[The last thing both of you can remember is irrelevant. It may be going to bed, it may be the midst of a dream, it's something personal to every person and I'm sure it can be made up as necessary. However, one thing is certain, no matter what the last thing you remember is, for both of you.] [You both suddenly, with only the faintest flash of light as the transition, stand, naked, inside of a large magic circle. There is a brown and red thing standing in front of you, outside the circle, that can only be classified as a 'demon' to most peoples' eyes. Luckily, it's pretty warm here, but NAKED! AIEEEE!] [OST: Start.] * DemonThing opens his eyes to look at both of you, and they widen. "W... women! Humans!" He grips his hands tightly about whatever's in his hands. "Damn! K'lra'k's freezing blood itself!" * DemonThing, for the record, is vaguely humanoid, and not really that tall. Sorta wrinkly, with green eyes, and the aforementioned coloring. He's wearing something like a robe. (And now I'll give both of you a chance to mentally catch up. And desc yourselves. @_@) * Taki is not the same old Taki, she's cut most of her hair off so it only falls to the base of her neck, and no longer covers the scars on her face, but probibly more noticable now that she has no clothes are the scars on the rest of her body. She's grown a few cm in varous directions as well and looks very unhappy to be here and starts to yell before noticing important things like the lack of clothes or the demon, "DAMN IT JIN!" (and now the meta gamer in me is wishing I had stuck with Nora as disarming her involves cutting off all of her limbs without killing her.) * Arisa looks about the place, looking mildly confused. She then looks at the demon thing lazily. She then looks down at her own body and shrieks, covering her chest and other important areas with her hands. She looks about frantically for a solution. For her part, she has short cropped strawberry-blonde hair, fair skin and freckles around her nose. She's also got a slight point to her ears. * Arisa continues to shriek out in a slightly squeaky voice. 'Ahhhh, where am I? What am i doing he--wait, where are my clothes? And all my stuff??" * DemonThing starts pacing, murmuring to himself. "Humans... no luck... why only two..." he doesn't seem to be concerned with _either_ of you now. How rude! * Taki glances at Arisu for a moment and then at the demon, "Let me out of here, and tell me how to get back to Tokyo." * Taki doesn't seem to be too increadibly bothered by the whole stark nekkid thing. * Arisa stares at the thing walking outside and edges forward towards the edge of the circle, slower because she's trying to keep herself covered. She closes up her hand and tries to 'knock' on the barrier of the circle if she can (provided there is a barrier) (And I'm not a verbose reporter, sorry to say. It's Arisa. ^_^;) [There is a barrier. And, while not solid, it's definitely a repulsive force.] Um...excuuse me... * Demonthing continues pacing. "I don't get it... I don't. Dammit, heart..." (DemonThing, even. I should use NPC windows. ^_~) * Arisa knock knocks at the repulsive force. "Hello? Mr. Creature...sir?" * Taki glares at the demon for a bit and then tries to teleport a few paces in front of it. (Try a soul roll. No penalty.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 8. (haha no) * Taki flickers in place, "Oh, so Ryo's in on it too, how wonderfull. Now let me out." * DemonThing turns back towards both of you and makes an exhaley wheesy noise. It's... sorta like a sigh. "I... I can't. I mean, I can, but I can't. I..." he shakes his head, then finishes, "I need your help. Both of you." * Arisa looks at Taki and smiles sheepishly. "I know this sounds weird, but I don't think it's going to be so easy." She lets out a faint sigh and puts her hand up near the repulsive force, still trying to cover herself awkwardly, then looks at the Demon thing. Do you often get girls naked before asking for help? I...uh...kind of need to find something. * Taki rolls her eyes, "I gave up on the chairity work monthes ago. So send us back already." Huh? Er... no. This was my first... spell. Er. * Demonthing blinks a few times, and then says, "Clothing? A human that... wants clothing?" Well, uh...I won't be too helpful without my stuff. I don't know what-- * Arisa blinks midsentence. "Human? Do I look like a human to you?" * Taki rubs her head, "Yees, most of us do. And food. And to not wake up in strange places." * Arisa puts her elbows to cover her chest, twittling her fingers on the tips of her pointed ears. The whole position looks very awkward. "What are these, decoration? I'm only half human.." *DemonThing shakes his head and says, "Well, uh, most humans... er, yes, need food--" he seems interrupted by Arisa's statement and peers at her closely, then gasps. "A... half human?" He looks her up and down. "You don't look half human. Maybe it, um, er, was a birth defect?" * Arisa looks at the demon thing irately and hmmphs in indignation, folding her arms across her breast. "Amin delotha lle! Lle n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina." She turns away in a huff from the Demon thing. (Which is the lovely elvish phrase for "I hate you! You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny") (Heh.) (But didn't notice Taki pinged ^^;) (Yeah. ^_^;) (blargh, had to restart computer.) * Taki glances at Arisa while she talks and then turns back to the demon, "So, we arn't what you were looking for. Send us back." * Demonthing looks at Arisa's backside, then turns to Taki. "But... er, there's no time, see." * Taki rubs the scarred side of her face, "What have you dragged me into?" I've got to find my equipment...I'm no good without my equipment...where did you put it? * Demonthing sighs, and tosses the item, a gem, he was holding in his hand aside. "Um, look... ladies. I don't have much time, so lemme make this simple. The, er, place I live, is about to be decimated. There's nobody left to help me stop it, because everyone is holding off Vrr'pmak'ruex's armies. *Demonthing sighs heavily. "Including my wife, Fru'biop'wau. See, this was her spell... but she didn't have time to cast it..." he takes a sharp breath. "I don't even know of she's alive!" He makes a noise that sounds distressed, but since he's started pacing away from you both, you can't see if he's crying or maybe his face is just green. Then go find her. Or leave her. But don't drag me into this, because if I'm the best you can get, you're doomed. * Arisa tries the names on her tongue and fails miserably. She blinks. "This is all well and good, but...WHERE IS IT?" She yells for a second then catches herself, blinking twice and taking a step back innocently. * Demonthing whirls on both of you, and yes, he is 'crying', but it's from his cheeks. "I don't have time anymore! Don't you get it? She left me behind to find a way to stop him, and--" he jumps at Arisa's yell. Um...you see, it was a gift, I can't lose it now...I need to find it somewhere.. * Arisa looks embarrassed at the outburst, blushing down to her shoulders at least. * Demonthing 'sighs' again, and wipes his cheeks with a hand. "Look... I'm sorry. Everything you had is..." he pauses for a second, then finishes, "Wherever it was before. It didn't go anywhere, I... don't think." But I need to have it with me...I feel, um...naked without it...nevermind. * Arisa blushes even more at that realization. * Demonthing eyes Arisa's skin tone and he ahhs. "Oh, now I see. A Hu'kbn half-breed? They are sometimes er, red...although usually, er, moreso." That's so helpful. I'm sure your wife would appreciate the effort you're making, but you've got the wrong people. So...uh...what is it you want us to d--whaaat? What by Corinthian's teeth is a Hu'kbn? * Demonthing makes some gestures with his hands at Arisa, as if to say he were helpless, and then turns to Taki. "But it HAS to have worked. The whole spell was supposed to get beings that could help. I just... didn't expect human females." Do you HAVE the spell to send us home? * Arisa covers herself again. "I don't know what you expect me to do. All I am is a simple herbalist. That's all see? I find herbs and I cut them free, then I mix them" She giggles a little nervously. "That's the extent of it." * Demonthing shakes his head. "If it worked, it worked. I've, er, got no time." He gestures at the circle and says something that's even more unpronouncable than the names he's been using. Does your WIFE have the spell to send me back? *turns away* Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. Like I said before. Vrr'pmak'ruex's armies are coming, and even if she does, I'll never be able to cast it before they gets here. Someone's got to have the spell...it's just a matter of finding them. It's not like we can do much else. But...uh...I'm not much of a fighter. I just defend myself...and being naked makes it kind of hard... * Demonthing turns towards both of you and looks almost pleading. For an ugly demon thing. "Yes. You HAVE to help. If you don't... you'll just die too. Like my wife." He 'sniffles' and says distractedly, "Oh, Fru'biop'wau..." * Taki grits her teath, "Fine, I'll go find your wife, then I'll take you somewhere to hide long enough to cast the spell. And you'll go find us something to WEAR before we go. Right?" And...I don't suppose you have a spare reaper or anything...I guess..I don't exactly need my pack. * Demonthing looks at Taki, then sighs "You're both strange females, but if you need clothing, I'll go get it." he gestures off towards both of your sides. "Maybe you can use something there... er... red woman." I've never tended to people on such limited equipment though.. (To both your right side, even.) * Arisa looks over to the right. * Taki looks right, "Then I'll just have to avoid getting hurt." [It's table! And it's COVERED in weaponry. Of all sorts. Arisa can also make a visual perception (HA counts) to see if there's anything else she might have noticed.] 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-2) and gets 10. * Demonthing mutters some things and shuffles off into another room. If you're particularly sharp, it's more of the 'human female' disbelief crap. (*wishes she could hear the sound of the metal...drat.*) (DR, DR, my kingdom for a DR) (You arn't getting mine.) [Arisa, this place is weird. It looks like a mage's place sorta would, you'd think. All _sorts_ of junk, and that's _just_ from looking from forward to the table. The place is packed with magic-like paraphanalia.] (*drops a small kingdom on Taki*) (Teleports ontop of the kingdom! "HA! WHO'S THE QUEEN NOW!?") (Kersnort.) * Arisa shakes her head slowly. "Wizards..." She looks over the table in its tably goodness to see if she finds a nice shiny scythe. [There is a scythe! Well, it looks mostly like a scythe. It seems a bit odd, but in the midst of all the weapons, maybe that's just because there's something that looks like a koosh ball of metal attached to a slinky on top.] (of it. As in in the way.) * Taki follows the other girl to the table, and looks for a staff, failing that a spear or just the nearest sword. (Did you actually move, Arisa?) (I thought neither of you had moved yet. ^^) (Sure, why not!) (Hooray!) (if she hasn't Taki just goes on ahead ^^;) * Arisa moves towards the table! To be clear! [And any movement actually works! You're free! Freeeee! Aaahahahaha!] * Arisa picks up the scythe and stares at the odd kooshball, twisting it in front of her. "This thing's...weird." [The kooshball is sorta entangled with the scythe, but obviously seperable when you pick it up. They must have just dumped a ton of weapons here with no regard for time or care.] * Arisa disentangles the ball then. She's free! * Demonthing comes out of where he went before, carring an absolute mound of various clothes. He says something muffled. * Taki looks over the rest of the table, "Good for it." [Taki: Just about any melee weapon you've ever imagined is here, and probably some you haven't. There are also a few things that look sorta like they could be guns, but... no gun you've ever seen. Not even in a history book.] * Arisa turns towards the demon, with apparent disregard to the scythe in her hands now. It swings near Taki and points towards the demon thing now as she looks at him with a slightly vacant stare. "Oh, thank you." * Demonthing drops the clothing, and then he squeaks as he sees the scythe. He manages to stammer. "Oh... um, er, good." * Taki leans out of the way, "Watch it with that." * Arisa doesn't seem bothered by her nakedness anymore either, interestingly enough. * Arisa tips her head off her shoulder to half-gaze at Taki. "Mmm? Watch it with what?" * Taki hauls a pole-axe out of the pile, "Where you're swinging that. I've got enough scars thankyou." Huh? Oh...hmm, I guess. * Arisa looks over at the clothes distractedly. * Demonthing stammers, "Uh, er... I got you both clothes." He pauses for a second, and adds, "Could you, uh, hurry and get ready without help? I've got to prepare the other spell." What other spell? * Taki steps back from the table and swings her new weapon to try and get a feel for it. * Demonthing says simply, as he walks over to the circle and starts changing it by drawing his hand above it. "Uh, er...the spell that gives us the last chance at destroying Vrr'pmak'ruex. See, he managed to keep his palace from being found, and so we never knew where to hit him. That's why my wife left me here. It's quite amazing, and he linked it to..." he just goes off _babbling_ about arcane stuff, while he edits the magic circle without touching it. * Arisa nods occassionally. She might actually understand some of the terminology, but most of it's over her head. She then looks over the clothes. (I think I missed something >_>) (Taki: Howso?) (I see Arisa asking about the other spell, Taki taking a swing, and then Arisa nodding.) (... Eee.) (I also appear to have lost the 'without touching it' off the end of my statement, but it was there! Honest!) [Taki's pole-axe is a pole-axe. It's also made of a weird metal. But it swings well... if Taki is familiar with that sort of thing, that is.] * Taki nods to herself and rests it on her right shoulder as she walks over to the pile of clothes. [The clothing is all sorts of things. The main part, though, are long robes, some truly weird ribbon-wrappy things that would _probably_ cover you if you figured out how to put them on, and what might be like t-shirts, and something like shorts with angular cuts (IE: Like panties) The sizes are variable, but there are a lot of clothes there. [If you want to find anything else, you'll have to give it a good search.] * Arisa sighs and picks through the clothes before settling on a t-shirt and shorts. Hopefully they have boots too. * Taki puts the axe on the ground and searches out a shirt and shorts in blue. [You can both find suitable clothing. Meanwhile, your unnamed demon friend is walking around the circle and nodding at it. He seems 1) focused on his task 2) pleased and 3) he's 'crying' slightly again. He might even have forgotten about you again. Who knows?] [Arisa: There are boots! They're toe-less, but they are a nice thick black leather, yet flexible as if broken in.] * Taki grabs some footwear while she's at it. * Arisa tugs and straightens the clothing she got, looking at the demon for a moment, then at the boots. She sighs as she checks them out. Never was a fan of black leather [Ari: One, you realize why they're toeless. He has claws on his feet. They're not, like, tight leather. Just... black. That wasn't made by a cow's skin, that's for sure. Taki: There are weird slipper like things, again, open-toed, some steel toed shoes, and some sorts of boots. There's also something that looks like the demon equivalent of high heels. It's more like a tripod, though.] * Taki eyes the steel toes and glances around for socks, but given the lack of underthings... [There's a pair of slippers that could double as socks, but without toes...] * Taki puts on a pair of open-toed slippers and picks her axe back up again on her way over to the demon thing, "You done yet?" * Demonthing nods once absently and turns towards the women. He blinks, then says, "Um, fascinating. If Ma'jik'no were here, he'd question you until the world ended. I, er, won't, though." Goooood. * Demonthing walks over to the table and picks up the slinky-thing that Arisa discared. "Anyway, er, yes, I am ready, blue-red woman." * Taki twitches slightly at that. * Demonthing looks at Arisa. "Are you ready too, red woman?" *Demonthing 'sneezes' through something on his chest. Eee. "It will be, ah, a pitched battle, with just the three of us." Bah. * Taki inspects the blade of her weapon. * Arisa half-blinks through the response. "Eh?" She slips on the boot things. (Almost lost me for a sec) (Ehe. Will you be OK to continue? We should blow through the combat pieces except the 'last' battle quickly.) Bring me some water. (I think so) *Demonthing blinks at Taki. "Um... water? Oh, right." He walks over to a large bottle of clear liquid on a shelf and says, "Humans drink water when they're thirsty." He grabs the huge bottle and lugs it over to Taki. I don't plan on staying here long enough to get thirsty. *Demonthing looks slightly confused at that. * Arisa looks over at Taki curiously, handling the scythe in her opposite hand, holding it as if it were nothing. * Taki takes the bottle and sits down with the axe balanced in her lap. Then she opens the bottle and starts to pour the water over the axe's blade. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 11. (... is it really that important a roll, or did you do that for yourself?) (I love you too dicey! (Because otherwise, fudge it.^_~) (Woo!) (Desc it yourself, since I'm not sure exactly what you're doing? ^_^;) * Taki pours water and concentrates, most of it spills onto the floor, but some of seems to be sticking to the blade, and then more. By the time she stands up again there is a second edge on the axe, translucent and very very very sharp looking, "Much better. Shall we go?" (Is it obviously ice?) (yes) * Arisa raises an eyebrow at Taki's reaction and hmms. "You're a wizard too, then?" * Demonthing looks at it, and then he suddenly has a realization. "Ice! You can control water and ice! Oh, thank great Va'bul!" Not a wizard, but definatly some magic. * Arisa smiles faintly. "I don't think I could ever compete with you. I don't even think this odd place *has* any herbs..." And why is it so important that I can make ice? Fire demons most likely. * Arisa turns the scythe in her hands as she turns towards the demon thing. "Right?" *Demonthing glances at Arisa, but Taki's question seems to take precedence. He nods slowly. "Yes... see, our wor... " he suddenly winces. "I will explain on the way, but the pure red one is mostly correct." ...Bring the water. * Arisa smiles sheepishly at the name, shuffling her feet. *Demonthing puts the koosh-slinky on his belt, and grabs the giant bottle. It's fair sized, but he can still carry it. No way he could fight with it, though. He says around the bottle, "Please enter the circle again, we must go." * Taki walks with her improved weapon over her shoulder, "of course." *Demonthing proceeds to walk over to the circle himself. * Arisa shrugs and enters the circle herself, walking a lot calmer now. [The Demonthing closes his eyes and says another incomprehensable phrase, and suddenly... you are all floating through a red-green space. You can't really move, but you can perceieve, and even talk. Demonthing comments, "It will be a few minutes here. I will use this time to explain to you the nature of the conflict. I feel you, ah, deserve it."] That would make a nice change. Do tell. * Arisa nods distractedly and her eyelids droop. It looks like she's only half listening *Demonthing takes a deep breath. "This world, as far as we know, was populated by five peoples. The Yu'Kan, the Om'Kan, the Ru'Hak, the Op'Hak, and, ah, humans." *Demonthing continues, "I am a Ru'Hak... we are creatures of earth. The Op'Hak, of fire. Yu'Kan and Om'Kan... were of Water and Air, respectively." He bows his head slightly when mentioning their names. * Taki repeats, "Were." What do you mean by "ah..humans"? *Demonthing nods slightly, and says as an aside to Arisa. "Humans here are, ah, nothing like either of you. They are intelligent, and capabale of speech... but don't seem to concern themselves with things of the world." He says absently, "So when I sought assistance... to see humans surprised me." * Taki snorts. *Demonthing continues along, "Were is, ah, correct. Vrr'pmak'ruex... the most recent leader of the Op'Hak, has engaged in war, as the fire people often do. The difference is that he was willing to do what none before were willing to do. He..." his voice whispers, "Destroyed the Yu'Kan's Jamo crystal." * Arisa stares at the Demon thing kind of oddly. "...you know. It'd really have been better if you didn't say they're nothing like either of us and intelligent in the same breath..." Of course, we can't talk either. * Demonthing blinks and turn to Arisa. He blinks again. "Insulted! You feel insulted. You truly are different from our humans." ...some weird humans you've got here, buddy. *Demonthing nods. "Yes. But seeing red-blue woman's ice abilities, I doubt my wife's spell no more." * Arisa lifts her scythe up inbetween her shoulders lazily and drapes it across them, eying him distractedly. "So what did this destruction of the crystal do?" * Taki shrugs, and checks to make sure her blade hasn't started to melt yet. * Demonthing says in a low tone, "Each race's crystal maintains the element of its race... destroying any of them upsets our planet's balance. He has destroyed both Kan's Jamo crystals... and the world is dry and storm covered because of it, but this did not bother Vrr'pmak'ruex." He adds angrily, "I cannot believe he was so callous about the world... but now only thing that stands between it being a firey wasteland and not is us." * Taki snorts, "You need Haruko. Not me." So he's destroying the balance of the elements on this planet... Can't say I haven't heard of people trying this before... * Arisa looks over at Taki calmly. "Well, whoever he may "need," he got us. We have to do what we can do." *Demonthing sighs and nods. "Yes, you must, as the rest of my people are holding off his armies, protecting our crystal as long as possible. In the hope that these spells would work." He winces again, then says. "We are almost there. As the red-haired one said, they are aligned with fire. They are also fierce. Let us do our best." * Taki deadpans, "Go us." * Arisa smiles slightly at Taki. "I know you don't want to be here. Neither do I, but we've got to at least try." She sighs and looks at the scythe. "I just hope no one gets hurt. With me without my equipment, there's nothing I can do." [The red-green coalesces suddenly into a point, and then bursts into a stormy wasteland RIGHT inside of a fortress' walls. It is very warm here. The fortress is foreboding and black, and there are two bright orange demons, standing in front of the door to the actual keep, not more than 10 feet awawy. They see you appear and seem immensely surprised.] * Taki stares at Arisa, "You...hope nobody gets hurt. What are you going to do with the scyth? Lean on it?" (We'll say Taki said that _right_ before the light-burst.) (...and move that to before our arrival ^^;) * Arisa look about at the appearance, distracted from Taki's question. [Okay, how this works is that combat initiative will be handled strictly by how you react. Declare actions and roll them, no modifiers. I'll adjust accordingly. Would you like me to _tell_ you the results, or describe them?] (And let you describe them, if I tell you.) (I'm fine to describe. But might want to tell how badly we'd hurt something so we don't accidently kill something that wouldn't be dead. ^^;) (Of course.) (I can do my own descriptions, but if you think it might go faster with you doing them, I say go that way.) (Nah, you can do it. I'll be handling enemy reactions in a more 'general' sense, and that way you can flow your commbat into a fluid set of actions.) (That all being said. Reaction time! Two things in front of you.) (right...I think.) (The red things look like the red thing that took us here, or different sort of red thing? Or am I going to loose my init trying to work that one out?) (No, it's obviously quite different. They're reddish orange (not the brown and ruddy red of your friend), wearing military armor, and have weird sword-like things at their hips.) * Arisa blinks and looks at the demons in front. She uuhs slightly and turns to the one that brought them. "Are they the ones here for the crystal? They don't, uh, seem to be doing anything." *Demonthing is looking at them and holding the bottle, and says, "The spell did work! We must kill the Op'Hak before they alert others!" (Arisa's losing init, Taki _might_ still maintain it...) * Taki has gotten quite used to things appearaing out of nowhere and trying to hurt her, it's only fair that she return the favor now and again, so she takes off running at the nearest one, bringing her pole axe back so she can strike when she gets there. (And RDM is forgetting words. ^^;) (You can close the distance in time, especially uing a pole-axe, so roll it.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 8. But...um...where are we? I thought we were going to help defend the crystal.. (Gotta love dicy) (And yes, Arisa totally loses init) *Demonthing says, "We are here to stop Vrr'pmak'ruex!" (Taki: /msg? ^_^;) * Taki swings just a fraction of second early and glances off it's armor. It still wails in pain though. * The unattacked Op'Hak draws his sword and moves to attack Taki, who will be in big trouble next round. The attacked one just wails, apparently the hit REALLY distressed it. (It got hit.) (Er. Yeah. Whatever. Arisa, your chance to lunge into battle is here! Or not!) * Arisa blinks and then takes her scythe in her hands, looking at the demons. "Okay, for the record, next time you kidnap people for mysterious quests, let them know exactly what's going on." She rushes forward at the unattacked demon. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-3) and gets 6. (Mecha said without mods ^^;) (Taki should be reacting again too, as she's still ahead of both demons. Also, sory, Taki, I meant roll 'unmodified' as in with just skill.) (Oh, without mods) (I apologize.) (oh) (Oh...okay..so I did right? ^_^;) (Yes, Arisa.) * Taki follows through on her first swing, spins her axe around her arm to bring the blade back into position and and takes another swipe at he red thing. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 6. * Taki breaks through it's armor and it collapses with a scream, she just grins. * Arisa swings the scythe hard, rending it through the armor and carving a big gash in it, carrying the attack to his arm. * Demonthing puts down the water bottle and pulls his belt free, and seems to be trying to rig up something so he can carry the bottle without arms, but both of you are worried about other things, as the one Arisa just hit, although he lets out a slight noise of pain, lashes out with his sword in a quick motion, a stab straight for Taki, who should consider defending. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 6. * And he succeeds! Sorta. Apparently being cleaved into really kills your distraction, but Taki feels a sword slice across her back, and it feels abnormally hot. (As in, he stabbed, and it went 'across' your back, ,as opposed to 'through' you from the side.) (10 damage.) (right) (Your guys' chance to react and act again.) * Taki screams at the red thing as she stabs it right back, "DIE!" 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 9, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "I hope you invested in some good armor." (...Not me! YOU!) (DR that son of a bitch.) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 0. (Much better.) (Yes >_>) * Arisa leaps back away from the demon, jumping far further than normal. As she goes, she swings her scythe with a backhand, a blade of air-pressure flying out towards what's left of the poor demon. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-2) and gets 11. (And only one point away from a crit too. Dicy makes me sad ;_;) (Datsa msis ^^;) * Arisa's wind attack just misses the Op'Hak, and makes a chip in the stone of the fortress. * Demonthing has manged to rig up something, and he brings the bottle up to his back. This means his robe is open, but his nudity doesn't bother him. Which is no surprise, as he doesn't seem to have any sexual organs. Meanwhile, from behind him, a pair of soldiers from he walls, seem to be working their way down staircases. The fight has apparently drawn some attention, but they're still a ways away. * Taki seems to get her axe caught in it's armor for a moment, but then it moves slightly and it sinks in, killing it nearly instantly. (Not to self, invest in more nouns.) (Hee.) (Note even) *Demonthing stands, and looks behind him, then starts to run for the door. "Hurry!" Aiya, gotta work on that. * Arisa runs after the unnamed demon thing. The one with the bottle, not the ones coming down of course. * Taki grins up at the door and doesn't seem to be in much of a hurry, "What's on the other side?" *Demonthing doesn't stop running at the closed door and hits it with its shoulder. For a seond, it seems like he didn't do anything, and then a persn-sized hole shatters. To answer Taki's question, it's a majestic, although empty, corridor. * Taki also takes a moment to pull her pole-axe back out of the dead Op'Hak. So many better ways to do that. Like open it for one...oh well. *Demonthing steps inside, and says a little nervously. "Well, I have never had the chance to do that. It always sounded so heroic..." *The pair of scout Op'Haks are gaining ground on you, especially Taki who isn't hurrying. * Taki just teleports inside, "Now then, which way are we going?" * Arisa heads inside after him. *Demonthing, on the meanwhile, jogs up the center of the inside of this castle, and then up a staircase. If you had the time to appreciate the architecture, it might be something. "Up, I believe." [An Op'Hak comes out of a lower door as you hit the stairs. He's a round away, easy, and doesn't even look to be a threat. Going up the stairs is a one-path trip, although at the top it splits off left or right.] [Meanwhile, the scout Op'Haks jump through the hole your friend made in the door and continue to try to catch up. They've started making shrill yelling noises.] (Visual awareness checks, HA counts.) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-2) and gets 7. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 4. (Woo I see things!) [Arisa notices, as they get to the top of the staircase, that the tapestry there doesn't quite look like it hangs right. Taki notices that not only doesn't it hang right, that the carpet nearby is incredlbly mussed and that even the stone nearby looks a bit worn. People... er, things must use the top of the staircase uncommonly much.] (Er, the wall near the top of the staircase.) *Meanwhile, Demonthing seems to be taking a split second to decide which direction to take. * Arisa doesn't. She keeps running. * Taki points at the worn spot near the wall, "Do that wall breaking thing again. There." (Let's hear it for zen direction) * Taki hasn't been running, but has been teleporting whenever the other two seemed to be getting too far away. [Amen. Arisa is indeed going the right direction. Unfortunately, it looks like she's gonna hit the wall, she's so zen.] (The wall Taki pointed at.) * Arisa stops short of hitting the wall fortunately and blinks. "I think this is it." *Demonthing blinks at both of them, and then nods. "Very perceptive, red and red-blue women." He runs for the wall shoulder-first... and goes straight through. As if the wall were illusory. * Arisa glances at Taki for a moment before shrugging and walking through the wall. * Taki snorts, and without so much as a glance at the three persuers walks through the wall. [The Pursuers are pursuing, although if anyone looked back, the one that looked like no threat isn't pursuing. They seem as surprised as you by the wall disappearances. Maybe they didn't expect you to see it.] [Meanwhile, you find yourselves in something Taki would identify as a large elevator-like platform, but the floor is the same black stone. It's obviously an elevator beause it has a large vertical shaft with no space above it, but guiding rails along the sides. With a number of glowing magical symbols on the floor. Demonthing seems confused by this contraption.] * Arisa stops and looks about. "Hmm..weird thing. What do these numbers mean?" * Taki looks bored, "Which one is the bigest number, or just means up? And be thankful Kaede isn't here." Who? * Demonthing blinks a few times, then looks at the symbols. "Ah, uh... I believe the one farthest that way," he points that way, "Is the Op'Hak script for 'Top'." I suppose you could call him a freind of mine. Has bad habbit of getting hurt by these things. *Demonthing turns to Taki. "What... is this thing?" (Hey, that only happened once. I'd hardly call that a bad habit :P) * Taki shakes her head, and points at the squair bit "You stand there, hit the symbol you want and it moves. Try not to fall off." (I thought it happend twice.) (Nah. It's just he's had so many things fall, hit, etc. him that they kind of get lost in the shuffle) [Demonthing aahs quietly, and then steps over to the symbols, and steps on the 'Top' script symbol. The entire floor starts to slowly move up, perhaps as if pushed up from below? A mystical hydraulic elevator.] *Demonthing says, "Do you need more water, red-blue woman?" * Taki checks her blade again. * Taki smirks, "I've got enough for another one them, but I've got time now. Bring it here." *Demonthing nods and slings the water around, placing it on the ground. Once it's down, he looks over at Arisa and says, "I saw what you did in the battle... you can control the wind?" Not...control. It's a little magic I picked up from my mother. But I'm afraid it's not much. Mostly I heal sick people. * Taki sits down and repeats her blademaking performance from the Demonthings room. *Demonthing aahs and nods. "It is something, at least." He hrms thoughtfully. "I wonder if our humans could do that, if only they focused..." * Taki finishes and stands back up, "So...how exactly do you destroy one of these crystal things?" [Suddenly, three Op'Hak demons come down from above, all with thudding noises, towards the 'front' of the elevator. They all have their swords out, but they don't leap on you all just yet.] (How big is the area with the elevator?) (It's... maybe 30x20 square? You can manipulate the scythe if you're careful, and make sure nobody's in the way.) (Walls? or just the guide rails?) (Er. Are there walls? Yes. The walls are maybe two foot deep from the guide rails in all directions. So you do have a little more swing if you're cacreful.) (The guides are at the midpoints of the 4 sides.) (Ah, I was trying to figure out if it was practical to try and push them off the sides.) (It would be.) (At least, so far as you could tell.) (And it's just a moving platform, right? No ceiling to speak of?) (None at all.) *Demonthing suddenly reaches for his slinky and whips it out. It doesn't _behave_ like a slinky, instead wrapping itself around the middle Op'Hak's aword arm. He yanks and it cuts deeply into that arm. The Op'Hak howls. * Arisa frowns as she scans the area of the elevator. "Too narrow." She leaps into the air over the creatures and flicks the scythe again, throwing multiple windshears at the closest one. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-2) and gets 8. * Taki growels at getting interupted and charges at the remaining axe head first. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 0. * Arisa begins her descent as the blades of wind tear through the creature, flaying what flesh is exposed from the armor. He isn't dead but it does look pretty nasty. * Taki breaks through it's armor, but this one is (un)luckier than the last one and it manages to survive the hit, it's the same old screaming in pain. [All the highly damaged Op'Haks, who forgot that jumping long distances make one wobly and hurt ones legs, finally react. Arisa's attempts to catch her with his sword as she a descends, and Taki's attempts to counter attack, reaching as far as he can. Meanwhile, Demonthing's Op'Hak raises his off-hand, and tosses a blast of fire at Demonthing, who takes it, and exclaims in some pain.] (Feel free to try to avoid getting messed up.) (So...Deff roll? or is it's sword just too short?) (You can defend. If you don't defend well, he might end up hitting you despite the range differential.) (ah) (...geez she's got insane defense mods...especially with a block defense. Oh well!) 2d8-9 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-9) and gets 3. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 6. (I get no love from the dice on def, missed by one again) * Taki takes a step back while pushing the demon a bit farther away with her axe, it misses her fingers by inches. * Arisa comes down and sees the swing coming, reacting almost instinctually. The blades meet with a clang, hesitating for a moment in deadlock before she pushes back, knocking the demon and his blade away. *Demonthing's Op'Hak's sword-hand comes off, and Demonthing steps clear of the fire, looking a bit damaged, but not nearly as much as you'd expect. The slinky-koosh goes for the Op'Hak again, but this time, the Op'Hak avoids the strike with a tricky spin, however, he slips in the process, on the blackish ichor that is leaking from his damaged and now severed arm. (how close is the one I'm fighting to the edge?) (Probably no more than a foot or two. He's also badly wounded.) * Taki runs up to it, and tries to kick it hard enough to go over the edge. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 3. * Taki turns around with a very satisfied grin as the Op'Hake goes tumbling over the edge, "Next?" (I'm wondering if we lost Arisa to the sleep demon.) (Which would be fair. ^_^;) (It's only 2 AM here!) (I think it's 5 for him. ^_^;) (Nope, it's 2.) (Rowy lives in SF!) (Huh! I did not know.) (Didn't know I could continue action again ^^;) (Naw, you can. Sorry.) (I ought know, I was in his bitty little apartment last weekend!) (oughta( * Arisa follows up after the block with a swing of her own, swinging around outside the armor. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-3) and gets 7. (My apartment is the epitome of tiny) [Arissa's desc goes first in the log, but in the meanwhile, Demonthing's Op'Hak tosses another blast of fire, but this time, he puts his back into it, and _everyone_ needs to try to avoid it. Demonthing just takes it again, and doesn't scream..] (Ranged?) (Yep.) * Arisa cuts past the armor and cuts through the demon's arm. He collapses out of blood loss, but she seems to frown after she does it. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 4. (Hey, there's a first time for everything!) (Is this a secondary dodge or first?) (First.) 2d8-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-5) and gets 5. (Swift like ninja) (Both of you describe your dodges as you like, or even flow them into an attack.) [Demonthing seems to step back out of the flames. Again, he still doesn't seem overly damaged.] * Arisa hops back out of the way of the flame and kicks off the wall, looking down at the demon who through it. She lets out a backhand wind shear blade as she comes back towards him. 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-2) and gets 9. (No -_-) * Taki teleports behind the last Op'Hak as the fire scoarches where she used to be, "I think we have a volunteer!" ( Wow, still going? ) (Man did I just pick the wrong place to be) (I underestimated how long it'd take to get the girls going. ^_^;) (And to deal with my exposition complex.) (Taki, make a perception.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 8. (Nadda!) (Ranged Deff now? Or do I just take it?) (Bah. You should know that a good portion of the first half of any OST is "Why the hell are we here?" and "Why should we help you?") (Taki, you think the wind blade's going to hit you!) (React as appropriate.) (I just missed by 1 too. ^^;) * Taki lets out a brief curse, and tries to teleport out of the way again. (Roll it.) (And I've totaly forgotten if that's +2 or +4 in BESM ^^;;;;;) ( But of course -I- would know that. Because I'm the only one running them recently, and I just happen to be busy when one besides me is run. ;_; ) (I'll handle the +. ^^;) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 1. (...) * Jexless is now known as Jex * Taki reappears in one of the far corners of the elevator, "Watch where you're throwing thoes things!" [Arisa's windblade screams through the space between the Op'Hak and the space Taki just inhabited, and makes a big dent in the wall. The Op'Hak is standing again, and launches himself at Arisa, right fist out and wreathed in flame. He says angrily, "Wind user!" (First dodge.) (or block. Whatever. ^^;) (Just dodge.) 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-6) and gets 9. (... Ow.) (...ow, ow ow OW) (Feal the burn >_>) ( .... good 'ole Dicey. ) * Arisa's dodge attempt was valiant, but the fire connets, and OW. Total ow. There's a decent burn in the lower right area of her t-shirt, but her clothes didn't catch fire. Still, that's a good 20 damage. (Actions again on your parts.) ( Pfft. 20 damage is mook damage. ) * Taki makes with the stabby death, and on the flaiming idiot who can aim and not the one who can't. (Not when you can't heal.) * Arisa winces and holds the burnt part of her shirt. She doesn't seem too bad but still, ow. "I knew I should have asked if he had any herbs around." She rushes back at the fire fisty and swings her scythe. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 5. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-3) and gets 12. (...geez) (That's two 15s in a row) (And Arisa COULD heal if you didn't take away her equipment. >.>) [Taki's icy stab goes straight through our poor Op'Hak, and carries it right into the path of Arisa's scythe, which otherwise would have never hit. As this happens, the 'elevator' suddenly stops moving. You must have reached the top.] [It's too bad the Op'Hak never got to see it.] * Taki takes a moment to make sure the last one is very very dead, before looking around. *Demonthing says, "Whoo. I would have thought they had sent all their Flame users to attack, but it seems Vrr'pmak'ruex is paranoid. For good reason." *Demonthing suddenly falls to his knees. [He's oh so dead. And this elevator opens up into a wide room. It looks a lot like Demonthing's room, which means that Arisa, when she decides to look around, gets another notice/awareness check. There are two 'men' in the room, and one of them is decked out quite impressively.] 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-2) and gets 6. (Now she's aware) [Arisa, you realize that some of those strange magial things... are familiar. Dried plants of sorts. Whether unknowing or not, there just might be the materials for you to heal people in this room.] [Meanwhile, the two Op'Haks turn towards the elevator. One of them is smaller than all the Op'Haks you have seen previously, while the other is a bit bigger, and decked out in all black armor and clothing. His eyes are actually flaming. Vrr'pmak'ruex? More than bloody likely. Even moreso confirmed when Demonthing looks up from his plae on his knees and says, in a tone of disgust, "Vrr'pmak'ruex!" * Arisa wrinkles her brow. "Apparently so..." She's still looking at where she's burnt. "What I wouldn't give for some aloe salve and chlo..." She blinks around as she looks in the room.] (Did that finish?) (Not if you rememberd the end bracket) (Yes) (I didn't! Saved.) * Taki rests her pole-axe on her her shoulder as she steps out of the elevator, "What's this I hear about you trying to destroy crystals and upend the world?" * Vrr'pmak'ruex, who I will now shorten to Vrpy for fun, looks at you all and laughs. "This is your great plan, Gu'halq'na? HUMANS?" Um...he's kind of dying...it's kind of pointless to taunt someone like that. (You'd get a drama point for that if this were Buffy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.) * Arisa goes to check the demon thing guy over to see if there's any hope of saving him with proper materials. * Taki just waits, probibly can't take this guy by herself. [Gu'halq'na, who I will call Guna, doesn't really seem to be dying, but he does seem in pain. He whispers, "He's almost made it to the crystal. You... have to hurry." * Arisa turns around and nods. "Right." She holds her scythe out in front of her, keeping a careful eye on Vrpy, but also scanning the room for distance. * Taki glances around for something convieniently crystal like. [Vrpy is actually standing in front of a large red crystal. It wouldn't take much to guess what it is. The room is big and spacious. There is a magical circle in the center, that, while not familiar, looks sorta like Guna's.] (Not familiar in the 'It's not a spell you would recognize' sense.) (how close to the crystal?) (You're maybe 100 feet from Vrpy, and another 10 beyond from his crystal.) [Vrpy begins to walk around the 'table' between you, while the 'kid' just smirks at you. "So, humans. Are you ready to become ash at my hands?"] * Arisa nods and whispers to Taki. "Best let you know, might not be a good idea to teleport next to him right away..." * Taki nods and calls out, "NOPE!" * Arisa then blinks at Vrpy. "Um...hello. Ears? Do humans really have ears like this on your planet? I'd like to see it..." [Vrpy shakes his head and says, "Too bad. I like for my victims to be prepared." He turns towards Arisa and looks at her carefully, before saying with a smirk, "Are humans crossbreeding with animals now?"] But I think... Yep, I know it now. You definitely talk too much, Feuyaerr." [Vrpy has now walked around the table. He's now 90 feet away. The crystal, which is easily 10 feet radius, isn't moving or nothing. The kid isn't either.] * Arisa points to the crystal. "What happens if we break that thing?" * Taki takes a few steps to the side, just to give Arisa a bit more room, she's still carrying her pole-axe on her shoulder. [Guna says, "You can't! It'll make the world become cold, and kill all the Op'Hak."] * Taki blinks, "So much for the easy way." [Vrpy's eyes flare up, as do his hands. The fire is white and bright, and he says, with amusement, "Your champions, Gu'halq'na, seem to be going for the throat. I like that. Let's see if they can sucuceed!"] (Init rolls 2dX+Init (-3 for the d8)) 2d8+10 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8+10) and gets 16. 2d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6+7) and gets 13. (Did you subtract, Arisa?) (Yes ^^;) (8 ACV 5 Lightning Reflexes -3) 2d6+9 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d6+9) and gets 15. (Why can't I roll like that when I'm trying to defend?) (Arisa, Vrpy, Taki. This may shift based on how combat goes. Arisa! Your move!) * Arisa sighs. "Well, I guess..might need to keep that kid away." But for now..." She leaps in the air and lifts her scythe back before she hurls it towards Vrpy, sending it spiraling through the air at just a spot past him. 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-3) and gets 4. [Vrmy doesn't even bother dodging, instead letting the blade whip by him. "Pitiful, human!" His fire starts to gather up, and he is thussly utterly surprised by the whirlwind of air that springs from where the blade landed, blowing some of the fire on his body out and sending him into the table behind him, whih breaks with a crash. Taki, you have been given a chance to strike!] (If you can close the... 90 feet or so. Or have a ranged.) (Gee can I? lemmie find out?) * Arisa smiles as she lands on her feet, looking at that. "Calamity Strike. Gets 'em every time." 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 6. (looks like I can teleport that far, how nice) (Lucky! o/~) (Teleport-fu. There's nothing quite like it.) * Taki unshoulders her pole-axe and starts to swing it at nothing, partway through her swing she vanishes and reapears next to where her current foe landed. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 1. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d6) and gets 8. (it's to bad she can't use it in Arcana proper.) [Vrmy ends up in the path of the strike and when it lands on him, it doesn't break the armor so easily as it did his underlings. But it does get through it, and the scream is no doubt oh-so-satisfying.] ["Ice user! How did you find a HUMAN Ice user! Gragh!" Taki had better roll dodge, because Vrmy just caught fire, and it didn't stop at his skin!] 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 6. (The other DR!) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 4. * Taki teleports out of the fireballs way, and of whatever Arisa's next attack is, "Wouldn't you like to know." [Vrmy stands from the firey crater he created, and the table he and Arisa just destroyed, and for a fire-based demon, looks pretty damn angry. But then he grins and says, 'My soldiers have arrived!"] [And indeed they have. From two staircases, Op'Hak soldiers start to come up...] (This is behind you.) More things to kill, before I can go home. [... and run into a suddenly created earth wall. Two bodies high, and almost as wide as the room. Guna has, in the past few seconds, moved closer to you, and is on your side of the wall, with all the soldiers on the other.] (...) (GRAH! All this time I forgot that Arisa's Wind Shears are Accurate. -_-) (Ehe.) ( I wonder what element Majin would have gotten. >_> ) [Guna says, "I... can hold them off! Take care of him! Agh!"] (Taki and Arisa brought their elements with them) (Yup) (Arisa, your move. Taki, you get one too, you've gained the initiative advantage.) * Taki waits for Arisa to do something flashy and inaccurate from well out of it's probibal range. (holding action!) * Arisa rushes, full speed, much faster than her frail half-elven body would indicate, running to pick up her scythe from its resting position. Without stopping, she lets loose a cleave at Vrpy, trying to avoid the armor. (Can she make it? Hmm...8x6 = 48 meters. You said 90 feet right?) * Taki is disapointed. (Yes. She can close the distance, but will be at a defense penalty from going so damn fast.) (Fast _at him_, that is.) (Roll it.) (So he gets a defense penalty or she does if he retaliates?) (Probably both. ^_~) (She's got Steady Hand x2 for a reason btw ^_~) (But I was just saying her.) 2d8-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-3) and gets 4. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d8) and gets 12. (That'll be a hit when she gets aroud to it, Taki!) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 1. * Arisa lets loose the cleave across the gaps in his armor, cutting a gash in his skin. She frowns a little as the fire starts to repair the gash. "Hmm.." * Taki appears next to Arisa and does her best to add another hole in his armor. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 4. [Vrmy makes some pain noises, but he's tougher than his guards, who are still wailing on Guna's wall. The kid is starting to look a bit nervous behind Vrmy. You're all very close to the crystal at this point.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d6) and gets 3. (drat!) [The pain noises intensify as Taki's blade comes into contact with the armor, but he manages to avoid the actual skin-to-ice contact. He glares at Taki, and it's as if the light is going to strike from his eyes. And then it does! A dodge roll, and then follow it with a body.] (Ranged?) (Anything. You're close enough that you could use any of the roll types to help you.) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 9. (Ha...ha...ah...NO) (And the body?) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 10. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d6) and gets 7. (That's gonna leave a mark.) (Ow, ow ow. Ahem.) [Taki finds herself blinded by the light as it strikes her in the chest, burning away a fair chunk of her shirt. Almost-but-not-quite an indecent amount: this earth people clothing is very resilient. 30 damage, and +2 to rolls until his next turn.] * Taki screams as she takes an attack that would have killed a normal human and dropes her axe as the reflexive stop, drop, and roll routine runs itself. * Jex is now known as Jexless [Vrmy grins at Taki's reaction, and meets Arisa's eyes. "You are tough, humans, but not tough enough!" It's Arisa's turn again.] * Arisa rolls her eyes. "Gee. Do you ever shut up? I knew people who liked to hear themselves talk before, but geeze.." She goes back towards Guna to get his water bottle. (Quickly, I assume? Are you turning your back?) (Mostly, but keeping a glance on him out of the side of her eye) (You close the distance. Roll perception (HA counts).) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-2) and gets 3. (You realize he's going to attack you, and so can either choose to start whatever you were gonna do with the bottle, or be prepared to dodge.) (If you start with the bottle, you'll obviously have a harder time avoiding the attack.) (Start with the dodge first...she expected to need to dodge.) 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-6) and gets 6. [Vrmy sends a bolt of fire at Arisa's fleeing self, but...] * Arisa heads back towards the bottle and her ears twitch slightly at the sound of the approaching fireball. She twists to the side as it heads past, just avoiding getting singed. "Careful!" She goes to haul up the water bottle, lifting it inbetween her arms while still trying to keep the scythe. It looks fairly awkward. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 7. * Taki rolls over her axe, gets an awkward grip on it, and throws herself into a spin without getting up. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 1. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-1) and gets 7. (What was the first for?) (teleport!) (Ah!) (Galford technique!) * Taki vanishes again and reapears midair in front of the firefiend, her poleaxe doing unpleasant things to his midsection as she compleates her spin and... 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6) and gets 7. * Taki doesn't quite get her feet down in time and stumbles off to one side, "FUCK!" [Vrmy SCREAMS in pain as the ice weapon tears into him, he being completely unprepared for it. He starts to whirl on Taki. "You human ice-using bitch!" Taki might be able to notice that the fire is _not_ healing so well from her wounds. But the white angry fire on his hands and eyes looks like it's getting ready for her. Meannwhile, Arisa's up!] * Arisa whistles slightly. "Nice.." She starts forward, stepping up on the remains of whatever table there is, water bottle in hand and leaps overhead. Twisting in the air, she opens the bottle in midair to douse Vrmy. (What sorta rolls that need? ^^;) (Acrobatics and improvised weaponry?) 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-4) and gets 6. (Improvised ranged or improvised melee?) (Uh. You're doing a jump, so acrobatics modified by jumping, if any. And the weapon attack I'm going to say it's ranged. It's a matter of accuracy. Your dead-eye will assist you there. ^_^;) (So ranged with accuracy as a bonus?) (No, it just means I'll take it into account if you near-miss. Roll on ranged. ^_^;) (Okay) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8) and gets 10. (Miss by 2. But acro's made exact) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d8) and gets 12. [Arisa's display of watery goodness would have done much better if she'd busted the water open. However, Vrmy doesn't seem to notice the difference as he gets splashed with quite a bit of water, and he howls! The water that misses begins to evaporate quickly.] 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d8) and gets 9. [Vrmy still manages to have just enough fire to try to make Taki pay for her attack, and she should roll ranged dodge.] 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-2) and gets 5. [Taki does a good job dodging, but being off balance just makes it difficult, and she takes another glancing hit for 15 damage. And it's her turnn.] * Taki sevearly burned, and looks like she shouldn't even be standing, but she doesn't let a little thing like being nearly dead stop her from taking another swing at Vrmy, "YOU HAVE NOTHING ON THAT FAKE!" 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taki (2d6-3) and gets 0. 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mechalink (2d8) and gets 5. (...one more and I'd crit. C'mon Dicy lemmie look cool one last time before I die!) [Vrmy does a decent job of dodging, but being weakend time and time and time again has taken his toll, and this last ice hit sends him screaming and crumpling to the ground. The fires have gone out, and he looks disabled but not dead.] [The kid in the background looks intensely scared, now.] [Guna says, in a strained voice, "We must... let them know we have their leader! Get them to retreat!"] * Jexless (l33tl3ss@plmomi-l10-600.dsl.tds.net) Quit (Ping timeout) * Arisa lets go of the bottle and tosses it over next to Vrmy, huffing. "Hold this..." She checked Taki out for a moment. "Geez, you look awful...hold on." She checks Taki over first then looks to see if the herbs are still intact enough to help. (You're free of 'combat' rounds, although letting Guna's wall keep getting wailed on wouldn't be a good idea. Arisa, roll a perception.) 2d8-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-2) and gets 13. (-_- That's 3 15s this session) (You fumble for the herbs. They all look so different from yours, even if that one's sorta similar... it'll take you a few seconds to sort them out, but they are there.) * Taki props herself up with the butt of her poleaxe resting on the floor, a strong breeze could probibly knock her over right now, "Let them come." [The kid finally speaks up. "W... what are you going to do to us?" He has a sword at his belt, and one hand is resting on it, but he's shaky.] * Taki looks at him, "You want to rule the world? * Arisa speaks over to the poor kid as she rumages through the herbs. "Well obviously, the one responsible has to face what he's done...other than that, I'd say it's up to the people left on this world." [The kid swalllows and looks at Taki. And her polearm. "I... my father did. I'm not so... sure."] [Vrmy coughs and says faintly. "Weakling.... daughter..."] * Arisa sighs and rummages for a sedative too while she's at it. [Arisa has found her herbs, finally!] * Taki grins, "Lemmie make this simple: You do and I cut both of your heads off. You don't and you go over there and tell them to stop attacking." [The sounds of battle are indeed still ringing at Guna's wall. Pieecs of it are coming off.] * Arisa gets to work mixing them. Her hands fly to get the mix prepared, faster than normal. [Meanwhile, the female daughter of Guny nods slowly, twice, and walks over towards the wall.] (Er, of Vrmy.) (It's the illegitimate daughter of Guny and Vrmy!) (Aiyah. @_@) (Actualy it's Guny's wife and Vrmy's daughter :P) (Ha! That would be amusing.) * Taki watches her go. 2d8-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Arisa (2d8-4) and gets 5. [The daughter says, "Op'Hak warriors! The ice user and wind user hold our leader captive, and our Jamo crystal as well. Stand down!"] [Meanwhile, Arisa does a fine job of mixing!] * Arisa walks over to Taki as she mixes. "Now this may sting just a little..." She takes some of the mixture and starts spreading it over Taki's wounds. * Taki clutches at her weapon and grits her teath, but she manages not to flintch too much. [Taki, you don't know what it is, and it does sting, but Arisa's herbs are the best healing you've ever had, short of some sort of instantenous full recouperation. The many burns fade in pain and actual burn damage.] (You're back at full health.) (Well, once the 'process' is over.) [The sounds of battle fade, although the Op'Hak warriors do not seem happy about it.] (So she's not as good as The Cup, but better than Haruko. ^_^) (Wouldn't know. ^_~) (But less likly to drive the user totaly insane...I hope) (Actually, she's probably nearly as good as the Cup ^_^;) (Nope. She mixed in a hallucinigenic by 'accident') [Guna's wall fades, and he looks beat. After a few seconds, his face brightens. "The assault on our Jamo has stopped."] [A number of the Op'Hak warriors snort.] * Taki stands up straight, and twirls her axe twice before pointing the blade at the Op'Hak leader, "You're good." [Vrmy starts to get up, slowly, although the fire is not sparking from him. "I... do not need complments... from you."] * Arisa finishes Taki up and bandages what little she can. "Not good enough, really..." she says modestly. (He's still mostly prone.) That's good, 'cause I wasn't talking to you, and unless you want me to get a little more personal with this axe you're going to stay down. * Arisa looks back at Vrmy and stands up with her scythe in hand, giving a faint sigh. "Please, can't we avoid violence?" [Vrmy coughs. The blackish 'blood' that Op'Hak leak is starting to spread from beneath him. His daughter notices this and rushes to his side.] * Arisa frowns. "Hold on." She walks over with the mixture in the bowl to Vrmy's side, shaking her head. "You move too much, you'll aggrevate the wounds." * Taki sighs and looks at Arisa, "You'd better patch him up befor he turns into a mayter and we get avenged on." [Vrmy spits, but his daughter says, "Please, father, let her heal you."] [Guna is moving over towards you both, and he bows at you. "I owe you both a great debt. I just... wish I could repay it." His voice seems tired and heavy with regret.] All you owe us is getting us back. I hope you can achieve at least that.. * Taki lifts her axe, "She's right." * Arisa dabs the herb mixture and kneels next to Vrmy, spreading the concoction over his wounds carefully. * Demonthing 'sighs' and shakes his head sadly. "I... I am afraid... you simply cannot go back to what you remember." * Arisa looks back at him, stopping her work on Vrmy for just a moment. "How do you mean?" * Taki speaks with exagurated calm and care, "And why is that? I'm going to assume there is a good reason for it." A very very good reason. * Demonthing says, nervously, "It...ah, my wife is the expert on conscuousness-derived being summoning, but, uh, neither of you are exactly who you remember yourselves to be. You are, um, copies, created from their presenes in the spirit space." * Guny looks nervous, and regretful. "At least, that is how I understand it." * Taki rubs her head, "There are four of me now... That's just... Just Wonderfull." * Arisa looks at him wide-eyed. "Um..wait. You're saying we're some sort of magical clones?" * Guny nods slightly at Arisa. "I... believe so, yes." [Vrmy cough-laughs. "Defeated by human spirit clones. I have never..." his daughter shushes him.] * Arisa shakes her head. "I told you, I'm not fully human. There's more species out there than just the human race.." She dabs her herbs. "And spirit clone or not, you're still hurt." And I can't go back because I'll kill me, and I'd suggest that you don't aggrovate the woman who's just discovered she doesn't even have the fragments of what she used to live for any more. [Guny winces at the pain in Taki's voice, and murmurs, "Not like humans at all," then looks at the circle on the floor, and then at Arisa. "Can you take him with you? We must return to Hak'cho'lk with him in tow."] [The daughter speaks up, saying, surprisingly firm, "I am going with you."] * Arisa nods and props him up with the arm around her shoulder, slowly rising. "Come on, you." [The daughter assists Arisa with the raising. The leader looks at his daughter with anger and hatred, but there's not even a spark of flame on his body anymore, and he's badly hurt.] * Arisa tries not to move him too much, for fear of aggrevating the wounds more, but they seem to be healing fine. Whatever she mixed into it must have a real good extra kick. [The daughter looks over towards what looks like the highest ranking Op'Hak and says towards him, with a little command voice, "You are in charge until we returnn." The Op'Hak snorts, then nods, and puts both fists to what would be just below a normal human's ribgage.] [Meanwhile, Guna has been screwing with magic circles again.] * Taki starts to pace around the room, idly swinging her axe as she does so. [Guna looks over towards the four people who seem to be going with him, and nods. "Pleasae get inside."] * Taki spins her axe one final time and then walks to the circle, but she has both hands on her Axe now. [OST (Part 1?) Complete!]