[It's night! You're camping! You three got the same shift, you fools, so you're trying to entertain yourselves while not thinking of those EVIL skeletons you know are lurking just around the corner. It's still overcast, but thankfully not raining.] [Mini Start.] (Evil skellingtons. x.x) * John 's checkin' his pistol, as usual. "Skeletons. Why did it have to be skeletons?" * Millie sits on a nearby log, with her arms folded up nearly to her chest. She's rubbing her legs as if to keep warm and not looking anywhere in particular. She also has her back turned to the rest of you, mumbling to herself. * Jinx holds a revolver in his right hand, aimed away from the camp, and a deck in his left hand. "Can't say, but Millie, you care to play that poker game you owe me tonight? Might be a nice change of pace." * Millie doesn't seem to be hearing anything as she stares off into space, focused on the terrain. * Jinx holsters his gun and walks over in front of Millie. He repeats his question allowing a hint, but only a hint of concern in his voice. "Want to play that game you owe me? I don't think the terrain back there's gonna move." * John looks up from his weapon, a little worry in his eyes. He shakes his head and goes back to the watch. * Millie jumps back a bit on her feet, her eyes widening for a second at Jinx before softening, and looking at him. "N-no. Yer right." Game huh? * Jinx nods and smiles, he tosses the deck to Millie. * Millie tries to catch it, but fumbles awfully, the cards hitting the ground with a thump. Hopefully they're bound, or else they'd be all over the place now.. Ah...I'm sorry Jinxy...didn't mean ta... * Millie bends down to pick the cards up. * John walks over to observe the gaming. "Somethin's botherin' ya, isn't it?" * Millie looks over carefully at John. "Wha-what makes ya say that?" * Jinx grimaces slightly, the deck was still in a box, and it was a deck for outdoor play, but still. He quickly resumes a practiced smile. "S'alright. I didn't give you any warning." * John shrugs. "Just a feelin'." * John smiles. *ting* * Millie doesn't quite look at John as she responds. "I'm fine. Millie's-" She takes a deep breath inbetween it. "Millie's perfectly fine." But meybe a game'll be good, yeah. * John raises an eyebrow. * Jinx nods and grins. "You're just a bit worried about our rematch I think, can't say I blame you." * Millie lets out a faint smirk, but it looks a little more forced than usual. "Y'all know I'll whoop the pants offa ya jus' like last time." * Jinx keeps a grin. "Last time was a statistical aberation, you can't cheat fate forever." He drums the fingers of his left hand against his legs as he speaks. We'll see won't we? Ya in too, Johnny? * John shakes his head. "I'm not a gamblin' man." Awww. Whatcha worried 'bout? * Jinx starts over to Lightning and then glances back at Millie. "You want to play sitting down and get a little dusty, or just standing up and holding all the cards?" * Millie folds her wrist under her chin and peers slightly at John. Ya think a girl like me's worried 'bout a little dust? I always got mah log. * John shrugs. "I don't like gamblin', 's all. You go ahead and play, I'll jus' watch." * Millie lets down her hand and shrugs. * Jinx nods and keeps walking to Lightning. He takes what loks like a small box from the saddle bags and then walks over to Millie's log. Seem ta gamble with the ladies well 'nuff. * Millie dusts her jeans off and sits down on said log. It's big, it's heavy, it's wood, what more could you want? Ya think I like it? * Jinx listens to the repartee as he unfolds the box in front of the log, providing a nice flat playing surface, if not all that large of one. Maybe if ya win, I'll agree ta teach ya a thing or two 'bout ladies. Though I figure if I do that, ya'd be even MORE popular with 'em. An' I hardly think ya want that. * Millie grins over at John. Looks like she almost completely changed from her previous composure. * Jinx chuckles and sits down on the other side of the playing area, he chooses a position that'd let John sit if he so chose. * John chuckles. "I think I'll do fine on my own." So what's the game? An' more important, what's the stakes? * Jinx glances up at John while still chuckling slightly. "Don't get drunk, don't gamble, do you have any vices?" Yeah. Himself. * Millie actually doesn't crack much of a grin at that. * John smirks. "You're probably right, there." * Jinx turns back over to Millie. "Stick with poker unless you'd prefer some other game. Could play draw or stud, doesn't matter to me. And as to the stakes, any requests?" * Millie thinks slightly. Could play the same question game we did last time..that was pretty interestin'. But for the main stakes, I dunno... * Millie rubs her chin. * Jinx nods. "Fine by me for the minor stakes." * Millie grins slightly. "Howsabout the winner picks a date for the loser?" * Jinx laughs and then thinks a moment. * Millie turns to John. "Whatcha think Johnny? Make things interestin'?" * John laughs. "Sure, jus' as long as I'm not involved." Could we include a limitation that it has to be a member of the opposite sex? * Millie grins slightly with a twinkle to her eyes. "Sure John. Never." * Millie turns to Jinx, then puts her fists on her hips and pouts cutely. "Aww, you're no fun!" Guess yer jus' scared ya might lose, eh? * Jinx gestures to John and then deadpans. "He'd just break my poor little heart." * Millie winks slowly at Jinx, but she still looks slightly pouty. * John smirks. * Jinx snorts. "Alright then, no limitation. But the loser also has to pay for the date." * Millie raises an eyebrow at Jinx. "You SURE you wanna do that?" * Jinx waves a hand and grins. "Naw, once I win, you'll probably find a way to stick me with the bill anyways." * Millie rubs her chin. "Is it alright if I pay ya back in Teckian? I ain't got much kanmon left..." * Jinx nods. "That's fine, I've got enough Kanmon." * Jinx stretches for a moment. "So shall we start?" Alright then..any other stipulations? * Millie reaches out her hand first. "Shake on it." * Jinx shakes his head and then offers his own hand. "Winner picks a date for the loser. Works for me." * Millie shakes on it, and grins. "It better. Because you're gettin' the date." * Jinx rolls his eyes. "Alright, best of five? You can deal first if you like. And you pick stud or draw?" * Millie stretches her arms overhead and smirks delightedly at Jinx. "Should be thankful really. It could be the chance of a lifetime if I'm nice, raight?" Mmm..stick with draw. I like draw. * John watches intently. * Jinx grins. "Suppose so." * Jinx then chuckles softly. "Although, I'm thinking you're more likely to pick someone amusing for me than nice. I believe I shall put my trust in the luck of the draw instead." Jinx then raps the play surface with his fist, encouraging Millie to deal. Ya guys gonna go two outta three? * Millie nods and shuffles the cards with a flick of her fingers, keeping her eyes daintily set on Jinx's as she flips through them, then offering them for his cut. I was thinking three out of five. ::Jinx then deftly makes a cut:: Either works. * Millie deals out the cards with a practiced flick of the wrist. Might wanna shake on which one you're usin', less ya want one of ya to cop out on the deal. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 6. * Jinx collects his cards, and holds them at such an angle as to not let Millie see them using the height advantage proffered by the log. "Three out of five it is then, don't think a shake is necessary." 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 2. Yeah, you're right. If ya don't go by it, I'm here ta make sure you do. * Millie looks poutily at John, holding her cards closer to her as she does so. "Aww geez, Johnny. Dontcha trust me?" * Jinx trades in his cards and once Millie has traded hers, he lays down a full house. * Millie scowls and tosses down king high. "Geez, you'd swear ya cut 'em that way..." I trust ya not ta shoot me in the back, if that's what ya mean. * Jinx grins and pulls up he sleaves as he takes the deck and starts shuffling it with a practiced ease. * Millie rolls her eyes at John. "There's more ta life than shootin', ya know." So, about how many jobs were you on before this one? * Millie taps her fingers against the log irritably, then looks up at Jinx, stopping. "Hmm..." Who ya askin'? Depends on whatcha consider a "job." * Jinx gestures to Millie. "Her, I won a question, you can answer too if you like I suppose." * John nods. "Ah, yeah, the game." Little distracted, pretty boy? * Jinx nods at Millie. "I was thinking as a hired gun, but if you've been on other interesting ones..." Perhaps. * Millie hmms. "Well, I don't really do the "hired gun" bit all that much if I can help it." So go with the broader definition then. Interesting ones? * Millie thinks. A few...I'd say 'bout 4 or 5..I didn't really think 'bout it. I'd hafta count my mementos ta know for sure. * Jinx nods and doesn't ask any follow up questions. * Millie looks a little surprised but not by much. "So your deal?" * Jinx nods and offers the deck for a cut. * Millie keeps her eyes on Jinx as she slips her fingers out to cut, giving him a faint Pretty Smile #13. * Jinx retrieves the deck and deals slowly with his sleaves up. "I'd hoped that by avoiding trying to get a free follow up question, I might get free elaboration, it appears I've been outplayed on that account." He grins slightly as he finishes, and then looks at his hand. Ah come now, Jinxy. Give me a little credit. * Millie peers at her own hand intently. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 7. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 2. * Jinx trades in his cards, and once Millie has done the same, he lays down two pair. * Millie 's eyebrow twitches slightly as she lays down a two also. But along with it, the highest is a jack. * John smirks. "See why I didn't want ta play?" * Millie puts her hand to her forehead and closes her eyes, letting out a light sigh. "Yeah. These cards are jus' eatin' me alive t'day..." * Jinx shrugs. "WHole dynamic of the game changes as you get more than two players, more room for bluffing and bidding." He hands his card in to Millie as he thinks of a question. * Millie folds her arms and grumbles under her breath. "I'd swear ya were goin' easy on me the first time, butcha ain't gettin' all that great of hands here either. I'm jus' down on mah game." * Jinx nods and then decides on a question. "Alright, so Millie, what is your game? It's not poker, nor selling your gun skills, might be earning glory but it seems more complex than that." * Millie tilts her head to the side slightly. "Game? Whatcha mean?" What're ya after. * Millie grins. "The tablet. Same as the rest of ya." * John smirks. "I'm pretty positive that's not what Jinx was goin' after, exactly." Nah, but it's whatcha asked. * Millie winks at John and turns back to Jinx. * Jinx shakes his head. "I don't expect anything close to the whole story, but gimme more than that." He grins. "Unless you want the tablet for yourself." Touche. So...what do I want the tablet for? That work as a question? * Jinx shrugs. "Sure, that'll do." * Millie thinks for a bit, then smiles. "For mahself." * Jinx nods and grins, "That I'll accept." * Millie chuckles slightly. "Your loss." She shuffles through the cards and winks. "Woulda elaborated if ya asked, but too late now." * Jinx laughs. "I'll just have to win again then." * Millie deals them out. * Jinx takes his hand, frowns slightly but quickly covers it and then trades in a three cards. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets -3, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I'm a child of extremes. Have a crit, and a nice day to go with it." (Jinx wins. Fatality.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 3. (Whoops) (Geez. NOW I get a decent roll and it doesn't matter ;P) (Well, lay down your decent hand at least, she can take some pride in that. :P) * Millie looks at her cards, and hmms. She sets down one 7, her expression darkening a bit. Then another. Then another, when she starts looking up at Jinx. And finally, one more seven with a full grin. "Well, then..." * Jinx lays down his cards with a scowl. He actually has the worst poker hand possible, but it's too late at night to do the calculations and figure out what that is exactly. (Jinx's gonna need either a royal flush or a straight flush to beat that, right?) * Jinx glances up. "Seems like it's your turn." (Or a higher 4 of a kind) * Millie looks down at the cards. She actually looks somewhat surprised, but clears her throat. "Uh..." Well, 'bout your horse. How'd ya lose a few of the other ones? (... Jinx's luck backfired? :P) (Crit success is a crit success, it's just a question of what the objective was. :P) (Hee. :P) (Worst possible poker hand? A 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. All different suits, the 7 being clubs.) (And the five being clubs too. The two three and four can be anything, as long as they're not clubs.) * Jinx thinks for a moment. "Uh, in no particuarly order. A stream that turned out to be a river, one shot for attempting to kill me, one spontaneously combusted...." * Millie snickers slightly. "Spontaneously..combusted?" * John chuckles. He swallowed a stick of dynamite, didn't he? * Jinx nods. "You wouldn't laugh if you were riding her. Although the rest of the crew seemed to find it quite amusing. Actually, I never found out why." Y'know, ya should really think 'bout havin' someone train your horses then. Hmm.. One of thirst while carrying my parched body out of the desert.... and ... Though I think trainin' a horse not ta explode is beyond mah field of expertise. * Jinx pauses for a moment, his voice is a bit distant as he finishes. "And one by a rockslide, although I wasn't riding her at the time." * Jinx then nods and loses the distant look. "Might even be beyond Mikoto's expertise." So that's.. * Millie counts on her fingers. "five. Any others?" * Millie frowns and snorts a little, turning away. "Mikky's jus' got horses ta like him..it doesn't mean he's got any SKILL really." * Jinx shakes his head. "I've ridden others in my day, but none were mine, and all survived the experience." So, next hand's your deal. * Jinx takes the deck, does a quick few shuffles, and lets Millie cut. * Millie flicks out the cut without looking in Jinx's direction. * Jinx deals out the cards and then looks at his hand. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets -1. Ya think...we'll be able ta avoid that "Izu" place? 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 0. * Millie hmms and sets down a three pair of tens. * Jinx looks up from his card and trades a few in. "I don't know, hopefully. If we can't I'll find a way to deal with it safely. * Jinx lays down three jacks. "I need you alive and in good mental shape to collect on that date after all." * Millie groans slightly and rubs her forehead. "...ya didn't." * Jinx nods. "We can play that last hand if you want a chance at another question. Or if you want to throw in some money and make it double or nothing." Well... I think I have another question still from last time. * Millie looks up slowly at Jinx. "Double or nothin'? How much would that be?" * Jinx nods. "True, although you can still keep that in reserve." * John shrugs. * Jinx thinks. "Well, I wouldn't want to insult you by setting the amount comparable to picking that date too low." * Millie clasps her hands together, her eyes getting slightly teary. "Let's go double or nothin'. PLEASE Jinxy..." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 6. (dr) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 7. (dr2) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 6. (dr3) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 10. * Jinx nods. "Anything for a beautiful lady, we'll say 250, dollars or kanmon, I can give you credit of the eventual payoff if you like. I win, that and the date, you win, you're in the clear." * Millie coughs slightly and replies meekly. "Tw-two hundred fifty? Ain't that a little extreme?" * Jinx considers for a moment. "Alright, I'll say one seventy five, but don't say I'm insulting you by that." Millie would never even THINK of sayin' such a thing! She wouldn't even do it if you, say, lowered it ta 100..or even less... * Jinx nods and offers his hand to shake. "Yeah, but I'd know in my heart I wasn't doing you proper credit. One fifty." * Millie tilts her head to the side, and blinks. "125?" * Jinx rolls his eyes slightly, but his voice is amused, "One thirty five." * Millie smiles, though it's a bit wavering. "Done." She shakes on it. * Jinx then pushes the cards towards Millie. "And luck of the draw rules the day." He raps the table again. "Your deal." * Millie reaches her fingers behind her vest, sliding down to grasps something and pulls out some Teckian dollars, setting them in the middle between the two of them. * Millie takes the card and shuffles, her eyes carefully on Jinx. * Jinx holds his hands up and watches her with a casual eye. The pot, Jinx? * Millie doesn't turn her eyes off Jinx as she holds the cards out flat to John. "You. Cut." * Jinx looks confused for a moment then throws in some money. "Actually, by double or nothing you're trying to get out of an already existing debt. But what the hell, I'm a generous guy, just remember I get the date and the pot." * John shrugs and cleanly cuts the cards. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 10. If ya win. (dr4) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6) and gets 7. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6) and gets 6. * Millie deals out the cards slowly, keeping an eye on Jinx's eyes * Jinx nods. "If you don't object Millie, I could have John flip my cards over and play this coming round open handed. I'd want you to have full confidence in the results. Ya think I don't trust ya? * Millie holds her cards close to her, still eying Jinx. * John smirks. He finds this all fairly amusing. * Jinx takes up his cards and makes any trades. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jinx (2d6-5) and gets 4. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-3) and gets 8. (...) Oh, and before we lay down. You still owe me a question. Why do you want the tablet? Huh? I don't. * Jinx looks somewhat puzzled. "Thought you said you want it for yourself." I did. I want ta find it for mahself. Doesn't mean I want the tablet itself, now does it? Though I am interested in what it says. I suspect somethin'. * Millie trades in one or two of her cards. * Millie finally decides on two. * Jinx chuckles slightly and looks right at Millie. "What is says, fair enough. I'm interested in the full answer, no exact reading of the question, no clever dodges, and a reasonable amount of elaboration. Give that to me and we can pretend this hand didn't take place, I still get to pick your date, but each of us get's our money back." * Millie raises an eyebrow. "Let me see whatcha got first." (Now, that's not fair. ^_~) (This is Millie we're talking about ^_^) * Jinx grins a bit. "Now what's the fun in that Millie? You already get to see your hand, and I'm making an extremely generous offer." So...it only lasts as long as neither of us play our hand? * John hmms, trying to figure out what exactly these two are after. (Hot passionate sex.) * Jinx narrows his eyes slightly. "Your welcome to lower yours, the offer stands either way. But you don't get to see mine before making your choice." (But not with each other) (They'd probably go after John, but we all know Mikoto's his one true love.) ( Dammit woman!) * Millie looks at her hand, then Jinx, then her hand, then Jinx again, then lets out a breath before folding up her cards and slapping them face-down on the log, her eyes tightly closed and her expression irritated. "AlRIGHT, alRIGHT. Jus' as long as ya answer me one question..." * Jinx nods. "I'll give you one free." * Millie opens her eyes and glares slightly at Jinx. "Ya weren't husslin' me the first time we played, were ya?" * Jinx looks her dead on. "I threw the last hand last time, but it didn't make a difference, you would have beaten me anyways. Otherwise I used all the honest skill that I had at my disposal." * Millie shakes her head and gets up with a hmmph, walking over to grab her pack. * Jinx watches her, but keeps his emotions to himself. * John shakes his head. * Millie comes back and sits down heavily on the log with a whump, setting her pack between her legs. She opens it up and grumbles as she searches through it before taking out a black tube about 2' long and thrusting it out at Jinx. "Here." * Jinx looks at it curiously, attempting to figure out what it is. * Jinx also accepts it, as she did thrust it out towards him. * John raises an eyebrow. Open it * Jinx does so. * Millie looks down, but her eyes slightly upturned to watch Jinx out of the corner. Her arms are folded across her chest and her legs spread around her pack. She doesn't look happy about something. [Inside the tube are 5 pieces of parchment, carefully rolled. Displayed on each of them are fairly detailed topographical maps. There's some directions on the maps as well, leading to various areas. They look sort of like treasure maps, or at least maps to locate something.] * Jinx takes a very brief look at them, just long enough to determine their nature, and nods. He then with exceeding care returns them to the case. What do ya think they are? Where to find the ruins, which is probably worthless unless you have the key piece of information on how to get at them. Which I'm betting you think is on that tablet. They're all fakes. * Jinx raises an eyebrow and hands back the tube. "Oh?" * Millie lets out a curt nod and takes back the tube, deflating from irritated to defeated posture. "Yeah..." * Jinx looks pensive for a moment. I look for these things for a long time...when I try ta find 'em, people try to rip me off..when I finally do find somethin' like 'em... It's always a fake? * Millie punches a fist against the log. "There ain't no way ta even look INTO them. Gawd, it's irritatin'." * Millie sighs and nods. * John frowns. "Not a good time ta be a ruin hunter, eh?" I thought...the tablet...it's gotta be somethin' real raight? It's a lead. I'm gonna get in there. * Jinx nods puts his cards on the ground, and stands up. "Thanks Millie. Alright, willing to consider one last handshake for the night?" * Millie blinks and looks up, confused. "Thanks? For what?" I didn't do anythin'. Ya caught me. Simple as that. Ya happy? I jus' hope ya don't pick someone to horrible.. * Jinx doesn't really answer Millie's question. "I'm a better poker player than you, but not that much better, in all future games I'll use the full measure of my honest skill, including bluffing on bidding, but no hustling, if..." 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Millie (2d6-2) and gets 4. Ya mean like this? * Millie pulls a card out from behind her gloves. * Millie smiles slightly at Jinx. "I could've. Really. But It's a lot more fun to play for real." * Jinx nods, looks a bit impressed, and then continues. "If.. you don't play me at anything important outside of games. You're welcome to try to cheat when gambling, but I will catch you and you'll lose that round. Fair deal?" I only cheat if I'm gettin' cheated. * Jinx shrugs. "I'm better at straight, if you want to work on your skill I don't mind, it'll even the odds a bit. Or not. But is that a fair deal?" (straight->straight poker) * Millie smiles again and puts out her hand. "Deal. So who's mah date?" * Jinx shakes. * John nods. He glances around the clearing. "Remind me to never play you two at a game of chance." * Jinx then grins. "I'm in a generous mood, you can weasal out of it if you let me have the pot. You haggled me down to a lot less than the value of that date, so it's not a bad deal." * Millie grins slightly. "Who says cards are all chance?" * Jinx chuckles. "Hell, who says chance is all chance, but that's not a discussion for tonight." * Millie blinks slightly, then stammers a bit. "W-wait a minute. Ya really think a date with me's worth 250?" * John grins. "Exactly. It's more or less with me." * John glances at Millie. "Eh?" * Jinx grins. "I've been filthy rich and dirt poor, I have a fair idea what money is worth." I...uh...well... * Millie grins slightly and winks at Jinx. "I'll jus' have ta show ya a 2500 date then, eh?" On...uh..a bit of a budget, but that's okay. * Jinx grins a bit broader. * Millie flips her pack closed and stands up, swivelling it swiftly over one of her shoulders. "Well, I think it's 'bout the end of our shift..whatcha say we wake up the next fellas?" * John rolls his neck. "Sure. How do ya wanna do it?" He grins. * Jinx nods. "Sure, let's just clean up here first." He gestures down to the money, playing surfacec, and deck. GENTLY, John. Honestly. * Millie picks up her money. And doesn't actually try to pocket anything else. * John goes to 'gently' wake the other people. "Someone's feelin' a bit serious." * Millie grins at John as she stuffs her money back in her hiding place. "I'm always serious. Maybe ya jus' don't see me in the right light." * Jinx collects his money and folds up the playing surface. He puts the money in a pouch by his leg and puts the box in Lightning's saddle bags. * Millie goes to wake up the rest of next shift. * Jinx stretches and yawns and goes to prepare for bed. [Mini End.]