[Jinx is in a pickle, like that's anything new. He escaped with the rest of his gang (are they a gang now?) from Hellspoint, found a busted old shack, and while investigating fell down a well. Rescue attempts failed, and he was dragged by a vicious current into an underground lake of some sort with a naked, very pretty Injun girl there, who proceeded to treat him with utmost suspicion. Can't imagine why.] [But at least she didn't try to kill him! Score one for Jinx, eh?] (Shortly he'll be trying to score again. ^_~) [While trying to get her to calm down, another Injun woman walked in. This one's taller, dragging a dead Slayer, slightly older than him, and has a few tomahawks. And, of course, he recognizes her. She's Silver Hawk, someone he worked with once.] (Nice name) * SilverHawk looks Jinx's way. "Hmm. Fancy meeting you here, Errant. Come to return my hat?" (I actually saw a hawk Monday) [Session Start.] (They're cool birds.) * Jinx swims forward a little so he can stand on the shelf. "Hell no. I love this hat." * Jinx smiles while he says it though. * SomeInjun glares warily at Jinx. She hastily grabs her clothes and walks out of sight to change. (It actually hit the ground and then flew away. I guess it caught a sparrow or something.) * SilverHawk smiles. "Me too." She puts a hand on one of the tomahawks at her belt. "Don't come any closer. Rain needs her privacy." * Jinx stops. "I'm good here. What's with Rain? She's got a stick up her ass the size of my polearm." * Jinx does seem fairly relieved to be able to stand and stop swimming though. She's had a hard time. What are you doing here? Yeah who hasn't? ::He shrugs and gestures back:: Hiding out from a Hellspoint posse. Fell down a well. * SilverHawk rolls her eyes. "It'd be just your luck." She tosses the Slayer to the ground. "Find a new horse?" * Jinx did look vaguely disappointed she didn't bite at the polearm line. But can't win them all. (Mostly because I misparsed the line, but maybe she did, too!) Yup. Good one too. ::He grins:: Enjoy your double share of the bounty? * SilverHawk grins, showing her teeth. "I did." * Jinx deploys his charm as best he's able. "What you up to?" * SilverHawk takes out one of her tomahawks and looks it over. "Oh, the usual." Protecting shit or getting at protected shit? Both. How about you? * Jinx keeps the grin. "This and that. You heard of the Jennings family?" Yeah. Buncha bastards, but they pay well if you can put up with 'em. * Jinx grins more. "Not anymore." * SilverHawk blinks. What did you do? Retrieval mission. Went all to hell. But, on the upside, so did both Jennings. * SilverHawk blinks again, and then she starts chuckling. Softly at first, but before long, her laughter echoes through the cave. * SomeInjun is now known as Rain * Jinx blinks. "You working for them? Hope they paid in advance." * SilverHawk shakes her head, and she looks like she wants to say something, but she's cut off by her own laughter as she doubles over. * Jinx stretches for the moment and waits. "This should be interesting." * SilverHawk tries to catch her breath as she turns and calls, "Rain! Rain, you done?" * Rain is drawn out by the laughter. She's wearing a tan Injun-smock and a red bandana with two feathers sticking out of it like rabbit ears. Her hair is done in a plait. "I'm done." * SilverHawk grins, just a *little* crazily. "Hear what Errant said?" What? Says he did in both Jennings. * Rain blinks, and looks from Silver Hawk to Jinx and back. "He did?" * Jinx glances over Rain again. He smiles a bit at the get up. "I admit to having some help." * Rain does not seem amused. "And why did he kill him? What was he doing in Hellspoint?" * SilverHawk shrugs. She looks to the still waterlogged Jinx. Well the father killed a town. I don't take kindly to that. The son... * Jinx gives a second for a dramatic pause. * Rain folds her arms. * SilverHawk looks curious. Interrupted a conversation I was having with a lady friend of mine. * SilverHawk snorts and picks up a pebble, throwing it at Jinx. * Rain glares harshly at Jinx. * Jinx tries to step out of the way but doesn't put a lot of effort into it. "Man, do you ever lighten up Rain? What, were you hoping to do it yourself?" That's exactly what I was hoping to do. Do you have any idea of the amount of suffering that man had caused our people?! And now you're telling me you - YOU, a traitor to our kind - has already killed him because he attacked a town of white men and probably caught you being a lecher?! * Jinx grins. "Yeah, Fate's a bitch, isn't she?" * Rain clenches her fists and gives a frustrated cry, then storms off in the direction SilverHawk came from. * SilverHawk just looks at Jinx, vaguely amused, but then she loses it as Rain yells. "Rain," she says, turning to see her, "You-" She sighs. * Jinx loses the grin but doesn't look apologetic. "Mind if I get out of this lake?" * SilverHawk turns to look at Jinx. Sure, but don't get any funny ideas. * Jinx slowly walks out. "Sure. Look, I'm sorry the kid didn't get her revenge. It can be damn satisfying. But after a few days in Hellspoint I'm tired of taking crap about being an Injun." * SilverHawk grins. "Hey, at least you *are* an Injun. If you weren't, I'd give a fifty/fifty chance on her killing you on sight." * Jinx snickers and then frowns. "I've got friends on the surface. She may not like them." Are they going to try to catch her naked? * Jinx grins. "Well, one's pretty good at that sort of thing. Even got a shaman called Running Cloud. But it would be voluntary." ... Yeah, okay. She'd want to kill him afterwards though. * SilverHawk nods. "Up for a walk, Errant?" * Jinx nods. "Sure." He starts working through his equipment, squeezing or shaking the water out. * SilverHawk folds her arms, waiting. I can do this and walk. I take it she's your job? Nah. She's my partner, believe it or not. * Jinx snorts. "Was she even less practical before you hooked up?" * Jinx fixes his shotgun first. He trades out ammunition when he's done. He's very careful to keep the gun pointed down and away from Silver. No point making her edgy. * SilverHawk sighs, scratching at the back of her head with her right hand. "Yeah." She pauses, then says, "Don't really blame her." * Jinx nods and takes a step in the direction Rain went. Figuring that's where Silver wants to go. "What happened to her? Some Injun sell out people she cared about?" * Jinx then works on his pistol. After shaking the water out he replaces the bullets. * SilverHawk doesn't look like she's moving. Her arms are folded again, and she's looking off in the direction Rain went. * Jinx stops moving for the moment and keeps at the pistol. She was passed around as a slave before I showed up. Before that... I dunno, she said some Easterners got to her village. Damn... Know how that... wait. Easterners? You ever heard about more than one Injun town taken out by them? * SilverHawk looks a little uncomfortable as she says, "No idea. She didn't tell me." She tell you the name of the town? (Realizes that Jinx's backplot is a map without names. ^^;) Nah. Maybe she forgot. But she did tell me her parents are dead, and the bastards tried to use the kids- I'm not a saint, Errant, but what they did was just cruel. * Jinx's voice goes fairly cold. "It was." He pauses for a moment. "But the ones that did it are all dead now." Could be. It was a while ago. You know about it? I killed them. * SilverHawk looks puzzled. "Really." You sure we're talking about the same thing? (Want to firmly establish Jinx's age as a bit older than his sheet has it? At mid twenties or so?) (It'd make more sense, if he were a kid at the very end of the Teckian/Shomuran war.) (Okay. What's good. 24? 26? ) (Mrf. Somewhere around there, yes.) Village was raided shy of two decades ago. The deaths were not that long after. Was really the ancient traps that killed them, I just made sure they walked into them. * SilverHawk blinks at Jinx. "So... you..." * Jinx shrugs noncommittally. "Rain must have forgotten most of it if she doesn't know my name. If I remind her, she'll probably decide she will kill me after all." Wait, did they use kids to scout out the burial temples? Were *you* the one they picked out? * Jinx checks that the Naginata is in good shape. Best to only have so many women trying to kill him at a time. "Yeah. Prophecy and all that." * SilverHawk reaches out, grabs Jinx by the arm, and *pulls* him in the direction Rain stormed off. * Jinx lets himself get dragged. "Hey! Gently! I've had a rough day. Screw your rough day. You're gonna talk to Rain about this. * Jinx mutters under his breath. "Women." He accompanies her though, And puts away the Naginata. (Which means everyone can still see it.) (Right, but not in his hands) * Rain is outside, arms folded. She's watching the sun come up. "It's dawn," she comments as the two head outside. She turns around, eying Jinx again before turning to her partner. "We should go meet him soon." Yeah, Rain, we'll do that. But you gotta hear something first. * SilverHawk shoves Jinx forward. * Rain blinks. She looks at Jinx. "No need for long goodbyes." * Jinx doesn't bother to make a show of being affronted at being pushed forward by Silver. "We're from the same village. I was the kid that was supposed to save it but ended up damning it." * Rain goes wide-eyed for a second. Just a second. "I don't know what you're talking about." * SilverHawk snorts from behind Jinx. She's rolling her eyes. Three of us died before I came forward. Died to protect me, for the future, for nothing. Once they had me the rest of you were sold. * Rain glares at Jinx. "My village died a long time ago. It's only a memory now. But even still none of us would ever have sold out to a white man!" * Jinx glares right back at her. "I'm sorry for dooming our village, I'm sorry I didn't do more to help you, and now I'm sorry I didn't do more to find that what happened to the survivors. But I don't give a damn about your childish bullshit values. I look after my own and trust those that earn it. I don't apologize for that." * Rain fumes at Jinx. "I never asked you to." She walks past him, saying to Silver Hawk, "I'm going on ahead." * Jinx keeps glaring. "Hold on. I heard an expedition left the temple. Trying to get the kids to safety. Nobody ever heard what happened to them. You know?" * SilverHawk opens her mouth to say something, then bites her tongue when Jinx speaks up. * Jinx unconsciously grips his bag of dice when he says that. * Rain whips around on Jinx, shouting, "How the hell would I know? I was seperated from the villagers and auctioned off. For thirty dollars. Thirty measily dollars! And afterwards, I didn't have time to go searching for any of my kinsmen. I was too busy carrying rocks until my arms hurt or being beaten or being used for my masters' pleasure!" By this time she's crying, but her face is twisted in rage. "No, I don't know what happened. Goodbye!" She storms off at a quick pace. * SilverHawk's mouth is twisted into a thin line as she watches Rain go. She doesn't say anything. * Jinx let's his arms fall to his side and looks to Silver. "Odds are I could have handled that better." He's not grinning. * SilverHawk waits a little while before she says, "You think, Errant? Now I'm really not sorry for holding you up." * Jinx instinctually flippantly comments. "I'm sure that's a great weight off your conscience." He then sighs. "I failed them, I failed her, but I was just a kid. And I've never sold anyone out that didn't have it coming." Yeah. It's a lot to ask for a kid. * SilverHawk falls silent, still gazing in the direction Rain went. * Jinx shakes his head. "I don't need pity. I just don't want to be condemned..." He sighs again. "Damnation." He then runs after Rain. * SilverHawk walks after him. [Session End.]