[You know how heroes are always riding off into the sunset? What they don't tell you is what happens after that. Namely, it gets dark and they're out in the middle of the wilderness. That's where we find our protagonists right now! You've just left the city, and now need to decide what your next step will be.] [Session Charge!] [And so they made camp and nothing happened during the night and then it was the next day. Look at the pretty sunrise!] * Jinx gets up fairly quickly and goes through his pockets for something. * MaryAnne goes about her normal morning routine. ( overnight healing? Or will we handle that later? ) * Jinx removes from his pocket and then holds in one hand the bullet Calamity Jan was so kind as to give him. "Hmm.. need to come up with a good line for when I return this." * Fanfan twitches a few times, then bolts upright, drawing her sword. ( I got it. People with reaccuring nightmares should make soul rolls, though ) * Millie doesn't look at the pretty sunrise because she's still sprawled on her back, arms flayed to the side as she semi-gracefully sleeps. Her hat's fallen off her head and is resting on its top a bit back, and her blouse is untucked. Other than that, she still looks pretty cute. * Fanfan then looks around a bit wildly. "...what?" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6) and gets 7. * Tairan waves at Fanfan. "Mage knocked you out cold. Fight's over. Relax." ....oh. * Fanfan sheathes her sword and sits down, rubbing her head. "What happened? Were we victorious?" * Sakura is already up and watching the others quietly. Not exactly... * Tairan splashes some water from his canteen in his face, and adjusts his hat. He ain't touchin' that one with a ten foot pole. * Jinx retrieves his shotgunn and gives it a cursory inspection. * Millie rolls on her side, grasping her rifle and murmering something under her breath. One leg comes up around it. It looks pretty awkward if she were awake. Well, it looks awkward asleep but she's pretty unaware of it. * John looks up from his sitting position that he slept in last night. "We were... unlucky." * Jinx holds up the bullet again. "I got this." He then gestures to a scar in his forehead. "Here. Hurt like hell really." * Fanfan 's eyes widen. "And you are still among the living? Remarkable!" * John smirks at Jinx. "He's more than he seems." He was not. ( "Inconceivable!" "... you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." ) * Millie blinks and slowly opens her eyes, blink blinking some more before she sits up on her knees, feet splayed out as she rubs her eyes slowly. "Huh? Wha's goin' on...?" * Fanfan does the stunned fish look. o.o * Jinx grins. "Remarkable.. that I am." He then walks breaks camp. It seems that much passed me by. * MaryAnne tidies herself up. * Fanfan shakes her head gingerly. "I apologize for not having been able to aid you in the battle." * Tairan finally decides to chime in. "Turns out Kojiro has the tablet. He split from Jan sometime before Izu. We're gonna try'n pick up his trail now." ( Bad Jinx. You broke it, you fix it. ) * Millie lazily picks up her rifle and sets it in her lap, droopy eyes looking over the rest of them. She still doesn't have her hat on and her blouse is untucked, but she still doesn't look bad at all considering. ( We get it! She's kyute. ) * Jinx puts his gear on Lightning. Oh, and Mikoto's now a healer. It's pretty damn cool. Interesting. (In an unrefined sorta way ;) ) * Millie leans on her rifle and closes her eyes, sighing. "There's also apparently another group after Janny, y'know. That's why were were...detained." [Setting reminder: You're in an area with lots of hills and grass, few trees] ... wha? * Millie looks down blearily and tucks in her blouse. * John takes a breath. "Some Injun named 'D' and a Shomuran lady. They just got lucky." Yeah. But it was an irritatin' sorta luck. Well, if they're after Jan, they ain't our problem, right? * Fanfan blinks. "A Shomuran woman with a naginata?" Oh yeah? Huh, well my rushing in really was a bad call I suppose. Maybe not..but...errr... * Jinx pets Lightning and puts away the spent bullet. * Millie stops midsentence and turns to Fanfan. "Yeah...howdja know that?" I believe I encountered them previously. In the same town where I first made the acquaintance of you all. ( She's already on her way to talkin' like a Teckian! That's just two letters and an apostrophe away from "y'all"! ) ( Arr! ) * Tairan is distracted from the conversation as he spies... a shrub. Stepping away from his pack, he takes a few paces towards it, pulling out the throwing knife thingee he found in the mountain pass. "Let's see if you do anything..." *toss* * John shrugs. "So our next plan is to find this 'K' guy, right?" Yeah, follow the tracks back and figure out where he split off. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 5. [The knife passes through the branches, landing perfectly in the trunk (if you can believe a shrub has a trunk).] Well..the thing is..they may be after Jan now. But they could also decide ta look out for that other fella too...so they could still be a threat. * Jinx watches Tairan. "Care to give me a shot with that? I'll give it right back." That K doesn't have a bounty. So they'll probably stay on Jan's trail. * Tairan mutters. "What, no lightning bolt or anything?" He jogs over to retrieve it, then jogs back, handing it to Jinx. Wait, he don't? Why not? s'got good balance, and considering I've got no experience with throwing knives, it flies pretty well. ( Tai is obviously the Adam of our group. One knife! ) * Millie stifles a yawn. * Jinx nods and takes the knife, then throws it at the shrub. "Dunno, Jan just said he didn't. Don't see why she'd lie, easy enough to check." (One knife to stab them all!) Kojiro's bounty would be the glory of his capture, for those who would be interested in that. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-2) and gets 7. [Jinx misses the shrub. The knife lands point down in the grass a small distance away. You can see the light of the morning sun glinting off the blade if you look over there.] D wouldn't want to go after Kojiro, then. All that man was interested in was money. Damn. And here I was hoping it'd call down a piller of fiery doom or somethin'. * Jinx frowns. "Good knife, but I don't quite seem to have mastered it." He then walks over to retrieve it and then makes a few stabs at the shrub. Why do ya need all that junk anyhow? 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 4. * John chuckles. He pulls out the pair of scrolls that he grabbed earlier. "Because it might be useful." [Jinx stabs the bush. He's a bush-stabber. The bush has been stabbed.] ( ... that sounds vaguely kinky. ) ( Only to you c.c ) * Jinx holds the knife by the blade and walks over and offers the hilt to Tairan. "Nice throwing knife. But if it does any magic, it doesn't seem to want to show off for me either." * John opens the scroll with the yellow ribbon and glances over it (once it's open) to see if it's legible. Yeah, well, I'm stickin' with what I know..an' what I know is Kojiro's probably not waitin' for us with a big flashin' sign that says 'Here I am.' We ready ta start lookin' for him?" * Jinx mounts up. "Sounds like a plan Millie." Ya want ta get back on the trail then? Good. * Tairan puts the knife away in his belt, being careful NOT TO STAB HIMSELF. "Might just be a really good throwing knife. And yeah... like Jinx said before. If we follow Jan's tracks back away from Izu, we should be able ta spot where Kojiro branched off." * Millie stretches her arms overhead and rams her hat on her head. [John cannot read the scroll.] ( Tairan does not stab himself. He stabs Jinx instead. ) * John rolls the scroll up and ties it with the yellow ribbon. He mounts up, putting the item in the saddlebags along with everything else. ( Damn it Tairan, the earthquake was bad enough. :P ) * Fanfan shrugs and stretches out a bit. "I am ready." * Jinx glances over to John. "So what's it say?" * Sakura is quiet, not idle! It's in Shomuran. Mikoto can read it while we're on our way. * Jinx nods. * Millie pads off her jeans and adjusts her hair. "Well, let's get to it then." * Millie picks up her rifle and walks over to Pepper, clicking her tongue lightly as she pats the mare's cheek. "Sleep well, girl? We've got a busy day ahead of us." She swings around to mount up. * Mikoto has been with the horses the whole time. Or something. Seriously. He glances Johnward as he mounts. "Read what?" * Jinx grumbles. "I should probably hand off the scroll I'm carrying. More deaders need to carry scrolls written with Injun script." ( Who took the black scroll, by the way? ) Any of you Shomurans want a fire protection scroll? I wouldn't mind getting some cash for it, or a cut from Jan's stash. * Millie raises an eyebrow to Jinx. "Really? What's it in then?" * Jinx digs through his gear for the scroll. "Shomuran if memory serves." * John hmmms... "It's not permanent, is it?" * Jinx takes it out and opens it up with one hand. "Yep. Can't read a damn thing. If it was Tecken I'd at least get the numbers and the letters 'A', 'J', 'Q', and 'K'." * John snickers. "Why those four?" Dunno. If it is I'd rather just have it cast on myself then sell it. * Mikoto glances at John. "Card suits." * Fanfan wanders over. "May I see?" * Jinx grins at Mikoto. "Clever man." He then rides a bit closer to Fanfan and hands it over. * Fanfan peers at it. Although the technical term is card ranks. For suits you just need to know the little images. Yes, this is Shomuran. * Mikoto mms distractedly. "I found it useful to learn both Shomuran and Teckian written languages. I'd like to learn Injun someday, when I have the time." ( And it says: The bearer of this scroll is a big doofus.. ) ( Doh! ) ( Jinx: This is the red one? ) * John holds the other two scrolls out for Mikoto (Yellow and Black). "Mind decipherin' these?" * Mikoto blinks, then takes them, unrolling the yellow one. "From the keep basement, I'm guessing." He looks it over. * John nods. * Tairan gathers up his stuff, and heads over towards lightning. * Fanfan looks over the scroll and nods. "It is indeed a scroll of fire protection...I cannot tell if this spell is valid, however. I am no mage." * Jinx looks down at Fanfan. "Does it say anything about whether it's a permanent spell?" * Sakura is STILL quiet. Gosh, how surprising. Hmm....no. The effects only last around one hour. * Mikoto nods. "I suspect they're all the same. This one..." He rolls up the yellow scroll. "...is protection from lightning. I suspect this one..." He unrolls the black one. "...is protection from shadow or death, or some similarly dark magic." That'd make sense. * Jinx nods. "Well, anyone want it that can actually read it? I'll happily use it as stakes in a game or sell it..." Death magic... *makes face* * Mikoto rolls the black one back up. "Death magic, as I suspected. Worth holding onto... death magic is particularly gruesome stuff." * Jinx glances at Millie. "Wonder if that grants protection from the undead too. Think they're raised using death magic." Yeah, but when they're runnin' around, is the magic still there? * Mikoto hands the scrolls back to John. "It seems as if something that breaks enchantments would be more useful in that regard." * MaryAnne quitely listens to the party discus matters. * Millie 's eyes go small as she looks at Jinx. "Yer...err...well...yer jokin' right?" No. * Jinx comments in a slightly disappointed tone. "Naw.. just thought you'd want it if it could grant protection. But Mikoto and John are probably right." * John takes the scrolls and puts them back in the sack. We got no time to be waitin' though. We movin' out or not? ... we should really get going. Last thing we need is to be playing catch-up again. * Jinx retireves the scroll from Fanfan, assuming she doesn't object. * Millie rubs her arms and looks off to the side, speaking rather quietly. "I'd rather not have 'em comin' in the first place." * Fanfan is kind and sweet as the morning sunshine! And also doesn't object. * Jinx nods at Millie's comment. And he then stows the scroll. "If anyone latter decides they want it, just say so." * John nods. * Millie shakes it off and then turns to Tairan. "You're our tracker. We're waitin' on you." * Tairan nods, and gentures for Jinx to get onto Lightning. * Fanfan wanders off towards Horse, assuming she's riding with Sakura again. * Sakura doesn't raise any objections. * MaryAnne gets ready for travel. * Jinx positions Lightning so Tairan can easily mount the mare. * Tairan hops on. "Lead on. Follow the path we to took to Izu, and go slowish..." * Millie clears her throat and trots Pepper over near MaryAnne. "Alright, your turn." She reaches down to help her up. * MaryAnne gets up onto Pepper with Millies assistance. * Jinx follows Tairan's instructions, keeping a fairly slow pace. * John follows Lightning. * Mikoto breathes out. "I'm... very tired. Maybe I overexerted myself yesterday." [Annnnnd they're off!] That can't be easy. * Mikoto smirks. "Making fun of me already?" * Jinx nods and yawns. "This stuff is tiring work." * Tairan concentrates on the trail, trying to follow Jan's while looking for any branches he missed before. * John chuckles. ( This session brought to you by Ping. ) There's a lot to think about now... it's weighing on my mind. We know Jan no longer has the tablet and Kojiro does, if the information can be trusted. Why did Jan come so far into Shomura, though, if she no longer has it? And why does Kojiro want it? * Millie smirks at John. "Yeah. Yer s'posed ta let me make fun first. I thought them's the rules." * Jinx comments idly. "Wonder if Crazy Feathers sells an energy drink, some sort of extra powerful coffee. It'd be nice." Well ya didn't make fun all mornin'. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets 0. (It's CoffeXtreme!) What makes ya think Kojiro himself wants it? * Millie loses her smirk, adopting a more serious expression rather quickly. I don't. Not for himself, anyway. But he wants it all the same. For whom, is the question, and why... * Millie grins at John, waving at him offhand. "Millie ain't a mornin' person." I figure Jan may have been trying to lose the bounty hunters on her trail before she headed back to Teck. That castle's not a bad place to hole up. As for Kojiro.. couldn't even guess. * John smiles back at Millie. *ting!* * Millie sideglances at Mikoto. "Why else would he be in this far? The Emperor." Stop. * Mikoto frowns at Millie. "That is out of the question." * John stops Hazel. * Jinx quickly halts Lightning. Or whatever it is ya slo...err..easterners call 'im. * Millie stops. Is it? Why? * Tairan hops off of Lightning once Jinx stops, and jogs over to a patch of grass... * Sakura stares at Millie. Why would the most powerful man in Shomura stoop to thievery, when I am sure the Society would be more than happy to cooperate with him? People got strange motives. Yeah? Is he sure of that? More importantly, is the rest of Shomura sure of that? * Jinx shrugs. "Maybe that tablet is more valuable if the information isn't shared." It's not the motive I question, it's the method. The possibility of the Emperor consorting with a notorious rogue to steal something he wouldn't need to steal is preposterous. You are treading in dangerous waters. He is the Emperor. Why would he *not* receive cooperation? Ya can't rule it out jus' because it don't sit well with ya. It might still be wrong, but it's a possibility, ain't it? It's also possible the tablet got up and walked away on crab legs. That doesn't make it *likely*. * Tairan picks up what looks like a bit of white cloth from the grass, and examines it. * Millie looks over at Fanfan. "Oh I dunno. A little thing called a WAR broke out between our two countries? That might temper a bit of mistrust." It is not that it does not sit well with me. It just does not make logical sense. * John listens with interest. AHEM. Jus' because it's over don't mean there ain't people who don't still stick to..old ways. * Jinx glances over to Tairan. "Find something?" * Millie turns over to Tairan. "Whatcha got, Lanky?" * Mikoto says, a little unnecessarily nastily, "Like men in red coats who shoot innocent women and children." * Sakura growls. Yup. Bandage. Used recently, by the looks of it. And I've got some faint tracks. * Jinx rides over to save Tairan the walk back. Good. They different than the ones we followed? Any feel for the number of people? Those might be our two bounty hunting 'friends'. * Millie snaps the reigns and trots over to Tairan, not paying much heed. * John rides over to Tairan quietly. Mmm... tracks are goin' away from Izu, back towards Ki territory. Route's a bit more southwestern than the one we tracks Jan on. Ki huh? * Millie digs out her map. Back to Ki? Damn. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 2. If the theft is somehow diplomatically related, Ki territory seems like a probable place to find the person who ordered it. Well, on the bright side, we may see Suz again. * MaryAnne stays fairly quite, letting the trackers and adventurers go about their bussiness. * Millie raises an eyebrow. "I thought ya said the diplomatic relationship was outta the question." I said no such thing. The Emperor is not the only man of territorial power in the Empire. Mmm... I got at least five different sets of tracks. Can't tell if they're all together though. Could be Kojiro's not travelling alone. Hmm.. Well, I'm thinking either someone we fought in Izu subsequently followed Kojiro, or Kojiro can't be far off if the bandage is fresh. Let's get a move on. * Tairan nods, and hops back onto Lightning. "Feel free to go a bit faster, but not too much... don't wanna lose the trail." * Sakura rides. * Fanfan rides....along. ( Sakura IS THundarr the Barbarian. "We RIDE!" ) * Jinx goes at moderate pace, which is a bit faster than the one he'd been using a few minutes ago. * John keeps pace with Jinx. (Ride. Like THUNDER!) (Naw, Like LIGHTNING! ;P ) (<.<) Yeah. We ain't gonna find out speculatin' here. Let's go on. [And so you ride moderately. You go over the river and through the woods, to grandma's.... uh... actually, you go up the hills and across the grasslands, but...] * Millie stays in the rear, turning her head from left to right, keeping a lookout. [You ride for a at least a few hours, stopping every now and then when Tairan spots a clue.] * Tairan concentrates on the trail, occasionally adjusting his hat. (Jinkies!) ( ... and no, I do not say Jin- dammit, Zeg! ) ( I'm glad we bought this bag of Tairan Sna... damnit. ) (Let's split up, gang!) ( Oh, dear. ) (*has watched WAY too much Scooby-Doo) [You wager you can't be far from the edge of the forest now, and you're right! When you top the next hill, you see the line of trees where the forest begins. Unfortunately... ] (Did you know that every time Velma has lost her glasses, she's ran into a monster?) ( Sure, kill the suspense :P ) ( ... ) (...) (3 out of 4 times, the reason that the kids are lost, it's because Freddie didn't ask for directions.) ( You pay too much attention to those pop-up things, is what you do. :P ) (Yes, I do. :P) [Standing between you and that line is a skeleton. But not just any skeleton. This one's nearly fifteen feet tall, with very broad shoulders (especially for something that's all bone). It's skull isn't human, but rather has an elongated snout and empty eye sockets on the sides, much like a horse, but with much sharper teeth. ] ( Aw, geez. ) ( Please no armor, please no armor... ) [In it's left hand is an enormous, thick curved blade. It looks over in your direction and emits a roar.] ( *slaps Jinx* Don't give him ideas! x.x ) ( Roll init ^^ ) d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (d6+7) and gets 11. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (d6+7) and gets 8. d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (d6+6) and gets 10. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (d6+7) and gets 9. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (d6+7) and gets 13. 1d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (1d6+5) and gets 8. (dr1) d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (d6+7) and gets 13. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (d6+7) and gets 9. ( Well used DR! ) (from one to six, yeah, really) (Nice shot!) d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sakura (d6+6) and gets 10. [Order: Tairan, Jinx, Fanfan, Mikoto, Sakura, GiantEvilThing, John, Millie, Mary] [Tairan's turn!] * Tairan remebers the last time he tried jumping off of a moving horse, and shows that he does, indeed, learn from his mistakes. "Jinx! Slow us down so I can get off..." [hold action until after Jinx's turn] ( A slight note: The thing is far enough away so that you can't get to melee range in one round. Short ranged weapons have a +2 to hit (+3 from distance, -2 from awkward size, +1 from being skeletal) ) [Jinx's turn!] ( And med-long range weapons have only the +1 from skeletal. ) (Which as far as I know, only really applies to Millie who's going to freak when she gets a turn so it's moot ^^;) * Jinx slows down to let Tairan off and fires his shotgun at the beasty. ( Coupled with the -2 from awkward size. Which the melee people get too. So once you get in range, melee is -2 to hit, range is -1. Now that the mechanics are out of the way... ) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6+2) and gets 7. (dr2) 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6+2) and gets 11. (dr3) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6+2) and gets 6. [Jinx blasts the thing, even at this range, though it's difficult to tell if felt it at all.] [Tairan's turn!] * Tairan dismounts from the horse, draws his sword and pistol, and advances CAREFULLY towards the huge skeleton, trying to get close enough to get into sprinting distance of it without getting into chopping range. [End turn] [Fanfan's turn!] * Fanfan squints at the Giant Evil Thing. "I am afraid I am not within range to attack efficiently. If we could get a little closer, Sakura?" [hold 'till after Sakura goes.] [Mikoto's turn!] * Mikoto stretches out his arm, not dismounting. "I need your help, Mira." [Mikoto's falcon appears!] [Sakura's turn!] * Sakura rides closer and slows as best she can! (Wee!) [Fanfan's turn!] * Fanfan leaps off of Horse towards Skellyzilla, drawing her swords as she lands. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-2) and gets 9. ( Well, crap. ) ( Next CP I get....DR. >_< ) (It's good stuff. ^_^ ) [Fanfan doesn't exactly land gracefully....] [But she manages to tumble a bit with a few scrapes.] [The big evil's turn!] ( My image is ruined. *sobs* ) (Your moves are lame!) d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d8) and gets 5. ( I'm not worthy! ) (Err..ya had one to begin with?) (Yeah. Millie can't even remember your name. :P) ( :P ) ( I blame the music. ) [The evil thing ignores all the people around it and moves -rather quickly- towards John, Mikoto and Hazel.] [John's turn!] ( And yes, it moving forwards means that it's now in range. ) * John kicks Hazel, keeping her riding a safe distance from the big evil as fast (if not faster) than the big evil thing is approaching. As he does so, he fires both pistols at the giant skellie. (Riding check first) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-4) and gets 1. (Made it, Shot one) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-4) and gets 4. (Shot two) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-4) and gets 0. [John plugs the thing twice.] [He's finding, however, that it's doing a good job of keeping up.] [Millie's turn!] (Oh, forgot the -1 from the awkward size.) * Millie notes the thing and her face PALES. Which is quite a contrast with her skin. Pepper suddenly rears up as she pulls back on the reigns and she grips them tightly before she breaks off to the left. * Millie mutters under her breath to herself. "This ain't happening, this ain't happening this ain't happening." ( I'll also note that this thing isn't even trying to defend. ) [Mary's turn!] * MaryAnne grasps Millie's waist tightly, exclaiming "Oh my goodness gracious!" and holds on. (done =D ) [Tairan's turn! The big nasty is ignoring you, Tairan! Are you gonna let it?] (Hellz no!) (Peel it off of me!) (What? You don't want a pet giant skeleton monster?) ( "It followed me home, Ma....can I keep it?" ) (No! They don't like me! ;_;) (Snicker) * Tairan eyes the skeleton, as it runs past him, and charges from its flank, pouring on the speed. When he gets close enough, he holsters his pistol, grips his sword with two hands, and tries a vicious overhand diagonal strike, trying to slice its leg out from under it. (Called Shot) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-4) and gets 5. (Is it really considered a called shot when the thing is that big and the leg is the only thing you can hit anyways with a melee weapon?) [Tairan cuts into the leg easily enough, but only about halfway.] ( It is when you're trying to cut the leg in a specific manner. ) (ah) [Jinx's turn!] * Jinx rides to keep in shotgun range and out of melee range and reloads his gun while he's at it. "Wow... I'd hate to have seen that thing when it was alive." * Tairan curses as his attack fails to produce the desired results. (Where's a giant dog when you need one?) [Fanfan's turn!] * Fanfan runs up to it and slices at it in the same place Tairan did, with both swords slicing to meet each other. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-1) and gets 5. [Fanfan cuts a good-sized X through the leg, but still it holds.] ( This guy's gonna step on us now. x_x ) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-1) and gets 5. (Duh.) ( Why would he do that when his sword is big enough to cut you all down with one swing? :P ) ( Uhhhh....'cause it's fun? ^^ ) ( Roll close-combat defense (Monty Python Foot) ) [Mikoto's turn!] * Mikoto glances back over his shoulder, then nods his head up at the thing's face. "A distraction, please. Though I doubt it 'sees' that way anymore." ( Presumably, Mira can fly to him without having to wait a turn ) (No, no. Close-combat (Skeletal Monty Python Foot)) ( He's close enough so that you can all hit him now. ) 2 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2 2d6-3) and gets 8 3. ( First misses, second hits. Wait. Both hit. Bonus, sorry. ) ( Okay Jethe! 9-9 ) [Mira claws into the thing] [Sakura's turn!] * Sakura leaps off the horse and goes for the adorable skeleton, using her Sunshine Flash attack. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sakura (2d6-4) and gets 8, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "My momma always said, you gotta take the good with the bad. Have a little bad." ( ... ) (Oops) (... Ouch?) ( Ouch ) (The classic case of why to have DR) ( Yup ) ( *watches the DR come out to be the same* Not that that's always a cure. ;P ) [Sakura does a great deal of damage to the ground.] * Tairan winces. "Leaping attacks with an injured foot... bad idea." [The big evil's turn] d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d8) and gets 6. (The giant skelly seems to have a case of random brain) [The big evil sets its empty eyes on Pepper. It turns and swings the giant sword.] (I taunted it! On me!) ( Millie, gimme a close-combat defense against one-handed edged ) ( It's a riding defense, yes ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-2) and gets 7. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (2d6-1) and gets 10. (DR) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for MaryAnne (2d6-1) and gets 6. [Ouch. Millie and Mary are both struck and lifted off the horse. They fly through the air before landing on the hill and rolling a bit. Poor Pepper is knocked onto her side, too.] [John's turn!] (by a giant sword?) ( It's not overly sharp, not that that doesn't mean it was sharp enough to cut. ) * John keeps riding around, staying out of range of the big piece of metal. He unloads both pistols at the skeleton's head, hoping to... well, you'll see if I land the shot(s). :P ( basically, you got smacked by it. ) (Riding check) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-4) and gets 2. (Made, shots...) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-1) and gets 5. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-1) and gets 5. [The bullets enter the skeleton's eye sockets, and you can actually her the *ping!* *ptang!* sounds they make as they ricochet around its skull before flying our separate exits.] [Millie's turn] * Millie winces from the landing and doesn't move much. She lets out a faint tsh sound as she lays on her back, trying to look harmless, but getting ready to roll if need be. [Mary's turn!] * MaryAnne coughs up blood and lays there. [Tairan's turn!] [Still Tairan's turn!] * Tairan glances over at Millie and MaryAnne to make sure they're still alive and twitching, then gets back to the matter at hand... he takes another hack at the spot on the leg where he and Fanfan have been chopping, trying to maneuver himself to direct the skeleton's fall away from the others. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-4) and gets 7. [Tairan finally manages to gut through, and the monster falls. It's still crawling, though.] [Jinx's turn!] * Jinx rides around the giant in order to get between the beast and the two fallen women. Almost as an afterthough he fires his shotgun in the general direction of the thing as he rides. (ride) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-2) and gets 8. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-2) and gets 6. [Jinx fires, and the thing roars again. Then the bones cease to hold it together and it falls apart.] (Update the Beastary. ^_^;) ... I don't think we'll be carting off the sword from this corpse. * Mikoto breathes out, dismissing Mira, who leaves with a cry. * Jinx rides over to Millie and Mary Anne and dismounts. "How bad are you hurt?" * John rides quickly over to where Millie and Mary Anne landed. * Tairan jogs over to where Millie, Mary, and poor Pepper have been knocked over. * MaryAnne doesn't answer, breathing heavily and coughing up blood, but looks pretty messed up. * Fanfan sheathes her swords and walks over to the wounded as well. Think you can take care of Mary? She's not lookin' very good after that hit. * Jinx glancecs at Mary Anne. "Maybe get her a potion." He then walks over and kneels down next to Millie. "It's dead, it's safe to get up." * Fanfan checks on...uhh...the horse. Since Millie and Mary Anne seem to be in good hands. o.O * Millie still holds tense for a while, eyes tightly shut as she lays on the grass, then when she hears the clattering of the bones falling apart, she relaxes. Well, slackens is a better word. Then she bursts into tears. [Session End]