* Jinx closes the door behind him and looks for Millie. * Millie storms off. Down the hall. She's walking particularly unladylike. And possibly muttering things under her breath while she does it. * Jinx walks a quick pace after her. He speaks in a fairly even tone, projecting a bit so she can hear him, but not shouting. "Millie." * Millie swivels around. "Of all the stupid, idiotic...who does she think she is?" * Jinx shrugs. "She's a dumb kid who had a friend die at our hands. Since you're the western who is reaching out to her you're the one she can most hurt by mistreating." * Millie folds her arms and hmmphs. "Yeah. An' ya know what? Ya know what she's actin' like? (Westerner) Who? * Millie sighs and lets her breath out, letting her arms drop, looking down a bit. "Me." * Jinx seems far from surprised at that answer. "Yeah?" * Millie harrumphs and eyes Jinx. 'Don'tchu start, Jinxy. Don'tchu start at all.." So you see some of yourself in her. If you really care about her that probably means you'll have an easier time figuring out how to help her. * Brett has joined #rsp2 * Ardweden sets mode: +o Brett * Millie sighs. "Maybe. She pretty much said what I do all the time. But..." She looks off to the side. "It won't work. She thinks I hate Sakura and, by default, Shomura as a result." * Jinx nods and opens the door to one of the other rooms we rented. In case Millie doesn't want this heard by anyone walking in the hallway. "So, how would you change your mind?" * Millie looks at Jinx oddly. "Change my mind?" (Foreign words to Millie's ears. @_@) * Jinx steps in the room slightly, seeing if she follows. "Well, let's say, unlikely as it may be, that you were wrong about something you felt strongly about. Say you got some bad information, were tricked by an illusion or a shape shifter, whatever." * Millie frowns and tries to process that. She looks at Jinx warily. ( Or an illusionary shapeshifter who gave you bad information. ) ( Worst kind ) * Jinx stands where he is for a moment. "So, how would you correct that mistake? You know yourself better than anyone else, so you're the best equiped to answer that question." Correct it? I don't follow... You don't hate Shomura right? * Millie snorts. "Whatever gave ya that idea?" Well, you don't hate all Shomurans certainly. I know for a fact you got along well with Kazue. Their ideals are stupid, their beliefs are so flighty and heads in the cloudsy, their people usually follow 'em blindly, they don't use guns... * Millie then eyes Jinx shiftily. "Ya don't think that's gonna get out, do ya...?" * Jinx chuckles and takes another step back into the room, continuing to test the theory Millie doesn't want the whole world to see this. "Okay, let's keep appearances up and say you hate all Shomurans except Kazue and Fanfan. Fanfan's still wrong then." * Millie snorts. "Who said I hate all Shomurans?" They can be jus' as stupid as anyone else. * Millie follows Jinx in, shrugging. * Jinx closes the door once Millie is in. "Well then, Fanfan could probably be in a good position to understand you. I'm thinking she hates Tek right now, but is still making up her mind about whether she hates all of us." She obviously hates me, don't she? I mean...she picked talkin' to Lanky over me an' he's a trigger-happy fool. She wants to hurt you, that's different than hate. Or have you never tried to provoke someone when you didn't hate them? You sure that's it? * Millie smirks. "Hate's such a strong word Jinxy. I've tried to provoke you haven't I?" * Jinx grins, only slightly lecherously. "Well, depends what you mean by provoke." He then drops it. "Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't. Probably she's still deciding. But what part is it that gets to you? Not liking the part of you that you see in her or think that you might deserve that hatred?" No. She's ignoring me. An' she's doing it in a way that's just like me. That irks me, Jinxy. What's worse is she's lettin' it get in the way of her head. I don't care how much I like ya or hate ya. A good idea's a good idea an' a stupid idea's a stupid idea. * Jinx nods. "Yeah, she was letting it get in the way. And it'll probably be a problem again, because you do have ideas that are worth listening to." * Millie hmms. "Well glad SOMEBODY thinks so." (hmms=hmmphs) * Jinx snickers and then takes a seat at the headboard end of the nearest bed. "I've always said you do." He looks like he's contemplating his next statemnet. Yeah well...you're the only one. Everyone else seems ta think I'm an idiot. Though Tairan's comin' 'round...an' ya never really can TELL what Johnny's thinkin' John was hearing you out some back there I think. Mikoto, well, Mikoto's had other things on his mind lately. And like I said before, Fanfan picked you because you're reaching out. * Millie sighs and looks off to the side. "She's the only real die-hard Shomuran among us...an' the only girl Shomuran at that..." She looks up suddenly and narrows her eyes. "Ya don't think it's because I'm a girl, do ya?" (actually that should be 'cause not because) * Jinx looks up from his seat. "Think about who you're dealing. Any of that lot deal well with women?" (dealing with) What lot? Who? (No, I had it right the first time) (Dealing with is right ;P) (Oh.. I used deal twice. I got confused about which I was correcting) * Jinx grins slightly. "Tairan, John, Mikoto too, but not to the same degree." That's a point. John's a jerk. Tairan's a TACTLESS jerk. Mikky's okay, but he's kinda...bitter at the world or somethin'. Don't know what's up with him. Yeah, and on top of that if I had a dollar for each time any of them said all women are crazy, I'd be downstairs gambling right now. * Jinx leans back slightly, enjoying the reasonably comfortable mattress he paid for. Yay for no cardboard! * Millie grins. "No ya wouldn't. You'd have lost it already in an earlier game." * Jinx snorts. "You wound me." * Millie waves her hand idly. "Alright, alright...you know ya could be doin' that right *now* instead-a talkin' ta me..." She suddenly frowns. "Ya didn't really mean it about takin' off, didja?" That's kind of a long answer, you may want to get comfortable. * Millie snorts and looks at Jinx. "Alright...fine..but ya better not try anythin' funny...I'm still kinda mad at ya for the last time..." She plunks down on the bed. * Jinx gets that faux wounded look again. "Whatever do you mean? Are you saying I've been less than a gentleman?" * Millie looks at Jinx carefully. "Oh please. Since when have ya been more than a scoundrel? I wouldn't go for a gentleman an' you know it." * Jinx grins. "Of course you wouldn't, so then what are you mad about?" That's apparently a rhetorical question as he doesn't really leave a gap for an answer. "So, what's the worst odds you've ever been up against?" * Millie frowns and looks away from Jinx. "I'd...I'd rather not answer that..." ( Guy with a big stick ) ( Well...it had metal.) * Jinx scouts forward slightly looking a little worried for a moment. "Sorry, I didn't mean to.. Well these actually aren't the worst I've faced. They are pretty damn bad though, one of the two best gunners in the West, best swordsman in the east, a mage and the town he owns, and whatever the hell is up with that bodyguard." * Millie frowns and eyes Jinx carefully. "Who's the other?" * Jinx eyes Millie. "Do I interrupt your stories?" * Millie sighs and closes her lips thinly. She doesn't seem too pleased though. It seems to take a good force of will actually. Session Time: Wed Nov 10 00:00:00 2004 * Jinx notes the expression and softens his look. "I've seen a lot and you are among the best, and that's even though Jan's got several years on you. Whether you're her superior will really be determined by how this plays out. But my money's on you making the grade." * Millie still remains quiet. Staring off a bit. She's probably still listening though. But then, I'm a crappy shot and Tairan isn't quite Kojiro's equal. ::Jinx sounds like he's understating the case slightly:: So at best, this would be even odds, right? * Millie 's still not answering. Jinx is probably digging a deeper hole by now. So, last guy I went after with who actually had made a name for himself was called Silver Eye, ever hear of him? * Millie then finally replies. "I ain't gonna back out. If you wanna be a coward....which I find real odd considerin' ya came back from the dead after Jan for Christ's sake, ya...huh? * Millie blinks and looks back at Jinx. ( He's an MI4 villian. ) ( Nemesis of James Dond ) (Should I roll to see if she's heard of him?) ( Sure ) ( CA - 2 ) (Rolled in #besm and...um...yeah. :P) (Dicey has a knack of adding to the impression that Millie's an idiot at the worst possible time. -_- She should know freaking cultural arts) ( Hmmmm.... ) * Millie glances at Jinx, stroking her chin. "Not that, he.." Her eyes widen a bit. "No way. It runs in the family then?" * Jinx looks rather confused. "I'm not sure what you mean." Well...that's... * Millie stares at Jinx. "He IS Calamity Jan's brother, ain't he?" * Jinx shakes his head. "Don't think so. Heck of a shot, but it was probably at least partly magic. Although I could be wrong." * Millie looks a little bashfully down. "...oh." All these legends get mixed up. But yeah, he was a real bastard, none of the compunctions about killing anyone, let alone bountyhunters..." Well, that's standard for most, ain't it? Well yeah. He was just pretty damn good at it. Holed up in a ghost town, well, it was a ghost down when he was done with it. Had a small gang but they were the easy part. (down->town) We actually had him out numbered five to three. When we got to his hideout. Want the long version or the short version? Short. It's gettin' late... Right, we got unlucky, we beat him but only three of us walked away, I can show you the scar I earned if you like, wasn't as bad as I got from Jan though. Anyways... So you're sayin' we need ta come up with a plan an' be careful, is that it? * Jinx snorts. "We had a plan and we were careful. But Jim, one of the two dead, was frankly a better shot than me, smarter than me, and far braver than I am. Life works that way." Well jus' because they're outnumbered don't mean that everyone's gonna make it out... * Millie shrugs. "I never said I went into this business for my health. But I ain't the trigger happy one. It's the trigger happy ones ya wanna be careful for. You aren't the problem at all. But yeah, we take them on, good chance some or most of aren't walking away. I'll probably will be able to but there's a first time for everything. I've been through that shit before and I've seen enough people die in my day. I'm not going to fight if it's not worth it. Maybe that does make me a coward. (I'm going to bed.) (Can someone get me the rest of this log?) (Will do) (Thanks. ^_^ Good night!) Fine. Well, if you wanna run, no one's stoppin' ya. * Millie turns towards the door "Goodnight, Jinxy." * Jinx sighs and puts his feet up. "Night, Millie." * Millie heads out! [End!]