[It's still early afternoon, and you just finished dealing with Crazy Feathers. Those of you with horses have seen to it that they're taken care of while you make the maybe-dangerous trek to Shomura in persuit of justice and money. Money more than justice, really.] (How about we hang Crazy Feathers, then we save money AND bring justice..) ( Justice? Ha! What do you know of justice! He's just a little bitter, if you know what I mean...) (MaryAnne begs to differ as she journies in the persuit of academics, science, and the betterment of Humankind...and it's kinda fun too ; ) ) [Running Cloud is leading you to the tunnel enterance, which is *probably* that big ol' slab of rock with the gold vertical eye carving and the etchings. Probably. Just a guess.] ( I got justice. $100 a vial. No haggling. ) ( No, it's the rock right next to that slab :P ) [Session Start!] * MaryAnne patiently waits for Running Cloud to do her thing. * Millie runs her hand over the carving before slipping her hide glove back onto her hand, pulling the last bit down with her teeth before putting the hand to her hip and looking at RC. "So what do we gotta worry 'bout in theres anyway?" * John walks behind RC, minding the distance he sets from her. * Jinx rests his shotgun on his shoulder. "On that note, someone want to hold this lantern once we get in the tuunnel?" * Tairan hmms, and looks around. Any signs anyone's entered the tunnel recently? ( A big sign next to the tunnel says "We wuz here." ) * RunningCloud shrugs. "I don't know. Like I said, I've never gone far in, myself." She walks on up to the slab, placing her hand on it for a moment, before turning and looking at the group. You might want to stand back. * Tairan stands back, then. * MaryAnne maintains a safe distance. * Millie looks at her fingers as she rubs the middle one and the thumb together in front of her, as if she's refeeling the texture of it. "Great...mysterious passageways..jus' mah mug o' beer..." She takes a couple steps back, her eyes half-closed. * Jinx backs off, but just a little. * Mikoto was already back, but he watches Running Cloud with intent curiosity. * MaryAnne comments to Millie "Beer is such a smelly beverage. How can you stand it?" * John holds his rifle. He doesn't back off any further than he already was. * Millie grins over at Mikoto casually and shifts her hips. "Ain't polite ta stare, Mista Mikoto." * Millie turns to Mary, losing a bit of her smirk. "Ah geez, it's jus'a figure o' speech, Miss Mary." * Jinx points his shotgun to the ground and takes his finger off the trigger. He watches the entrance. [Anyone six feet or closer to Running Cloud, I'd like a body roll. Acrobatics (tumbling).] * MaryAnne says "Oh." * John glances over to Mikoto, most of his attention at the big stone in front of him. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 4. (that's an easy make) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 7. * MaryAnne maintains a safe distance. * Mikoto puts a hand to his chin, still watching. If he notices anyone else giving him the eye, it doesn't show. * MaryAnne isn't giving anyone 'the eye'. ( * Zegon pulls out a squid from Kirby's Dream Land. "This is squishy too.") * Millie eyes Mikoto suspiciously, tilting her head to the side just slightly. * RunningCloud places her hand on the center of the slab, directly below the vertical eye, and bows her head as she closes her eyes. A wind picks up around her: slowly at first, but then more fiercely, tossing her hair and clothes wildly. Jinx and John somehow manage to maintain upright even as they're pushed by the wind. Running Cloud completely ignores it. * Millie reflexively puts her hand up on top of her hat and grits her teeth a bit. * John stands firmly, looking all dramatic and stuff with the wind picking up. * Jinx looks completely unphased by the wind, but slightly impressed by the show. * Mikoto blinks a few times, eyes narrowing to keep out sand or dirt, but still watching. He mouths something to himself, then breathes out. * MaryAnne clothing flitters about in the breeze. * Tairan keeps a hold of his hat. "Hmm." (And now you know why I wear a weighted hat. XD) (Because you like breaking your neck?) (... That too.) (^_^_v) [The ground rumbles, and then the eye slowly splits as solid slab of rock seperates into two, each half moving to one side, the noise it makes sounding almost like a yawn, revealing an immense, dark cavern. Ten minutes later, it stops and the wind dies, and Running Cloud plunks unceremoniously onto the sand, breathing heavily.] ... sure beats a doorknob. * MaryAnne says "That was a most interesting display." * John walks up to Running Cloud, offering her a hand. "You okay?" * Millie mutters low under her breath as the wind's dying down, but still enough to mask it slightly. "Guess it's somethin' ol' Millie's gonna hafta get used to..but I still don't like it.." * RunningCloud nods, gasping. "Yeah. Just tired." She accepts the help up, though. * Jinx smiles and walks up. "Most impressive." * Mikoto shifts his gaze from Running Cloud to the eye-rock now, then mmms and steps forward with the others. * Millie slowly walks over to the tunnel, peering inside and whistling lightly. "That's really somethin' though.." * John looks around. "Let's get going. We can't waste any more time." * Jinx holds up his lantern. "So, anyone care to hold this lantern? Or am I going to have to use a pistol." He doesn't seem pleased by that prospect. It won't stay open for long. You had better be going. Right..who's takin' point? * Jinx walks in. * Mikoto offers a hand to Jinx. "I'll take it." * Jinx hands over the lantern before he goes, smiling. "Thanks." * Tairan follows John, keeping slow so Mikoto can take point. * John walks into the cave. "Get in, then we decide who's carrying the lights." * Millie nods and waits a little before entering, keeping fairly near the back, but not dead last. * MaryAnne walks in, following along. * RunningCloud hangs onto John's hand, yanking him back. "Not so fast." * John is yanked back. "Um, what's wrong this time?" * Millie stops and blinks at RunningCloud. "Ya jus' said we'd best be goin' though...unless you're comin' with us...I wouldn't mind an' all..." * RunningCloud stands on her toes and kisses John on the lips, then steps away. "Come back alive." She doesn't say it like a request. * Mikoto walks into the mouth of the cave, turning around and smiling a little at John and Running Cloud. * John looks a little stunned by the kiss, but then smirks. "I've lived this long and you think I'll let a little thing like an unexplored tunnel stop me?" * Millie smirks and flicks her hat up by her thumb, giving an extra grin towards Running Cloud before nodding and heading in. * Jinx chuckles and waves at RC from inside the cave. "Pleasure working with you." And me without my violin. * RunningCloud winks at Millie. "Of course not. Get moving. And don't make me shoot you, Easterner." I'll be back, I still have business to take care of. And make sure Crazy Feathers takes good care of Hazel for me, will ya? Aw, cut it out, ya saps. * Tairan tips his cap. "Good luck to you, and I'll do my best to keep John alive." * RunningCloud nods at Tairan. Me too..though I can't promise he'll be walkin' proper if he tries ta run away.. * Millie lets her grin widen and whistles, waving offhand to RunningCloud as she heads into the cavern. * John lets go of RC's hand. "Well, I don't have much time to go in, right? I'll see ya later." He winks at her, then heads into the tunnel. * RunningCloud smiles faintly and watches you all go. [You enter the tunnel! As stated before, it's *huge*. One wonders why Running Cloud insisted you leave your horses behind, but if she's to be trusted, it's going to get a lot more narrow later. The light from outside illuminates a good ways, but already you can hear the rock moaning as the eye begins to close.] * Jinx glances around the tunnel, taking one last glance back at RC before turning to the group. "I'd be happy to lead if Mikoto will follow close behind with the light." Someone light that lantern quick 'fore we don't have any light ta do it. * Millie sniffs the cavern carefully, getting a feel for the area. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-1) and gets 1, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I'm a child of extremes. Have a crit, and a nice day to go with it." * Tairan looks back at RC as they start to walk, then nudges John in the ribs. "Explain to me why you'd not come back?" *grin* * John smiles back at Tairan. "I never said I wouldn't, did I?" * Mikoto holds up the lantern, which shakes a little. "I'd be happy to." I think he means why ya wouldn't wanna go back ta HER. [A match appears in Jinx's hand and lights, he then puts the match in the lantern.] [The lantern explodes! Uh, I mean, it lights up nicely, filling the immediate area with light. Sunlight is at about half-strength by now.] So, that done... Shall we go? * MaryAnne says "Let's do." * Tairan nods, and walks. Ah, see, there's the problem. She's just the first, and most reasonable as well. And, well, let's just say you don't want ta get on her bad side. * Millie nods and rolls her shoulders, closing her eyes slightly. "The sooner we get outta this place, the better.." * MaryAnne walks along using her folded umbrella as a walking aid to help prevent her from slipping or walking into an open hole. * Millie grins and winks at John. "Kinda like me?" * MaryAnne says to Millie "Are you claustrophobic?" * Jinx takes the lead, shotgun aiming at the fartherest visible bit of ground in front of the group. Claustrowhatic now? * Tairan eyes John. "I'm not sure whether to be jealous or be sorry for you." [Your footsteps echo! This is when some people would yell "jelly belly" and "smelly socks" and "underwear", but you're probably too cool to do that.] * John walks along confidently, not saying "jelly belly", "smelly socks", or "underwear." That doesn't mean I wouldn't, though. * MaryAnne says "Well, you sounded like you disliked being in inclosed spaces. Does being in this cave make you feel overly nervious?" Just watch yourself. * Millie raises an eyebrow. "Why in Thae wouldja ever think that?" * Mikoto glances around. "It hardly feels enclosed. What high ceilings..." * MaryAnne says "Oh, I see. You merely ment to say that you are just ancious to make progress." * Millie shrugs and walks along, not seeming the least bit timid, stretching. "I jus' like open skies an' plenty of room is all...doesn't mean I can't stand a little crampiness. Err..yeah, that too. Just think of it as a big, poorly lit house. But ya can't tell me ya don't prefer comfort ta trekin' 'round through caverns. [The tunnel starts narrowing a bit, but nothing too terrible.] When it's necessary, it's necessary, but I don't have ta particularly enjoy it, do I? * John nudges Tairan. "You say you've had some 'luck' with the ladies as well, right? Care ta explain?" * MaryAnne comments "I wonder if there are any bats in here?" * John smirks. * MaryAnne looks about. * Millie walks along slowly, putting her arms behind the back of her neck. "If there are, they can't be any worse than those hackerwings we got tangled up with earlier." If by 'luck' you mean bad luck, then yes. * Jinx eyes the ground and ceiling, and nie everyway else as he walks. Though he does seem to be listening to the conversation. * MaryAnne continues to walk along. (Is the lantern a bullseye one or does it shine in all directions? Just curious) ( It's got a big bullseye painted on it. Does that count? ) (...no) Last... well, first relationship I was in ended with the girl nearly earning me a beheading. * Millie winces but doesn't turn around towards Tairan..still seems to be listening. "That happen a lot in your country?" Oh, is that all? * Jinx chuckles. "Well, as your head is still attached, it doesn't seem to be all bad luck." Well, the nearly was only because I was exiled from my home on penalty of the aforementioned beheading. [Awareness checks. HA and HS (hearing) count.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 8. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6) and gets 7. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 7. Exiled, eh? 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 5. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 7. Yeah. Place I'm from, they're psychotic about guns. Hate 'em. I figure, hell, use the best tools you have at your disposal. She... they disagreeed. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "My momma always said, you gotta take the good with the bad. Here's some good." * Millie 's eyebrow twitches slightly. "Psy-psychotic? How?" Ouch. Well, my family didn't have any problem with guns. I'll tell ya that much. This...ain't the whole country is it? Is it jus' your town? Well, place I'm from is a small territory. They got some code or something there I bet. * Jinx glanced back at Tairan. "So we won't have that sort of the problem in most of the east?" I hope not...ain't NOBODY takin' Greenpeace 'way from ol' Millie. Nah. Most places close to the mountains are fine with guns. My clan... they're hardcore with the whole 'samurai honor' bullshit. [Mikoto hears water dripping ahead. Mary Anne can tell that it's just a little over a hundred feet away, and in fact, could probably tell you about how many drips of water there are, but she doesn't show off like that.] (You know John would) * Mikoto shakes his head at Jinx without stopping or turning around. "Guns... well, the sword has a special place in the east, you have to understand. A samurai's sword is more than just a weapon." He blinks. "An underground stream? I can hear water." (Yes, I know John would.) * Millie takes off her rifle and starts stroking the barrel with one hand and nuzzling it with her cheek. "Don'tchu worry baby..no one's gonna hurt you..." * John ignores Millie's comments. He's gotten used to this by now. ( The samurai sword is more than just a weapon. It's a badass killing machine. ) * Jinx resumes looking forward but keeps talking. "Ah, so if I'm attacked by a Samarai, is looting the sword a bad idea that's going to cause more trouble in the long run?" More than a weapon.. Like a way of life? So yeah. Was out on a bandit hunt, my team got ambushed. We regrouped, had the advantage, but the leader was makin' a beeline for my girl. Too many guys between me and him, so I pulled out my pistol and blew the bandit's head off. Sensible. * Millie blinks, just catching onto the conversation. "Well, I can't argue with that really...I mean everyone's gotta have somethin' that means more than the world ta them.." * John nods. I thought so. Rest of my troops did, too. They weren't gonna say anything... she did. * Mikoto nods at Jinx. "In most families, there's an ancestral katana passed down from father to son. It's more than just his weapon, it's his family's honor. Stealing it is asking for more trouble than it's worth." * Tairan spits. "I saved her life, and she turned me in to my goddamn father." * Mikoto keeps looking ahead for the source of the water dripping, shading his eyes from the lantern. * Jinx ruuns his hand through his hair. "Good to know. Vindictive family members can be a real hassle." A weapon's...like a person's trademark..they put their personality inta it...stealin' it from someone else is like stealin' a bit o' their soul... * Millie lets out a sigh, still cradling Greenpeace close, oblivious to how weird it looks. * John pats his pistol. "More like taking their security blanket." (Well... one of them anyways.) * Jinx calls back to Tairan. "Could have been worse. You could have found out how impractical and disloyal she was after you married her. I think exile would look good by comparison." Hey guys, how close is that stream you were talking about? * Mikoto looks over his shoulder at Millie and smiles briefly. "A bit like that, yes." He turns to John. "I don't know. I can't see it. But I can hear dripping water." * MaryAnne says "Maybe another 80 feet or so now." * Tairan scowls at Jinx. "Oh yeah, getting kicked out of my home and being forced away from everyone I ever knew is a really good thing." Just making sure we don't run into the water. * John looks at Tairan. "It's never a good thing. At least the people you once knew aren't trying to kill you." * Millie smiles slightly at Tairan. "Don'tchu worry none. Not everyone's fond of foreigners, but you're okay in my book...I'm not gonna look kindly on anyone who's kicked someone out simply for defendin' 'imself.. ... well, actually... * Mikoto glances over his shoulder at Tairan. "Your father had rank?" Dunno how much they're after me, but if any of the fighters loyal to my pops see me, they'd prolly try to kill me. Yeah, the sadistic fuck is the head of the clan. * John smirks at Tairan. "Just watch my back, and I'll watch yours." * Mikoto laughs embarassedly. "I feel a little out of place. You and Suzunosuke both seem to come from such distinguished families." He pauses, then frowns. "Sorry. That came out wrong." * Millie raises an eyebrow and looks around at the group. "Am I the only one here without anyone really after me? Well, Mary I doubt it..." "My goodness, Mister Tairan, I didn't realize you had such a vular mouth. Most disappointing." * Jinx shrugs. Most of us can curse off with the best of them Mary. You'll get used to it. Nothin' distinguished 'bout my family, lemme tell ya. s'why I'm glad not ta have my family name anymore. Like gettin' a layer of mud washed off. * MaryAnne says "I would rather not." [You enter a huge room. And I mean huge. Almost as big as that Injun village where you ran into Running Cloud. There are odd rock formations everywhere, and the dripping is coming from the stalagtites hanging from the high ceiling as droplets fall from their tips and into the stagnant pools in the floor. The rock splits on the sides of you, making ramps to the openings in the wall, and there are other openings below those.] * Tairan eyes MaryAnne. "I'm a soldier and a bandit hunter, ma'am. Not a monk." * Mikoto blinks, cut off from saying anything further by the sudden change in scenery. "Well, it's not a stream... incredible." * Millie lets out a sigh. "I mean there's reasons an' all I'm sure, but really, there's some things ya don't wanna bring with ya to the table an' bring trouble to the rest of 'em..but Millie'll deal. Always has." She sets her stock against the tunnel floor and looks up. [There are, mind, openings at the end, but no clear way as to which one to take. This might be why Running Cloud didn't go far in.] * Jinx whistles lightly. "Nice... Didn't realize the journey would be so scenic." ... impressive. * John looks around. "If anyone was claustraphobic, they're not anymore." * Millie looks around at the tunnels and blinks a bit. "Well this is a fine howdy..." * Millie pulls out her compass and looks at it to get her bearings. [Millie's voice echoes! No smelly socks, though.] * Millie tries to ignore the echo as she looks at her compass. * Yu-Mei has joined #RSP [The compass points east.] * Mikoto waves the lantern around a bit to spread light in particular directions. "I wish I knew a bit more about geology. It seems impossible that this is man-made." * Jinx takes out a die and tosses it, then catches it in his hand and glances at the outcome. d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (d6) and gets 3. * MaryAnne looks about and says "Well, we'll only gain distance if we don't get lost. Miss Running Cloud didn't mention to my recallection that there were multiple choices in so far as which direction to take. Most perplexing." She said she never went far in... s'prolly why. Mmmm...well, we're headin' east..we don't know if the tunnel bends back on itself though.." * Jinx points to the third tunnel from the left. "I say we go that way." We never know which one to take until we make that step. If I can borrow your pen, I'll try an' sketch a map as we go along... ( 'Cause we all know how good Millie is at mapmaking ^^ ) * MaryAnne says "Oh, certainly." * Mikoto laughs at Jinx. "It's as good a method as any for choosing a path." (Hush :P) * Jinx grins back. "Doesn't always work, but it is quick and definitive." * MaryAnne reaches into her handbag and fiddles about for a moment until she produces a pen "Here you are." * Millie turns towards the tunnel Jinx pointed out and looks at the compass to see which direction it heads. * John looks at the tunnels. (How many are there?) (At least three I hope. ^^; ) * Millie reaches for the pen without comment and takes out a small journal. (Lots. Lots and lots and lots. Only about five that are really feasible, though, unless you want to crawl your way through.) * MaryAnne says "I will leave the direction finding to those with the proper knowledge, as I certainly have never been spelunking before." * Millie looks at Mary with a blank expression. "..who ever said Millie was a spelunker?" Well, not only is the third on the right what the dice said, it's also the third one on the left too. * Tairan shrugs. "Guy's a card player, and he's still alive, so he's gotta be lucky. Better than any guess I got." I'm up for taking the middle. * Mikoto glances at Millie. "It means 'cave explorer', Miss Reinhart." Yeah..whos aid I was that? * Mikoto looks vaguely perplexed. "Nobody?" He glances at the tunnels. "I don't have a particularly strong feeling about any of them." * Jinx smiles some at Tairan, and then chuckles at John's comment. (And GMs, which way does the middle tunnel lead according to the compass? Still East?) Middle soounds good to me. Worst that could happen is that we end up lost, starve to death, and our bleached bones are only found hundreds of years from now. * MaryAnne says "Well, atleast you seem versed at traversing through the wilderness. I was rather hoping that you also were versed at traversing through caverns." ( More or less. ) * Millie shrugs. "A little..I wouldn't say WELL versed but there's been some around..but hardly makes me a speeeelunker does it?" That's a weird word, Spelunker. * John nods. "We're not getting anywhere just standing here. Let's go." * Millie puts the compass away for now, but puts it in her pocket for convenience. * Jinx nods. "Yeah, I've been in enough caves and crypts to know you don't find your way by standing still." He then starts walking towards the middle passage. * John follows Jinx. * Mikoto follows behind Jinx, switching the lantern to his other hand. * Millie takes careful note, and pinpoints East as she draws a sketching of the cavern and openings before walking towards the passage. * MaryAnne walks along with the others while using her folded umbrella as a walking aid. * Tairan walks. "So yeah. I got some people after me. After my sword, really." That's sort of ironic, people seem to want to kill you no matter what weapon you have. * Mikoto glances at Tairan. "You took your family's sword, I take it?" * Tairan grins. "Going away present of sorts. Was mine, anyway... only took it away because of the bullshit with the pistol." [The tunnel you walk down is about wide enough for three people standing side by side. Not nearly as wide as what you had before.] * John smirks. "Revenge, yeah, we can all use some of it." * Mikoto smiles faintly. "I won't contest your right to it... but it certainly explains why your relations would kill to get it back." * Millie concentrates on the compass as she walks, pausing every so often to add to her sketching. She's awfully quiet, but that might just be a result of the concentration. * Jinx smiles at Tairan. "Exiling yourself with a family heirloom, that's style. Far better than just deciding to find a way back into the family, whatever the cost. I'll have your back too if those guys show up." Thanks. I just wish I coulda seen his face when he realized the sword was gone. * MaryAnne walks along quitely so as to avoid distracting Millie as she charts the groups course. Knowing how things are going, I think you'll have your chance. (Roll me cartography, Millie, with a -1 bonus.) * Mikoto mmms, then looks at Tairan again. "That technique you know... does that run in your family? Or is it something you learned on your own?" 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-2) and gets 6. [Millie's map is looking just a little out of proportion.] (But does SHE know that? ^_^) s'not a technique, really. Somethin' the sword can do. Has some sorta mystical runes etched into it. (Probably not :P) * Mikoto raises an eyebrow. "Even more reason that they'd want it back, then, but a useful treasure to have." Keeps it sharp, and lets it do that neat little trick. (It's all you guys talking ;_;) [The tunnel starts turning to the right. Then left! Wheee. It also narrows a little.] * Millie draws the turns, hmming at the map. "It may not be perfect but hopefully it'll do..." * Tairan draws his katana, and eyes the Shomuran writing on it. "The Wrath of the Earth is Swift. All Shall Return To The Earth." * Millie checks the compass for each of the directions. * MaryAnne says "I have confidence in you." * Jinx keeps watching, his guard is slipping a bit. "I really got to wonder if the artifacts are worth the bother, the better it is, the more people want to kill you for it." Hey... where's Suzunosuke? [It's about now you realize none of you know where Suzunosuke is.] He snoozes, he loses, that's what I say.. * Millie doesn't look up from the compass, still pinpointing the directions. Ah, but the better it is, the harder it is to kill you for it... aw crap, we left Suzunosuke behind. * John looks around. "I bet he got lost." * Mikoto glances at the tunnel walls, a little uneasily. "Mm. That was my reason for studying the martial arts..." He blinks, then looks at John. "...oh my god. How did that entire conversation about honor swords pass, and I didn't even notice?" * MaryAnne trys to recall if she saw him enter the cave with the group or not. *That's* what was tugging at my mind. [Suzu did enter the cave.] * Jinx glances at Mikoto with respect for a moment, then looks around. * MaryAnne says with worry "My goodness. How could he have gotten lost?" * Jinx sighs. "OK, so if we back track, Tairan, can you tell when his tracks seperate from the group?" * Mikoto frowns. "Well, we can't just wander off without him...." It's easy really. But he sure can wander off without us. * John sighs. "I guess we're backtracking." * Millie snaps up her compass and lets out a deep long breath. "Oh fine...that boy's more trouble than he's worth sometimes..good intentions and all but.." * MaryAnne signs and then says "Well, I guess that would be the best thing to do." * Millie doesn't finish that but semi-stomps her way back the way she came, snapping her journal shut. I dunno... he's gonna find his way here eventually. If we leave some signs of which path we took, he'll prolly catch up. * Jinx glances around. "We could try shouting for him as we go, though that may draw attention..." Do you really think there's anything down here? We'll still have to backtrack at least to the scenic cavern then though. I don't think he has a die to guide him. Less yappin', more walkin'...we ain't leavin' him behind. * Jinx shrugs at John's comment. "I've been surprised before, but yeah, it's probably worth the risk." Right. Put some kinda marker at the entrance... I'll run back and leave my hat. * John starts walking back the other way. "Millie's right. We're not getting any closer to him just standing here." ... and he damn well better bring it along. All of you stay here. I'll be right back. * Mikoto sighs. "I feel like such a fool." Stay here? You a damned fool? We ain't stayin' in the dark an' we're not lettin' you go in the dark either.. * Jinx begins walking back, hangs his shotgun over his shoulder, cups his hands around his mouth and calls out "Suzonosuke!" As loud as he can without straining his voice. Less ya got another lantern on ya. [Jinx's voice echoes!] * MaryAnne smiles at Millie "Afraid of the dark?" ... excellent point. Okay, we all backtrack to the tunnel entrance, we leave something for him to follow, then we head back. Sound good? * Millie turns over to Mary, looking more than a little irritated. "Will ya quit that? I'm sensible, not scared." * MaryAnne giggles at Millie. No offense to his person, but ya think he's smart enough to follow the trail with the hat? * Millie lets out a huff and digs through her pack, pulling out one of her torches and tossing it to Tairan. "Here." * Jinx takes out a torch. "Could leave one of these, lit, quite noticable really. Maybe a note written in that crazy script of yours." * Jinx puts away his torch and grins at Millie. 2d6+3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6+3) and gets 10. * Millie then swivels around angrily towards Jinx and Mary and points at them. "Listen you...ya may think it's funny, but if there IS somethin' in here, how ya think we're gonna fend 'em off if we can't see?" * MaryAnne smiles at Millie and says "Your cheeks form the cutest little puffy face when you get flustered. If you're not careful, one of these fine gent..." she looks at Tairan and eyes him and then back to Millie "...leman might propose." ... actually, torch sounds better than a hat. * Millie 's cheeks puff out even more, and she glares evil evil daggers at Mary. * MaryAnne smiles at Millie. Millie has a point though. It's best not to be blindfolded if we don't have to be. * Mikoto breathes out. "It's probably better if we travel as a group. Do you want to do this again if one of US gets lost?" ... OKAY THEN. We all walk back. Leave a torch, a note, a cave painting, maybe a statue of a big pointing finger, whatever. * Jinx laughs. "If we're attacked in the dark, we could always just shoot blind. If we're lucky enough to be badly outnumbered, we'd probably hit them." Yeah, let's go already. * MaryAnne smiles more at Millie. * Millie huffs deeply, making a point to ignore Mary, turning her full back to her and walking over towards Tairan, grabbing him by the arm and tugging away. "Let's go. ( While you're waiting, the bandits get away! D'oh! ) * John starts walking back along with the rest of the group. * MaryAnne follows along. * Tairan is dragged. "... hey!" ( Aww.. No money.. guess we should terrorize the countryside instead! ) * Jinx walks briskly and takes the lead again. ( I filled that kitty so full of lead, we'll have to use him for a pencil instead. o/~ ) * Mikoto traipses off with Jinx, since he's got the lantern. Lalala. [Ten minutes or so later, you make it back! Congrats. Still no sign of Suzunosuke. Now what?] ( Hey, I'm a fucking gentleman! And anyone who says otherwise will get a beating! ...) So.. can you see an extra set of tracks here Tairan? * Tairan looks around... ...I hope he didn't drown in that damned stream.. * Jinx calls out once again for the missing Easterner. [Jinx's voice echoes nicely around the cavern, and it doesn't cause it to collapse upon him!] * John looks around for any trace of the MIA Sam-R-I. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "A WINNER IS YOU!" [John's sure he didn't find anything!] (Yay! ^_^) (...) (It's always good to be positive) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 5. (I knew all those skill points in making echoes would pay off. ^^) ( I'm positive our GM's don't know what they're doing? ) (Say that again and I'm positive John will fall through a mysterious gaping hole never to be seen from again.) (GikaSMASH!) (And if you look down the mysterious gaping hole, some people say they can still see the glint off his teeth to this very day.) * Millie puts her hands on her hips and scowls a bit. "This is irritatin'..where could he've wandered off to?" (...) I don't see any trace of him. * Mikoto rubs his chin. "I hope we aren't going to repeat poor Miss Pippin's kidnapping in the cactus forest..." * MaryAnne says "Yes, a most curious situation." (A few days later, RunningCloud killed the entire party.) * MaryAnne says "That was a rather disenchanting experience." (Why? He's not running away, is he?) (No, he fell down a bottomless pit. =P) (So she'll at least know where he is all the time..she can hold the ceremony down there ^_^;) ( He bravely was killed by the Balrog so we can throw John into Mount Doom. ) * Jinx takes out a coin to flip. He mutters to himself. "Heads.. we keep looking." d2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (d2) and gets 1. So we just leave something here so he knows which path we took, and move on. He'll catch up. * MaryAnne says "Well, we are rather in a hurry." What can we leave so's he KNOWS it's us though? Maybe... I say we go back for him, we don't lose that much time, but I'm basing that off a coin toss. I say we leave something here so that if the tunnel wraps in around itself we know we've been here. I dunno... John, leave your teeth. He won't be able to miss the glint. Pretty boy's got a point too. * John chuckles. "I would, but I'm still using them. See?" * John grins, do his teeth shine? Alright, well no point waiting, either we keep going back for him, or we go forward and leave a torch. Simple really. * MaryAnne says "A coin toss is merely an exercise in probababilities, Mister Jinx, although if reason and logic can provide no better options, I suppose it's a good as way to make a decison as any." * Millie eyes John, her delicate eyelids narrowing down on them as she does. "You keep doin' that, I swear I'll shoot a tooth out onea these days.." * Jinx nods. "I quite agree." Uh, with MaryAnne. We could arrainge some stone to form an arrow pointing down this tunnel... if we had enough loose stones, I could probably spell out Suzunosuke's name. Well, a torch is all well an' good, but how will he know it don't belong ta someone else..there's gotta be somethin' distinct ta us so he knows it's us. Like... * MaryAnne says "Well, I rather dislike the idea of abandoning someone." Torch with a note. * Millie rubs her chin. "A piece of Miss Mary's dress..or somethin'..." I wonder if Suz'll take the time ta read a note.. * MaryAnne looks at Millie. * Mikoto looks around. "Do we have something that could carve a mark in stone?" * Millie doesn't look at Mary, she's idly thinking, yes she is. * Tairan unsheathes his sword. "I can try." * John blinks at Tairan's sword. "Ya sure that can cut rock?" * MaryAnne says "That would reveal my petticoat Miss Reinhart! That would be most unexceptable." * Mikoto smiles a little. "The character for 'haiku'. It might mean something to him." So's losin'a partner, wouldn'tcha say, Miss Mary? * Tairan goes up to the cave wall near the entrance to the tunnel. "No, but it's worth a shot." *tries to carve the character into the wall* * Millie 's still not looking Mary in the eye. "Ya gotta find out which is more important..." Does he even have a torch? * Jinx puts the coin away and weilds his shotgun again. [Tairan, give me Visual Arts +1] * MaryAnne stomps and says "I must put my foot down and draw the line. You are merely trying to exact payment for my earlier jest." 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6+1) and gets 9. * Millie eyes Mary calmly, fluttering her lashes a bit as she blinks. "Ya think I'd do that?" [Tairan carves into the wall! It... doesn't look much like any sort of writing.] * John scratches his head. "Is that what it's supposed to look like?" * Mikoto looks at the carving and eyebrow-twitches a little. "Well... it's certainly noticable." * MaryAnne says "Yes, I most certainly do believe you would." ... okay, that's why I'm a soldier, not an artist. Honestly, which is more important? Your dignity or the people ya trusted ta look after this tablet?" It don't hafta be a LARGE piece...I'm sure ya can manage..unless the boys can manage ta make somethin' noticeable.. * Jinx taps his fingers against his leg. * MaryAnne says "We'll..." she looks flustered as her cheeks are clearly blushed even in the partal light "...just leave the torch and sigil." * John snickers. "I can make somethin' noticable, but it'd probably bring the roof down on us." I'll leave my sword sheath, if need be. He'll recognize that. * Jinx sighs. "Look, I'm sure he'll pick the right tunnel, by luck of the draw if nothing else, let's go." * MaryAnne says "Yes, that's what we'll do - leave a torch and sigil." * Millie rolls her eyes. "Honestly..." Okay. Someone light a torch. I've got a few sticks in my pack, I think... might be able to spell out something he'd recognize with them. * Jinx shakes his head. "Trust me, he'll know the right way. Let's go." He grins slightly at Millie. "I'm sure you'll get another chance to payback Mary Anne, but we should keep moving." Just carve *something* on the wall, like an arrow. Then leave a torch next to it. * Millie shrugs and reaches into her pack, digging out a match and striking it against the cavewall. * Tairan nods, and attempts to carve an arrow into the wall. * MaryAnne watches, still clearly flustered. * Mikoto sighs and breathes out. "Not that I want to abandon him, but, honestly... there's six of us, and he's an adult..." This is like a maze..anyone'd get lost if they're seperated..and there's no way out either except through. [Tairan carves an arrow.] * Millie puts the match to the torch she'd given Tairan earlier, assuming he still has it. :P * Jinx starts walking towards the cave once Tairan is done. "I dunno, I picked the middle tunnel at random, for some reason I think he will too, even without the torch. Let's move." Leave the torch. Now we go. ... There. An arrow. Maybe I have a future as an artist after all. * Millie takes a step back and sighs a bit, shaking the match. "There goes probably 'bout 30 bucks..." A bad artist, granted. Hey, my maps haven't been turnin' out all too well lately either..we've all got our low points. * Jinx offers Millie one of the two torches he just acquired. * MaryAnne still seems flustered and says "Yes. Let us do be off. We have wasted quite enough time." * John starts'a'walkin' down the tunnel. * MaryAnne stomps along after John. * Millie looks at Jinx oddly for a moment, then looks at the torch, taking it wearily. "Errm...thanks..." * Millie keeps an odd eye on Jinx as she turns around and heads back down the middle tunnel. * Jinx shrugs and goes again to the head of the group. Walking in the darkness and holding out faith in Mikoto. ^_^ * John echos down the tunnel. "Are you gonna come, or do we have to hold your hand?" * Tairan walks. * Mikoto manages to succeed at both walking and holding an object at the same time. Must be all the martial arts training. [Walkity walk walk...] (Sword sword swordity sword swordity sword girl sword sword...) * Jinx occassionally glances over to Mikoto as he walks. "What you said before about martial arts being preferable to artifacts made a lot of sense. I mean I'm a gunman in part because it's always easy to find one, but you'll never be unnarmed." ( Wanna bet? ^^ ) ( What odds are you offering? ^^ ) ( If you have my arms amputated, I quit, for the record. :P ) (He would be if a bear pulls his arms off =P ) (How about one of your arms? We can replace it with a hookshot!) (Bah..that just means they'll have to kill you instead Mikoto) (Oooh, Hookshot!) * Mikoto shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe... the truth is, it's best to know a little of everything. A martial artist is never unarmed, but against an armored opponent, he's helpless. A gunslinger is in trouble at close range, a swordsman at a distance... there is a give and take to everything." * John smiles. "Who said you can't shoot a gun at close range?" * Millie grins and taps her rifle. "I'd like ta see someone get close to Millie's barrel.." * MaryAnne stomps along "Please quite lolligaging everyone." she urges John along faster by pushing him along with her palms to his back. [You go through the twisty little passage just like the last twisty little passage you went through, probably because it is the last one.] Um, MaryAnne? Jinx is the one in front. * Jinx nods and briefly puts his hand on his tomahawk. "I see what you mean, I keep this thing around for more than just cultural heritage after all." * Millie whispers to whoever happens to be close to her, though it seems to be a stage whisper. "She's just upset 'bout the whole dress thing.." * Jinx sets a rather fast pac. * MaryAnne says "But you're in front of me." * Mikoto laughs. "Well, it's best to be prepared." He picks up the pace when Jinx does. (Jinx, gimme awareness.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 6. * Tairan does the same. (dr) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 6. (dr2) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 8. ( I'm standing more or less next to him, 'cause I got the lantern. ) (Lolligagger pointman :P) [Jinx trips over something! And fortunately regains his balance before he falls to the floor.] * Jinx tries to play it off. "Yeah, theres a, rock there, uh.. watch for that." * John stops himself before Mary Anne pushes him into the trippy thing. * MaryAnne 's face runs into John's back "Ow." * Millie stops and looks down to see if it really IS a rock. * John was just about to do that, but doesn't. ^_^ * Tairan avoids the trippy thing. * Jinx glances down himself, satisfied that no one found what he said slightly credible. [When Jinx looks down, he sees... a pant leg! AAAAAH!] * MaryAnne stands back and says "DO stop so suddenly." Shit! Mikoto, give me some light here. ("Do you have to stop so suddenly?") ( I think she means your pant leg, Jinxy. ^_^ ) (No she doesn't. ^^) Hey, you're the one pushing me. (but jinx doesn't wear pants! Wait, no.. he does.. never mind) * Mikoto blinks and comes to a stop, walking back a few steps and holding up the lantern. * MaryAnne says "Well, you should walk faster." * MaryAnne says "Now, what's this all about? Why have we stopped?" * Jinx calls back to the group. "Uh, Mary Anne, you may not want to see this." He then kneels down to get a closer look. Making sure a rock Jinx tripped over is really a rock. Never know what it could be. * MaryAnne says "See what?" * MaryAnne looks. * John stays standing there and blocks Marry Anne's way. * Mikoto looks down, then eyebrow-twitches. "Well, that certainly... is not a rock." * MaryAnne sees John's back. * Jinx nods. [Mikoto bathes the area in light! How lovely. There's three (yes, count them, three!) skeletons, all on the floor. Two of them are dressed in Teckian clothing, and the third (which is a little away from you) is dressed in Shomuran.] * John puts his hand up to his face. "It's what I'm thinking it is, right?" * Millie grumbles and steps forward, kneeling down to look at...eww. * Tairan looks. "I keep finding skeletons in caves..." * MaryAnne inquires "A skeleton, you say?" * Mikoto glances at Tairan. "Better than in the street." * Millie takes an inch back, her eyebrow twitching a bit. "That...we ain't gonna end up like that.." * Jinx quickly stands up and scans the area for potential blocks to the exits or traps. * Millie looks to see if there's anything else left of them besides clothing. * John shrugs, then walks forward to the skellies. "You can really look if you want, but just thought you'd want to know before you glanced over." * MaryAnne inquires further "A people skeleton?" (Heh!) Yes, a human one...an' quit shelterin' the girl...it ain't gonna hurt her. * John looks. "Three of them, in fact. Strange, they're different nationalities too." [There's a katana lying near the ex-Shomuran, but only the hilt is left. The rest of the katana, you figure, must be all those metal bits sticking in the Teckian clothing.] * Millie raises an eyebrow. "Musta been a fight.." * Mikoto blinks. A lot. "What could he have been fighting that *shattered( a sword blade like that?" * Jinx quits looking at everything in the room but the skeletons. "Oh, that's reassuring. I was afraid the room was trapped." * MaryAnne stands up straight and uses her handfan to fan herself while she suddenly finds the cavern wall to be most interesting. * MaryAnne says "What a pretty wall." * MaryAnne 'hmmms' [A rifle lies across one of the Teckians, and the other has a pistol near its skeletal hand. And a gleaming knife near the other.] I think they was fightin' each other...I might be wrong though...would explain why the bits ended up in them...but not how it shattered.. * John checks his gun, then holsters it. "You'd be surprised at what can shatter a sword. Just hit it in the right spot and it'll go to pieces." ...eh? * Jinx takes a closer look at the pistol. Nice knife... * Millie gets a slightly happier look as she goes over to check out the rifle. Whatcha find? * Tairan goes for the knife! * Mikoto frowns. "Even if that's true, it's very difficult to do." * MaryAnne says while looking at a wall "Well, unless you see some reason to do otherwise, perhaps it would be best if we continued onwards." * John would go for the pistol, but Jinx already got it. ;_; [The knife stabs Tairan! No, not really. But you would have believed it.] I wonder if it's still workin'... * Jinx picks up the pistol, unloads it, and then examines it. * Millie inspects the handiwork and craftsmanship carefully, like a connaiseur. [The rifle Millie's looking is pretty thoroughly rusted over. Jinx unloads the pistol, and a pair of bullets pop out, one shining an unnatural yellow, and the other a glowing white.] * Millie hmms and looks to see if it's loaded too. * Jinx stares. "What the hell? Millie, what do you make of this?" * Millie snaps out of it a bit and turns towards Jinx. "Hmm?" * John notices the glow out the side of his eye. "Now *that's* different." ( Oh god. You killed Kaze! You bastards! ) [It is! It was a bolt-action rifle, in fact, and the bullet that pops out of it is a bright red.] * Mikoto pauses, eyeing the bullets. "That might explain the shattered sword." Or if you're usin' screwed up weaponry like that, that'd work. * Jinx holds is hand out to Millie. "Anyone want this gun, pretty worthless aside from these, near as I can tell." * Millie takes out her own bullet and turns it over and over in her hand, then looks at Jinx's. "Give 'em here.." * Jinx grins and holds them out for her. * Tairan examines the knife...* Millie takes the bullets carefully. If she had a monacle or a monocular, you'd swear she was examining them like a jeweler examines a diamond. [The knife Tairan picked up has about three inches of blade, is perfectly balanced, sharp, and in beautiful condition.] (Dagger +1!) Hmm. Nice knife. (As if we'd be so boring as to give you a dagger +1 without a search check.) * Jinx smiles to himself. "Well, my paranoia about loaded weapons I'm unfamilar with has paid off before, but never like this," * John scratches his head. "Magick?" (We did a search check! And..errm...it failed..that's why we're looking at these bodies ^^;) * Mikoto breathes out. "I wonder what those people were doing in here... especially since it seems like it takes a special skill to get inside." (Nah, Jinx just did a Do-Not-Trip check.) * MaryAnne continues to look at the wall and fan herself. * Tairan steps a bit away from the others, and takes a few test swings/stabs with the knife. * Jinx keeps talking mostly to himself. "I mean, sure at the time shooting myself in the foot hurt like anything... but it's paid off in spades." ( Three inches of blade is not a dagger. ;) ) ( Three inches of blade is a letter opener. c.c; ) (snicker =P ) [The knife has a short blade because it's probably intended for throwing.] ( No, most letter openers have four or five inches. Three is the file on a pair of fingernail clippers. ^.^ ) ( Keen Vorpal Nail Clippers +1! ) (@_@) * Jinx takes one more, careful look over the bodies. Never know if they have an amunition pouch or something. (Vorpal nail clippers... Wow, that's why the FAA was so afraid of them.) Hey, Jinx, is that gun still in good shape? Or is it just like the other weapons? * Millie rolls the bullets in her hand. "Hmm...not sure...red might mean..fire? Yellow lightning and white as light?" Nice balance, too. Good for throwing. If I had a target, I'd test it out. * Jinx hands the gun over to John. "'fraid not. You're welcome to it. It's not as good as the one I have now." Anyhow, if any of you've got a medium revolver, these would be perfect for 'em.." * Mikoto blinks. "I have one. I barely use it, though..." * Millie pockets the rifle bullet for herself. * John checks his left weapon. "I use mine all the time if that's what you're askin'." * Jinx nods. "I do too, but I think John uses his more." Well, don't fight over 'em..here. * Millie holds her hand out, palm up with the bullets on them. * John takes the bullets carefully and looks at 'em with a bit of suspicion. "I 'supose we shouldn't use these unless we gotta." (Jinx, you checking bodies?) * Jinx defers to John. "I'd like the next heavy revolver we find, but you're welcome to those. I mostly use my shotgun." But I'm pretty sure they're enchanted somehow..but it'd give us one shot...a shot that's gotta count. (Yeah.) (Springing booby traps, that sort of thing.) (Roll me perception. Feel free if you want to raise your mind stat. :P) I don't know ta trust it..came from an old rifle an' all..that thing's older than me. (considering I rolled two sixes last time, I do) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 8. Heavier isn't always better Jinx. (dr3) (How much? One? I guess one.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 5. (grr... Oh, you can raise by multiple levels?) (Yes!) ( Cool, future reference) ( Yes, but keep in mind you only have so much EP, and it only regenerates after a day's rest, and only by your mind + soul. ) [Jinx fiiiiinds... cash! No, seriously. Between the three of them, he finds 260 dollars and 214 kanmon. In addition, on the rifle-bearing skeleton, he finds two more bullets: another red one, and a faint blue one.] * Jinx shrugs at John's comment. "I like stopping power. If you like medium's better than that's one more reason for you to have the bullets." * John takes the bullets and packs them where he places the rest of his ammo. He smirks. "That's why I use both." * Jinx doesn't react. But he does hold out his hand to Millie... * Millie rolls her eyes. Gunslingers, honestly. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-1) and gets 1, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "Fight! For everlasting love and peace!" * MaryAnne asks while still looking at the cavern wall and fanning herself "Are we quite through scavanging yet?" [And two more rifle bullet's appear out of nowhere, really, I mean it almost looks magic, but isn't.] Don't say I never gave you nothing. * Millie blinks and looks at them, then looks at Jinx critically. * Mikoto sighs and nods. "Not that I am against it in particular, but I'd like to move on, too." * MaryAnne says "I must say I really don't approve." Dead men don't need bullets. * MaryAnne says "Yes, let's do be off." * John raises an eyebrow. "What's the blue one for?" * Jinx stands up. "Alright. Found some money too. If you like I can keep covering party expenses with this stuff." * Millie slips puts her hand in her pocket and rolls her fingers over the bullets, huh.." Sounds fair. You've shelled out a fair amount of money already. * Mikoto nods. "I have no problem with that." * John nods. "It's only fair." Blue'd probably be..water? Or wind...course white might be wind too.. * MaryAnne says "I just want to hurry up and locate the scoundrals that heisted the train and recover the tablet as soon as possible." This whole thing's confusin' if ya ask me.. * Millie scratches her head. * John shrugs. "Could be. What's it fit?" * Jinx grins slightly. "Don't worry MaryAnne, I'll never push anything I acquire via such vile means on you." * Mikoto answers, looking at the cave ceiling, "White might be ice-related, perhaps." (It's a guitar string!) * Jinx gets walking. "I think that's all they have, we could search the room more, but we shoudl probably be on our way." * MaryAnne says "Well, I find that most relieving." * Millie looks the bullets over and smirks. "Rifle bullets..bolt action, jus' like my baby..works out good." * John chuckles and takes a look at the corpses. "Yeah. Let's get moving, unless you want to end up like them." So maybe the yellow's light? Eh, who knows.. We'll find out if we have to use them, right? * Mikoto shrugs, looking around. "Yellow may be lightning." * John starts walking forward. If you wanna stay at point, you'd better start walkin' too. * Millie walks past the corpses. "I already thought that..we won't know 'less we use 'em..but it'd be good ta have a faint idea before we do.. * Tairan follows along. "Yellow could also be lemon." * Mikoto starts walking, seeming nicely subdued. Does the element have to go with the color? * Millie just stares blankly at Tairan as she walks. "Why would someone make a lemon bullet?" * Jinx is already moving and keeps point. "That must have been some sword, the eastern took down superior numbers armed with magic weapondry." * MaryAnne walks along, taking a healthy step around the skeletons. (That's the way it works in Pokemon. Mikoto, I choose you!) An' I don't know...your fiancee's the mystic, Johnny. ( Easterners are all badass :P ) Wouldn't surprise me if the easterner was using a magic sword too. Who said she was my fiancee? She did, didn't she. * Millie grins at John mischieviously. "Who said she wasn't?" * John counts on his fingers. "I can think of three people off the top of my head." * Jinx chuckles. You agreed ta SOME sorta ceremony when ya came back, Johnny boy. I never agreed to anything. She pushed me inta it. [And so, you guys continue down the dank, dark tunnels of moderate doom. Minus one Suzunosuke, but plus a lotta phat-possibly-cursed lewtz, so it's all good!] [Session End.]