[Takoyaki! It's such a fun fun word. But that's not what we're here for.] [It's early in the evening, just after the sun went down. The sky's even still red. Earlier you fought the Slayers and, after a fierce battle, you continued on your merry way to the town Running Cloud mentioned, which turned out to be rather small. Still, a town is a town, and better to spend the night in there than the wild.] [All the Injuns get together! Everyone else is busy with something else, so they're not there. The streets are lit by with torches, the saloon is filled with hearty laughter. Whatcha gonna do?] [Mini Start] * Millie pushes the swinging doors open to the saloon, her arms stretching out in front of her as she pretty much shoves her way in front of everyone, her eyes closed. "Whooo boy, it's been a long taime..I could use this!" * Jinx heads in after Millie and scans the room for likely marks, that is to say, people that may be interested in a friendly game. * Millie looks over her shoulder, waving. "Common common...night's young an' I wanna use all of it!" * RunningCloud shakes her head and walks after Millie and Jinx, into the saloon. * Jinx raises an eyebrow at Millie. "What'cha looking to do?" * Millie cracks her knuckles slowly, each one popping faintly as she looks over the saloon, a twinkle in her eye and a grin on her teeth. "Let's see, let's see.." Well, I jus' need some relaxin' is all..ya can't expect me ta spend the whole life on the trail..I'll go plum loco. [The saloon is full of hearty patrons. Well, not full, but not empty either. They're scattered here and there. Luckily, they don't seem to be in the mood for a fight, either. A plump bartender, mostly bald but with a thick moustache, polishes glasses in the traditional bartenderin' way.] * RunningCloud folds her arms and glances around, ignoring any looks cast her way. "We can't have that." * Jinx grins at that and keeps scanning the room. "No, we can't." * Millie hops over to the bar and plunks in an availible stool, leaning her elbow on the bar and trying to catch the attention of the bartender. "Whatcha got here?" * Millie slowly and delicately starts to tug off her hideskin gloves. * Jinx smiles and shrugs at Running Cloud and walks up to the bar. [The bartender doesn't look up. "Beer, whiskey, liquor and rum."] * RunningCloud looks helplessly back, then does the same, perching on the stool in a comfortable, but somehow ladylike manner. * Millie turns around over her shoulder. "Ya two want anything? It's on me." * Jinx grabs a stool. "Sure, I'll take a beer." * RunningCloud waves vaguely. "Liquor wouldn't be good for me right now." * Millie smiles slightly. "Suit yourself.." She turns back to the barkeep. "How much for a beer an' a whiskey?" 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ardweden (2d6) and gets 10. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Brett (2d6) and gets 10. (There, that's how much! Dicey approves!) "10 dollars even." * Millie shrugs a bit. "I've had worse..guess ya need ta charge a little more all the ways out here." She takes the money out of her pack and plops it on the counter. * Millie doesn't look up but keeps reaching in her pack, taking out a canteen and tossing it over to RC. "Here. If you're thirsty. Can't have ya without some type a drink, even if it's jus' water." [The man makes no comment, and does his job quickly and effectively.] * RunningCloud catches it, then tosses it back with a laugh. She just asks the barkeep for water. * Jinx takes a swig of beer and then nurses it. "Thanks Millie." ( The beer fully recovers under Jinx's watchful care. ) * Millie catches the canteen and looks up slowly, grinning. "My water ain't good 'nuff for ya?" She says teasingly. ( Yay! ) [The Barkeep gives RC cola! Er... Water, yeah.] * RunningCloud spins the glass on the counter. "How'd you guess?" she replies with a grin. (Heh heh.) (/me kills Brett.) * Millie crosses her legs ladylike and hmms a little, sipping from her drink. "So what's a girl like you see in a guy like pretty boy anyhow?" * RunningCloud sips her own drink, thoughtfully, then sets it down. That's a loaded question. * Millie grins slightly. "Is it? It's like a gun. Questions ain't of much use if they ain't loaded somehow.." * Jinx keeps drinking and listens, he seems to take big sips but the level drops rather slowly. * RunningCloud snorts. "Not really, no." ( A man asks Millie to buy him a beer. Millie takes 34 damage :P ) But I don't think it's as loaded as ya might think.. Oh, I know you told me you're not after him. Seems a lot of girls take after him cause of his looks or somethin'..frankly I don't see it..I hate when people thinks I am. * Jinx grins ever so slightly. * Millie waves her hand nonchalantly. "Yeah, I did. The question is do ya believe that or not." I thought the question was what I see in him, if anything. That too...there's always more than one question floatin' 'bout in the air. * Millie grins at RunningCloud and takes a careful sip, watching her eyes. * RunningCloud smirks. "Well, pick one." Well, I think the second one's more interestin'...I couldn't care a lick really why ya'd be after him. It's none of my concern. I suspect it's jus' because he's a pretty face...seems what a lot of gals go for. You think I just go after pretty faces? I'm hurt. * RunningCloud grins. She doesn't *sound* hurt. * Millie smiles. "Nothin' wrong with that...'slong as it don't control your life, raight?" * Jinx chuckles. "Quite." * Millie nudges Jinx and smirks. "This is girl talk..you'll get your turn." * RunningCloud mmms and sips her water again. "I believe you as far as what you've said. I'll continue to believe you until I see evidence to the contrary." * Jinx grins and goes back to his drink. Frankly, I doubt you dislike him as much as you claim to. Pah. He's a show-off, he's a pretty boy, he's more than a bit dense at times, and he seems ta want ta do nothin' but get under my skin...plus he tends ta get women irate at me for no good reason. ( Poor Jinx. ) * Millie crosses the other leg and shrugs. "What's ta like?" And I'm sure it's entirely his fault, too. ( He's drinking with too cute Injun's, he'll be OK. :) ) * Millie falls forward to the edge of her stool, catching herself with her feet and leaning forward with a bit of a frantic air. "Of course! He ruined a duel between that bandit leader an' me...I mean, I could handle myself! But no, he hasta butt right in an' take all the credit." * Jinx glances about the room again, shrugs, and starts drinking for real. An' he TWIRLS his pistol! An' doesn't use his rifle! What kind of idjit treats his guns like that??? * RunningCloud watches Millie's outburst with amusement. "Uh huh." * Millie hmmphs suddenly and turns aside. "Really, if ya ask me, I should turn 'im in first opportunity..but I promised ya one, Running." * Jinx chuckles softly but keeps his mouth shut. You wouldn't turn him in any more than I would, and you know it. * Millie looks steadily at Running Cloud, her cheeks flushed, whether from irritation, anger, or embarrassment it's hard to tell. "Wha..what makes ya think I wouldn't???" You can call it a feeling, if you want. Maybe it's the reason he's more than a pretty face * Millie turns to Jinx, pleadingly. "Come on, you ain't gonna think Millie'd go soft, wouldja?" * Jinx shakes his head. "'Course not. But I don't think you're the type to rat out a teammate, which has nothing to do with being soft." Yeah...I guess... * Millie grumbles and folds her arms, not seeming completely satisfied, but accepting that as an explanation. 'Sides, it'd be too easy. You got to hunt a bounty. But don't let me interrupt. * Millie puffs her cheeks a few times, before looking at RunningCloud. "Yeah...well..." * Jinx finishes his beer, throws out $5 and taps the table. * Millie looks over her shoulder offhand at Jinx, her whole body swiveled and turned away from him, but her eyes looking up with long lashes, arms still folded across her chest. "You'd know 'bout huntin' 'bounties then?" [The bartender takes the money and quickly fixes Jinx another one.] * Jinx chuckles. "Not my usual gig, but yeah, a bit, I've seen both ends." Bounty hunting. Fairly dangerous profession, that. * Millie grins faintly. "Ya know, it's not a good idea ta talk 'bout havin' bounties in a saloon fulla slingers." * RunningCloud smirks. "There's no bounty on me." It's off now, wasn't by the law, and the gentlemen who had been offering it now has an address under a hill. * Millie 's almost leaning backwards on the stool now, grinning widely at Jinx, her face almost regarding him upsidedown. Bad luck for him, eh? Quite. * Millie rights herself on the stool and straightens her vest, hoping she didn't give anyone a show. So what's your story then, Jinxy? Bet each scars got its own, don't it? * Jinx takes another drink. "I got a few at the same time, but yeah. Although mine is a fairly long story..." * Millie smiles happily and stretches her arms out, plopping them on each of their shoulders in a friendly gesture. "It's just us Injuns here. We gots ta stick together, raight?" * RunningCloud sets her empty glass down and signals for a refill. She seems fairly content to watch. * Millie may already be starting to get drunk, though with the way she normally acts, how could you tell? * Jinx smiles again. "I'll drink to that. Though I find its more interesting to trade stories than tell them all myself. I'll happily start though." * Jinx does in fact drink to that. Although, we may wish to find a slightly more secluded spot than the bar for such things. * Millie drinks to that too! If you like. * RunningCloud gets to her feet and stretches. "Actually, I may have to turn in. That fight took a lot out of me." * Millie looks at RunningCloud and lets out a sly smile. "Aww..we ain't good company?" 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-1) and gets 4. * Jinx looks slightly disappointed. "Another time perhaps. Feel free to change your mind." I think we're gonna get a game started, if you're interested..I promised Jinxy one. Nothing to do with that. But magic does take something out of you. * Jinx glances at the barkeep. "Don't happen to have coffee do you?" [The barkeep shakes his head. "Sorry, none of that here."] * Millie waves at Jinx offhand, shaking her head irritated. "If a woman says she don't feel well, don't try ta make it better..ya jus' make it worse by tryin' ta fix things." * Jinx shrugs and holds up his hands. "I've found, that is, I've heard it helps, but no matter." * RunningCloud laughs. Go 'head an' lay down if ya'd like, Runnin'. We owe ya a lot really. We appreciate ya comin' with." Ya sure make for interestin' company..an' we needed someone ta keep Johnny in line..it's hell tryin' ta do it all by yourself. * Millie grins and rocks her stool a bit, her arms folded on her kneees. * RunningCloud snickers. "I know. Trust me on this." * Jinx nods. "I quite agree with the first bit, and good night." Good night. I'll see you two in the morning. We'll keep a spot open for ya if ya change your mind. * RunningCloud nods, then walks out, preseumably to the inn. * Jinx nods and glances over to Millie. "So presuming you want to stay indoors and comfortable. Want to grab a table, or there's always the inn, the rooms have a table and such." [She succeeds.] (Of course I did. I rule.) * Millie turns back towards Jinx, in the same position. "Soo...care ta have a little friendly game? I know ya hate that term, but it'd seem best." (RC the wonder cola penguin!) (Wak.) Sure, or we could just keep the stakes low. Whatever you like. * Millie grins, a mischievious twinkle in her eye. "Stakes don't always have ta be money, ya know." ( Keep the steaks low. No stabby in the heart. ) ( stakes. But you can keep steaks low, too. ) (Rare, even.) (Then they''ll be raw and you'll get food poisoning ;_;) * Jinx laughs. "I'm well aware of that." * Millie gets up from the stool, letting it rock a bit after she gets up, surveying her domain, I mean the saloon. * Jinx stands up. "So, you bought the first round, I'll leave the location, game, and stakes to you." [Millie's domain is populated by a buncha drunks.] * Millie looks over her shoulder, giving Jinx a mock pout. "Oh, I'm not really all that good though..don't know a thing 'bout cards really." * Millie goes over to an empty table. Figures her domain would be bespoiled. (preferably in a corner or something) * Jinx grins, grabs, his drinks and heads over. ( The corners are where the people in dark cloaks sit! ;_; ) (Only dark cloaks allowed there. I'm afraid Millie and Jinx need to get cloaks before they can be admitted.) (So for once, it's where people with bright white cowboy hats and scars sit!) (awww. ;_;) * Millie finds an empty table away from the elitist dark cloak society then. Fooey. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-2) and gets 4. * Jinx sits down at the table, flicks his wrist and a deck of cards appear, he does a few quick one handed cuts then tosses the deck as one unit to Millie. * Millie whistles and grins, leaning forward. "We decide on the stakes yet?" * Jinx shakes his head, "I don't believe so." * Millie scratches her chin, thinking for a moment. "Mmm...well, is there somethin' ya want from ol' Millie?" (*That's* a loaded question.) * Jinx grins and shrugs. (Yes ^_^) * Millie winks at Jinx. "Come on now...we're friends here ain't we?" ( She's hitting on him <.< ) * Jinx looks Millie over and replies in a friendly tone. "Sure. But the question isn't what I want, it's what you care to play for." Mmm.... * Millie taps her lips, looking up off-hand, thinking. ( Feet! I dare ya! ) Well, somethin' simple..how 'bout next purchase we gotta do, loser picks up the tab? You've been diggin' deep into your pockets for some of these things. * Jinx gives a wry grin. "So, is the best available gun in the next available shop a purchase we gotta do?" ( Next purchase = "I'll tell ya for $1!" :P ) (o/~) * Millie lets out a faint smirk. "Maybe.." * Millie cuts the deck with a bit of a flourish herself and slides it back over to him. * Jinx chuckles. "How about next necessary purchase for the someone other than the two of us. We'll talk about that gun when I get into town where I can really gamble." You're the one that mentioned the gun, not me, Mister Big Shot. * Jinx shrugs and smiles. "So, necessary for someone else?" ( I need a manicure.) * Jinx grabs the deck, shuffles and bridges with a flourish and holds it in the air, ready to deal once the game's established. * Millie cups her wrist under her chin and smiles wryly. "I guess that works. 'Sides, what's someone with a 12-gauge Ringlon Splayer want with a gun anyhow?" Though they're too close up for my tastes...give me mah S.S. anyday. * Jinx laughs and taps his shotgun. "I'm quite content with this, could use a higher gauge revolver, but no, I don't consider a new gun necessary." ( "Gimme $500, or Mary Anne gets it." "Does this count as necessary?" "Nah, let's just shoot him." ) ( Yup! ) * Millie taps her cheek with two fingers. "Hmm...how 'bout 5 card draw for starters? Best 3 out of 5?" * Jinx nods and deals out. "Let's just say first necessary under $100, keep things reasonable, I'm not that much of a high roller at the moment." * Millie chuckles. "Millie hears ya..." ("...An' Millie don't care." is what you don't hear ^_^) So, I believe you wanted a story as well. So what'cha want to hear about? Mmm.. Why don't we work that into the game too? Winner asks one question to the loser? Sure, but you get one free for buying. ( "*Sigh* okay, first necessary purchase, within seven days, after shopping around and seeing if any better prices are available, if everyone else consents, and if it costs less that $100. Okay?" "No, no taxes either." ) * Millie 's eyes twinkle as she looks straight at Jinx. "So I guess I'm gonna be answerin' all the questions 'round here...not that that's a surprise is it?" I'll save mine till the end if ya don't mind? * Jinx looks into Millie's eyes for a moment and then checks out his cards. "As you like." * Millie picks up her cards and looks at them critically, scowling just slightly as she picks them up. * Jinx is utterly expresionless to all but superb judges of human character. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 3. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 4. [Millie wins the first hand.] * Millie lets out a faint smirk as she looks at the cards. "Well wouldja look at that?" * Millie smiles up at Jinx. "Beginner's luck, raight?" * Jinx smirks back. "Not much a card player eh? You do realize you're supposed to lose the first few rounds when you're sharking. Using this question?" We only got 5 rounds...I ain't got room for play.. * Millie leans forward, her eyes twinkling a bit. "Who gave ya the nickname Jinx?" * Millie rests her cheek on her palm, looking faintly and steadily at him. * Jinx thinks for a moment. "The first man to use it in a friendly manner goes by the name of Bill Scott, a contracter. In an unfriendly, frankly I forget the name.. remember the circumstances though." Care ta tell these "circumstances?" * Jinx neatens up the cards and pushes them to Millie. Or is that a whole new question? I don't wanna use up my bonus one jus' yet. * Jinx shakes his head. "This one's free. The guy was a treasure hunter who, 'hired', me for a raiding job. He used the term after most of his gang died." The way Jinx uses the term hired implies that this was not a voluntary deal on his part. * Millie pulls the cards towards her, flicking her wrists out as she shuffles the bridge, not playing off too much inexperience this time. Treasure hunters are awful sorts sometimes..only care 'bout one thing. * Millie holds the cards out to Jinx to cut. * Jinx takes the cards and cuts and then pushes them back. I didn't actually start using the name until Bill Scott used it, although I will admit it often preceeds me. * Millie flicks the cards off from the top of the deck quickly, giving 5 cards all around. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 2. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 2. d2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ardweden (d2) and gets 2. [Millie wins the second hand.] * Millie chuckles slightly as her eyes twinkle up to Jinx. "Guess it jus' ain't your lucky night." * Jinx neatens the cards and begins to shuffle. "So it would seem, next question?" Ain'tcha glad I decided ta make it a friendly game? Mmm... * Millie looks over Jinx's scars critically, seeming to think something, her eyes roving. "Tell me..." * Jinx shrugs, but there's a twinkle in his eyes as he does. * Millie looks up to his eyes and grins. "Were those things earlier Chikins or 'Trices?" * Jinx chuckles. "Chikins, I looked at them dead on. Got nothing better to ask?" He pushes the deck to Millie to cut. * Millie smiles a little. "Jus' tryin' ta catch ya off guard...keep ya guessin'." * Millie cuts the deck. * Jinx takes the deck back and deals out five cards. "Well played then." 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 7, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Maybe you should consider sacrificing some barnyard animals?" (dr) 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 6. (dr) 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 1. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 2. [Jinx wins this hand. In fact, he got a flush to Millie's two pair. Lucky.] * Millie grumbles and tosses down the cards. "I swear, that came outta nowhere.." It appears luck can change. Right so my turn... Yeah yeah.. So, what's so special about these ruins of yours? And duck that if you like, I can ask something else. * Millie leans back in her chair, not seeming too pleased. * Millie waves her hand nonchalantly. "It's jus' no one's really FOUND these things..they don't know what's in it. An' I wanna be the first..." * Jinx looks a bit confused. "So how do you know about them if no one has found the,?" I don't care what ya say, if someone really found out 'bout these ruins, there'd be more on 'em...ya can't jus' stumble in by accident. * Millie grins slightly at Jinx. "Now now..ain't that a seperate question?" * Jinx grins slightly back. "Guess I'll have to win this next round. I believe it is your shuffle." Raight... ( People know ruins exist, they just can't get into 'em. I could swear I explained this somewhere. ) ( Or maybe I'm repeating myself uselessly. 'Cause I'm tired. ) * Millie shuffles, deals, and assumes Jinx cuts because it makes it quicker on the GMs ( ^^; ) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 4. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 2. [Jinx wins the fourth hand. His groove is no longer thrown off, apparently.] (Wait, so these special ruins are common knowledge?) (Yes and no ^_^;) ( The fact that they exist, yeah. ) ( OK, that's enough ) ( But nobody really cares about them because they can't get in. ) (People forgot about them because they're pretty useless...it's like knowing where cacti are.) Well, enough of ruins, how'd you learn to shoot so well? * Millie smirks faintly. "Dad taught me." I swear he wanted a boy though...I mean really...the way he went on an' on... Maybe he just wanted a gun slinging daughter, he your Injun side or was that your mother? * Millie sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. "Tweren't easy at all..." * Jinx nods. * Millie waggles her finger at Jinx. "That's another question, Jinxy..quit tryin' ta get more than your share." * Jinx smiles. "Just making conversation, now keep telling of your training if you like." Eh..ain't much ta tell. He made sure I could shoot off a horse, he mostly had me out in the yard though. Seemed ta like rifles a lot more..never really said why though. * Jinx nods. Your deal. * Jinx quickly shuffles the cards and profers them to Millie for the auto-cut and then deals. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets -1, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I'm a child of extremes. Have a crit, and a nice day to go with it." 2d6-5 (^_^_v) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets -2. [Millie wins. Fatality. In fact, she has a straight flush to Jinx's... ten of clubs?] * Millie laughs wildly at that and slaps her cards down. "Hah! Guess luck ain't everything, is it Jinxy?" * Jinx makes a show of disappointment, and then smiles. "I'm sure... You have two more questions." So, ya got another reason for goin' on this journey 'sides money? It doesn't have ta be your original plan if ya'd like, but I wanna know... * Jinx leans back in his chair. "I enjoy travel and adventure, and each new job gives an opportunity to find my purpose...." And once I started... Well the company is rather pleasent. ::Jinx grins a bit:: * Millie chuckles a bit then yawns, stretching her arms high overhead, scooting her chair in. "Well, remember. Next cost is on you..I think I'm gonna hit the hay..." * Jinx raises an eyebrow. "Saving your last? As you like." * Millie smirks as she looks down at Jinx, passing him real slowly. "What do ya think of ol' Millie anyhow? * Jinx glances up at her as she goes. "You have a right to know that for free. You I like. You're fun and make the aestetics of adventuring a good bit more pleasant." * Millie smirks. "How generous of ya, Jinxy. Let's jus' hope that streak lasts..." * Millie walks off with a bit of a sway as she makes her way to the inn. "A pleasure playin' with one of the best. Sleep well, Jinxy.." * Jinx shrugs and stands up. "I've only seen one streak in my life that has lassted. Sleep well yourself.... * Jinx swigs down what remains of his beer and heads to the inn himself. * Jinx waits til they part company going to seperate rooms and comments softly, "And if you ever want the full answer to that question of yours, ask me about the last adventuring girl I thought was fun." ( The guy who passes Jinx in the hall says, "Okay." ) [Mini End]