[Incoming Game. OMG it had to happen someday.] Voot! [You heard the man. Voot. So. It's still morning. You people now have even more of a plan. Or something. Mikoto's vanished, and Tairan's lying in bed from the flu, or something. Maybe he ate some bad meat.] [But it ain't gettin' any earlier. Session Start!] So, you're gonna go makin' a ruckus for Jan'r not? * Jinx looks over the group. "I suppose we should." * Jinx gets headed down to the lobby of the inn. * John follows after Jinx and just watches from a distance. If only to make sure he doesn't get himself killed. (again) (Again is applicable, yes.) * Jinx stops by the innkeep to pay to have Tairan get some soup and drinks brought up every few hours. * Millie follows silently, watching Jinx carefully as she goes. She's awfully quiet for a normal person, which makes her twice as quiet being Millie. ( And kind of loud if she were Fanfan. -_^) * Jinx, presuming we aren't playing out the innkeeper interaction, heads out to meet up with that guy that had the Injun item to sell him. Not a bad place to start. [The innkeeper agrees to take care of Tairan, thanks to the generous donation!] ( Let me know how much at some point and I'll mark it on the sheet.) (Make it about ten dollars.) (They'll be waiting on him! Aww.) (Check) (Awww.) (Jinx takes care of his group members. Or kills them. Or is just ambivalent. But one of the three! (Hee!) [You head out of the inn! And to the guy?] [Sure, the guy! The place is still a bit rowdy, though the celebration seems to have died down. Or maybe that it's morning.] [Anyway, he's right there, at the poker table and shuffling cards.] * Jinx walks up and stands at a respectful distance. "Morning." * Millie quirks her head oddly at the guy. Assuming she went with. [The mustached man glances up briefly at Jinx before returning his gaze to the cards. "'Mornin' stranger." (He's shuffling, not playing, right?) * John takes a position a decent distance away, but still so he can see them from beneath the visor of his HAT. (HAT.) (Shuffling. Nobody else currently at the table.) * Jinx gives a slight smile for a second and then drops it. "Ah sorry, mistook you for a man who wanted to make some money selling Injun jewelry." [He stops shuffling and glances upwards at Jinx. "Hm. You're that Injun from before. Yeah, I still got it, if you wan'."] * Jinx gazes at the guy for just a moment in shock that he could be mistaken for a generic Injun. Then he smiles. "I do, whatcha charging for it?" * Millie sighs and folds her arms, leaning back a respectful distance away. Her foot taps instinctively as she looks away. [He pulls it out of his pocket. It's a necklace type dealy made out of fangs attached to a string. There's a feather here and there, and 2x shiny stone. "This little number belonged to a pretty l'il Injun gal. High quality, fine make... they say it has special powers. I'd say it's a real steal at $350."] (!) * Jinx inspects it and tries to remember if he's seen its like before (say on Rain Cloud) or if he recognizes any magicial or spiritual significance to it. "A pretty l'il Injun girl you say?" His voice sounds a bit dubious. [Cultural Arts if you want to make an appraisal roll. Um... take a - 1 bonus to that, Jinx.] ( Heh. Rain Cloud. ) (Injun specialty apply?) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-3) and gets 0. (That's a 1 if the speciality doesn't apply.) (Yeah, it would.) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 4. * Millie glances sideline at the jewelry and snorts a little, but lets Jinx follow through with his questioning. He probably thought the same thing anyhow. * John raises an eyebrow, but is too far away to really get a good look. * Jinx finishes looking it over. "Not bad, although the last time I bought something that 'they say had special powers' it turned out it was cursed so that anyone who wore it or carried it around had all their hair fall out. But, only a fifty fifty chancee it's a curse if it's got magic, so I guess I'd be willing to put down a hundred for it." * Jinx puts some emphasis on 'carrying it around.' (I'll roll an intimidate check on that if you want. :P) [He nods. "Yep. She got it from her great aunt on her tenth birthday. Tragically, when she got older she moved to a city and pawned it in order to fund her husband's business.] * Jinx nods and wonders whether it was stolen from a living person or a grave. ["A hundred? You must be joking. This here's more than that. Why, I should charge $500 for it to be reasonable. You should count yourself lucky to have such a bargain."] * Millie harrumphs. "Should count yourself lucky yer still breathin' tryin' ta be a cheat like that." [He glances past Jinx to Mille and frowns. "Hmm... Perhaps I'd best find another buyer, one who will appreciate its value." He goes back to shuffling cards.] She's not buying, I am. Anyways, you can charge it, but will someone to pay it? Well, since ya know where it's from maybe $150. Thing is I'd be running damn low on cash. Although... * Jinx looks like he's contemplating how he could be a better mark, I mean customer. * Millie rolls her eyes towards the sky and turns to John. "Come on. Let's let 'em "do business."' The last part drips off her tongue. Yeah, sure. Let's get outta here. * Millie walks off, leaving Jinx all alone. Oh no! * John walks off after Millie! OH NOES! (They walk off! We need another channel for this?) [He watches Millie leave. "Them stuck up Injun bitches always think they're queens of the world. I bet she's just mad because she don have any money." He looks at Jinx. "You know what I mean, right about them... whaddya call 'em, squats? I mean, you're an Injun, after all." * Jinx shrugs. "You mean your women don't think they're queens?" "Our women ain't Injuns." ( There ain't much difference. Trust me.) (* Running Cloud coughs into her hand.) "I only talk to ya like this 'cause I like ya and I think I can trust ye. That's why I'm giving ya the low price, see?" They certainly aren't. And thanks. Trouble is I have cashflow problems. Although that'd clear up right fast if I could find this huge rifleman and fancy dressing female mage. But you probably don't deal with the sort that'd sell information. ["Hm, now hold on there. I might have heard somethin' about some folks like that." He clasps his hands together. "Tell you what. Gimme $400 even and I'll give you the necklace, and tell ya about the folks I saw to boot." I'd gladly pay that, but I don't have $400 til I talk to them. Could pay you $175 now, the rest after I meet up. [He wags a finger. "Grow up in this city, I ain't born yesterday. I trust ya, but not that much. You're liable to skip town after ya get it."] * Jinx starts going through a wallet. "Trust or no trust, all I can get you is two hundred twenty ::he counts:: six. And that leaves me broke. So, your call. (Yay, he uses my bargaining technique!) [He shakes his head. "Sorry, but I got a family to feed. But I'll tell ya what: You got them friends of yours. Get that rich looking guy to give ya another hundred, on top of the $226 and I'll let ya take the rest in debt."] * Jinx nods. "'eh, they're stingy as hell, and like to only loan out that funny looking Eastern money. Another time maybe." ( "I weren't born yesterday, but you obviously were. Fork over the money.") Thanks for being understanding. ::He starts to walk out:: [He goes back to shuffling. "Y'all come back if'n ya change your mind." * Jinx nods and turns once he's by the door. He speaks up so that the man, and anyone else who wants to eavesdrop can easily hear him. "If you see that giant riflemen or fancy female mage, don't talk to them. I mean sure they're loaded and would love to know where I am ::he suddenly pauses as he realizes he's not being convincing:: But, well, uh, you can't really trust 'em." [He nods. "I'll keep that in mind."] * Jinx nods. "And if you come across any cheaper finds, I'm staying at [hotel info]." Jinx then walks out. * Jinx does try to take note as he turns whether any enterprising spirits in the bar seem to have noted that. (Jinx, that's the sorriest attempt at subtlety I've ever seen ;P) (It's morning.) (And I play Millie :P) (How many of these guys do you think actually have two brain cells to rub together in the morning. :P) (Point!) (ehehe. ^^;) (Remember, mustache guy couldn't remember Jinx by appearance. I mean he has more scars than your average hospital put together. :P) ( Gimme an awareness roll. ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 7. (dr1) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 6. [Jinx doesn't know if they did!] [Teh Jinx0rz is totally outside, yo.] (Anyone else there?) [It's a busy day, there's plenty of pedestrians. But if you mean other PCs, no.] [Jinx doesn't pick any likely suspects out.] * Jinx checks back in at the hotel then takes another pass at the city. (Does he get another check at that, or should I switch to plan B?) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 7. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 8. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 4. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 4. [After some time of fruitless searching, Jinx runs into Millie. Literally. But neither of them fall over.] [John's there too.] [It's a conspiracy.] [Jinx runs into Millie as she and John enter the store! The shelves are stuffed haphazardly with general supplies, rolls of parchment and paper, and random trinkets. Toward the back you see a man sitting at a glass counter. He looks like he's appraising a bit of jewelry... he has ratty, graying blond hair, he's rather thin, and a lit cigarette is hanging out of the corner of his mouth. On display in the counter itself is a few weapons...] [jewelry, and parchment. There is a door to the back.] * Millie oofs as she bumps into Jinx and looks up at him, then groans, whispering harshly. "What are you doin' here anyhow?" * Jinx looks up at Millie. "Sorry." He doesn't really seem phased at all by her bumbing into him. He then whispers back "He didn't budge on the price. I'm looking for more places to ask about our friends." [The man doesn't seem to notice you. He's turning the bracelet in his hand this way and that, watching how it catches the light.] * John, from under his hat, raises an eyebrow at the man. "Maybe ya should talk to him, then?" * Millie still whispers. "Well, what did ya expect? This is a city of swindlers." * Jinx snickers and whispers back. "I expected to get by with a hundred percent markup. But I'm a naive country boy. You want this one or should I get to it?" * Jinx starts to look over the merchandise while he talks to Millie. He doesn't really pay much attention to specific scrolls, paying more attention to trinkets instead. He also gives the weapons a once over. * Millie sighs and pushes Jinx aside. "Jus' let me handle it. Stay in the background, act like you're lookin' at stuff an' seperate maybe. Or out. But I guess y'all can be here.." She then picks up her voice to its normal loud tone as she waves cheerfully and walks up to the counter. "Lyle! Hey Lyle!" * Jinx genuinely looks over the merchandise. [The man blinks, looking up. "Whozza-" He squints. "Do I know you? I think I know you from somewhere."] * Millie grins as she approaches, putting on a winning smile and leaning over the counter. "Course. Never thought ya'd see me 'gain, eh ya ol' coot?" She gets a little closer so he can get a good look, giving him a chance to recognize her himself. [The man (Lyle?) squints at Millie for a bit as he chews on his cigarette, then his eyes widen in recognition. "Why, if it ain't Millie. You've grown."] * Millie grins as she puts her arm around his shoulder. It's got a bit of an edge to it. "Yeah. Now 'bout that last one ya sold me..." [The man brushes Millie's arm off his shoulder as he reaches down, opening the back of the counter and placing the bracelet in. "What about it?"] * Jinx also glance at the contents of the glass counter, at the bracelet in particular, out of curiosity. [It sparkles at Jinx. Looks like fine quality, gold with small gems, and pretty old.] * Millie keeps her grin. "Well, y'know...it's strange...but I asked all around an' half the towns on there nobody ever even heard of..." * Jinx checks for any jewelry or magic items in a $200 to $450 range. * Jinx doesn't snicker at that, but only because of years of poker training. [He shrugs. "Maybe it's so old, those towns don't exist anymore. Or they changed names." He grins. "I don't check 'em out."] * John raises an eyebrow as he looks at stuff. Look look. * Millie smiles. "Maybe...maybe.." She gets off the counter and stays a respectable distance from him. "That ain't why I'm here though." [The man looks up at her appraisingly. Now he takes a drag of his cigarette, removing it and letting out a stream of smoke. "Yeah?"] You seem ta know a lot 'bout what goes on 'round-bout these parts... * Millie leans forward just a bit, looking him in the eyes with her best attractive expression. "y'all wouldn't happen ta know somethin' special for one o' yer ol' best customers, wouldja?" [He watches Millie a little longer, and then he leans back, waving the cigarette in a vague motion. "Depends. Whaddaya wanna know?"] [Jinx doesn't find anything on the shelves really worthwhile in that price range. There's no jewelry at all except for trinkety, junk stuff.] (Sorry, missed it!) Oh...I don't know...any unusual visitors? I heard there's a lead on a real hot find. Some ol' piece of rock that supposedly came from that Easterners place. Can't think of the name right now though.." * Jinx looks disappointed at the selection and keeps looking around. * Jinx mostly just kills time though, unless any of the weapons seem interesting. [He blinks. "Rocks? Ya mean like gems or somethin' like that?"] ( He means like Elvis ) [One of the swords skewers Jinx! Not really.] [But Jinx needs a body roll anyhow.] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 6. [Jinx barely manages to avoid a pot as it falls from overhead, ending on the ground with a loud clang. It doesn't break. Probably because it's metal. The man looks around Millie at you guys. "Put that back for me!"] * Jinx glances in the pot and then puts it back. He resumes scanning but is obviously a bit more on edge. [The pot eats Jinx. Or it would if this were MC] * Millie shakes her head. "As far as I know, jus' a seemingly ordinary rock...some guy named..." She looks up and snaps her fingers. "On the tip of my tongue...Gumbo or Gimbo or somethin' like that.." [Session on hold! Or end. Whatever!]