[Last time, on Rising Sun Pioneers, there were bugs and graves and now you're under it all in a crypt! In an Injun Burial Ground! Eek!] [But you have a reason for being here. There's vamps in them thar hills, and your task is to wipe 'em out. With you is the legendary Kojiro, who fashioned himself some sort of crude wooden katana, because normal swords just don't cut it anymore. Haha, I made a funny.] ("I found a new horse." "What's her name?" "Christine." "Vroom!") [You recently turned a corner and dusted three vamps. This isn't BtVS, honest. Time to get your bearings and keep exploring.] [Session Start.] * Mikoto gets his bearings. "Well, then. Shall we?" * Tairan eyes his sword. "And here I was worried that I'd have to learn how to use a stake on the spot." * Tairan shrugs, draws his pistol, and gets back into position. (Lucky you. ;_; All i have are spells and no EP to cast them with.) * John shrugs. * Jinx keeps his torch out. "I have got to find another of those magic weapons, just can't seem to keep my hands on them." * Millie follows from behind, completely quiet and her face giving an air of "not wanting to be here" Definitely. * Mikoto chuckles. "I won't be of much use in a fight at all, as you probably know." He adjusts the collar on his surplice. "Unless someone has a knuckle duster that's been consecrated by a priest handy." * Tairan takes point, as before, and leads on. * Kojiro follows silently. * Jinx keeps heading down the branch they followed, he glances back occassionally to verify that the rear guard is in fact guarding the rear. He keeps up by Tairan. ( As I remember it, Jinx'n I had point, Kojiro had the rear with Millie, and John and Mikoto were in between ) (*pornmusic*) You can't keep your hands on anythin', Jinx. * Jinx shrugs and smiles slightly. "The trick is getting my hands on things and enjoying it while it lasts." (Suddenly, Jinx is grabbed by a Wallmaster and has to go all the way back to the first room. "Looks like someone got their hand on Jinx.") (And these bad jokes will continue until people do stuff!) [You go down the corridor, the only light coming from Jinx's torch, which frankly isn't much. It opens into some rooms on the sides, which look like bedrooms. Cursory glances and lacks of vamps jumping out to eat you supports them being empty, though.] * Millie frowns. "Not enough light." She fumbles in her pack for another torch and drops something out of it, cursing and kneeling down to get it. * Mikoto opens a door and peers through. "Well, the accomodations are roomy..." He shuts it, and wanders to another one. "...but the decor is terrible." Nothin' here. Move on, maybe check back after we clear this place out? Rather not be jumped while we're checking for money stashed under a vamp's mattress. * Jinx starts to check through the side rooms, but waits until Millie's had the chance to light up her lantern. * Millie fumbles in the darkness for her matches, dropping them as she gets her hands on it. There's some mild under the breath cursing from behind and some striking...some more cursing... * Jinx stays patiently making sure Millie gets enough light. * Tairan keeps an eye on the hallway in front of them as the others poke their heads into the rooms... * John simply inspects and walks along. BUT he looks good doing it. Oh yeah. * Millie finally lights up her torch, letting out a deep breath, still kneeling on the ground and checking behind her just to make sure. *softish* We ready to move? * Jinx makes sure the quick room survey has enough light, but he's content to loot later. * Jinx does look like he's going against his natural instincts though. (my ride's here in five or so, then I'll be doing the swap to bluetooth and running down the little remaining laptop battery power. :P) * Jinx nods and comments softly. "Yeah." * Mikoto nods and looks around. "Well, it's not much, but it's better than finding an abattoir full of human bodies," he comments neutrally. True, true. * Millie starts cleaning up the spilt equipment on the ground, holding the torch out in front of her and letting out another sigh. "I hate this place..." * Jinx does spare a last look at the 'bedrooms' to see whether there's actually anything like a bed in them. [There actually is.] * Jinx blinks. "Huh, there actually are beds. So much for legends." * Jinx then proceeds on. Oh, it's not coffins? * Jinx nods. Huh? Beds? In the rooms. * Millie blinks up, stuffing the last of her books in her pack and slinging it over her shoulder. [You head back to the intersection! Straight, Left (surface), Right (further down the original tunnel), Back? >_] * John snickers. * Tairan points straight, then right. "Opinions?" (Whichever direction the save room is in.) * Jinx heads to the right. (Sorry. You haven't found the map yet.) [Jinx heads right! Do you follow like sheep or let him die? ... Again?] (TCELES B HSUP.) * Mikoto shrugs and follows after Jinx. Worst case scenario, he dies first and I have a chance to run. * Tairan shrugs, and walks with Jinx. * Kojiro follows! * Millie sighs. "It's probably a trap." She goes right anyways. Always is. * John goes right! [Just as Millie says that, the ceiling falls on her. Not really. The two (count 'em: two!) torches illuminate the area as you head deeper into the crypt. Your footsteps echo. ECHO.] * Jinx keeps cautiously heading forward, making sure the group follows. * Mikoto mutters as he walks, "Somehow I wish a vampire would come flying out of nowhere. It's preferrable to all the suspenseful buildup." There'd better be a treasure room here somewhere, or I'll lose all my faith in vampires. * Tairan walks, sword held out a bit in front of him. If something's gonna leap out at him, he damn well wants it biting into his sword before his neck. * Jinx snickers softly. "I got over that attitude by the third tomb." Yeah, really. * Millie just straight out glares at Mikoto then loses it, looking behind her. * Jinx makes one of his occassional make sure our back is covered checks and nods in a satisfied manner as he notices what Millie's up to. * Tairan keeps walking. Walk walk walk. * John walks along. Walk walk walk. [You walk walk walk and give me... a... perception check! At least one a session, y'know.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6) and gets 5. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mikoto (2d6-2) and gets 8. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 4. 2d6 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 6. [As you go, you see other passages, but it's quickly evident that they're either dead ends or other stairways to the surface. John, Jinx, and Millie hear some sort of chanting male voice, though they can't make out what he's saying.] * John tips his hat up, glancing around at the others to see if they've also got it. * Millie 's eyes widen at that as she turns towards the voice. "What's that??" She keeps it surprisingly soft, although it's obvious she's a bit jittery. * Mikoto just looks annoyed. "This is ridiculous." *softly* Hmm? * Millie points in the direction of the noise. * John motions for them to be quiet. "Quite or he might actually hear you. Ya wouldn't want that, now would ya?" (Okay, I just sort of assumed if we spoke we were speaking quietly, since nobody here is an idiot. c.c) * Jinx glances back for a moment and adds quietly. "Think we got a mage." He then quiets up and gets moving again at a relatively quick pace, as the torch will be visible long before they get there. (Yes.) * Kojiro heads forward! * Tairan blinks, concentrates, hears the chanting, frowns, and advances forward with Jinx, similarly trying to balance speed'n stealth. * John gets movin' too, reloading his pistols. * Mikoto transforms into Sailor Moon! * Mikoto actually just follows. * John looks pretty! * Millie keeps trying to listen to the chant, edging forward. Gritting her teeth all the time. (Might want to renew specification of where the magic bullets are in the guns at this point, so as to avoid confusion when it comes into play) [You go forward, and as you do, the chanting gets louder, to the point where everyone can hear it. It's really hard to tell what he's saying, however, and after a reasonable jog, you can tell why. A pair of large, heavy stone doors bar your way farther into the crypt.] (Please do.) * John smiles. *Ting!* (Magic bullet was spun to be last bullet in the reel of the medium pistol. Only have one bullet) * Jinx looks over the stone doors for any markers or indications as to how they are openned. *softly* Chanting is never good. * Mikoto raises an eyebrow. "You might be overreacting." [None. Except scratchings on the ground, which would imply they're pushed or pulled.] * Millie has the green bullet in her rifle, but considering she doesn't have the rifle ready, it's sort of moot. Torches take up hands. ( Do the doors open in or out? ) (Push forward to open.) (The bullet in John's is a white one.) [You hear a woman's voice over the chanting.] * Tairan looks back, and whispers. "Push? Boom? Could try my trick with my sword, but I dunno if that'd work..." * Mikoto frowns and eyes the door. "If it really is a spell or ritual, interrupting might be good, or might be bad..." *soft* ... that's not very helpful. * Mikoto glances at Tairan. "We might stop something harmful, or we might cause it to go seriously awry with us in range." * Millie listens to what the woman is saying, putting a finger to her lips. * Tairan nods. Assume softness from here on out. "Got that. Just sayin' it doesn't make the decision any clearer. Not your fault, but..." [You hear a scream!] (Man. I already transformed, but the rest of you better hurry if we're gonna take down this youma.) ... okay, not good. Push, boom, or do I try my sword? Push first. * Mikoto nods. "No sense in a big dramatic entrance." * Jinx hurries towards one of the doors and puts his shoulder against it and then tries to put his whole body into pushing it open. * Millie tries not to react to that. She's doing a good job. * Tairan sheaths his sword, holsters his pistol, and joins Jinx in the door- opening efforts. [Body roll me. -2 for each additional person.] (Is this a strength check?) (Yes.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 8. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 8. [The door starts opening, sloooowly, and the chanting stops. The screaming continues a bit longer until that stops, too. A little help here... [You hear muffled talking and footsteps.] * Jinx grunts in agreement and keeps pushing. "Cover wouldn't hurt either." That too... * Millie sighs and looks at someone who wasn't pushing open the door. "Great. Now they're coming..someone hold this.." She holds the torch out for someone to take. * Mikoto shrugs and takes the torch. * Tairan keeps on pushing, though he's got his back hand on the hilt of his sword as he does. ( Pushing with the shoulder, obviously. ) * John stands ready to pull the pistols out and blast something. [Another body roll, -2 for each additional person.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 5. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets 7. * Millie stands back a little and unslings her rifle, sighting down the end as she keeps it pointed at the door, kneeling on one knee. * Jinx keeps his torch in his free hand as he keeps shoving against the door. * Kojiro stands there calmly. [This time, Tairan and Jinx really throw their backs into it, and the door shoves open much faster. As they regain their balance, the group can see a large room - large enough to have pillars for support - that must be the heart of the crypt. And people. Or vampires? Both Injun and Teckian. It's not like any of you are counting, but there's at *least* your number. In the center is a makeshift altar with, yes, someone bound to it. (cont)] (Jinx'd count once he gets the chance. :P) (Millie would too :P) (Counting is good.) [Standing over is a pair: An Injun man with long, greasy hair and a dagger in one hand, and a plain, brown-haired Teckian woman with a rifle aimed right at ya. Look, it's Millie's vampire twin! Kind of. Other guns are readied, too...] (And anyone who was holding actions, now's the time to use them. Surprise round; some defenses might need to be rolled, then init.) (Does she actually look related to Millie?) (No.) (But she has a rifle!) (Right, just making sure. :P) (And obviously vampires? :P) (Um... okay, this isn't Buffy. They don't get all funny-faced when they're going to attack you.) (Snark.) (Fangs might give 'em away, though. Or pale.) (I take it we can't see whose bound to the alter? Cause if she's cute Jinx isn't waiting for the... I mean it might be a helpful clue!) [There's a definite lack of light in there, and further details are sketchy because your own light only shines so far.] [Cliffhanger now!]