[Rising! Sun! Pioneers! Exclamation point!] [1] [I mean !] [You heard the man. We're starting! And we're starting in the Jennings' residence. Er, again.] [It's night time, though I suppose now it'd be more like early morning. You guys killed Draco, killed Lucius, and killed thugs. Horsemen showed up and got away with a chunk o' rock plus one Miss Ellie. Jan and company (plus Kojiro) chased 'em.] (Jinx hopes the rock is safely recovered.) [There's a hole blasted in the wall, Millie got patched by a doctor (but not the rest of you suckers), and there are horses.] [So, yes, you're still in the mansion. No, it's not raining. And- oh. Fanfan was frozen and knocked out, so she's unconscious, and Jinx was hit by a rogue potted cactus, so he's unconscious. Millie's out of it.] (Nope. Fanfan just got quilted.) ( Well, Fanfan just needs some time in a microwave. ) (Fanfan didn't get patched?) [No! No, she did not. HA HA HA.] (Ouch) [Session Start.] ( There's a "defrost" setting for a reason! :D ) * Tairan glares down at Jinx, then turns back to John. "I don't like staying around here, but with all three of them out cold, we don't have enough people awake to ride the horses out." * Fanfan , in a moment of dramatic timing of epically genius proportions, groans. * Jinx stirred slightly when glared at, you think, maybe it was just his body getting hit by an invisible potted cactus or something. ( SNERK. ) * John rubs his head. "This is just unbelievable." ... screw this. *pulls out his canteen; dumps some water on Jinx's face* * John chuckles. "That's one way to do it." ( Hmm... Opportune time to turn Jinx into a girl... ) ( Why hello Jinxette! ) ( Jinxelle? Jinxerina? ) * Jinx suddenly sits up. "I have no idea how that card got there-- ah, Jennings mansion. What got me?" (Jynxara!) Cactus. Potted cactus. And an inadequately thick skull. *smirks* ("Hello, Jinx. My name is Cactus... POTTED Cactus." ) * Jinx frowns and mutters. "Someday I will have my revenge..." He then looks up to Tairan. "Never had anyone say that about me before." He slowly stands. ( About how frozen is Fanfan still? ) Me neither. Take a sec to get your head together, and then let's get Millie and Fanfan onto the horses and get going. Yeah, we've spent too much time here already. ( Alas, Millie died in her sleep. ) * Jinx checks himself over and brushes some remaining ice crystals off. "I miss anything?" ( I mean, is she stiff or something or what? ) * Millie has her eyelids closed. Whether she's actually resting or not is anyone's guess. But her breathing is even and the medicine *did* make her drowsy. * Jinx looks over the two girls as he continues to regain his bearings. We got a doctor for Millie. Stabalized at least, and she's patched up, but getting her one of those potions Crazy Feathers sells wouldn't hurt. And Fanfan just got knocked out. Fanfan's out cold... *pauses* ... no pun intended. * Fanfan groans again, and attempts opening her eyes. "Wirrimah?" (Well, out hot just wouldn't make any sense) ( But she is SO hot. ) (Sizzle.) (Millie's hotter) (Ka-chang, yo. ) * Tairan glances back. "'course, I could be wrong." *goes over to help Fanfan up* * Jinx nods. "Good and alright. Let's get going." Jinx walks over to Millie and taps her on the shoulder. "You sleeping or back to out cold?" * Fanfan is still cold and kinda stiff and half-collapses a lot, clinging to Tairan. "mmmR?" (He's Tairan. The other Shomuran love interest.) Morning to you too. *helps prop Fanfan up as he leads her to one of the horses* You okayish? * Millie stirs a little and murmurs. "Leeme'lone..." Hopefully enough to ride. 'fraid I can't. If you want to save your strength I can carry you to the horses. * Fanfan slowly puts a hand to her head and brushes off any remaining ice crystals t hat are stuck to her. "...ah...I am a bit...cold." Ice does that to someone. ... yes. * Millie half opens her eyelids. They look fairly heavy. She rubs them with the back of her hand. "Jinxy...?" It comes out somewhat slurry. * Fanfan leans heavily on Tairan and gets drippy wet ex-ice (aka water) all over him. Yeah. You're pretty hurt but you'll be okay. But we need to get out of here before the locals have the sense to get a militia together. We won, though. Kinda. Jan got away again before we could talk to her, after some goons grabbed her mage. We're heading back east to try'n pick up their trail, and maybe get you two some healin'. Goo'. That's the plan. * Tairan looks over at John. "You wanna take Fanfan on your horse? You're a better rider than I am, and if we run into trouble, I'm gonna hafta get off the horse in a hurry to be any use." * Millie murmurs. "Think... they took... th' tablet.." ( ooooh, burn. ) * John nods and motions for Fanfan to follow him to the horse. "Probably." * Fanfan blinks icily (literally speaking), and changes directions to drip all over John instead. * Jinx nods. "We're on that." He then carefully prepares to support Millie with his arms. "I'm going to carry you to Midnight. Alright?" R'nnin' cloud...godda fin'... * Millie tries to lift herself up and doesn't quite manage it. ( The Icegirl cometh. ) * Jinx follows up on what he said and assuming she doesn't resist carefully picks up Millie. Lift with the knees and all that. "We will, save your strength for the ride." * John is dripped on. He still looks good though, as he helps Fanfan over to Hazel. * Millie half slumps in Jinx's arms. Mostly because she doesn't have the strength to do anything else. * Tairan gets his stuff together, and mounts up onto Horse. (But...but Horse! ;-; ) * Jinx quickly heads over to the horses. He blinks for a moment as he tries to figure out how to handle this. "Guess I'll put Millie on Midnight and lead them from Lightning." He sounds fairly unsure of this plan. * Fanfan attempts to clamber on up. Let's keep it slowish to go easy on Millie... also'll make it a bit easier to pick up on Jan's trail. * John gets on Hazel, helping Fanfan up too. *ting!* * Fanfan is helped by shiny teeth! ( The light forms into a low-intensity laser, warming Fanfan! ) (woohoo! ) * Jinx heads over to Midnight, looking the horse in the eye. "You're going to need to help me on this one." He then looks down to Millie. "I'll put you on your horse and make sure your feet get in the stirups. Don't worry, I'll be riding right by you." * Millie doesn't look relieved nor distressed by this new information. * Millie looks at Midnight though. * Jinx carefully transfers Millie to Midnight. ( Neigh. Shaddup. ) * Millie slumps over Midnight. * Jinx secures Millie in the saddle as best he can and then mounts lightning and rides over to Midnight. He leads the Midnight to form up with the others, keeping careful watch on Millie. * Tairan takes point, and heads to where he found eastward tracks earlier before actually heading out east at a slow, steady pace, trying to follow the tracks. ( http://besm.sandwich.net/RSP/art/nemesis.jpg ) ( Guys, this is a pirate king. ) (Beware. ) ( Brett: *DIES LAUGHING* ) (HEE.) ( But does it have...an awning? ) (hahahah!) * Jinx follows Tairan, continuing to keep a close eye on Millie. * Fanfan thaws out slowly on Hazel. Thaw thaw thaw. * Tairan tracks! Or tries to. ( Gimme hearing checks, +1 ) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-3) and gets a natural 10 for a result of 7. 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6+1) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 6. 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6+1) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 8. 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6+1) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 5. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-3) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 1. [Jinx and John and Fanfan hear a hubub from the town.] * Fanfan turns her head slightly. "...eh?" Does anyone else here that? Yes. Probably getting a posse together. ... right. Slightly faster pace. *picks up the pace a bit* * Fanfan massages her face to try and help the circulation so that she can speak intelligibly. "That would be... unfortunate." * Jinx keeps the pace and watches to make sure Millie is holding up. * Tairan still tries to concentrate on following the trail, but can't help glancing back behind them every so often. * Fanfan notices Tairan. "I would suggest that you... focus more on the trail... they will catch up with us much faster if we are on the wrong track." The rest of us can all be paranoid for you. * John nods and, looking back for a second, keeps following Tairan. Yeah. * Millie 's leaning mostly against Midnight's neck, but seems to be doing alright. She's got that sexy disheveled look, yo. Point taken. *refocuses on his tracking* * Jinx is, of course, only looking back at her strictly to be sure she's alright. ;P (Sure he is.) ( Yeah right o/~ ) ( That's as likely as John and Mikoto having hot pseudoyaoi luvluv! ...waiiit. -_^ ) (Sight check at +3! Uh, everyone looking.) 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-1) and gets a natural 9 for a result of 8. 2d6+3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6+3) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 7. ( Do I get a tracking check? =P ) 2d6+3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6+3) and gets a natural 3 for a result of 6. ( Go ahead and make that tracking roll, Tairan, +1 due to darkness. ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tairan (2d6-2) and gets a natural 4 for a result of 2. [Tairan finds a number of hoofprints to follow.] * Tairan points out the tracks to the others, and follows the tracks as best he can. [Most of you looking figure you lost 'em. John peers carefully enough to see a search party of some sort leaving the town, but he's not sure if they've got your trail or not.] We gotta keep movin'. I think I saw a search party leave. * Jinx nods. "Any idea how many?" * Fanfan hisses between her teeth. Search party bad. Keep an eye on them. If they start gaining ground, we might hafta pick up the pace again. Perhaps we could tie Millie onto the horse. * Jinx glances around the local terrain, seeing if there's any hiding places or good areas to stage an ambush available. Small mob, looked like. * Millie lifts an eyebrow enough to peer at Fanfan. But doesn't have enough energy to argue This bodes... poorly. Damn. If it was just a few we could just kill them. ( Are we riding over sand? ) ( Rocky wasteland more than sand. ) (Was just gonna say that, Brett.) We could still...kill them. Would just take more time. Let's keep moving. If they track us, we'll see about setting up an ambush or something. * Jinx nods. * Jinx keeps glancing at Millie, but since she seems to be doing alright he spends a bit more time keeping an eye on his surroundings. John, you have any dynamite left? Think I do. * Jinx smiles at that. * John snickers. "How many sticks do you think you'll need? * Fanfan snorts. If this were the mountains, I'd say lots to start a landslide. If it were a forest, I'd say lots to knock over some trees. On this terrain... I'm just curious about your throwing arm. * Millie murmurs. "In m' pack..." * Jinx focuses on the surroundings. He's more of a help blow things up than a plan how best to blow things up guy. Yeah, 'm interested in what you're thinking too. * Fanfan thaws. She is patently useless in the field of blow things up. ( A clever disguise. ) ( But not clever ENOUGH. ) Pretty simple. Terrain doesn't offer a ton of cover, but we could prolly find some. If they start getting close, we find some cover, toss a coupla sticks of dynamite at them, and shoot the survivors until they fall down. * Jinx nods approvingly. "Straightforward." Simple. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. In...deed. Not enough cover or manpower for any kind of flanking, so straightforward is all we got. Hopefully, it won't come to that. *nods at John, and goes back to concentrating on the tracking* * Millie doesn't think she has to note that she'll be pretty useless in a gun fight right now. ( "Also, we can get Millie to do all the shootins!" ) ( Sure she will. Millie will be our cover. ) (* Millie shoots Fanfan in the foot!) (And Tairan :P) ( D'oh. ) (Hey, that's about the level she can raise the gun to! o/~) ( Fanfan's ridin' a horse though, so that's purty impressive. ) [You look for cover! You don't see any.] [Sight checks, +1!] 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for John (2d6+1) and gets a natural 11 for a result of 12. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-3) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 4. * Fanfan squints toward the west. "Uh-oh." * Millie glances wearily at Fanfan. "What?" Dust cloud. Horses? Possibly. I can't tell. 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6+1) and gets a natural 7 for a result of 8. * Millie sighs and slumps back on the horse. "Just our luck..." Quite . * Jinx draws his shotgun and makes sure it's loaded as he rides along. Isn't it just? * Tairan looks around. Anything that could be used as cover? Big rocks? [Not for some distance.] * Tairan picks up the pace a bit, heading for whatever cover there is to be found in the distance. * Fanfan hangs on, assuming John is picking Tairan's pace. * John follows Tairan's lead! * Jinx keeps up the new pace. "We may be able to scare them off. Depends on whether they loved the Jennings or if they were afraid of them." [You head thataway! Session End!]