<@Brett> [Date: Friday, April 15th. Time: Unknown. Location: Deep in the heart of the fae Unseelie lands.] <@Brett> [You're at the base of a snowy mountain, climbing through the forest, up a hill towards a log cabin, because it's cold out and there's fire coming from it. As you approach the cabin, you notice several ripples in the multitude of stars overhead. Something ain't right there.] <@Brett> [Start] * Nigel shakes his head. "Well... that's strange." He continues to head up to the cabin, shivering. So, nae supposed to do that? * Sonia notices ripples! Yeah! "Just keep moving." 2d6+4 * Dicesuke rolls 2d6+4 for Sonia and gets a natural 5 for a result of 9. <@Brett> [Without warning, the dye from one of Sonia's colored hair puffballs flies off into the wind, spiraling up towards the sky!] * Montana turns at that. "What the hell...?" <@Brett> [Alysga raises an eyebrow.] <@Brett> [Alysha does too. I don't know who this Alysga person is.] * Sonia seems unconcerned. Oh boy, brown hair again. At least partly. Also, she doesn't stop moving. "What?" Your hair dye flew up. That was, uh. Really weird. * Montana keeps trekking to the cabin. Oh. Didn't know fey were so into color. Wonder if they hearda 'paint' before. I'm not gonna ask. <@Brett> [You get to the cabin!] * Nigel shrugs and approaches the door, rapping his knuckles against it. * @Brett ( Quit (Ping timeout) * Brett ( has joined #mc5 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Brett (Brett's roommates don't want him to run. :/) <@Brett> ( They keep resetting the router because the connection keeps going. ) (What is wrong with the connection?) <@Brett> ( It sucks. ) (Also, I wasn't aware you had roommates.) * Herman ( has joined #mc5 <@Brett> ( 5 of them ) <@Brett> ( Is this thing on? :X ) (Yes) (That's a lot of roommates) <@Brett> ( It is ) <@Brett> ( One's moving out tomorrow though ) (Anyway, I messaged you what Nigel did) <@Brett> ( Or maybe Sunday, I forget. ) * Herman answers the door. He's an older man, about mid-sixties, kind of thin and clean shaven, with a full head of white-gray hair and brown eyes. He's unimpressively dressed in what must pass for sleep clothes in fae lands, complete with slippers, and has a decent length of pipe in one hand. "I told you-" Pause, blink. "You're not fae." * Herman speaks English, by the way, by way of Britain. <@Brett> ( He should have a beard :< ) (Herman doesn't belive in Mowvember) (It's not even November!) <@Brett> ( Incidentally fae sleep clothes are anything but unimpressive ) (Well, whatever they are. XP) * Sonia just says, dryly, from in the back, "Volt says hey." <@Brett> [Alysha does a half-wave. "Hi Herman. It's been a while."] * Nigel shakes his head. "I am not a fae, no. Just made a deal with one to get here." * Nigel extends his hand. "Nigel Winthrop. Big fan of yours."] * Herman blinks again, and looks directly at Sonia. "He sent you?" And then he looks at Nigel. "Ah." He shakes his hand. "Always a pleasure meeting another mage, but circumstances could be better." He looks at the others, his gaze trailing right over Montana, Gordo, and Shiho, to stop on Alysha. "You..." He squints. "I don't remember meeting you. But maybe the lighting's off." Anyway, come in. You'll die out there, if the fae have anything to say about it. Was 'bout ta ask, it's a wee bit cold. * Nigel shakes his head and heads in. "Calling me a mage is a bit of an exageration. And you probably met Alysha in another reality. We have a lot to discuss." * Herman holds the door open for everybody to enter. * Sonia has a suitcase! She walks in and adjusts her glasses. "I'm sure girls tell you they've met you out of nowhere all the time." * Brett2 ( has joined #mc5 * @Brett ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * Brett2 is now known as Brett * ChanServ sets mode: +o Brett * Montana walks in, too, looking around and trying not to trample snow everywhere. Or touch many things. That's how polite he is. * Gordo gets in and starts to kick the snow off of his boots in the entryway. <@Brett> [Alysha follows everyone in, presumably with Shiho in tow.] [The inside, perhaps unsurprisingly, is larger than it looked on the outside. Everyone steps into a reasonably comfortable living area, with chairs and a fireplace and bookcases that contain an equal number of books and artifacts. Through a doorway to their left is a kitchen, though it lacks modern appliances from what anyone can see, and there's a hallway that leads to more rooms towards the back.] It's not an exaggeration, Nigel. I know magic when I see it. * Herman focuses on Alysha again, now that everyone's out of the cold and the door is closed, a small frown on his face. <@Brett> [Alysha peers at various objects. "Quite a collection you got a hold of here."] Don't pressure the boy too much. He blushes. * Montana rolls his eyes. His beady, beady eyes. * Nigel shrugs to Herman. "I know a few tricks. That's all." He sits down. * Gordo shoves his hands into his pockets. "I'm just glad ta be out of the snow m'self." * Herman addresses Alysha, because he has no idea what to make of Sonia's statement, if it's even directed at him. "I brought everything I thought might help... you're... ah. Where do I know you from?" <@Brett> [Alysha grins. "We met before in another life. Saving the world, remember?" She pauses, "Well, not saving it so much as rebuilding it, I guess."] * @Brett ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * Brett2 ( has joined #mc5 * Brett2 ( Quit (Quit: ) * Brett2 ( has joined #mc5 * Herman furrows his brow for a moment, then his vision clears. "Iris. The only one unaccounted for. Why...?" (You need to call your ISP in the morning. o_o) * Brett3 ( has joined #mc5 ( ._. ) * Brett3 is now known as Brett * ChanServ sets mode: +o Brett <@Brett> ( Having some issues ) * Brett2 ( Quit (Ping timeout) (Yeah... No kidding) * @Brett ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) (...) * Brett ( has joined #mc5 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Brett (I think this is the part where we call the session off until your interwebs get fixed) <@Brett> ( Mrrrrr ) (Yeah. ^^; This is not actually playable.) <@Brett> ( Tell me about it >.< ) (Yeah... I kind of agree...) (It's cool. We won't fault you for having sucky internet) (THIS TIME) (And that way WD will be here) (Seriously - not playable. Do you want to call it until next week? :/) <@Brett> ( I'll give it one more shot, if only because this is an odd place to end. ) (Okay.) (Alright) <@Brett> ( Um... Wow. That was some lag :o ) (This is the longest you've stayed on!) (Alysha has to respond to Herman) (Brett?) * @Brett ( Quit (Ping timeout) (There he goes!) * Brett ( has joined #mc5 ( Mrrrrrrr ) ( Ok, I give up. ) [Session on hold]