[It's about ten o' clock in the morning the day after you all left for Rand McNallyton. The trip has been smooth, the food pretty good, and there wasn't a single hijacking. You think, anyway. Anyone awake and/or looking out the windows can tell that you're nearing a good-sized town, bordering on a city.] [Jinx seemed to spend all the time gambling. Not that this should surprise any of you, and you've known him less than a day.] [Session Start.] * Suzunosuke is reciting poetry under his breath, or at least trying to. * Mikoto seems to be writing something, occasionally chewing on the quill? pen? pencil? tip and glancing out the window. * John is looking out the window, not paying much attention to the rest of the car. * Jinx watches out the window from his seat, his last game having broken up a few minutes ago. "An entirely uneventful trip, what are the odds?" ( Quill, probably. ) * Millie is all sprawled out over her cushion, her hat pulled over her eyes. One arm dangles over the back of the seat while the other flops down to the side. Her legs are the same way, one knee to the air, one flopped down to the side. She's asleep but surprisingly enough not snoring. ( 'Kay. ) (Mary read a book along the way "Steam: Theories And Practical Applications") ...towards the sound / But only the moon / Of the dawn was there... * Tairan is sitting cross-legged on his seai, staring out the window, cowboy hat in his lap. * MaryAnne sits quitely in her booth reading her book. * Jinx opens a window, makes sure it's properly locked, and briefly sticks his head out to get a better view of the coming station. * Millie rolls over in her sleep, letting out a little humph and mumbling, her eyes still closed. "...ain't havin' no truck with that..nasty little..." She goes back to quiet unconsciousness. * Jinx then immediately withdraws his head just as the window comes quickly down. In autumn a friend / Sent in an apple / I made to eat it / All at once. / ...how does that end? * Suzunosuke thumbs through his book once more. [The train jerks to a stop, and you all hear a loud horn. This is followed by an annoying, nasal voice, calling, "Rand McNallyton! First stop, Rand McNallyton!"] * Millie rolls off the seat with an oof, landing hard on the floor, her hat falling to the ground. * Suzunosuke stands with rather more grace, tucking the book into his ruck. * Jinx stands up and stretches, he then offers Millie his hand to help her get up. ..Huh...wha..? * Mikoto blinks, then stops writing and folds up the paper, reaching for his knapsack. "I'm surprised. It somehow felt like this should have taken longer." * Yu-Mei has joined #RSP * John moves a little forward with the jerk and turns his attention to the rest of the car. "That it?" Here already? * Millie tries to get her barrings as she reaches up towards Jinx's hand blinking. Seems a bit disoriented. * MaryAnne looks up from her book "Oh, we're here." she puts her book away in her hand bag and picks up her possessions. She stands up and moves to exit out of the cart and disembarks the train. * Jinx nods. "Yep, almost a boring trip really. Doesn't seem to have bother you though." ::Jinx grins:: * Tairan puts his hat on at a suitably rakish angle, and joins the others going off the train. * Mikoto reaches his arms behind his back and grins at Jinx. "I'm not used to traveling by train. I feel kind of bad; I didn't really pay attention to it at all. Beats walkin', though." * Millie eyes Jinx for a minute, then gives him a semi-cheery smile, though it looks still a bit groggy. "Uh-huh. Millie Reinhart's always *yaaaaawn* alert." * Suzunosuke almost makes to jab Millie in the ribs, then thinks better of it just in time. * Millie pats her jeans down, keeping one eye on Mikoto. "Yeah. And we need all the speed we can get." [People are filing through your car and off the train.] It is more restful than walking. * MaryAnne waits at the station while the others disembark and horses are retrieved. Shall we... depart? * Jinx heads off the car. "Don't worry Mikoto, they'll be other chances." * John departs. * Mikoto raises an eyebrow. "Well, I agree we should do our job as quick as we can, but rushing won't do us any good." Yeah, but you miss all the fun of rainstorms, mudslides, dehydration, and bone-numbing exhaustion that comes with walking. * Suzunosuke joins the rest of the group on the platform. * Jinx laughs. "You don't always miss the mudslides, believe me." * MaryAnne turns her head about, looking for the coach that she is expecting. * Millie looks dead on at Mikoto now. "I didn't mean rushin'. They've already got a who knows how many days start on us. We can't afford to lose any distance. If they've still got horses, they might still be movin'." * Mikoto nods and smiles a little. "That is indeed true." * Millie rolls her shoulders and adjusts the strap as she reslings Greenpeace onto her back, stretching her arms overhead. * John is on the landing platform, waiting for his horse. If they left a trail, I'll find it. Probably. I didn't mean that. But even with a trail, we can only move so fast. If they move at the same speed, we'll never catch up ta them. * Jinx joins John to wait for Lightning. * Suzunosuke considers the situation. Should I rent a horse? [The horses are brought off the train in short order.] I think it might be best if we have enough for at most two to a horse. * Millie finally lowers her arms from the stretching. "It feels GREAT ta get back outdoors again!" [A male voice can be heard calling, "Mary Anne Pippins!"] * Jinx grabs his Mare, he pats her as he leads her back to the group. "Good girl, good Lightning, have a fun ride?" * MaryAnne looks towards the voice. * John is clearly happy to see his horse, and goes to get her. "Hey, they treat you nice?" ( Lightning does not reply how she was stuck in a cramped cage-car with a bunch of other horses the whole time. ) * Millie looks over curiously towards the voice, keeping one eye on Mary as she pats her jeans again. * MaryAnne smiles and waves while calling out to that person "Over here!" If you like the outdoors so... why did you buy a train pass? [Mary sees a man, in his mid-thirties, about, walking towards you guys. He's wearing a cowboy hat and worn, plain clothing, and has a pistol at his side. Though this rather goes without saying, since everyone and their mother has a pistol in these here parts.] * Millie smiles widely at Suzunosuke. "Oh, I like both. 'Sides, it jus' doesn't do ta get dust everywhere ya go." * John watches as Hazel has a mostly indifferent response. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Next time, we're goin' our way." He pats his horse. * MaryAnne waves her white-gloved hand at him trying to get his attention. * Man stops at this group and looks to Mary. "You Miss Mary Anne Pippins?" * Millie winks to him. "Glad you're openin' up ta me too, Suz." * MaryAnne smiles "Oh yes. Quite so." * Suzunosuke blinks back. * Jinx looks bemusedly over at John. "Funny, Lightning doesn't normally answer my questions." * Millie turns back towards the man and smiles. "Another society member I imagine?" * Man holds his hand out to Mary and grins, showing a gold tooth. "Great. M'name's Ralph Lewis, and I'll be your guide." * Man is now known as Ralph ... I would be very concerned if either of your horses started talking. * Millie holds out her hand and grins at him, tilting her head to the side to get a better look, and to give him one too. "Millie Reinhart's the name. Pleased ta meet ya." * John smiles and turns to Jinx. "Hazel doesn't answer mine normally, but I bet she wasn't none too happy back there." * MaryAnne takes hold of his hand lady-like and says smiling "How do you do, Mister Lewis. I am delighted to meet you." * Jinx smiles and nods. Pleasure to make yer acquaintance as well. * Ralph turns and shakes Millie's hand, too. He looks over y'all. "Quite the group. Don't think I can fit everyone in the coach." * Jinx mounts up. "That won't be necessary. * Millie grins slightly. "Oh, Johnny an' Jinxy can ride their horses outside. I think they missed bondin' with their horses. * John mounts up as well. "Absolutely right Millie." And if it's not a problem, I'd like to ride on the outside of the coach somewhere. Can't very well track from inside. * Jinx shrugs. Any one else want to ride outside? * Ralph chuckles. "Yeah, I getcha." He looks over the rest of the group. "Five, eh. Should have room if someone sits up front with me." * Millie tilts her head to the side, looking at Ralph curious. "How comfortable is the ride...?" It's like a coach through desert, miss. Up front? I've never been in a coach 'fore though... Walked or took the train..nothin' better. * MaryAnne smiles at Millie "Well, think of it has a new experience, Miss Reinhart." * Jinx chuckles. I'll ride up front. s'as good a lookout point as any. * Millie looks over at Mary, blinking. "Well..uh, shouldn't she ride in front? Since she's leadin' this expidition an' all..." * Ralph nods at Tairan. "Make sure y'tie somethin' around your face." * Mikoto grins a little and glances at Tairan. "Are you sure? I'd be just as fine there." Sand gets in your face and eyes, you know. This way. Or he can.. * Millie shrugs and turns around. "Don't matter to ol' Millie either way. I'm jus' anxious ta get there." * Tairan nods at Mikoto. "All the tracking skill in the world don't do a damn bit of good if I can't see anything." * Ralph waves for you to follow as he walks away from the station. * Millie looks over her shoulder. "Y'know...no one ever told us exactly where this "there" is..." * Jinx rides along after Ralph. I expect... it's not here. * Mikoto laughs. "Alright." He glances at Millie. "Have you ever been upfront on a coach in sandy terrain before?" * John chuckles. * MaryAnne picks up her travel back and follows along behind Ralph. There's along the tracks, back the way you came. Not too far, though. Should get there by three or so. * Ralph squints up at the sun. "Yeah." * Millie looks at Mikoto blankly. "I thought ya listened better. Guess I was wrong." * Mikoto frowns a little. "There's a lot of conversation going on, Miss Reinhart." * Millie smirks slightly, tipping her hips as she draws back. "Ya mean ya weren't takin' notes? Shame shame." ( It's also tough to catch up and keep up with current poses at the same time. ^_^; ) * Tairan follows along. * MaryAnne opens her umbrella and holds it above her to keep the suns harsh rays from directly beaming down on her as she walks along. * Jinx stretches his arms over his head and yawns as he rides along. * Suzunosuke strides along, seemingly at peasce with the whole world. * Millie heads towards the coach. * Mikoto raises an eyebrow. "I can if you want." He glances at Tairan and walks toward the coach. "In any event. If you're really into keeping dust out of tough places, it's best to stay inside a coach in the desert." * MaryAnne 's umbrella has an image of a long and skinny Eastern dragon curled around it and images of stormclouds. [You reach a good-sized coach, built for four people, with two horses attached. The coach, much like the horses, is worn, but sturdy. There are a number of items peeking out of the 'trunk': these are rather securely fastened by rope, though. Lots of rope. It's like duct tape, but not as sticky.] * Tairan chuckles. "I wouldn't be a very good tracker if a little dust bothered me." * Suzunosuke examines the knots critically, then nods in satisfaction. * Ralph opens the door and makes a half-bow. "After y'all." * MaryAnne hands her travel bag to Ralph, folds her umbrella, and works towards getting in the coach. * Millie looks at the trunk, reaching her arms up overhead as she walks. "What's in that box there anyhow?" * Ralph takes the bag like a sensible gentleman. ( Do not open the box! ) * John rides along the group, listening to the ongoing banter. * Jinx smiles at the trunk. "Nice to see we're well supplied." (Hey Rei, it's Box!) (It's a Giant Springing Snake!) (BOX! ^^) * Suzunosuke tries to find a comfortable position on the worn coach seat. * Mikoto smiles at Mary Anne and Millie. "Ladies first." * MaryAnne sits down inside, her umbrella and hand bag beside her and against the wall of the coach. * Millie smiles slightly at Mikoto. "Still all with the manners, ain'tcha?" She takes a step up, arms still folded behind her head. [Millie doesn't bump her head.] (Go her!) * Mikoto puts up a finger. "Manners are free, after all, but rudeness costs more than people think." He climbs inside once the ladies have settled into their seats. * MaryAnne smiles at Millie and answers her questio "Just some supplies and things for our trip." * Tairan eyes the coach, and climbs his way up to the drivers' seat, moving over to 'the passenger side'. ( Ain't that right. ) * Millie blanks at Mary as she sits down, staring her straight in the eyes. "What type of supplies? Better not be what we bought already." * Tairan then reaches into his pack and pulls out a bandana-type piece of cloth, which he uses to cover his nose and mouth. * Ralph waits until they're all in, then slides the travel bag in as well, closing the door. He kicks it to make sure it's secure, then goes over to the driver's side and climbs on. ( Tairan looks like a bandit ;_; ) (He's a ninja bandit!) * MaryAnne nudges her travel bag over to her. * Jinx lowers his hat to better shield his eyes from the sun and dust. Everyone comfy? ( He's an Aesthetic Reification Terrorist! ) Not... especially. * Millie sits back on the seat, leaning against the wall of the coach, her arms still behind her head. "As comfy as I'll ever get. Guess I can't complain though." * John lowers his hat a little. "Let's get going." * Ralph smirks. "Well, get comfy real quick, 'cause it ain't gonna get better." He slides a bandana onto his face and adjusts his hat, then nods at Jinx and John. "I am sure it is better than riding on a horse for several hours." she says chearfully. I like ridin' horses. It's jus' I don't have one. * Millie keeps her eyes closed as she speaks. * Ralph starts up the horses with a "Ya!". They're off! Not at a particularly fast pace, but this isn't a sprint. * Jinx nods back and easily keeps pace. * MaryAnne says positively "After we are done, you should be able to afford one, I should imagine." * Suzunosuke ponders. * Mikoto breathes out. "I like horses, but I've never found the right reason to buy one." He glances out the coach window. "You never know. Maybe this will be a good reason." * John smirks and nods. He keeps pace with the carriage. That's what I'm intendin'..first thing I means ta do with the money * Millie grins and opens one eye. "Second thing ta do is ta find out more about that Society of yours. Sounds like the real stuff." I believe... the train is much more pleasant than this. *shrug* "'Real stuff?' Whatever do you mean, Miss Reinhart?" Horses are great, just a matter of keeping them alive, isn't that right Lightning. ::Jinx affectionally pats his horse as he rides along:: * Tairan gets as comfortable as possible, and scans the surroundings as he goes, trying to get a feel for the local environment and keeping an eye out for... well, anything. =P * Suzunosuke sticks his head out the window for a second. * Millie lets out a long breath and sighs, adjusting her hat. "Nothin'. Jus' makin' conversation. [The train is, yes, a heckuva lot more pleasant than this.] Oh..by the way, Miss Mary. Ya see any harm in stickin' by me when we actually gets there? * Mikoto smiles at Millie. "I admit, I've been looking for the 'real stuff' myself, if it's what I think you mean." He glances at Suzunosuke a moment, then clears his throat and turns his attention back inside. "I think you mean... something important, right? Instead of just working for a dollar." * Millie waves it off. "I don't care much 'bout money other than it gets me what I need." * Suzunosuke sits back in his seat. * MaryAnne reasures Millie "Well, I should believe that would be a good course of action." * Ralph whistles as he drives. * Millie nods and smiles. 'Good. I jus' wish I knew what terrain we were goin' up against." * Jinx tunes out the fairly difficult to hear conversation and concentrates on looking for trouble. * John rides along. He seems very content right now. * Suzunosuke looks contented, despite the jostling of the coach. * Millie opens her eyes. "That reminds me. Either of you other two good at lassoin' or such? Or jus' generally capturin' someone who wants to kill ya?" * Tairan turns to Ralph. "What's the terrain out here like?" * MaryAnne inquisitvely asks "Do you do this sort of thing often, Miss Reinhart. It seems a terribly dangerous line of work?" * Mikoto looks thoughtful. "I know a few martial arts techniques for subdual... I'm not exactly the subdual type." He smiles. "I try to avoid fighting if I can." * Millie smiles at Mary. "I do what the wind tells me ta do really. Whatever strikes my fancy." Why would one... capture an enemy who wishes to kill you? * Millie nods to Mikoto and then narrows her eyes at Suz. "Because the people we're goin' after right now might not actually HAVE the tablet." Ever think o' that? * Mikoto nods. "Sometimes it's better not to kill and instead collect information. Dead men tell no tales." * MaryAnne tilts her head and then smiles "Oh, I see. You aren't sure what sort of life you want to live and are searching for an answer." she straightens her head up and nods. * Suzunosuke looks troubled at Millie's comment. * Millie smirks at Mary, then slowly widens into a grin. "Nope. Ya completely missed it." But if they wish to kill you, and you do not reciprocate in kind, are you not leaving your fate in their hands? "Perhaps I did. What did you mean?" * Millie smiles mysteriously. "Now now. Can't reveal all my little tricks ta someone I just met, raight?" * Millie winks at Mikoto. "Ain't that right, Mikoto?" * MaryAnne smiles. * Mikoto raises an eyebrow, then smiles. "I don't really have a poker face, remember?" * Jinx rides a bit closer to Ralph. "Expecting any trouble before we get there?" * Millie opens her winking eye slightly. "Right...I forgot.." * Tairan turns his head back towards the others in the coach. "You underestimate the value of a good maiming, Suzunosuke." * Millie turns back to Suz. "Perhaps. It's a little tricky..." I am but a novice in these matters, though. * Mikoto glances at Suzunosuke. "Sometimes you have to be willing to trust a little. It's dangerous, you're right there, though." But still, the fact is that we want the tablet above all else. If they hid it or passed it on along the trail, we want to have a chance to go along that route. * John glances over to the carriage, riding a little closer. If we go in guns blazin', we'll be even more lost. Perhaps there are subtlties that my schooling failed to convey. * Ralph glances over at Jinx. "Eh, it's possible. There's been reports of sandgators gettin' closer to the tracks, and there's always yer typical bandit gang." * Millie grins widely suddenly and leans back. "But don't worry. That jus' means we've got ta keep one standin'." * Mikoto mmms. "No schooling is perfect." He turns to look outside. "Only the real world teaches you important things a classroom can't." * MaryAnne says with some concern "Well, I certainly hope everything goes as smoothly as possible. I really don't fancy chasing after them for days on end." Which is why... I am here. Mostly. But I've been up and down and haven't seen much trouble lately. Probably means I'm past due. I hope so too, Miss Mary. Ol' Millie's jus' got a bad feelin' 'bout all this is all... * John states sarcastically "That's a great thing to hear." * Tairan eyes Ralph. "You tempt the fates if you keep saying stuff like that... I like that." I mean..why steal a tablet? There's plenty of other things to steal on a train...they KNOW somethin' 'bout it... * Jinx nods, "I wouldn't expect any differemt." He draws his pistol and quickly checks it over. ( They did steal other stuff :P ) * Ralph tips his hat with a free hand. "I aim to please, Mister... what's yer name again?" (Well we weren't quite informed of that were we? ^_^;) * Mikoto shrugs and leans back. "They may have stolen it by accident... or they not know what it means, and stole it for someone else. I suppose we'll learn the answer to that when we find the tablet, after all." * MaryAnne says to Millie "Well, I am not really sure of their motivations, but the Academy is only interested in it's academic value." Tairan. How long you been riding in this area? * Jinx chuckles at Tairan's earlier comment. "Don't worry about that sort of thing, I'm Jinx enough for all of us." * Suzunosuke sticks his hand out the open window into the breeze. * Millie hmms. "Could be, could be. But somethin' doesn't add up." Mister Tairan. One of them Shomuran names, yup. And I've been doin' this for... oh... 'bout twelve years now? Yeah, about that. Jus' a feelin' is all... At the great sky / I gaze all my life / For the rushing wind, / Though it howls as it goes, / Can never be seen. * John looks at Jinx. "Don't trust your luck too much. It will run out someday." * Tairan nods. "The fact that you're still alive and posessing all your limbs says something 'bout your skill. Hope we're not the ones to ruin your luck." * Mikoto tilts his head at Suzunosuke. "Poetry, too. You really are a samurai, aren't you? I'm very impressed." * Jinx laughs, heartily. "It's run out repeatedly, I always survive. I'm not the one you two fine gentlemen need worry about." * Suzunosuke blushes faintly. * Millie watches Mikoto and Suz talk, smiling and shaking her head, turning to Mary. "So why are ya goin' with us anyhow?" Poetry is my vice. The samurai part... hopefully is my life. * John cuckles. * Mikoto laughs and shakes his head. "Don't be embarassed. It's a compliment." I mean, no offense, but I don't see ya as goin' after bandit raids. Make no mistake, I am no poet. I merely quote what I have read. "Quite so. It's wonderful that you are interested in something academic." * Mikoto shrugs. "Even the most learned Shomuran scholar started reading the works of others, didn't he?" * Tairan draws his pistol idly, and holds it out for a moment. "Hmm. Still need work on unstable ground." I fear I will never make a living as a scholar. My tutor in the maths has gone bald from frustration. *reholsters his pistol* * Jinx keeps chuckling and rides a little away from the stagecoach, scanning the desert for threats again. He keeps his pistol pointed down and safely away from the others. * Millie smirks a little. "Fancy words are overrated sometimes. As long as ya get yourself across, that's what matters. The rest is jus' fluff." * Mikoto coughs. "Well, not everyone can be good at everything. I was always taught to be as good at what you're good at as you can." * MaryAnne says happily "I do fancy mathmatics a good deal." Well, if you're expecting company, I might as well get ready. * John pulls his repeating rifle out of its holster. * Millie yawns a bit and peeks out the window, calling. "See anythin' yet?" * MaryAnne says to Millie "Perhaps additional 'color' in language isn't all that nessecery, but I do find it pleasing." * Ralph calls back cheerfully, "Sand, sand, more sand..." If y'look carefully, you can see a cactus or two. * Millie grumbles under her breath. "Millie coulda told ya that, ya..." And a coupla guys on horses. Don't look too dangerous, though. * Mikoto grins. "You're a very competent tour guide, Ralph. You make even desert seem as vibrant as desert can be." He glances out the window, looking for the men on horses. * Jinx calls back jokingly. "You'd be surprised." * Tairan tips his cap to John and Jinx. * Millie starts to smile, then blinks, peeking back out the window. "Ya jus' mean Jinx an' John, raight?" Like I told Tairan here, I aim to please. Yup, just Jinx and John. * John smiles. "Nice to know your observant as well." * Jinx returns the tip of the cap. * Millie smirks. "You're tryin' ta scare ol' Millie, that it? Ain't gonna happen." * Millie pulls her head back inside. "Silly boys." "I imagine that there are plenty of smaller animals around also, such as snakes, spiders, scorpions, and lizards if one was to be particular." * Mikoto blinks. "You're quite knowledgeable, Miss Pippin. I thought history was your specialty?" They jus' better not be so jokin' when we actually get there though. * MaryAnne says to Mikoto "While it is true that history and language are my best subjects of learning, I do rather fancy many other subjects as well such as mathmatics, ecology, and anthropology." * Mikoto smiles. "A well-rounded individual. I'm envious." * MaryAnne smiles "Mister Mikoto, I do believe you are trying to make me blush." [It's getting hot. The sun's very high in the sky.] * Millie grins, leaning back even more against the wall and closing her eyes. "Didn't expect ya ta be easily impressed either." [Lightning suddenly rears up, startled by a cactus which just feel in her path. Jinx holds on tight and starts trying to calm her down.] * MaryAnne pulls out a small hand fan and starts fanning her face "My goodness gracious. It is getting quite warm." What's spookin' Lightning? * Mikoto laughs and shakes his head at Millie. "If Suzunosuke can feel he's not good at poetry, I can be envious of others' traits, can't I?" * Millie takes off her hat and shakes her hair a bit, waving it in front of her face. "Ya get used to it actually...it was pretty hot where I'm from sometimes. Hard goin'." * Jinx gestures back. "Damned unreliable cactus. Two jobs they have, stay still and provide water in a pinch, can't even manage that." * Suzunosuke perks up from his dozing. What happened? Don't know... * Tairan narrows his eyes, and scans the area more intently. * Millie calls out the window. "Hey, everythin' alright out there?" * Jinx calms down Lightning a bit more. "Just fine." * John looks around. "Yeah, it's fine. Just gettin' hot, that's all." Yeah, well be careful with those horses. I know a spooked horse when I hear it. [John, Jinx, Tairan. Perception checks.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 7. * Millie pulls away from the window, frowning a bit. (dr) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 7. (nope) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 7. * MaryAnne 's hand fan also appears of Eastern origins with Eastern artwork on it. (Nope) (Well, dicey is feeling average. ) (That he is.) * Mikoto looks at Mary Anne's fan, then flicks his gaze to her umbrella. "Have you actually travelled to the Empire, Miss Pippin?" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6) and gets 4. ( Made it ) * MaryAnne looks at Mikoto and smiles "Oh yes, I have...with my grandfather. It is truely a lovely place. Mnay wonderous examples of natures beauty." * Tairan frowns beneath his bandana. "Metallic something or other on the ground out that way." *points in the appropriate direction* * Mikoto nods. "Ah..." He glances out the window, then back in. "I haven't been for many years now." * Ralph glances at Tairan, then nods and pulls the horses to head over there. * John peers in that direction and nods. He rides ahead to the metal-thingy. * MaryAnne seems to notice the course change "Oh, dear. Has something transpired?" * Jinx rides ahead a bit, looking for a trap. And seeing as how this is hardly an ideal spot for a camping trip... Nothin' much, ma'am. Just checking something out. We're gettin' close to the site anyhow. * Suzunosuke half-stands, trying to get a better view out the window. (Tairan: No spot is an ideal spot for a camping trip.) * MaryAnne seems relieved "Oh, well good." ...this is most confining. Were we to be ambushed in this vehicle, I fear for our safety. [You guys near what might have been a campsite at some point. There are a few metal pots and pans, but they're so twisted and dented that they're pretty much beyond repair. Rocks circle what must have been a campfire at one point.] * Millie nods to Suz and unslings Greenpeace, feeling better having it in her lap. "For once, I agree with ya, Suz." * Mikoto nods. "That's why the others are acting as outriders, to give us time to prepare." * John looks at the former campsite. "What do you make of it Tairan?" * Tairan hrms. "Campsite. Odd. Stop when we get near... I wanna have a look." * Jinx nods at Mikoto's comment. "I'll keep on guard while Tairan checks it out." ( Actually, that's just 'cause there's not enough room in the coach :P ) * Ralph obliges, halting the horses. (Hush Brett, let us rationalize ^_~) * John keeps a lookout along with Jinx. * Millie opens the door slightly, keeping on the steps but peeking outside to get a better look around. * Tairan hops down from the coach, and gets to looking about for tracks, clues, business cards, etc ( Tairan finds only a Kirby plushie. It eats him :P ) * Millie turns to Ralph. "How close are we to the spot you were takin' us to?" ( What is this pink fiend? ) * MaryAnne stays in the coach and looks out the window "Does it seem to be anything important?" [Anyone looking for tracks, give me a Tracking (Desert) roll.] 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 4. ( Made it. ) Pretty close. I'd say... oh, another half hour or so of travel at this rate. * Suzunosuke is just looking around for other people. An' how long by foot? Did they rob the train at night? * Mikoto hops out of the coach and looks around. "In the middle of the desert, even a campsite seems suspicious. Who would stop in such open space?" [Tairan spots tracks! One person's worth. They're mostly covered by the sand, but they head off to the Northeast.] * Millie nods to Mikoto and follows him out. "Wouldn't make sense ta stop here." [For the record, the campsite looks a bit big for just one person.] ... odd. * Jinx rides a wide circle around the camp fire, taking care to ride a bit closer to any potential hiding spots. Well, only if you don't want to be found does it make sense. I've got one set of tracks going northeast... campsite's too big for one person, though. * Millie frowns. "Millie's got a bad feelin' 'bout this. I don't like the idea of chasin' someone who wants ta be found. "But why would someone leave their utensils?" Left in a hurry? Or encountered something unpleasant... * John hmms... "Oh, that makes sense." * Ralph shrugs. "Ya wanna take a look? I'm just s'posed to bring you to the site, but we can take a short detour." Say Tairan. Those tracks look like they were walkin' or runnin'? Confidentially, I think any tracks from a few days ago would've been blown away by now. Still, pay's pay. They're faint, but there. Fits with being a few days back... and the spacing tells me walking, Millie. "Well, I do not see how this relates to our quest. Unless someone can provide a good reason otherwise, I should think we continue on to the location of the robbery." * Millie tucks her hand under her chin. "Mmm..probably not somethin' unpleasant if they jus' walked away then.." * Tairan turns back to Ralph. "What direction is the site?" * Ralph jerks his thumb east, along the tracks. * Mikoto frowns. "It's possible... if the person who walked away was the 'true' thief, and the others just dupes he used to get the tablet..." He glances around and smiles embarassedly. "Still, if that were the case, where are the bodies? Perhaps I'm being too suspicious." * Suzunosuke finishes his survey of the horizon, and joins the group. An' y'all said a dozen or half-dozen. Even if this is bigger than one person, it's smaller than 6 or 12. How big was this tablet? Could be unrelated. Could be someone meeting with the bandits to give them further instructions. Could be any number of things. Is it small enough that one man might comfortably carry it? * Jinx calls back. "I recomend we follow the tracks for a bit, when fate gives you something, best not to snub it. We may find a clue or a theif." It's jus' an half hour to the site right? That's not that far. We can check both out an' decide from there. * MaryAnne holds out her hands approximateing the cubic area "Oh, about this much. A strong person could singlehandedly carry it about." * Mikoto nods a little at Jinx. "It's not much time, and it's a better lead than heading someplace we know they've already been at and left." * Tairan hrms. "Tracks go east, trail goes northeast... might as well check out the site, see if tracks converge." Yes, but for a long distance? We are not close to Mcnally Randla... whatever the town was called. * John nods. "I agree with Tairan." * Millie eyes John for a minute. "An' me, y'know." Who? * Millie puffs her cheeks a little but doesn't reply. * John smiles. I'd recommend following the trail first. The site is already windswept, the tracks aren't. But I'm sure Tairan is the superior tracker. (The light goes *ting!* on John's teeth.) (You know it!) (That's because Millie's bullet connected with it :P) (Shh. ^_~) One person's not what we're looking for. A group is. If the one person and the group are heading in the same direction... then we might have somethin'. * John hmms. Tairan's right. An' also, I don't like the fact that no one could give us much info when we got down here. Gatherin' as much as we can's our best bet. * Jinx shrugs. He rides in again, satisfied that if there's an ambush, he's not gonna see it coming. (Absolutely. Jinx is learning.) "Well..." she considers for a moment "I will leave it to the groups discression then. If most of you believe that following these tracks is the proper thing to do, then I will support doing this." * Mikoto nods at Mary Anne. "I think it's worth investigating." ... no. We're saying we're gonna go to the site. We go to the train site. It's only 30 minutes. That's not gonna make a difference in the long run. * Millie smirks at Mikoto. "Weren't you the one that said not ta rush things recklessly?" Then combine that with what we see here. Y'all figure it out yet? * Jinx shrugs. "Well, if that's the decision, lets move on to the site, no point waiting." * Mikoto shrugs. "I don't think this is reckless. It's a possible lead and it's on our way, more or less." * Tairan nods. "If nobody has any objections, let's head to the site." I think we should go to the site. We can come back here if need be. * Millie shrugs slightly and rolls her shoulder, heading back into the coach. I have... no opinion. * Suzunosuke follows Millie. "Very well then. Let us invesigate the site first." * Tairan hops back up on the coach. * Ralph waits for people to pile into the coach, then drives off. To the site! * Ralph stops at the site. "Well, here we are. Not much to look at, I admit." * Millie hops out of the coach again, looking off to the horizon first with narrowed eyes, then down near the tracks. * Jinx makes a quicker set of rounds checking for enemies or noteworthy objects outside of the site itself. [Where Ralph stopped, a half hour later, is... at a cactus. By the tracks. To the north is a plateau with something on it, though what is kind of hard to tell from here.] * Suzunosuke gets out and looks around for signs of life once more. * Jinx stays clear of the cactus. [Stretching east and west, predictably, are train tracks. And all around you's desert! Yay!] * Tairan hops off the coach and gets to work. * MaryAnne waits in the coach for the others do get out of it first, and then follows, trying to stay out of their way. She opens her umbrella up and holds it up to shade her from the sun's harsh rays. [Tairan, give me a Wilderness Tracking (Desert) roll.] * John looks off to the plateau, the heat bending the light. ( the sun is foiled by Mary Anne's umbrella! ) [And John, I'll take a vision check.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 7. (Gah, stupid 7!) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 3. ( Made it ) * Millie lifts her bangs out of her eyes and stares off for a bit, absently speaking to the world in general. "Find anything?" [John still can't make out what's on the plateau. And Tairan doesn't see any tracks. What was here was probably swept by the wind.] ... tracking takes more than a minute. But at first glance, I can't see any tracks. (Then glance harder!) * John shakes his head, turning his attention to the rest of the group. * Millie frowns and looks down. "Nothin'? Great..." ( Hey, I made my darn check! What more do you want from me! ;_; ) Guess we have to trust at that then... Only one lead to go on..jus' hope it's the right one. * Millie smiles slightly. 'But just imagine if we didn't take the train." * Jinx returns from his rounds. "So, back to the camp then?" * John nods. "Seems that way." (You guys are following the tracks afterwards?) ( Yeah ) * Tairan frowns. "See, this is why I prefer forests. Dirt is easier to track in." * Millie swivels around to Ralph. "Won't cost extra for this little detour, right?" Eh? "Well, that wouls seem the next logical step. I do have a hypothosis concerning the individual that left the small camp." * Millie smiles brightly at Ralph. "Right." * Mikoto blinks at Mary Anne. "What would that be?" * Ralph glances up at the sun. "Nah. We're makin' good time as is." But *after* the detour, then it'll cost ya. * Ralph grins behind his bandanna. * Jinx grins over at Ralph. * Tairan grumbles, and heads back to the coach. "Stupid sand..." * John nods and chuckles. ( Sorry - I'm dozing off. Was sick today. I'll hold on as long as I can, but expect Suz to be even quieter than usual. ) * Millie smirks slightly. "Shrewd dealer, aren't we? Ya wouldn't gouge a poor girl lost in the desert, wouldja?" "Well, It might very well be that the tracks of the individal in question does lead to the place of the individuls that pilfered the tablet." Maybe he's the middleman ya think? Gougin' ain't my style, miss. ... * Mikoto ahs. "Well, that's probably true. A shame they're gone." * Tairan shakes his head, and mutters. "Brilliant deduction..." "What if this individal, through whatever method, knew about the theft before it took place and for some reason, desires the tablet?" * Millie nods. "Well, let's get in the coach while Ralph's still feelin' generous." * Mikoto frowns. "Are you saying there's someone besides us looking for the thieves?" * Millie eyes Mary for a minute and sweat drops. "That's..um..that's what a middleman does, dear." * Tairan adjusts his bandana/facemask. "Perhaps this person watched the individuals take the tablet and do the hard worka and then followed them to their camp to take the tablet back from them and use it for some other ends?" * Jinx nods. "Wouldn't be the first time." A thief of a thief is a do-gooder? Somethin' like that? I think... you're overthinking this. We know nothing, so far. No, the enemies of my enemies are not always my friends. "Well, it is only a theory." * Tairan turns to Ralph. "Let's get goin'." * Mikoto laughs and nods. "Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is... another enemy." Sure thing. All aboard! * John nods. "Yup." * Millie smiles slightly at John. "So ya sayin' that I'm not your friend because I'm enemies with that girl? I'm hurt, Just." * Millie climbs into the coach before he can reply. * Jinx nods and chuckles in agreement with John and Mikoto. He looks confused at Millie's comment. * MaryAnne folds her umbrella and gets back in the coach. * Tairan mutters something unintelligable. * Mikoto glances at Tairan with an odd smile, then gets in the coach. I didn't say that the enemy of my enemy was my enemy. Sometimes their an ally, and sometimes I could care less. ( Sometimes it's a beautiful woman who falls in love with you :P ) The guy trying to shoot, stab, or bash me is my enemy. That sounds like a good policy. Easier to keep track of then webs of alliances. * Millie doesn't respond to John, whether it's that she can't hear in the coach or that she just doesn't want to is hard to tell. * Mikoto grins and calls out to Tairan: "What about pierce, smash, crush, or maim?" * Ralph starts drivin'. * Tairan looks back. "The latter three are included in the ones I mentioned. Pierce... heck, what's a puncture wound between friends?" * Mikoto laughs. "I'll try to remember that." [You take off for the campsite, and then follow the tracks! Er, not the train tracks. They lead steadily northeast and before long you're at a rather low plateau.] Hmm... This plateau is... low. ( If you look south, you can see a cactus in the distance :P ) * John looks to the south. He sees a cactus. * Mikoto blinks at Suzunosuke, momentarily speechless. He eventually manages: "...really?" * Millie opens the door slightly and steps down, looking back from where they came. "Couldn't we see this place from the tracks?" * Tairan does his looking thing. [Thank you, Suzunosuke! And, as another trick, there's a run down shack on the plateau!] * Mikoto steps out of the coach and offers his hand to Mary Anne. Whelp, this looks like yer detour. * Tairan points Ralph towards the shack. "Good'a place to start as any." Doesn't make sense..headin' for the first place anyone could see...campin' out in the open... Millie's got a bad feelin' 'bout this... Mmm. * Jinx rides up to the shack and looks around. It'd be best to be on our guard. * MaryAnne accepts Mikoto's help "Thank you Mister Mikoto." * Ralph nods. "I'll stay here and mind the horses. Someone's gotta." Just remember. If they were smart, they wouldn't have to resort to banditry. * Suzunosuke not-so-casually rests his hand on his belt. * Millie dusts off the front of her jeans again and unslings Greenpeace, nodding to John. * John holsters his rifle and gets his shotgun. "Absolutely." * Mikoto smiles. "My pleasure." He stays close to the historian as people start walking. * Millie frowns. "You're gonna put it away before usin' it again? Ya really don't know how ta treat your baby, do ya?" * MaryAnne unfolds her umbrella and holds up to shade her head as she looks about. * Tairan hops off the coach, adjusts his cap, and starts toward the shack. * Millie shakes her head and mumbles some things under her breath as she twists the catch off. It's what I use if someone's stupid enough to catch me on horseback. * MaryAnne walks behind the others, feeling they would be far better prepared for trouble than she if it was to be encountered. ...raight, pretty boy. Raight. * John dismounts. * Jinx is careful to never actually point his revolver at the shack, and instead circles it warily. * Tairan does the "look for clues/don't get shot" routine. [The shack bravely stands its ground.] * Millie holds her rifle in both hands, but still pointing it up in the air, slightly over one shoulder. Perhaps we should not have our weapons drawn? It seems unwise to needlessly provoke the occupants. * Mikoto stretches out his hands and fingers. "Hopefully there won't be any fighting. But it's better to be prepared." * John stands guard, shotgun in his hands. That's why I'm not aimin', but I want ta be ready in case of trouble. (Does there seem to be anything else around the shack such as horses or the like?) (Not if you don't count your own.) * Millie lifts up the brim of her hat and takes a better look at the surroundings. [As you approach the shack, a short man comes opens the door. His white beard and moustache make his age apparent. He's wearing a hat, jeans, and a sleeveless leather vest over a red flanel shirt. He waves a shotgun wildly (non-threateningly) with his left hand, and shouts: "What's all that durn racket?!"] * Jinx backs off a bit and lowers his revolver. "Good day, we didn't mean to wake you up." * Millie smirks slightly and waves with the hand not holding the stock. "Hey old man. We jus' wanna look around is all. Don't mind us." * Mikoto eyetwitches a bit. "...'durn racket'?" Ah, I been up. It's afternoon! Y'all ain't seen some ruffians or such pass through here, have ya? * Jinx shrugs and smiles. "Then I don't feel so bad about the noise." I do mind! What 'choo want? This is my property! "My goodness." * Jinx rides back to the group and lets others do the talking. * OldMan rubs his chin. "Ruffians? Hmm..." * Millie grins slightly. "Your property? Didn't mean ta trespass. We've jus' been chasin' some footprints an' they lead here." What's it worth ya? * Tairan stops, leaving some distance between himself and the man. "Our apologies, sir. We are in the process of tracking a group of bandits who robbed a train nearby..." * Millie 's grin widens. "Another shrewd dealer. I'm gettin' a bit sick of 'em...but ol' Mary here'll probably take care of that.." * Millie nudges her with her elbow. "Ain't that right, Miss Pippins?" * Mikoto grins a little. "Shrewd. In a way, I have to respect it." * John sighs. Here she goes again. * Tairan grins broadly. "That would, of course, depend on what kind of information you have." * Jinx holsters his gun and dismounts. Hey, if'n ya don't want it, go ahead and leave. * Suzunosuke looks disappointed. Y'know though man, askin' what it's worth ta us either means y'all already have information, or you're lyin'. An' Millie hates liars. * MaryAnne steps forwards and smiles "What sort of information might you be able to provide us?" An' I hates people who bug me. I moved here to get away from folk. * Millie smiles slightly. "So please share your wisdom with us? For a cute little lady?" * OldMan grins at Mary Anne. "What sorts of things you offerin' me?" * Tairan steps back to let MaryAnne work, and pats Millie on the shoulder. "Let MaryAnne do her thing." "I do beg your pardon, Sir, but we are inquiring as to the individals that held up the train near by here recently." And I'm inquiring what yer gonna give me. I don't tell nothin' fer nothin'. * Mikoto laughs a little and smiles embarassedly. "Sometimes, Miss Reinhardt, you have to give a little to get a little." * Millie winks at Mikoto. "I ain't got nothin' ta give but what ya see here." "Well, you remind me of an aquantience that has a general store. He is a rather pleasant person to speak with." Don't know no one in no store. * Mikoto coughs into his hand. "Modesty forbids more comment, I think." * Millie grins. "Ya mean ya don't shop Crazy? Yer missin' out!" * Jinx looks over the old man, trying to judge what he's worth. Don't shop no where no how. * MaryAnne smiles "Well, if you would be able to provide any information concerning the incident of the held up train that would lead to the capture of the individals in quesion, I would gladly provide you with, say...$30?" $30? What'm I gonna do with that? Gimme somethin' I can USE. * Mikoto laughs and sidles up to Mary Anne. "Perhaps... some of the supplies we brought with us?" I thought so. He lives up here ta get 'way from people. He don't need no money." Ya need matches, ol' man? Always useful. "Oh, are you saying that you do not purchase supplies at Rand McNallyton? Oh, I see. Then a monitary reward would be of less use to you." I imagine it gets might-tie cold at night up here.. * Jinx glances through his saddle bag, but stops looking after a half a minute. Now we're talkin. Matchs is one thing, yeah. But they don't buy much, neither, 'less you got a lotta 'em. Know what I mean? [You hear a gunshot from below, followed by cursing.] ( 'below'? ) "I should imagine that we could spare a few supplies if it will expidite our locating the individuls we are searching for." (Below?) * Millie looks to the side slightly. 'Buy much? You have someone ta barter with?" (You're on elevated ground.) (Oh.) * John looks to see where the gunshot came from. * Suzunosuke turns quickly in the direction of the gunfire, pulling his sword seemingly from his empty belt. * Ralph yells, "Gators!" * MaryAnne turns her head towards the direction of the noise and puts her gloved hand up to her mouth "Oh, my goodness? What could that be I wonder?" Well shit. * OldMan grumbles. "Aw crud. Now what?" He hurries past to look below, facing Millie as he does. "I see ya don't know what I mean, at that." * Millie tries to keep one eye on the man, one on the shot. * Jinx draws his shotgun and mounts up. (Millie goes crosseyed!) * Tairan makes a run back towards the coach. (>.<) * John draws a pair of pistols and rides back to the coach. ( don't you mean <.> ? ) * Jinx rides to the coach. (Nah, that's wall eyed ^^;) [Down below, Ralph is struggling to keep the horses calm as three large tan-scaled gators approach hungrily.] ( Roll init ^^ ) * MaryAnne looks at the old man "Please excuse me." and then turns around to the direction of the commotion and huridly makes her way towards it. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (d6+7) and gets 12. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (d6+7) and gets 9. d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (d6+5) and gets 8. (gator, as in Alligators?) d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (d6+6) and gets 7. * Suzunosuke runs towards the scaly beasts. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (d6+7) and gets 10. ( ...ow. I hate you, Dicey. ) ( Yes, except they're Sandgators :P ) (Ah =) ) (Saw a bunch of 'gators earlier today. Not of the sandgator variety though. * Mikoto runs after Mary Anne, pulling the bodyguard schtick. d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (d6+6) and gets 11. 1d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (1d6+5) and gets 11. * Millie grumbles slightly, turning her eyes down. "Great..just great." "Oh, my goodness! This is most alarming!" [Order: Millie, sandgator1, John, MaryAnne, Suzunosuke, sandgator2, Tairan, Old Man, Jinx, sandgator3, Mikoto, Ralph] [Millie's turn!] * Mikoto grits his teeth. "Just my fists aren't going to be much good against that... and my sword and gun are both in the coach." * Millie calls out. "Jus' stay back, Miss Mary. Don'tchu worry none." She places the stock against her shoulder, cheek sighting down the way and fires at the gator closest to the horses. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 7. [Millie hits the gator, though barely. The bullet glances off the top of its body, opening a small wound.] [gator1's turn] * Millie blinks. "Tough critters." [The gator is distracted from the horses and moves for Millie. It doesn't make it to her yet, though.] [John's turn!] * John rides past the gators, unloading each of his pistols at one of the gators as he does so. ( Go ahead and roll :P ) (I want a riding check too, John.) (Okay, attack rolls) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-3) and gets 8. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-3) and gets 5. (Made the second one.) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-3) and gets 0. (And that was your riding check? Okie.) [John hits a gator in the side with one shot, but the other goes too high. And he made the riding check, so nothing bad happens :P] [Mary Anne's turn!] * MaryAnne looks worried as the one Sandgator rushes towards Millie "Oh Dear!" (She will hold her action until after the others hav all acted) [Suzunosuke's turn!] * Suzunosuke dashes for the gator that's closing in on Millie, and takes a swing at its head. (called shot) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6-1) and gets 9. [Suzunosuke hits the ground next to the gator's head.] [Gator2's turn] Damnation. [The gator tries to take a bite out of Ralph!] [Correction, the gator does take a bite out of Ralph's leg.] (Um, ouch?) [Tairan's turn] * Ralph curses very, very vividly, ripping his leg away, a good chunk of flesh leaving it. * Millie smiles slightly. "Preciate the attempt though, Suz." * MaryAnne has her hands under her chin and seems quite alarmed "Mister Lewis!" * Ralph does, however, keep a firm grip on the reigns. * Tairan dashes towards gator2, drawing and firing his pistol as he charges. He then draws his katana with his other hand, and thrusts it down at the gator. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets 8. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 1. ( Gun missed, sword hit. ) [Tairan misses with the shot, but thrusts the sword into the gator's side. This is enough to distract it from Ralph.] [Old Man's turn] * OldMan runs to his shack! "Aw, dangit!" [Jinx's turn!] * Jinx doesn't look phased, he rides up to Gator1 and fires his shotgun in it's general direction once he there. "Mikoto, if you can't get to the carriage, come here and I'll give you a pistol." (no penalties for avoiding people in melee combat, right?) 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-6) and gets 0. 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-2) and gets 6. ( No, but +3 for firing while riding. ) (well, then add 3 to the other too, so one hit, one miss) (dr ride roll) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "Hey, a crit! Remember this next Christmas." (Well, you're staying on your horse.) (And how!) (And you look good staying on your horse, too!) [The Gator gets blasted with the shotgun, which weakens it greatly, but it's still barely moving.] * Jinx grins at Millie. "Thought I'd leave the kill for you." [Gator 3 notices the new food coming, and makes its way over to Suzunosuke. It chomps at him, and he needs a defense roll] * Millie smirks a bit. "How sweet." Don't leave shots for her. She gets mad. (Snicker) (She gets mad anyway.) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I wish I got to hand out more of these, really." [Suz manages to not only block the chomp, but take a few teeth out of the gator, too.] [Mikoto's turn] * Mikoto smiles at Jinx a little wearily. "Thanks, but... I'd better not waste time. Alright, Mirabel, it's showtime." He holds up his right arm, and a large, falcon-shaped form appears on his wrist. ( Summoning, s'all. ) (And another IoP enters the fray.) [Millie's turn!] * Millie whistles a bit as she glances over at Mikoto. "Neat trick." (Millie spent her turn whistling! Next! ^^) * MaryAnne does her best to stay out of range of the Sandgators and allow the warriors of the group to do what they do best. * Millie backs slowly away from the gator, looking up. "Hey you! Scaly! Over here! You don't want that girl with the hat!" She breaks her weapon open forward and pulls out a bullet, sticking it in and snapping it back to the ready. [Gator 1's turn!] [It's too tired to go for Millie, and weakly bites at Jinx's horse's legs, but misses.] [John's turn!] * Millie puffs out her cheeks. "Hey ya stupid lizard! I said come after ME!" * John does another pass, shooting at the gator biting at Lightning's legs. "I'll show you..." 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-3) and gets 1. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-3) and gets 6. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-3) and gets 2. (Made all three. ^^) [John plugs it twice. Waste of bullets, really. The first was enough to bring it down.] [Mary Anne's turn!] (Yeah, but I looked good doin' it. ;) ) * MaryAnne trys to keep distance between herself and the two active sandgators all the while attempting to move around to where she can assist Ralph. (as in assist him with his injury) [Suzunosuke's turn] ( And I skipped Ralph. Oh well, he's not doing much :P ) * Suzunosuke whirls in a circle and slices mightily at Gator3, once more hacking at vital spots, assuming Suz can pick out what counts as a vital spot on a gator. (He curses at the 'gators.) (Ralph bleeds and curses and controls the horses.) ( called shot, watch me whiff. ) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6-1) and gets 3. (*John watches you NOT whiff.) [Suzu cuts into it's eye. That seems vital enough, as it roars in pain. But it's not dead yet.] [Gator2's turn!] [It bites at Tairan! He needs to defend!] 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 5. ( Just made it. ) [Tairan just barely moves out of the way in time. And now it's his turn] * Tairan thrusts down at Gator2 again with his sword, then hops back and fires his pistol at it. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 5. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets 2. ( Both hits. ) [Tairan shoots and slashes the gator, and winds up killing it.] [Jinx's turn!] * Jinx quickly cracks open his shotgun and puts in two more shells. He then rides over to Gator3. [Gator3's turn!] [It bites at Suzunosuke in rage! Suzu must defend!] 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Suzunosuke (2d6-2) and gets 9. [Suzu does not avoid the attack, and gets a calf chewed up.] (Owie) [Mikoto's turn] * Millie winces. "That's gotta hurt.." * Suzunosuke tries to be stoic, but misses. "Ggraaaghagh!" * Tairan narrows his eyes. * Mikoto sets his jaw, points at the gator nearest Ralph and Mary Anne, and says in an absolutely ICE cold voice: "Attack." The falcon-thing soars right at it. 2 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2 2d6-3) and gets 3 1. [The falcon tears into the gator and finishes it off.] [And due to time, we're going to end here.]