[Darn tootin' yay! I mean, the time is early afternoon. The place is the forest. Our hero- protagonists seem to have misplaced Mary Anne *again*, and now must go find her, or they won't get paid, and that would be bad.] [Really. They should keep better track of these things. The journey thus far has been uneventful, though whether that's a good sign or not is anyone's guess. As is whether they're gaining.] [Session Start.] ( I'm not getting paid anyway. I say we leave her. ) * Mikoto glances around as he rides behind John. "I wonder..." ( Hey, I paid you! ) ( You are getting paid, just not very much at all. ) * John raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?" If we don't find Mary Anne, what will you all do? Continue to track down those bandits. * Millie looks quietly ahead as her horse staggers forward, not looking at anyone. Pepper still seems a little worse for wear, as does she. What's it to ya anyhow? It's important to all've us what we do in that instance. * Mikoto shrugs his shoulders. "There's a possibility she's irretrievable. Maybe even dead. I'd prefer not to think that way, but... I suppose it's simply my own curiosity. You're not obligated to answer." * Millie looks at John. "How's that?" * Fanfan glances at Mikoto. "Well, what will *you* do?" * Mikoto looks thoughtful for a moment. "Me? Mmm. Probably, continue to track down the tablet." Considering her wounds, her general lack of experience and her enemies, I would be very surprised if she is still alive. * Millie leans low on her horse and looks at Mikoto gently underneath her lashes. "Really now. What's in it for you?" It would hardly serve them to kill her though...would it? * Mikoto shrugs. "Curiosity? I'm a scholar, after all, just like Miss Pippin." It would get some people off their back. * Millie stands up and snaps the reins. "They probably took her because they need a translator." * John shrugs. "People have some strange habbits." 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-6) and gets 2. If they kill the person paying the people tracking them, it is easier then killing all the people. I was under the impression that she was merely a go-between for the transaction. She hardly seems like the sort to have enough money on her own for this. * Tairan remains pretty much silent. He's doing the whole tracking thing, which requires a certain degree of concentration. Look, if we can get Mary back, we will. If we can't, then let's..cross that bridge when we come ta it.." No sense in doom-prophecyin' everythin' * Mikoto turns to look forward. "What about you, John?" Me? Eh... I'll go back to what I know best. Y'know. Teck. * Mikoto laughs. "We have been away a long time, haven't we?" He looks around at the scenery. "I didn't know how much I missed Shomura until I returned. I've been gone for years." You lived here? * Mikoto nods. "I was born in a town near the border, but my parents died when I was young and my uncle in Kyo took me in." * Fanfan looks a little surprised. "He must be a kind man. Not many would do such a thing." No offense intended. [Jinx looks over to comment, but is cut off by a thick, low-hanging branch, causing him to topple over the horse. Tairan realizes it's there and ducks under in time for it not to hit him, too, and Lightning stops once she realizes, hey! Someone just fell off!] * Mikoto laughs. "He's... strict, but understanding. I think of him as my own father." * Tairan ducks under the branch, but in doing so misses any chance to catch Jinx. "... that's gonna hurt in the mornin'." * Sakura stops Horse for a second, looking over at Komedy Jinx. * Millie stops her horse and winces slightly. "Boy's got weird luck..I can see why they call him Jinx." * John winces at the hit. * Fanfan blinks and looks down curiously at Jinx. "Oh, dear." [Jinx lies there.] He did not die again, did he? * Millie sighs and dismounts. "I guess I'll carry him on Pepper then since I'm short a rider...one of ya want ta ride Lightnin'? * Mikoto slides off Hazel and walks over. "I will." I doubt it. Although you never know. ( Slash authors everywhere scream and pout, as Tairan just isn't slashable. ) * Tairan slides off Lightning and holds the reins as he checks on Jonx. "Mikoto, can you come her and check on him... I'll ride. Not my most finely honed skill, but it beats walking." (Jonx? JONX?) (Jonx?) Would it disturb your concentration? * Mikoto kneels down next to Jinx, then looks up and smiles at Tairan a little. "Ah, but it is one of my skills, and you can keep focusing on the trail." ( John/Jinx. ) * John stops Hazel just near it. ( ... He conked himself. So he's Jonx. ) ( .. Or that. I like my idea better. ) ( Now *there's* slashable for you. ) (Mikoto just wants to steal Lightning.) (Of course not.) Look, whoever can ride should ride. Whoever can't should stick to the back. ( Yeah, he just wants to borrow. ) * Tairan shrugs. "Point taken. He okay?" (Is he okay? Do I have to roll? ^_^;;) * Millie walks over to Jinx and kneels down. [Jinx is alive! Just not conscious. And that's gonna turn interesting colors in the morning.] * Mikoto breathes out. "Concussed, probably. He'll be out for a while, but nothing serious except the headache he's going to have." I owe this lug anyways. Maybe he'll accept it..then knowin' Jinxy, maybe not. ( That'd really suck. "So, what happened to Jinx?" "He was decapitated by a low-hanging branch." ) ( Ouch. ) (o/~) I expect it wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't just had a bullet lodged in his cranium. ( Bit of a bummer, that. ) * Millie smirks a little and gets under his arm, helping him up. "Come on, ya bumpy blowhard.." She staggers back towards Pepper. (Liscence to kill in Bond: Goldeneye. I got killed by a Klob shot to the toe!) * Tairan nods, then leans down to help Millie pick Jinx up. Do you...require assistance with him? Or not. * Millie winces. "He's...heavy..." I think they got it. I hope Pepper can carry him with her wounds... * Mikoto blinks. "Maybe it'd be better if John took him." Perhaps...yes. ( Too...slow...this session...arg! ) If ya think so...Hazel, ya up ta it? * Millie smiles at John's horse. * Tairan shrugs, and leads Jinx's carcas over to Hazel, instead! * Mikoto meanwhile pats Lightning on the neck. "I'll be your rider for a while, if that's alright with you." * John pats Hazel. "She can take it." ( Carcass? O.o ) * Millie walks aside, commenting dryly to John. "I wasn't askin' YOU." * Millie lifts the dead weight onto the back of Hazel, with Tairan's assistance presumably. [Hazel doesn't exactly respond. She looks at Jinx and Millie for a second, then hoofs at the ground. Probably wants to get moving.] * John eyes Millie. * Tairan lifts and, once Jinx is relatively secure, heads back over to Lightning and waits for Mikoto to get up on the horse. * Millie eyes John and points a finger up at him, looking up with narrowed eyes. "Now if ya drop him, I'm gonna hafta shoot ya, you understand?" * John turns his attention back to Millie. "Oh, I'm sorry. Were you talking to me?" ( You can feel the love. ) * Millie smirks and tips her hat. "Your funeral, pretty boy." She sasheys her hips away as she turns and walks slowly back towards Pepper. ( By all logic, those two will be married by the end of the game. ) ( Yeah, but that's the same logic that'd say the same for you and Mary Anne. ;P ) (Yep. It's the Ranma effect.) ( Except Mary Anne is dead and Sakura isn't a lesbian. ) ( Mikoto? Get on the horse. =P ) ( True love waits not on common sense. ) * Millie mounts back up. "Let's ride." * John rides. * Tairan assumes Mikoto has mounted up already, and gets up onto Lightning, and back into Silent Tracking Mode. * Millie looks at her map and compass in the meantime during the quiet time. * John rides quietly, and makes sure Jinx doesn't fall off. Stupid Jinx for hitting the branch like that... [Jinx lies there.] * Mikoto rides! On the horse. That he for sure got on. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-2) and gets 3. * Tairan makes various 'hmm'-esque sounds every so often, but doesn't seem to spot anything of particular note. (Perception rolls!) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 6. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 6. (Woot!) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 6. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-4) and gets 6. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 4. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sakura (2d6) and gets 7. [John, Mikoto, Fanfan, and Millie all notice smoke in the distance, through the leaves and branches.] * Fanfan peers off into the distance. "Is that...smoke?" * John nods. "Yup." * Millie frowns slightly. "That's not good." She turns to look at John. "Could be her umbrella.." And even if not, we should check it out. Yeah... Let's move! * Mikoto raises an eyebrow. "Though it bears investigation, it could be something as simple as a campfire. Let's not be rash." * Millie snaps the reins a bit, trying not to push Pepper too hard. * Tairan looks up, blinks, then follows the others' lines of sight. "... yup, that's smoke. And let's approach carefully, people... remember, we're right on the edge of Hoshimoto territory, if not in it." If it is a campfire, it could be that of our targets. Although I'm fairly sure that would be too obvious for them. * Millie looks back to Mikoto. "Ya may be right, but we still should check it out." * Millie looks back ahead. "And correct me if I'm wrong, but YOU'RE the only one the Hoshimotos are really after, ain't that raight?" I'm not sure they would be too thrilled to see Westerners in their lands either, though. Westerners carrying guns, even. Quite. Still, I bet they'd go after you first. * Millie turns to Fanfan. "That's a point. Well, let's jus' be cautious then." Depends. The more fanatical, and loyal to my father, might. Those who've fought with me... I'd hope better of. * Fanfan raises an eyebrow at John. "Are you suggesting that he be used as a cover...for you?" Not in the slightest. Bait if it comes to it, I assume. * John chuckles at Fanfan and Millie. "Wasn't even thinking of that, actually." I'm touched. Really. Well, we sha'n't learn anything new by standing around and waiting. Y'know, speculatin' doesn't... What she said. * John rides at a faster pace. s'go, then. * Millie keeps pace with Pepper. No point in pushing her. They wouldn't go anywhere until the fire's put out anyhow. [Ahead is a clearing. And the smoke isn't from one, but a number of campfires... people - men - are milling about in ragtag clothes, mostly arguing. There's so much chaos over what's being said that anything specific is difficult to pick out.] ( ...totally didn't even see your /msg, Ard. ) (Well, can't say I didn't try to help. ;P) May I suggest that Sakura and I, as the two least likely to be enemies of the Hoshimoto, scout out the situation first? * John looks back at Fanfan and nods. ( *throttles herself* Typing WAY too slow this session. >_< ) * Mikoto blinks at that suggestion. "Perhaps you and I should go instead. While I have faith in Sakura's peerless swordsmanship, perhaps her skill at diplomacy... might not be her forte." * Millie nods and whispers. "Good idea." She dismounts a ways away and sidles up next to a tree, checking her rifle as quiet as she can. * Mikoto smiles at Sakura. "I hope you don't take offense." ( Translation: We might want them alive for questioning, let me go instead. c.c; ) (People peeking into the situation from here, gimme perception rolls.) * Fanfan shrugs and dismounts. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 7. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "A WINNER IS YOU!" 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-4) and gets 4. * John dismounts quietly. * Mikoto slips off Lightning, evaluating the situation as he does so. * Sakura quietly watches. Nobody ever lets her talk first. I wonder why? If they turn out to be fanatics, make sure to mention that you met a person in your travels that saw that honorless dog Tairan heading for Fujimako territory, okay? *grins* 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 5. * Fanfan walks over quietly to Mikoto. * Millie leans against a tree to steady herself and closes her rifle quietly. * Mikoto stretches a little. "Plus, if they attack, I can defend myself while unarmed." He winks at Fanfan. * Millie looks up to Mikoto and speaks quietly. "What's the signal for trouble?" ( Screaming. ) * Mikoto says, without batting an eyelash, "Lots of shouting." It'll score you some goodwill, and if I'm lucky, throw off any pursuit. * Millie smirks. "Gotcha." An attack, most likely. * Tairan dismounts from Lightning, and leads her back into the trees with the others. ( "Oh yeah, but could a Government Spy do this? AHHHHHHHH!" "Why yes, a government spy cou *headchoppedoff*" ) Shall we go, then? * John checks his pistols, and glances around. He nods to Fanfan and Mikoto's responses. ( We shall. As soon as I find out what the percep roll was for. I hate falling off the world. ^_^ ) ( Hm, point. ) [Everyone notices that these fellows are all, or nearly all, armed with knives, axes, and spears of varying quality. Fanfan even spots some firearms. Mikoto's sharp eye finds two repeating rifles, a bolt-action rifle, and a light pistol.] * Mikoto blinks. "Guns." * Millie blinks at that responds then looks to the group. "Not Hoshimoto then?" * Mikoto narrows his eyes, shading them with his hand. "Two repeaters, a bolt action, and a pistol." * Fanfan nods. "Perhaps they will not object overmuch to the Westerners." Still stick with the same plan though? ( Are they Shomuran people? ) I see no reason not to err on the side of caution. * Mikoto rubs his chin. "We don't know if they use the guns or not. Better safe than sorry." 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-6) and gets 6, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Your logic is faulty, your intelligence is doubtful, and your sumo is insufficient." [One of the men in particular stands out, towering over the rest and trying not to be drowned out as he barks what's probably orders. He's massive, shirtless, and nearly completely bald, though he doesn't look that old. With one hand and no apparent effort, he carries a great, spiked club.] ( ...how is that even POSSIBLE? c.c; ) ( God damn it. Someone needs to check this Dicebots critical table or something. ) ( Man, insulting a man's sumo...now *that's* cold. :P ) ( Have we gone a SINGLE session without a critfail? ) ( No. ) (No.) ( Wouldn't be a complete session without one. ^_- ) ... you've gotta be kidding me. * Mikoto blinks. "What?" ( A critfail by one of my characters, no less. ) Gotcha. ... the guy with the huge club. He's a bandit leader named Club. * Fanfan raises an eyebrow. "An acquaintance?" ( It's not complete until Jesse's character crit fails or gets hit with a crit at least two more times. ) * Millie deadpans. "...Raight." * Sakura hops off horse and draws her sword. "Bandits." ( Uh-oh. Bandit leader. SAKURA KILL. ) Big, dumb, really strong. Also really dead, the last I saw him. I blew his head off in the fight that got me banished for using my gun. * John smirks slightly. He looks at Sakura. "Let them take care of it first..." I assume that means you two are not on good terms, then. Perhaps he got a bit of Jinx's luck. I shall make sure he does not fare so well this time. ( ) * Millie slaps her forehead and rubs it slowly. "You've GOT ta be kidding me.." * Mikoto glances at Sakura. "Let us see what we can find out, first." There's no way he should be alive... but that's him. No doubt about it. * Mikoto edges for Fanfan to go before Sakura smash. * John shakes his head. "Ya absolutely sure ya killed him the first time?" If that ain't the stupidest name I hear--ya better be raight. * Fanfan sets off, then. The only information bandits trade in is lies and death. About half his head was missing the last I saw him. He was very, very dead. ( Hey! We trade in money, too!) World ain't so black an' white, sword lady. Do ya EVER calm down? Ah get the feelin' she doesn't. * Mikoto sets off with Fanfan, praying the discourse about bandits keeps Sakura from doing anything rash. * Sakura GLARES at Millie.. or so you get the impression. Mask makes it hard to tell. "Bandits deserve to die. There is no in-between." * Tairan sighs. "On the bright side, he's no Hoshimoto loyalist. On the downside... that's one big ol' group of bandits." Yeah, but everyone who's accused of bein' a bandit ain't always a bandit, are they? ( Yeah, maybe he's "misunderstood." ) * Mikoto whispers to Fanfan, "If push comes to shove, we are entertainers... you a dancer, I an illusionist." Tairan appears to know this man, and confirms he is a bandit. Tairan appears trustworthy enough. An' besides, some people don't have any other way ta earn money..sad as it may seem. * Millie looks up slowly, lashes hanging over her eyes. * Millie eyes Tairan then Sakura. "Tairan...trustworthy...ayup. SUuuuure." Is he trustworthy because he ain't a bandit then? * John chuckles. * Sakura continues to glare at Millie. * Millie doesn't seem to notice. She's concentrating on her job. * Tairan makes a less-than-gentlemanly gesture at Millie, but continues nonetheless. "Sakura, the reason we're not charging in there right now is because they outnumber us by quite a bit. And as skilled as you are, and as we all are, that's just poor tactics." I do not care. If we do not kill these bandits now, it is only a matter of time before they kill someone innocent. So what's yer plan of attack, hmm? * Tairan shakes his head. "Back when I was leading a bandit hunting pack, all the people under my command loved me. Amazingly, it wasn't because of my winning personality..." *smirks at Millie* "... but rather that, unlike other commanders, I refused to treat my troops like cannon fodder and send them into battles where they were sure to suffer heavy losses." I was thinking I would try stabbing them until they live no longer. Simple, but gonna get yerself killed. Uh-huh. An' if they're holdin' hostages? Slaves? Or whatever bandits do in Shomura... ( In Shomura, they hold bananas. No one really knows why. ) The hostages would be killed no matter what. If I attack, they stand a better chance of survival then if I leave them alone. Club was... is particularly nasty. He'll do pretty much anything if it'll earn him some coin or some power. * Millie nods her head to John. "Then there's his point too. Ya not only get yourself killed, but ya get our two other teammates killed with ya." [Fanfan and Mikoto go straight into the camp! The entire place goes silent, and then the big guy calls some sort of greeting to them.] YA do no good if yer dead. * Millie eyes Sakura, staring at her straight. "Yer serious...I can't BELIEVE yer serious!" I do less good if I allow these men to escape. [The majority of the camp approaches Fanfan and Mikoto as they get to talking with the big guy.] Look, sword-lady. Do ya want ta kill as many bandits as ya can right NOW? Or do ya want ta think 'bout things, play it smart, get rid of ALL these bandits, an' still be alive ta take out MORE later?" Which is the better good then, huh? HUH? You do more good if you don't make with the suicide charge and fight like an intelligent warrior. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-4) and gets 3. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "Fight! For everlasting love and peace!" ( WOw. ) ( Wow, did you bribe the Dicebot? ) ( Wah! ;-; ) ( Just 'cause he's sexier'n me. *pout* ) ( *snerk* They want you, though. Me they'll kill. You they'll, uh, pillage first. ) If I leave these bandits alone now, and they kill an innocent person to rob them, then that death is my fault through inaction. ( Okay, not actually an upside. ) How can they kill an innocent with us watchin' what they're doin'?? ( How do *you* know? They might think you're too pretty to kill. ;P ) * John shakes his head. "However, if you get yourself killed, and then an innocent dies because you were NOT there, then it is your fault through action." * Millie lets out a huff and turns back towards the camp. "I never knew some slot-eyes could be so...so...impossible!" C'mon, Sakura. Let's say we all attack. Maybe we each kill three or four bandits before their numbers overcome us. Wonderful. But... yeah, what John said. You have to pick your battles. * Millie walks away to another tree, trying not to stop. She still sticks far enough back, but she's not going to stick around here. And instead this group kills a family who is passing by. I won't allow that to happen. (Anyone watching, give me Military Sciences (tactics).) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 8. * John shakes his head. "Have we passed a single family yet?" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sakura (2d6) and gets 11. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I'm a child of extremes. Have a crit, and a nice day to go with it." ( ... Jesus CHRIST. ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 7. (... I think I won. ^_^_v) ( Okay Dicebot, we get it. You have a thing for pretty boys. ) * Tairan rubs his temples. "Sakura... think. If we attack, we won't even half their strength before we're overcome. They'd be just as capable, and we'd be dead. Whereas, if we're alive, we can save others in the future, as the opportunities present themselves." * John puts his hand up. "They're moving in to cut off Mikoto's and Fanfan's escape route..." * Millie raises her rifle and sights down it, looking at the camp. "Forget it, lanky. You're the one who said ya gotta choose yer battles." * Sakura growls. "And while you've been talking, they've cornered them." * John mounts up, ready to charge in if need-be. * Millie tsshes slightly. "The nerve. Let's take out the ones tryin' ta get behind 'em. What d'ya say, Johnny?" d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (d6+7) and gets 11. * Tairan blinks. "... shit. Why didn't I notice that?" *draws sword and pistol* 2 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2 2d6-3) and gets 6 7. * Sakura GLARES at Millie. "So while it's your own friends, you'll save them?" * John nods. The battle just picked us, Sakura. No. When there actually IS a danger, I'll take the advantage. * John aims both his pistols in the distance. "They don't stand a chance." And by your logic, shouldn't we leave them instead of risking ourselves? ( Best roll init, guys. ) d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (d6+7) and gets 10. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (d6+7) and gets 13. d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sakura (d6+6) and gets 11. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (d6+7) and gets 13. * Millie smirks slightly. "That jus' shows....ya don't get me at all, sword- lady." d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (d6+6) and gets 12. Maybe. But who said I was logical? You were prepared to run for your cowardly life until someone connected directly to you was in danger. I've seen your kind before. Selfish fool of a woman. ( Um, A note about how far away these guys are: fairly far. It'll take one full round to get there on horseback, two on foot. ) ( Med and long range weapons can hit them from this distance, but not short. ) * Millie looks out of the corner of her eye, dropping the smirk and speaking evenly. "No. Ya ain't seen any kind like Millie Reinhart 'fore. Jus' watch." [Mikoto puts his arm to one side, and the air seems to distort above it, forming into everyone's favorite falcon. She screeches a cry you can hear even from here and darts forward, but the man puts up an arm to block, and she tears into it. He yells an order.] Less talk. More charge. ( Uh.. my level of Speed matter at all? ) ( Yes, you can get there in one round. ) ( Cool. ) ( One meaning next round ) ( Ditto! Whee. =P ) [Fanfan turns to face you. Well, the people who were behind her.] [Order is: Millie, Tairan, Mikoto, Fanfan, Sakura, Big Guy, John, Allabandits] [Millie's turn!] * Millie puts her cheek against the stock of her rifle and fires off a shot at the closest bandit who's trying to cut off Mikky's and Fanny's route. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 2. [Millie shoots him in the chest. He falls over in pain.] [Tairan's turn!] ( You know what the sad part is? The trouble signal? Never happened. ) ( Mirabel shouted... ) ( And I said, "An attack." So I think it works. ^^ ) ( Well, it was more like a screech,really. ) ( Sure, in the middle of a battle, argue semantics. ^_- ) (Of course. :P) * Tairan runs toward the Mikoto, Fanfan, and the group of bandits, pouring on the speed. And when he says speed, he means a level of Speed. =P ( That's it. ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 6. ( Man, I need extra attacks, so I could take that and turn it into, like, Sophitia's throw from SC. ) [Mikoto dashes up to the big guy and hooks his leg around the Big Guy's neck.] (That's just...wrong, Mikoto ^_^;) [This causes him to spin around through the air and land on his back. Although he impressively held onto his massive club weapon.] [Fanfan's turn] ( Was, uh... kinda like Sakura's Flower Kick, you know? Just no panties. ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-2) and gets 6. 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6+1) and gets 8. 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6+1) and gets 11. ( ...ow. ) () [Fanfan slashes furiously at the bandits, which doesn't actually seem to hit them but which bothers them enough to back away a little.] ( She tried to get 'efficient' ) [Sakura's turn!] * Sakura runs forward like the wind! The wind of justice and psychotic masks. ( In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't do what I thought of doing, which was turning around, flipping over Mikoto, and stabbing through the heads of whichever bandits were there. ^^ ) (Yeah..crit failing there would be BAD ;P) ( ... ) ( Yeah, s'why I decided against it. ^^ ) ( Woulda been cool if it worked, though ^^ ) [The big guy's turn!] (This is true. Take notes for Xiang-Fei!) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 3. ( HOLY SWEET JESUS. ) ( Well, yes. But considering Dicey's current favoring of pretty-boys as opposed to....well, anyone else...yeah. ^^ ) ( It favored Millie. What are you implying? ) ( Hm, point. ) ( Xiang-Fei actually hit one :P ) (Point ^^;) [The big guy swings his club horizontally at Mikoto as he rises, but Mikoto moves back, avoiding the hit.] [John's turn!] * John rides straight forward on Hazel, all the while firing a pair of shots at any bandits between Mikoto/Fanfan and the rest of the group. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-4) and gets 1. ( Oh, Fanfan. Don't give them false hope. Sakura may EAT them to increase her power, for all we know. ) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-3) and gets 3. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-3) and gets 1. ( Mmm, bandit spleen... wait. Channeling ChibiEthan. Sorry. ) ( Of course not. Ignore the giant pink deelie-bop on her head, and the fact that Millie just turned into a cookie. ) (The flesh of lesser beasts makes you stronger!) () ( Heh, true. ) ( Indeed. Pass me a slice of John. ) (Then again, considering that we both just made references to the fact that Sakura will probably skewer and barbecue them all, the chances of her critfailing, falling off her horse, and being knocked unconscious just tripled.) ( Sakura is actually a Kirby in disguise. ) (So she'll trip and eat her horse?) ( Except the fact that Sakura isn't riding a horse. ) (No. She'll eat John and gain the power of the Glinting Tooth.) ( .. A kirby with Glinting Teeth is a freaking scary image. ) ( With a critfail, the horse will appear under her, and *then* she'll fall off it. ) [John shoots another bandit, who falls over.] [Bandit time!] [Fanfan seems to do a good job of keeping the bandits she's fighting at bay. Meanwhile, the rifle men all turn this direction and fire] d4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (d4) and gets 3. [But they don't seem very skilled with the weapons. Two of them miss. Immediately.] 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sakura (2d6-4) and gets 0. [Sakura slashes the shot from the air with ease.] ( Wow. Blocking it one thing. Cutting a bullet out of the air is another. @_@ ) [Meanwhile, two more bandits go for Mikoto.] * Millie tsshes under her breath. "Geez, where'd these jokers learn ta shoot? Bet they couldn't even find the side of one of their castles from ten paces." ( It's be even more impressive if she caught the halved bullet out of the air with her teeth. Or cut it into little origami shapes. =P ) ( She has perfect stroke. She can do that. Just not in the middle of battle. ) ( With one strike, this bullet has been shocked into the shape of a tiny swan. Awww! ) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-1) and gets 5. They couldn't shoot a paper bag if it was over their rifle. [A bunch of the bandits move to intercept you guys] [Millie's turn! She's the only one who isn't anywhere near the bandits now.] * Mikoto shakes his head at Fanfan. "Just a knife wound. I'll be fine." Very well. [You're just now approaching close enough to hear conversation and see what's happening.] [And it's still Millie's turn] * Millie pivots around the tree with her shoulder against it, coming to the other side with aim drawn. "Let a lady show ya how ya REALLY shoot! Millie Reinhart's the name and don'tchu forget it!" She takes her shot at one of the bandits moving to intercept Mikoto. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 3. [Millie kills 'im dead!] [Tairan's turn!] * Tairan chops and shoots one of the bandits in front of him, trying to clear a path to Club. "Hey, big bald and ugly! Remember me? Your camp, my gun, a bullet in the head?" 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 4. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets 2. ( Both hits. ) * Fanfan flashes a quick grin at Tairan. "Good of you to join us." [Tairan kills that man easily enough. The big man turns towards him and his eyes go wide. "You! I remember you! You killed my brother!"] [Mikoto's turn!] ( You killed my brother, prepare to die? ) "Prepare to die!" ... Club had a twin brother? ( ....me an' my biiiiiiig mouth. ) * Mikoto glances at the big man. "Oh, for goodness' sake... eyes front!" He lashes out with a kick to disarm Club Lite. (^_^) ( Disarm attempt. ) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-3) and gets 2. ( Success, and stuff. ) (Of course, melee disarms never work, but hey. I live to be different.) [Mikoto kicks Klub's club, but that's mostly because he used it to block the disarm attempt.] [Fanfan's turn] * Fanfan peers at the two mooks in front of her, and goes for Mr. Hand Axe, slicing at the hand with the axe with one sword, and just slicing him with the other. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-2) and gets 2. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-1) and gets 3. [In a blood-showering display that would make the directors of old Samurai films proud, Fanfan severs the man's hand and vertically bisects his face at the same time.] [Sakura's turn!] * Fanfan pouts. "And I just cleaned these robes....I mean, *honestly*!" ( This sword killed 25,000 people in Shomura. Now you can too. ) * Tairan eyes The Brother Of Club. "Well that's a relief. And here I thought you were immortal or something." (His name's Jack. His brother was the King of Clubs) ( Nah, he doesn't have inside him blood of kings. ) ( Better then the King of Hearts. We don't need G Gundam crossovers here. ) * Sakura runs through the bandits, slashing wildly at anything that comes near her. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sakura (2d6-4) and gets 5. [Sakura killifies a bandit in a bloody shower.] [Klub seemingly ignores Mikoto as Tairan comes running up, swinging his oversized club at him. "My name is Klub! You killed my brother! Prepare to die!"] (It's the six-fingered samurai!) ( What is WITH you today and the blood? ) ( Brett's having issues with his laundry service. ) ( I feel like watching a samurai movie :P ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 3. ( Made it. ) (I watched T2 yesterday. I want everything to blow up in a messy apocalypse.) * Mikoto blinks and crosses his arms behind him. "Tairan's made a new friend." Feeling abandoned, Mikoto? [Tairan rolls to the side as the club creates a crater in the ground where he'd been a second ago.] [John's turn!] (Ooo, ooo. Can I get shot and have my body turn to liquid and reform around the hole then?) Same name as your brother, same style... same lack of aim... ( Well, not all of it, but you can get shot, yes... ) (...nah, I'd rather not if the rest doesn't happen ^^;) * John rides to the left along the bandits, twirling his pistols and firing both simultaneously at two different bandits. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-4) and gets 4. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-2) and gets 6. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6-2) and gets 4. (John accidently twirls his pistol to point towards him and shoots himself) (You only wish, Millie. ;P) (Only if I crit-fail. :P) (^_^) [John shoots two different bandits at the same time.] [Buncha bandits turn!] [The bandits to an amazingly poor job of hitting anything.] [Millie's turn!] * Millie moves behind the tree (not really sure why with their aim, but hey) and snaps open her rifle, rolling two bullets inbetween her fingers and jamming them down the barrel, snapping it shut. [Tairan's turn!] * Tairan shifts his grip on his katana so that the blade is pointing towards the ground, and lunges at and past Klub, slashing at his right side, then turning as he passes by and firing a shot at the back of Klub's head (Called Shot). "Let's see if you die like your brother too, hmm?" 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 7. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 8. [So much for nostalgia. Tairan manages to slash club across the stomach, but he falls over, which causes the bullet to miss. On the plus side, looks like he's dead.] [The bandits certainly notice, and scream! "Run away!" That's just what they do.] ... cut off the head, and the body withers. * Millie looks out from around the tree as she hears that and shakes her head. "Chicken-wusses." She reslings her rifle and walks towards the camp casually. * Mikoto breathes out and, calling Mira back, dismisses her with a rub to the beak. "Good girl. Thank you." Of course it does. * Sakura looks over at Millie. "You were ready to leave like a coward until your own interests were endangered. You have no right to talk." * Fanfan shakes her head as she wipes her swords off on the grass before resheathing them. "Amateurs." [The yells of running and such get cut off into screams and weapons clashing and footsteps, and *other* yells replace them.] * Mikoto blinks. "Oh, no... no, that would just not be *right*." * Fanfan blinks and pauses. "What in the world?" * Millie blinks at that. "Wait, the hell?" What is going on? * Mikoto hisses, "Guns away! Now!" * Tairan looks around at the others. "I obviously underestimated our respective skills when I said charging in was sheer suicide... I think that would be our cue to run like hell." [The footsteps become more organized and draw closer as the last of the screams cut out. A man yells, "I think there's still a few in the camp!"] * John holsters his guns and nods. * Fanfan chuckles softly. "Sound like bandit-hunters. Just our luck." * Sakura has already sheated her sword and looks towards the incoming voices. * Mikoto sighs and rubs his wound a little. "But... if they were related to the bandits Tairan fought on Hoshimoto territory as a youth..." * Tairan stuffs his gun and holster into his pack, and starts retreating towards the forest, signaling for the others to FOLLOW. * Fanfan shrugs and follows Tairan. * Millie reslings her rifle and shakes her head. "If those are from Hoshimoto..." She looks at Tairan and rushes back to Pepper. * John rides quickly into the forest. * Mikoto furrows his brow, then turns and follows Tairan at a nice clip. * Sakura shrugs and walks into the forest, head back for Horse. * Tairan makes for Lightning as quick as he can, then waits for Mikoto before saddling up. * Mikoto winces. "Don't want to be holding reins like this, but we don't have much choice." 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-6) and gets 3. [They continue to approach. Tairan finds his path blocked by a ruggedly handsome, muscular man with long, dark brown hair tied back at the nape of his neck. A lovely young woman closely flanks him. She opts for light clothing, and her black hair goes down to mid-back. A quiver is strapped across her back, and she carries a bow. She seems mildly put out, but when she spots Tairan, she freezes and her eyes widen in recognition.] * Tairan SCOWLS. "... well well. Come to recover the knife you put in my back, Tamiko?" * Fanfan glances at the man and woman, then at Tairan. "Quite popular these days, are you not?" [The man seems less surprised, batting his tonfa at the air lightly. "A traitor like you has no right to talk to her that way."] [And now, we'll end the session.] [A-yup. Session End. Yee-haw!]