[Millie was lead out of the side door and fell in a bottomless pit, where she-- oh, there she is. Ahem, Millie was led out the side door by a woman in a green kimono. The woman proceeds to cross the room and open another door, leading out to the hall.] [Do stuff.] * Millie looks over at the woman with the kimono and narrows her eyes a little as she follows. "So...why are y'all doin' this?" She blinks a little. "Doing what?" * Millie gestures her hand vaguely, turning it at the wrist. "I mean helpin' me out like this. Is it really jus' that simple?" * Millie takes a glance back at the door before she proceeds to the hall. [She nods as she walks down the hall, stopping at a window. "Uh-huh. We'd do anything for Aki."] * Millie looks at her curiously. "Aki? Ya mean Tairan's..." She hesitates for a second and hazards. "...brother?" * Millie looks at the window. [She nods. "Uh huh." Then she shoves Millie out the window.] (Wheeeee!) * Millie shrieks and goes over unceremoniously. [Millie falls! When she's about halfway between the window and the ground, the woman catches up. She shed her kimono, and is now wearing a green Eastern tunic and sandals.] * Millie screeches out. "What in the fuckin' green blazes are ya DOIN'? Have ya gone whack???"