[RISING SUN PIONEERS OMG] [You're at Crazy Feather's Crazy Trading Post! Or something else, but Crazy Feathers is certainly there. Jinx isn't, however.] [People bought things! But if they didn't update their sheets and send them to us, they don't count! Ha ha ha.] [Crazy Feathers is there. Fanfan spots something outside and rushes out. Maybe it's shiny. Millie goes with. Why? Because diamonds are a girl's best friend. Or... something.] [Session Start.] * Tairan stares. And stares. And looks over at John. "This is why I've sworn off women for the time being." You'd think I'd be smart enough to do that. We're no better than animals. *shakes his head* Well, technically, aren't people animals? My point exactly, John. My point exactly. * Tairan turns to Crazy Feathers. "Oh, by the way. I don't suppose you've heard any news out of the Hoshimoto territories back in Shomura since the death of Lord Hoshimoto?" [Crazy Feathers speaks. "Crazy Feathers find much business in war-torn land."] So the war's still going on, even with the new Lord Hoshimoto seeking peace? *frowns* [He nods. "Crazy Feathers only leave so to find valued customers."] Dammit... thanks. *turns to John* Wanna take a look at this map, see if we can figure out where Jinx might've washed up? * John sighs. "Yeah, let's." He takes a look at the map! [He nods. "Shop smart. Shop Crazy."] * Fanfan re-enters the outpost, Millie not in tow. * Tairan spreads the map out on one of the counters and tries to make heads or tails of it. * Tairan looks up at the returning Fanfan. "The heck was that all about?" * Fanfan shrugs. "I was unable to ascertain a definite cause." * John looks over the map trying to make tails or heads of it! ... that's kinda scary. Here, have a sword! *pulls out Draco's katana; holds it out to Fanfan* (... That's random.) * Fanfan blinks. Thank you. (That IS random) * Fanfan takes it carefully. "Is there a...reason for this?" I have a sword. Nobody else in the group uses swords. And it's magic, so it'd be a waste to just keep it in my pack. Plus, I told you I'd give it to you. ( I like how Fanfan leaves, presumably with Millie, returns without her, and no-one asks a thing. XD) Oh. That's true, I suppose. Yes, thank you. (Man. In like 2-3 sessions, Fanfan has gone from having zip magical stuff to two awesome things of awesome magic. 8D) [About this time, a rather pretty Injun woman enters the outpost. She's got shoulder-length black hair done in plaits, and brown eyes. Her clothing is an Injun smock made of hides from something or another. She halts suddenly as she enters, eyeing everyone with apprehension, then makes her way past towards Crazy Feathers, who spreads his arms. "Ah, Crazy Feathers welcome customer."] * Fanfan eyes the lady. Fair's fair. * Injun makes her way over to Crazy Feathers and says something in a low tone. He nods and leads her to a back room, but where he can still keep an eye out front. Besides, if you're gonna be running off without knowing why, you should at least be as well armed as possible. Certainly true. You have your moments of eminent reasonability, Tairan. ( I think Fanfan just turned into Shan for no reason whatsoever. O_o) (She's been talking to Enzo too much and decided Shan's his coolest friend.) * Tairan tips his hat to Fanfan. "I think that's the nicest thing a lady's said to me in a long time." *pauses* "That's really freakin' sad." Quite sad. ( *snerk* Quite possible. They're all so lonely in there. ) * Fanfan bites her lip and grins. (STUPID TUMBLEWEED!) * Tairan looks back to the map. "We're trying to figure this map out, Fanfan, so we can get some idea of where that river might've swept Jinx. If you wanna lend another set of eyes..." * Fanfan walks closer, looking normal again, and peers over the assorted shoulders. [Right about now, the door opens again! In walks a tall Injun woman; her brown hair's in a pair of braids, and she's wearing Injun leather: a halter- top and a skirt slit up both sides; her midriff is bare. She has two tomahawks at her hip. Right behind her is Jinx.] * Jinx walks in. He looks about the same as he did when you last saw him, except that he's wetter and looks a might flustered. "Hey." He glances around. "Where's Rain? Injun in a smock. Just came in here." * Tairan looks back, looks at the map, and points to where they are now. "I think he's right here." * Fanfan looks up, down, up, and nods. "A fair assessment." [The Injun woman looks at the lot of you. "This is your company these days, Errant?"] You scared the hell outta us, Jinx. Good to see you not drowned. *points a thumb towards the back* She's back there. * Fanfan nods. Hey Jinx, glad to see you're in one piece. * Jinx nods absentmindedly to the Injun woman. "Good people. Relatively speaking of course." He looks over to the group. "I was rather startled myself. Millie alright?" He heads to where Tairan pointed. [The Injun woman nods absently and walks after Jinx.] Ran off in search of something. No idea what. I think there might've been some strong liquor in the healing potion we gave her. Likely. It'd make it go down easier, that's for sure. * Fanfan snorts softly. * Jinx nods. He then heads into the back room. * John smiles. *ting* (Ting!) Anything you need help with, or do you have a handle on it? * Jinx replies as he goes to the backroom. "Neither really." His tone is fairly resigned. (Ooh great, now I'm hungry.) * Tairan looks back at Fanfan and John. "Well, for once, we got away easy on something." [The tall Injun lady glances back at the lot of you, then steps in after Jinx.] ... why does everyone we meet look at us like that? As groups of hired guns and sellswords go, we're actually kinda respectable. * Fanfan winces a little at Tairan's description, but shrugs. Not to mention clean shaven. Maybe people just aren't used to seein' easterners and westerners workin' together? (Actually, there's something on Tairan's face.) ( Darnit! Why doesn't anyone tell me these things? ) Or, wait. Tairan, there's something on your face. About there. * John points his finger at a point on his face correlating to where it is on Tairan's. (And, of course, Tairan's going to try and clean it off at the wrong part first) * Tairan rubs at the exact point John was referencing on his own face. He's got damn good hand-eye coordination, yo. "I do? What is it?" Some dirt I think. Nono, other side of your face. * Fanfan gives a tiny snerk. ... but this is where you were pointing. *pokes John right where he pointed* ( Aw, ain't they cute? ) Yeah, but I ment this side of the face. (Now that John doesn't have Mikoto, he needs a new boyfriend.) * John points at the other side. ( ZOMG JOHNxTAIRAN OTP!) ( John needs to stop stealing all of Fanfan's crushes. -_^) (Olivia is going to crack me up.) ... right. *wipes at the other side of his face with his sleeve* (Olivia is going to crack ME up.) (... Which is sorta the point.) (Yes. Yes, it is.) ( Olivia? ) (Kevin's KS character. She's going to replace Richard. Somehow, someone being all fangirl is still better than Richard.) ( Hee! ) Did I get it now? * Fanfan peers. "Perhaps it is your sleeve that is dirty." * John checks. "Yeah, yeah, you got it." Good. Hate to think people would judge me by some smudge on my face, and not take the time to see the surly, vaguely hostile man beneath the grime. *grins* ( * Olivia takes notes for her bad fanfiction.) * Tairan looks out the door. "Hope Millie didn't fall into an underground river or something." I doubt it. Who do you think she is, Jinx? Okay, get kidnapped. Women that travel with this group have an unfortunate habit of being kidnapped. No, I think that stopped with Mary Ann, for the most part. That woman was a real magnet for kidnappers. * Fanfan looks away in embarrassment at the whole kidnapping thing. She just wasn't suited for life on the road. Hell, I'm not sure I'm suited to life on the road. And I spent the better part of a few years wandering around forests hunting bandits. Better suited than most people, I'd say. ( In a parallel dimension where Teck is Pakistan and Shomura is Canada, Tairan is a mounty. ) True. I have a cool hat, after all. Everyone knows the hat is very important. * John adjusts his cool hat. * Fanfan shifts restlessly. (See, that's the problem. Fanfan lacks a cool hat.) ( She's got. Uh. A braid? ) (NOT AS COOL.) ( ): ) * Tairan turns to Fanfan. "You're from one of the areas of Shomura where guns are at least tolerated, right?" (...hold that thought. ) * Fanfan opens and closes her mouth several times. "Er." Er? * Fanfan shrugs. I was raised in Serizawa... I admit, the first time I ever saw a gun being used within close range was when I encountered you all. * Tairan nods. "Was it that guns were actively banned, or just kinda frowned on?" I...honestly, I am not sure. We never saw one, nor any Teckians, so I cannot say. * John checks his pistol. "I hope it wasn't too much of a shock." * Fanfan eyes John's pistol. "It... was a surprise. But as you can see, I have adjusted." * Fanfan pauses. "Somewhat." Okay. Was mostly asking 'cause I've been wondering if there're many people out there that do the gun-and-sword combination like me. Of course, being in a group with Millie, it was rather...necessary. * Fanfan looks at Tairan. "Not that I have seen." Millie is a bit... obsessive about her weapon. She's a specialist. People who specialize in one weapon like that... lotta times, they get a bit crazy about it. That is an apt word. * Fanfan pauses and glances at Tairan, raising her eyebrow. Hmm? Nothing. * Fanfan casually inspects Draco's sword. [It's shiny! And really big. Maybe he was overcompensating for something.] ( Do we have a sheath as well? ) (Depends on if Tairan took it. ;P) ( I thought I did. ) * Fanfan slides the sword out of its sheath with a little "chik!" noise, handling it carefully. Hell, I would've been a katana specialist if I hadn't found my pistol and this hat in a cave. Hey, it's a fine hat. * Fanfan quirks an eyebrow. "Fate?" 2d6-1 Somethin' like that. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fanfan (2d6-1) and gets a natural 5 for a result of 4. ( w00t. Go soul sista Fanfan! ) (Fanfan ftw!) ( 8D ) ( She's like, totally, the most badass character there. Did you see how she danced while fighting? That's TOTALLY COOL! *sigh*) * Fanfan looks back at the blade, turning it over, testing the balance. "...oh, my. This is Takame make...likely from before the war." ( *-* ) ( Do I know what that means? ) (Takame's a major clan known for swordsmanship. You can see where they're located on the map.) ( Suz' clan, too, I think. ) (That too!) ... s'a helluva find. Must've been plundered during the war. * Fanfan nods. "I can imagine... and magical, too?" Possibly. * Fanfan whistles. She does it badly, but the attempt is there. ( This was the slicey flexy bendy sword, right? ) I'd say probably. * Fanfan looks around at the shop. "It would likely be imprudent of me to test its abilities here." She sheathes the sword with a snikt. * Fanfan then tries to figure out where to put it, and just holds it for now. ( She has entirely too many pointy things. XD ) * John has lots of shooty things! One of these days, I really need to find myself some sort've lightweight armor... been getting shot up far too often lately. That is never a good thing. * Jinx steps out, glancing back as the door closes behind him. "That is one crazy bitch. Let's get before she decides we're all enemies of Injun-kind." * Jinx has a hand on his shotgun. He seems to be completely in earnest. ... that sounds like a plan. You can explain while we go figure out where the hell Millie went. Hm. A good plan, if you say so. * Fanfan starts for the heading out. I agree, let's get outta here. * Jinx grumbles to himself as he walks out. "I may not be a good man. But I thank the spirits that I'm not a righteous one." * Fanfan snorts and nods in agreement as she follows him. * John chuckles and heads out. [They head out.] [Session End!]