[You enter the stable! It's beautifully kept, and there are a couple veeery familiar looking horses in it. And one even more familiar face.] * Millie stops at the entrance to the stable. She's slightly dreading this, but she's been expecting it too. ...heya Crazy. * Jinx walks up to the Mary Anne and Millie. * MaryAnne looks annoyed and stands near Millie, letting Millie represent the group. How. Can Crazy Feathers help you? * Jinx looks up to see crazy feathers. "Hey, I'd like to reclaim Lightning. How's she doing?" * Millie grins. Widely. "Fancy seein' you here...your feet okay from all that runnin'?" Crazy Feathers is feelin' fine. * MaryAnne comments rather coldly "You seem to get around quite proficiently, Mister CrazyFeathers." Crazy Feathers' customer's horse is feelin' fine, as well. So yer jus' doin' horses here now or ya got some other supplies? I got some business I can conduct with ya. * Millie gives CrazyFeathers Charmer Smile #38. Crazy Feathers has emergency supplies. Price is greater because this is not Crazy Feathers' supply store. Hmm...jus' ink an' a pen? Even if it's one o' those Shomuran ones, that's fine. Crazy Feathers has these things. Also need ta rent another horse in addition ta Jinxy's an' Johnny boy's. Crazy Feathers has horse for rent. * Millie smiles. "Been a while since Millie's rode...wonder if I'm a little rusty..." She looks at the horses and smirks. "Nah." * Jinx comments to Mary Anne, in an extremely low tone. "Tairan's probably a good judge of things, and we're now short a man, I'd say double or nothing. But you are the boss and I will follow whatever you decide." Yeah? Let me look 'em over then. * CrazyFeathers gestures to the stable, where there are many horses. * MaryAnne comments while loking away from Jinx "I dislike such presumtious and abrasive individuals." * Millie starts looking over the horses with a casual gaze. Looking them over and rubbing her chin. Then going near the side of a few and running her hand down the back of the leg softly, clicking her tongue. (Jinx, roll Mind.) (I'll boost it by one) (Mary Anne, roll 2d6.) * Jinx nods. "I'm not enamored with her either and if she makes a move against you, I will stop her, with deadly force if necessary." * MaryAnne continues "She merely had to answer why she should desire to join us and why we should desire to allow her. It was quite the simple pair of questions, yet all she could say was 'Bandits? I'm going with you.' And I asked her three times." Bandits is a reason 'nuff for some people. * Millie 's not taking her eyes away from the horses before she lowers the hoof and scratches her chin. "How much for this one?" * Jinx nods. "Still, she could have answered the question. Like I said, your call." [Millie easily spots the best horse out of the lot.] * MaryAnne says "Still there is no reason for her to be so abrasive. She merely could have been polite and asked that she might join use because she has a gruge with these bandits and I am sure I would have been considerably more favorable." * Jinx nods. "Unfortunately, not everyone has your manners." * Millie grins and smiles up at the horse. "Hey now. You're a cutie." How much is it ta rent 'er out, Crazy? Crazy Feathers rent for 20 kanmon per day. Feeding is customer's responsibility. * MaryAnne asks "Who was that other girl? She sounded as if she was intending to join us as well." * Jinx scratches his head. "I'm actually not sure, performer of some sort, seems polite enough. I left the tavern before getting her story." * Millie nods. "Are ya gonna be travellin' though? I wanna be sure I can catch ya later..." Crazy Feathers always travel. Well...what if I can't find ya? Where should I bring the horse then? * MaryAnne looks towards CrazyFeathers "Yes, you'd swear you have a magic carpet hidden away as fast as you seem to get around." Isn't fair if ya charge for..say 3 extra days if those 3 days are jus' spent findin' yer next shop." Leave Crazy Feathers' horse at courier station. Millie may know more about the other woman. An' the money too? No. Crazy Feathers collect money when next we meet. Alright...hmmm... Crazy Feathers require collateral before rental. Ya got saddlebags too I assume? (Heh Heh) * Millie smirks slightly. "I was expectin' that actually." She reaches into her pants and palms somethin'. I was wonderin' myself... * CrazyFeathers nods. "Saddle bags rental 1 kanmon per day." Whatcha think this is worth? * Jinx walks over to the horses and tries to find Lightning. * Millie drops something into Crazy's hand. It gleams a little red. (The bullet?) (Yup) * CrazyFeathers looks at it. "Crazy Feathers pay 50 kanmon for it, were Crazy Feathers to buy." * John walks in. (Can I get a description, Ard?) * Millie smirks. "An' if ya were ta sell?" ( John instantly explodes so I don't have to type it out again :P ) So ya need somethin' more for collateral then? I guess straight cash'll do... (Hey, I'm the one who typed it out! :P) (Nah, Ard just sent me it in /msg.) (Staw, wood, stinkypiles, four legged things, ;) ) Crazy Feathers tell you if he ever have some to sell. * John sees CrazyFeathers, and Hazel as well. "So this is what's takin' you so long." He smirks. * CrazyFeathers nods. "200 kanmon for collateral. I get that back, raight? * CrazyFeathers nods. "Upon return of Crazy Feathers' horse." * Jinx coughs. "Huh, you only gave me 70 dollars collateral." Hmm... So...wouldn't that be 10 days worth o' rental? * Jinx keeps looking for Lightning. * CrazyFeathers nods. [Lightning's there.] * Jinx pets her nose and looks his horse over. [So's Hazel, incidentally.] So wouldn't it make sense jus' ta assume I take it out for 10 days, an' if I bring it back sooner, pay me the difference? [She's in good condition.] ( So's red hare. ) (And the hexmark. And the shadow runner.) * John walks over to Hazel, patting her on the nose. A smile creeps over his mouth as he sees her in good condition. "Well, at least he keeps his word." ( But no storm runner. Crazy Feathers didn't find that one yet. ) (But he will!) (Any Elephants? :P) * CrazyFeathers shrugs. "Crazy Feathers set price. You pay." ( Sand Elephants ) (Any Underground Monkeys?) ( No ) * Jinx walks over to Crazy Feathers and hands him $75. "Here's my deposit, I'll be taking Lightning back now. Thanks for looking after her." Alright....hmmm... * CrazyFeathers gives Jinx +1 Lightning * Millie takes out the other light blue bullet. "How 'bout this one?" Fifty kanmon Huh. So water's the same price is it? * John walks over to Crazy Feathers. "Our agreement was that I'd give you seventy on the safe return of Hazel. Here ya go, and thank you." He hands the CrazyFeathers $70. For now * CrazyFeathers gives John +1 Hazel Hmm? When does it change? * Millie pockets the bullet again. When Crazy Feathers say. (Which is better than +0 Hazels and especially better than -1 Hazels ; ) ) * Millie smiles slightly. "Interestin' attitude. Alright....how much would it be ta jus' buy the horse?" * John puts the saddlebags on Hazel. He also loads his two larger guns into the holsters up there. "Hey, where's MaryAnne?" * MaryAnne comments "I'm standing right here, of course." Three hundred and five kanmon. * Millie smiles slightly and sticks out her hand. "Then we got a deal." * Jinx puts his saddle bags on Lightning. He keeps his guns on his person. * John blinks as MaryAnne speaks up. "Just makin' sure... I wonder." Add on a saddle bag an' ink an' we'll be all set.