[21:20] <@Brett> [Thursday, April 7th. Time: 4:00 p.m. Location: Soyo, Zakanar, in a bus on the way to the High Council building.] [21:22] <@Brett> [Following a trip to a church of drug smugglers and an unimpressive lunch of green and yellow vegetables and some kind of beef, you're heading towards the High Council building, which wasn't named out of arrogance, there really is a Low and a High Council. Major Tehma J'mail works out of said building along with the rest of the upper army echelon.] [21:22] <@Brett> [Along the way you picked up Nigel. Hurray?] [21:23] <@Brett> [Start] 06[21:26] * @Gordo is in a van, yay, nobody has been kidnapped recently, which is always a plus, so he waits until we get where we're going so we can find more clues. 06[21:28] * @Nigel is tapping around on his phone while in the van. He's doing some sort of research. 01[21:29] <@Sonia> (not a van, a bus) [21:29] <@Brett> [The bus makes it to the High Council building without event. The building is three stories tall and has a vaguely romanesque look, with high steps and a columnade, not unlike a museum in a western country. Unlike a western museum, however, it's got oval-shaped windows, and flies the Zakanar flag above the doors: A black diamond on a field of brown. Also unlike a museum, it's fenced off, with [21:29] <@Brett> guards at the front gate. One of them motions for you to stop as you near.] 06[21:31] * Shiho is staring out the window, watching the scenery. 06[21:32] * @Sonia wil stop. It's a peaceful visit. For now. She looks at them through her glasses as she waits. [21:33] <@Brett> [When the bus stops, one of the guards heads to the doors, where Alysha meets him. They exchange some words in a foreign language, then the guard motions you inside.] 06[21:33] * @Montana looks around, noting the security, because that's how he rolls. 06[21:36] * @Sonia rolls the buss inside while Montana scouts. "Hope this lasts longer than the last talk." [21:37] <@Brett> [Shortly after, you're lead through the building (which is surprisingly brown inside), down a couple corridors, and to an office. An office with two guards outside, flanking the door. One is nice enough to open it, revealing a pleasant room that could be someone's home study. Bookcases line both walls, and a globe sits at one side of a mahogany desk. There's a large window that even has red [21:37] <@Brett> drapes. There's also two guards standing to either side of it.] [21:40] <@Brett> [And in the center is the man who's probably Major Tehma J'mail, what with this being his office and all. He's only about 5'5 feet tall, but he's got muscle. He's bald and clean-shaven, his nose a little squashed. His tan uniform is decorated with a couple of medals and he wears a red beret, with a shiny medal in that, too. He's got a gold stud in his nose and a gold hoop through one ear. [21:40] <@Brett> There's a scar over his right eye, the eye itself being an empty white.] [21:43] <@Montana> (Done with the descrips?) [21:43] <@Montana> (Sorry, I was waiting. ^^) [21:43] <@Brett> [He smiles, revealing two gold teeth, one black and one missing. It's probably supposed to be friendly, but it looks more feral. Or creepy, even. "Welcome," he says in English, his voice barely accented. "I am Major Tehma J'mail. You must be Vollenstein Armaments' replacment." He looks the rest of you over, his eyes lingering (possibly leering) at Shiho. "I must say I'm already more comfortable [21:43] <@Brett> with your entourage than the last one."] [21:43] <@Brett> ( Ok ) 06[21:44] * @Montana nods to the guy, then steps in and to one side, getting out of people's (particularly Alysha's) way. 06[21:45] * @Gordo stays near the door, but tries not to block the guards view of the room. 06[21:45] * @Sonia deadpans, "What makes you say that." [21:46] <@Brett> ["Have you ever met them?" He asks. "Unsettling."] 06[21:46] * @Nigel walks in and steps to one side checking out the room and the guards and everything and waiting for Alysha to do her thing. 06[21:50] * Shiho ignores the look/leer. [21:50] <@Brett> [His gaze drifts back to Shiho. "Yours is a much more pleasant crew. Although that Russian was quite fun, too." He claps his hands together. "Anyway, shall we get down to business?"] [21:50] <@Gordo> (AFK) [21:50] <@Brett> ( OMG ) [21:50] <@Brett> ( :< ) [21:50] <@Brett> ( Not ) [21:50] <@Brett> ( That is, not usre I fixed my scripts. Obviously not. [21:51] <@Brett> ( Let's try that :o ) [21:51] <@Brett> ( There we go ) [21:51] <@Montana> (Woo!) [21:52] <@Brett> [Alysha grins at the man. "My apologies, major. I'm not here to replace Julia Morningstar. I'm hear to find her."] [21:54] <@Brett> [He frowns at that. "I see. Are you certain? I'm authorized to offer quite a significant amount of wealth in the form of diamonds if you will renew your contract exclusively with the Batu..."] [21:55] <@Brett> [Alysha shakes her head. "But I'm not. I have no authority to make any sales here, to Batu or otherwise. However, I'm sure both Julia and the company would be grateful to any assistance you could offer in finding her whereabouts."] [21:57] <@Gordo> (Backish) [21:57] <@Nigel> 2d6+7 [21:57] Nigel rolls 2D6+7: 2 4 +7 = 13 [21:59] <@Brett> [He nods. "Well then, if I can't persuade you otherwise... I don't know where Ms. Morningstar is for certain, but reccently I've come across some information that the N'mba recently captured an unusual looking woman. It's quite possible that's her. Few people would be able to identify the origins of a woman of her appearance."] 06[22:00] * @Montana hooks his hands in his pockets and looks around while they chat. [22:02] <@Brett> ["She's Native American," Alysha says simply. The Major shrugs. "Even so. At any rate, if it is Ms. Morningstar, she's in N'mba hands. I can't risk any sort of action on my own, lest I stir political waters."] 06[22:02] * @Nigel hms thoughtfully. [22:02] <@Brett> [Alysha grins. "Of course."] 06[22:03] * @Gordo does his best to look professional. [22:04] <@Brett> ["I wish you luck," J'mail says, and turns towards the window, folding his arms behind his back. "And remember, should the unthinkable happen, The Batu are still willing to renegotiate our contract."] [22:04] <@Brett> [Alysha nods. "Thank you for your assistance, major," she says, and heads out of the office.] 06[22:05] * @Nigel follows behind her. 06[22:06] * @Gordo will exit last. 06[22:06] * Shiho stays next to Alysha. 06[22:06] * @Sonia will not exit last, then! She side-looks at Montana. "Having a fun time?" [22:08] <@Montana> Yeah, sure. 06[22:08] * @Montana is out [22:08] <@Brett> [You head back to the bus. Alysha takes a seat, grinning. "That went just like I thought. He's a real asshole."] [22:09] <@Montana> Seems this place is full of 'em. [22:09] <@Gordo> What did he mean about the previous crew? And if they're as weird as he says, should we try ta find 'em? [22:11] <@Brett> ["He was scared of them," Alysha says simply. "He was scared of them, he thinks I'm weak and he's got a thing for Shiho."] [22:11] <@Gordo> That's lessn' helpful. 06[22:12] * @Nigel shrugs. "He had several banned books on black magic. In English no less." [22:13] <@Brett> [Alysha blinks a few times. "Seriously?" She sighs. "Great."] 01[22:13] <@Sonia> ... banned by who? [22:13] <@Montana> Yeah, good question. 06[22:13] * @Nigel shakes his head. "By whom." 06[22:13] * Shiho shrugs at the Shiho comment. [22:14] <@Brett> ["The wizarding council, probably," Alysha says. "There's things they don't teach in schools, like necromancy or demon contracting."] 06[22:14] * @Nigel nods at Alysha's comment. "It's bad news." [22:15] <@Brett> [Alysha nods. "I hope he doesn't summon more zombies."] [22:15] <@Gordo> What's comp'ny policy on selling ta necromancers? [22:15] <@Brett> ["I, uh, don't think we have one."] [22:16] <@Gordo> Ah... things keep going like this, might've to make one. [22:17] <@Brett> [Alysha nods.] [22:17] (Chess would appreciate your lack of distaste for necromancy.) [22:18] <@Montana> Wait, he's summoned zombies before? [22:18] <@Montana> Like, you know this has actually happened? [22:18] <@Gordo> (Chess hasn't sic'd zombies on us yet.) 06[22:19] * @Nigel shrugs. "I don't know if he's used the books, but he has them." [22:19] <@Brett> [Alysha blinks. "Wha-?" She laughs. "No, I was just SAYing... I mean with all the stuff with Faust...."] [22:20] <@Brett> [Alysha shakes her head. "Necromancy doesn't stop at zombies, you know. And maybe he's consorting with demons. Or something else, even. There's a lot of magic that's forbidden."] 06[22:21] * @Montana rubs at his face. "'Course it is." [22:23] <@Brett> ["Anyway," Alysha shifts so she's sitting on the edge of her seat, "Now we've got two options: Track down this smuggler and see what he has to say, or head south and see if we can make any headway with the N'mba."] [22:23] <@Brett> ( brb ) 06[22:24] * @Sonia shrugs with one shoulder. "They're just going to blame this guy." [22:24] <@Gordo> I'd say the smuggler. [22:25] I agree. [22:26] <@Montana> Sounds good. 06[22:28] * @Sonia puts the bus into gear. It's smugglin' time. [22:30] <@Montana> (Sonia drives the bus!) [22:30] <@Gordo> (Bus bus bus) 01[22:31] <@Sonia> (you can't stop the bus) 06[22:33] * @Nigel settles in and flips through a book. [22:33] <@Brett> ( Back ) [22:35] <@Brett> ["The smuggler operates from the East End," Alysha. "It's the... well, 'slums' might not fit, exactly."] [22:35] <@Montana> Better or worse? [22:36] <@Brett> ["Well, the whole city's kind of a slum," says Alysha. "But this is where the crime goes on."] [22:36] More of the crime, you mean? [22:37] <@Gordo> The kin where we don't expect to get the bus back? [22:37] <@Brett> [Alysha nods.] [22:38] <@Montana> Sounds fun. 06[22:40] * @Sonia looks back at people in the rearview mirror. "Yeah. They're gonna steal a bus from arms dealers. Smart kids." [22:41] <@Brett> [Not long after, you drive into the East End! The paved road gives way to wood. The buildings still look fairly modernish, but full of broken or boarded windows. There's not many cars around here, and the few you do see tend to be missing things. There aren't many street lights, either, and as it's now 5:30, that could be a worry in an hour or two.] [22:43] <@Brett> [Most of the people you pass are men, their hair done in dreadlocks, sporting beards, T-shirts often stained, pants ripped. There seems to be some sort of fashion statement involving wearing a belt but leaving it unbuckled.] [22:43] <@Brett> [Since yours is the only moving vehicle in the area, pretty much everyone stares at you as you drive by.] 06[22:44] * @Nigel looks over at Sonia. "We've seen dumber things." 06[22:45] * @Sonia glances at the people as they roll by. "I know." 06[22:46] * @Montana idly checks his gun over. He might need it at some point, who knows. [22:46] <@Gordo> Could put a sign on... Ah, nevemin' they'd just take it as a challenge. [22:46] <@Brett> [You eventually get to a double-story apartment building. "This is the spot," Alysha says.] [22:48] ...I feel as if we should have left you somewhere else, but I also feel like that would have resulted in you being kidnapped. Again. [22:48] I would like to respectfully note that you are not the easiest client we could have had. [22:48] <@Brett> [Alysha grins. "Can't help being popular."] 06[22:49] * @Sonia gets out of the bus after it's stopped, and pops the hood. 01[22:50] <@Sonia> (Gonna disable it via part removal.) 01[22:50] <@Sonia> (Get bent, people who suck.) 06[22:51] * @Gordo gives Sonia the thumbs up as he walks past. "Good idea." [22:51] <@Brett> [Alysha gets out too, glancing around. There's a group of people a block over who seem to be looking your way."] [22:51] <@Brett> [Sonia removes the....] [22:52] <@Brett> d6 01[22:52] <@Sonia> (the 2d6inator) [22:52] <@Brett> 1d6 [22:52] Brett rolls 1D6: 6 [22:52] <@Brett> ( The flux capacitor! No wait ) [22:52] <@Brett> [Sonia removes something important.] [22:52] <@Gordo> (Sonia removes the brake fluid) 03[22:52] * Retrieving #mc5 modes... 06[22:53] * @Montana climbs out of the bus, adjusting his hat. He doesn't seem particularly bothered by people looking their way. [22:53] (We don't want them to start it and crash it D:) 06[22:53] * @Sonia is all about important. She holds it in her hand and heads over nearer Alysha. "Let's go." [22:53] <@Nigel> (If I knew we were in a time machine, this would have been much easier) 06[22:54] * @Nigel follows, keeping a hand close to his sword hilt. 06[22:55] * @Gordo keeps an eye out, but as long as people are just watching he doesn't respond. [22:56] <@Brett> [Alysha heads down the alley way! The unusually dark alleyway. Halfway through there's a recess in the street, where some stairs lead down to a single door. It's got four different visable locks and a sliding view screen] [22:56] <@Brett> [Alysha knocks a few times, to no avail.] 06[22:57] * @Montana waits patiently. He also mentally goes over how to crack the locks, because why wouldn't he. 06[22:57] * Shiho stays next to Alysha. It's possibly the second-most-dangerous spot, second only to being Alysha herself. [22:57] <@Brett> [Alysha frowns, and knocks again... To no avail.] [22:57] <@Gordo> There a password we need? [22:58] <@Montana> Maybe he just ain't home. [22:58] <@Brett> ["I dunno," Alysha says. She knocks again. "Hello?"] [22:59] <@Brett> [Alysha takes a step back. "Okay. Montana, get the door."] 06[23:00] * @Montana tips his hat to her. "Yes'm." He slips a lockpick out from one boot and gets to doing just that. [23:00] <@Brett> ( Gimme 3 lock picking rolls :D ) [23:01] <@Montana> (I was going to ask!) [23:01] <@Montana> (Let me know if any will fail.) [23:01] <@Montana> 2d6+10 [23:01] Montana rolls 2D6+10: 2 4 +10 = 16 [23:01] <@Montana> 2d6+10 [23:01] Montana rolls 2D6+10: 4 1 +10 = 15 [23:01] <@Montana> 2d6+10 [23:01] Montana rolls 2D6+10: 4 3 +10 = 17 [23:02] <@Montana> (Ha, switch that to slipping lock*picks*. There are more than one.) [23:03] <@Brett> [Montana opens all the locks! He's rewarded by the door swining open, and a bearded man pointing a modern-looking M4 at him. "Someone can't take a hint. I'm not open."] 06[23:03] * @Montana grins at the man and straightens, picks still in hand. "Looks like y'are." [23:05] <@Brett> ["Molutu?" Alysha says. "Are you Molutu?"] [23:06] <@Brett> ["Who wants to know?"] [23:06] <@Gordo> (This gigantic wad of money) [23:06] <@Brett> ["Alysha Johnson," Alysha says. "I'm a friend of Julia's."] [23:07] <@Brett> [He frowns. Then lifts the M4 away from Montana. "Come in. Don't touch anything."] 06[23:09] * @Montana puts on his best innocent face and heads in, the picks disappearing as he does so. 06[23:09] * @Sonia holds up her free hand in the 'we got a badass here, folks' pose, and then walks in. Like she needs to take his stuff. 06[23:10] * Shiho follows Alysha in. 06[23:10] * @Gordo puts his in his pockets and goes in. [23:10] <@Brett> [The man leads you down a short corridor into a large room. There's boxes on one side and weapons on the far wall. He takes a seat behind a desk, grabbing an open bottle of whiskey and taking a drink. "Speak," he says, wiping his beard.] 01[23:10] <@Sonia> (BEARD SQUEEZINS.) [23:11] <@Brett> ["She's missing," Alysha says. "We know you were friends with her. Do you have any information about where she could be?"] [23:12] <@Brett> [Molutu snorts. "'Friends', huh? I wouldn't go that far. But yeah, I knew her."] [23:13] <@Brett> [He takes another drink. "But I don't know you, and I don't know why I should trust a half-breed."] [23:14] <@Brett> [Alysha frowns. "You're not the first to call me that. I'm starting to think it's a thing."] [23:15] <@Montana> Why the fuck, it ain't like you guys're dogs. 06[23:16] * @Sonia rolls her eyes behind her glasses. "For fuck's sake, it's like I'm not right over here. If you're going to bitch about her bein' half-black when I'm standin' right here, then your problem's with the white guys over there too." [23:16] Tsk. [23:17] <@Gordo> Not 'nough alchahole in the world ta solve that one. [23:20] <@Brett> Molutu grins toothily. "Don't get me wrong, foreigners in general aren't particularly well liked in this country. Maybe it's different where yo come from, where your lives are so secure you don't have to worry about hwere your next meal's coming from," he looks at Gordo. "Or if you lose your eye you just get a new one put in," he looks at Sonia.] [23:21] <@Brett> ["But here, every day's a battle for survival. You find a way to scrape together a living, any way you can, and damn your neighbors, because they sure as hell aren't gonna help you."] [23:23] <@Brett> [Alysha just grins. "So... about Julia?"] 06[23:24] * @Sonia looks back at him through her sunglasses, but with Alysha talking, she doesn't. 06[23:24] * @Gordo silently hopes that there arn't going to be too many other people they need to ask for information. 06[23:24] * @Montana frowns, but Alysha starts talking and for once that's a good thing. He starts calculating the relative worth of anything he can see in the apartment to keep himself busy. 06[23:25] * @Nigel waits silently for this guy to get around to answering the question. [23:25] <@Brett> [The weapons are modern and probably worth quite a bit. As for the boxes, who knows what's in those?] [23:26] <@Brett> ["We weren't friends," Molutu says. "But we did know each other. We shared a drink or two, sometimes. We had some arrangements. And yes, I might have some idea of where she's gone."] [23:27] <@Brett> ["How much," Alysha asks when he doesn't immediately continue.] [23:30] <@Brett> ["Not money," Molutu says. "Like I said, I don't trust you. You want my help, you can proove yourself first."] 06[23:31] * @Gordo pinches the bridge of his nose. 06[23:32] * @Nigel rolls his eyes. 06[23:33] * @Montana mutters, "" in Creole French under his breath. [23:37] <@Brett> [He draws a picture from one of the desk drawers and puts it on top. It's a short-haired Asian woman. The picture is low-quality, but the details are clear enough given that she appears to be naked, at least from the upper-chest up. She's looking down, her face forlorn. The background is just dark. "Get her for me."] [23:38] <@Brett> [Alysha looks at the pic, frowning. "She's from the underground?"] [23:40] <@Brett> [Molutu nods. "They don't sell the girls. Don't allow pictures, either; had to sneak this one with a micro camera. Once they get too old, they disappear. No one knows where they go. No one asks."] [23:41] <@Brett> [Alysha scowls. "I'm not stealing a whore for you."] [23:42] <@Brett> [Molutuo grins. "Think of it as a rescue mission. You think she's being treated well there? She'd be much better off as my wife."] 06[23:42] * Shiho frowns at Alysha. [23:43] <@Brett> [Alysha's eyes narrow. "Shiho. Beat the crap out of him."] 06[23:44] * @Gordo starts, and then tries to stiffle a snicker. 06[23:44] * @Nigel tilts his head. "Miss Johnson, I would be interested in finding out what they are doing to these girls... If they disappear... It could be anything and it seems like something that would be worth stepping in to stop, if necessary." [23:45] <@Brett> ( Waiting on Shiho o/~ Who needs to give me an init roll ) 06[23:45] * @Montana nods. "But first I'm agreein' Shiho should beat the crap out of him." 06[23:45] * @Nigel shrugs. "Oh yeah, sure. That's fine." [23:46] 2d6+11 [23:46] Shiho rolls 2D6+11: 2 5 +11 = 18 06[23:46] * Shiho looks pissed off at Alysha, but raises her fists and takes a stance. [23:46] <@Brett> [Molutu starts to get out of his chair. "What the f-" But Shiho's faster and gets to move first] 06[23:48] * Shiho darts in close and throws a punch straight out from where her fists were resting in front of her chest. [23:48] 2d6+6 [23:48] Shiho rolls 2D6+6: 4 5 +6 = 15 [23:49] <@Brett> ( I'm not going to bother with combat, you can just beat him up :P ) [23:49] <@Brett> ( It's late ) [23:50] <@Brett> [Regardless, Shiho's punch hits him squarely on the jaw and sends him staggering back, clutching at his face.] 06[23:52] * Shiho falls back to Alysha whenever Molutu starts giving up. [23:52] <@Brett> ["I think you're right, Nigel," says Alysha, not taking her eyes from Molutu. "I think we should look into it, and we should put a stop to it."] [23:53] <@Brett> [Moluto doesn't give up easily, actually. He throws his own punch at Shiho, though she's pretty easily able to fend it off.] [23:55] <@Brett> ["But not for his sake. Not so she can go from a whorehouse to being a slave." Alysha scowls. "I'm getting tired of this country and the attitudes of its people."] 06[23:56] * Shiho dodges the punch and throws another one of her own. [23:58] <@Brett> [The second one knocks him down. He sits up, rubbing his jaw.] 06[23:58] * @Montana watches the man, waiting for him to pull a gun or something equally stupid. 06[23:58] * @Nigel nods. "Then that's what we'll do... I don't have any intention of turning the girl over to him... Disappearing girls make me nervous for a slew of reasons, though... Hell, a lot of demon summoning rituals require sacrifices... Besides the fact that it's just, you know, wrong..." [23:59] <@Brett> [Good thing Montana was watching, because that's totally what he tries to do. "You fucking bitch!"] Session Time: Sat Apr 20 00:00:00 2013 06[00:00] * @Gordo wasn't waiting for it, he though Shiho had it about covered. 06[00:00] * @Montana snaps his whip out, then, and nabs said weapon from his hand. [00:01] <@Montana> (Annnd would I be rolling for that, or can I assume I yoink it and land it in my free hand? [00:01] <@Brett> ( Nah, you can just get it ) [00:01] <@Montana> (Sweet!) Session Close: Sat Apr 20 00:04:20 2013 Session Start: Sat Apr 20 00:04:20 2013 Session Ident: #mc5 02[00:04] * Disconnected 02[00:05] * Attempting to rejoin channel #mc5 03[00:05] * Rejoined channel #mc5 03[00:05] * Topic is 'MC5 Channel' 03[00:05] * Set by Brett on Fri May 18 19:58:44 [00:05] <@Brett> [Molutu glares at Montana, then at Nigel. "The diamond mine," he says. "She went to the god damn diamond mine. But you can't go there right now. The Tchwanda are getting ready to take control of it."] [00:07] <@Brett> ["Why would she go to the mine?" Alysha asks? "I don't know," Molutu responds, and seeing her face, says "Seriously, she didn't tell me. Maybe she's seeling weapons to the guards. Or maybe she's helping the Tchwanda attack. Who the hell can tell what that woman's thinking?"] 06[00:09] * @Gordo whispers to Monty. "Who's got the diamond mine now?" [00:10] <@Brett> [Alysha frowns, then snatches the photograph. She heads for the exit.] 06[00:10] * Shiho stays to the back of the group, to make sure he doesn't lunge at them or make any sudden moves. [00:11] <@Brett> [Molutu doesn't, thankfully.] 06[00:13] * @Montana whispers back, "Probably that guy we were just talkin' to." He heads out at the cue, taking Molutu's firearm with him. Whatever, he's got more. [00:13] <@Brett> ( It's true. You left him the M-4 ) 06[00:13] * @Gordo nods and follows Monty out. [00:13] <@Montana> (Hey, if Alysha wants it... :D) 06[00:13] * @Nigel leaves as well. He walks backwards for a minute, keeping his crossbow aimed at Molutu, and then turns around and heads out. [00:14] <@Brett> ( Do we want to end here? ) [00:14] <@Montana> (May be best!) [00:14] <@Gordo> (I think so.) [00:14] <@Brett> [And then the bus self-destructs.] [00:14] <@Brett> [End!]