, I mean her! Who else has GilaCorp's cybernetics in them here?"] * Nigel nods to Sonia. "Sorry it took us so long. Your car is very excitable... and weirdly flirty." He heads over to Alysha to try and figure out how to get her down.] * Sonia sits up suddenly and takes a deep shuddery breath. She looks to Nigel for a moment with one functioning eye, then comms, ~Deamer, I'm awake, end emergency protocol.~ [Of course Dreamer is still off elsewhere in the plant, distracting the armed guards.] (That she is.) [Alysha's strung up by the handcuffs on her wrists. Her feet don't even touch the floor.] (Can Nigel reach the handcuffs?) ( Probably, I imagine he's taller than her.] ) * Montana doesn't really respond to what the doctor said, instead pulling his gun and aiming at the back of the his neck. He flicks off the safety with an audible click. "Don't do a goddamn thing," is his advice. Hopefully the doctor is wise enough to actually take it. (There is like no way he's not.) ( That makes me wonder... ) ( Yeah, he's like a half-foot taller almost. ) (-the up there) * Sonia shakes her head and gets to her feet. "Damn... GilaCorp. Change my everything, just ain't fucking enough." She looks over to Montana standing on the doctor and then to her detached eye. ~Yeah, we're mostly fine. Having a depth perception problem. Trying not to think about it.~ ["...Okay," says the doctor."] * Nigel nods towards Alysha. "Montana, pick the locks on these handcuffs. I'll make sure the good Doctor doesn't move, and if he does, I'll kill him." He shrugs and moves over to the doctor, pointing his sword at him. ( Wow. ) (Nigel's pissed) * Sonia grabs her eye, as well as the tray of tools. "No need to leave them with any of this." * Montana rolls his eyes, not that anyone can see it, but he trades places with Nigel easily enough, going to Alysha and checking out the cuffs. And by "checking out", he actually means "removing" and "catching Alysha before she crumpes to the floor". 2d6+10 * Dicesuke rolls 2d6+10 for Montana and gets a natural 8 for a result of 18. (crumples why can I not type!) * Nigel looks towards Montana and nods. "Okay, Doctor, on your feet, I think we'll be taking you with us." * Sonia stays where she is, her eye focusing on flitting between Montana, Nigel, and Alysha's faces rapidly. [It doesn't take any effort at all for Montana to pick the lock. Alysha slumps to the floor, grimacing and holding her stomach. "Agh... Are you going to be okay, Sonia? Would you like to cut out the doctor's eye? I said you would."] ( Oops, me and my not-reading ) [Montana catches Alysha. No real difference in what happens next, though.] [The doctor gets up. "You're making a terrible mistake, sir."] * Sonia 's eye locks on Alysha, held up as she is by Montana, and then replies, "I'm fine." * Nigel nods. "Yeah, I know. I should probably just kill you. Call it a tragic flaw. Generosity and all that." * Montana nods, turning to Alsyha. "Can you stand on your own, ma'am?" The concern that's creeping back into his voice sounds much more normal Montana, at least. * Nigel shrugs. "Might still change my mind. Don't tempt me." He points towards the door. "Let's go" [Alysha nods and grins. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just some bruises."] * Montana lets her go, then, and heads across the room to help Sonia. Nigel has threatening the doctor thoroughly covered. "Hey, darlin'," he says, looking her over and trying to figure out how he can help, if at all. [He marches to the door! Under protest. "You don't understand how much influence GilaCorp has in this country. You're making a terrible mistake."] (He's RIGHT let's just kill him.) * Sonia looks to Montana's face, manages a slight smile, then says, "Time to leave, boy. Wish we hadn't had to stop here to begin with, but I thought..." * Nigel rolls his eyes and heads out into the main room. "You really don't know the kind of people who already want to kill us. Get in line." ( Montana can help by getting her an eyepatch, a parrot and a boat. Then they can be pirates! ) (Woops. "Get in the queue) (") (Brits don't say "get in line") * Montana grins back, not that anyone can see it. "How're you for movin'?" ["It's my fault," Alysha says. "I should have known better, but I thought we'd be safe for once. I'm sorry, Sonia."] * Sonia shakes her head and grabs all the shit she shoveled into the bag, looking around the room to see if there's anything else she needs to take. She doesn't respond to Alysha, instead saying, "Try me, boy." Any time. * Montana lets Sonia stand on her own, since she seems able, but he hovers nearby juuuuust in case.