Last Updated: Session 25 ~Noteworthy Flora~ Cacti creatures (Session: 3; Killed: 1) Encountered: One encountered within the Cactus Forest. Appearance: Tall green, and covered in spikes. Branches that function as "arms." Indistinguishable from ordinary cacti except when moving. Habitat: Probably only present within the Cactus Forest. However, due to their near perfect ability to blend in with ordinary, it is difficult to tell. Probable purpose is to protect Cactus Forest from Hackers. Prevalence in forest uncertain. Threat: Rather dangerous due to extreme strength, prickly attacks, and ability to absorb a great deal of damage. Easiest to avoid. Abilities: Perfect camouflage as cacti. Extremely powerful swipe that leaves needles in the victim. Thick skin that partially protects against shotgun blasts. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to move too fast. Element: Probably life. Lightning seems to be effective against them. Behavior: Not especially aggressive except toward natural enemy: Hackers. Unfortunately it continues to attack even once all Hackers have been defeated. Lack of further encounters implies that they are not common, were frightened, or do not normally initiate attacks unless ordinary cacti are threatened. ~Fauna~ Bison (Session: 5; Killed: 0) Encountered: Barbeque in town north of Cactus Forest. Appearance: According to Millie: "It's like a cow, only bigger, hairier, and stupider." Habitat: Presumably deserts and /or plains of Teck. Best available bison meat is supposedly available in an Injun town just northeast of the Cactus Forest. Threat: Unknown Abilities: Tasty Element: Unknown. Behavior: See appearance. Chikins (Session 4; Killed: 4) Appearance: Thrice the size of normal chickens. Referred to as "feather backs" by Mughs. Habitat: Found in Cactus Forest and likely wherever else Mughs are found. Threat: Minimal and they are easily killed, but make Mughs more threatening, Abilities: Awfully fast, used as mounts by Mughs. Tasty. Probably not capable of flight. Element: Unknown. Earth attack was very effective against them. Behavior: Effective mounts for Mughs. Behavior when not ridden is unknown. Mughs keep them in pens. Hackers (Session: 3; Killed: 4) Encountered: Four encountered within the Cactus Forest. Appearance: At a distance they resemble flying double-bladed axes. Their bodies are flexible like dragonflies and their wings are razor sharp around the edges. Between the wings are big round eyes on either side of the blade. Mouth is located on the end of their bodies between the eyes. Name comes from the distinct hacking sound it produces, which predictably sounds like a tree being cut down. Habitat: Dwell within the Cactus Forest, probably do the abundance of available food. Fairly common within the forest. Threat: Somewhat dangerous, cuts aren't that dangerous but blades seem capable of cutting armor. Die after being hit about three times, or after a single cacti swipe. Abilities: Capable of flight. Bladed attack that can go through armor. Fairly fast. Do not seem capable of distinguishing between normal Cacti and Cacti creatures. Element: Perhaps metal, probably not life. Behavior: Prey on Cacti, and leave only stumps behind. Sometimes but not exclusively move in packs. Aggressive and will immediately move to attack potential threats. Horses (Session: Most; Killed: 0) Encountered: Ubiquitous. No aggressive enemy horses or wild ones have yet been encountered. Appearance: Tall but not overly wide four legged mammals. They come in a variety of colors. Habitat: Common throughout Thae. Threat: Unknown, but does increase the speed of human riders. Abilities: Mountable, fast. Element: Unknown. Behavior: Used as steeds and beast of burden. Nightchikins (Session 14; Killed: 4) Appearance: Look very much like chikins. Only they're black, with glowing red eyes, and somehow nastier. Biologists suspect the somehow nastier may at least partially stem from the glowing red eyes. Habitat: Mountain caves in Shomura. Threat: More dangerous than desert variety by considerable margin. As they can dish out damage from a distance, and take more punishment than regular chickins. Abilities: They have sharp beaks and claws, but the primary threat is the fireballs they breathe making them quite deadly from a distance, particularly as the fire continues to burn targets until it is put out. They also seem capable of taking considerably more damage then their desert cousins. Can run around once head chopped off, but this is not particularly dangerous behavior. May or may not be ride-able. While tastiness has not been verified, their blackened meat probably appeals to fans of cajun-style chikin. Element: Likely fire. Behavior: They will fall back and regroup when they come under heavy attack. Initially they will target foes with fireballs, switching to melee attacks once their adversaries are closer. unknown. Mughs keep them in pens. Rattlesnakes (Session: 5; Kill count: 1) Encountered: Outskirts of Injun town north east of Cactus Forest. Appearance: Snake with a cone capable of producing a rattle as a tail and long sharp fangs. Habitat: Deserts of Teck. Threat: Quite dangerous. Single bite could be deadly, but easy to kill and not aggressive. Abilities: Highly poisonous bite. Extremely debilitating. Symptoms: Bitten area turns an unpleasant shade of purple-red and swells; followed by dizziness and dry mouth; proceeds to nausea, disorientation, and chills; and then extreme difficulty moving. Magic anti-venom cures it. Sucking out the venom and cutting of blood flow slowed but did not stop the poison. Element: Probably death. Behavior: Hisses and rattles tail when it feels threatened. Does not strike without provocation, but will lay in wait and strike instantly if attacked. Salamanders Encountered: Not yet encountered. Appearance: Fire breathing lizards. Habitat: Dwell in the Salamander Mountains, which are named after them. Threat: Presumably high. Abilities: Fire breathing. Element: Probably fire, suggesting water is their vulnerability. Behavior: Unknown. Sandgators (Session: 2; Killed: 3) Encountered: Desert plateau near Rand McNallyton. Appearance: Large tan-scaled crocodilian. Habitat: As the name implies the dwell in the deserts of Teck. Threat: Somewhat dangerous in groups and can take three to four hits before dying. Abilities: Has a rather nasty bite attack and thick hide that may be natural armor. Element: Unknown, earth would seem logical. Behavior: Travels in packs and attack without provocation. Sandgators are easy to distract, because they tend to retaliate against the last person to attack them. ~Other~ Foxes (Session intro3,10; Killed: 0) Encountered: Tairan alone encountered one named Fumio in a shrine within the Salamander mountains. He later mentioned the creature and its possession ability to the party. Appearance: Can possess humans or appear simply as a fox. Habitat: Native to Shomura and have been seen in Salamander mountains. Other details unknown. Threat: Clever but not subtle. Apparently not prone to violence. Abilities: Capable of possessing humans. Conversely can be exorcized. Also can take the form of a talking fox. Element: Unknown, not particularly afraid of fire. Behavior: Tricky and prone to deceit. Not necessarily malicious, but seemingly dangerously lacking in self-restraint. Summon-able Falcons (Session: 2,10; Killed: 0) Encountered: Mikoto has the ability to summon one named Mirabel. Appearance: Mirabel is a large, falcon-shaped form that has feathers and claws. She shimmers into existence when summoned. Not actually a bird in any biological sense; she simply consistently adopts a bird form when summoned. True nature unknown. Habitat: Once materialized it won't stray far from Mikoto's side. Otherwise, unknown and perhaps not earthly. Threat: Mirabel's attacks have killed two beasts, so this sort of creature is likely quite dangerous. Abilities: This sort of falcon can be summon and dismissed, can fly, accepts spoken orders including instructions to attack, and can attack with two claws at once. Only known limitation is that according to Mikoto Mirabel can not venture far from his side. Element: Perhaps air. Behavior: Mikoto calls Mirabel's name when he summons her and she subsequently shimmers into existence on the falconers glove on his right hand. Although, according to Mikoto the glove is not related to the summoning. It then perches on Mikoto's glove and attacks on command with both claws. If Mirabel can do more than attack this behavior has not yet been observed. When her duties are completed she returns to Mikoto's glove and typically receives some sort of show of affection by her master before she is dismissed. -Undead- Ghosts (Session 19; Killed: 0) Encountered: In the dead city of Izu. Appearance: Were not seen, merely heard. Habitat: Places where the dead have yet to find rest. Threat: Unknown, at least moderate. The ghosts of Izu where capable of recreating the past via magic. However, while the scope of the illusion was enormous and quite compelling, it was in no way material. In addition, a ghost could speak to, touch, and command Sakura. Abilities: Continue to haunt this world even after their deaths. Capable of recreating vast illusions effecting all the senses. Outside of the illusions they could both compel and come into physical contact with Sakura. This may have been because of a special connection with Sakura, as no other party member was effected in that manner. It is unclear whether the incident in Izu was the work of a single extremely powerful ghost, or a community of ghosts. Element: Death, weakness is probably life. Behavior: Ghost's primary goal seems to be resolving whatever still ties them to this mortal coil. While single minded they have quite a flair for the dramatic. Skeletons (Session 9,10,18; Killed: 6) Encountered: In the tunnels under the Salamanders. Originally thought to simply be normal dead. Also encountered in environs of Izu. Appearance: Grinning and laughing dead human bodies devoid of flesh. They wear whatever remains of their mortal garb. Habitat: Cursed places strewn with corpses from which all but bone has rotted away. Often associated with battlefields or the scene of massacres. Threat: Minimal to moderate, particularly when their weapons have been stolen. Recently dead skeletons with mounts or better equipment are more dangerous. Abilities: Their mere existence as animated skeletons is noteworthy. Otherwise they can use whatever equipment they died holding. However, they do not use it well and will fire unloaded guns and swing blade-less swords ineffectually. Laugh but do not speak. Capable of riding skeletal horses. Often wear armor. Element: Death, weakness is probably life. Behavior: Once wakened, perhaps via looting, they will slowly and stupidly pursue their targets. Did not particularly focus on Jinx, who had looted their bodies, once they caught up with the group. They showed no sign of being able to adapt their tactics once their weaponry proved ineffective, but perhaps they were destroyed before they got the chance. Exact cause of unlife is unknown. Skeletal Horses (Session 18; Killed: 3) Encountered: Encountered in the environs of Izu. Appearance: Like dead horses without any flesh. Unlike human skeletons they don't laugh, that would just be creepy, well... creepier. Habitat: Cursed battlefields where calvary was slain. Threat: Fairly minimal, particularly when their weapons have been stolen. Abilities: Still moving after death, can be ridden. Probably not tasty. Element: Death, weakness is probably life. Behavior: No notable behavior independent of riders' will. They die again when the rider has been killed. Not so wee Skeletons (Session 23; Killed: 1) Encountered: While riding away from Izu. Encountered at the edge of a forest. Appearance: Not just any skeleton. Nearly fifteen feet tall, with very broad shoulders (especially for something that's all bone). Its skull isn't human, but rather has an elongated snout and empty eye sockets on the sides, much like a horse, but with much sharper teeth. Carries in its left hand is an enormous, thick curved blade. What sort of creature the thing was when it was alive is as of yet unknown. Habitat: Environs of Izu. Threat: Quite dangerous. A swing of its sword could throw a rider off a horse while knocking the horse down as well. Its size gave it great strength and speed. Abilities: Incredibly strong and fairly fast. Both abilities were probably inherited from that of its living form. Not surprisingly it could also take a great number of hits. Also as with all skeletons, its existence alone is remarkable. Element: Death, weakness is probably life. Behavior: Not so much with the laughing, more the terrifying roar type. Closes on enemies and tries to kill them. Didn't particularly focus on any given opponent. Interestingly it made no attempt to dodge attacks nor did it counterstrike in anyway on enemies that had already hurt it. Continued to crawl in an aggressive manner even once a leg was gone. Zombies (Session 10; Killed: 7) Encountered: In a corpse strewn room in the tunnels under the Salamanders. Appearance: Decomposing corpses, fresher than skeletons, still wearing whatever they died in. Habitat: Cursed place strewn with fresh corpses. Threat: Moderate, they tend to work in great numbers and can take a substantial amount of damage. Thankfully, taking off their heads or simply hitting them enough will kill them again, as will one good shotgun blast. Abilities: Movement after death and extreme resilience, they keep coming even after losing jaws, feet, legs, and arms. They don't use weapons but are very effective at biting or swiping attacks. Likely cannot speak. Element: Death, weakness is probably life. Behavior: They rise and then immediately attack. Choice of targets seemed to be closest available living thing. They showed no mercy or higher cognitive functions at all. Whether they wished to kill or feed the living is uncertain. Exact cause of unlife is unknown. -Constructs- Animated Armor and Weaponry (Session 10; Killed: 1) Encountered: In the tunnels under the Salamanders. Appearance: Originally seemed lifeless. When it came alive it was a floating suit of armor that wielded a jagged-toothed, ornate naginata. A blue flame glowed from the chest in the armor. Habitat: Unknown. Threat: Quite high. Difficult to damage and very effective at hurting others. Abilities: Capable of flight and movement without life or machinery, presumably via magic. It can swing its naginata with such force as to send damaging waves of air against an opponent some distance away. Not surprisingly, the blade can also attack in a conventional matter with a great deal of effectiveness. Gunshots even from extraordinary weaponry barely dented it. Fortunately, swords are capable of hurting it, but that may be limited to weapons of superior quality. Did not speak. Exact relationship to the undead unknown. Element: Perhaps metal, although the blue flame suggests other possibilities. Behavior: Attacks relentlessly once woken. Its attacks seem to concentrate on the opponents which threaten it most. Could perhaps be categorized as undead if its powers came from the armor's past occupant rather than the equipment itself. While the naginata seems to be of superior quality, since the party has possessed it the weapon has shown no special powers. It is unknown whether the armors mystical flame is a similar phenomenon to the spirit associated flame that appeared outside of the temple south of Lady Yae's village. -Humanoids- Bandits (Session intro1; Killed: 10) Encountered: Appearance: Quite variable. Sometimes large bands that tend to be slightly scruffier and less aesthetically appealing than your average person. However, legendary bandits such as Calamity Jan will attract a better quality of assistants that look positive elegant. Habitat: Common throughout Thae. Threat: Largely dependent on leadership. Bandits tend to be better organized, but care more about their lives than slayers and most creatures. A well placed hit from a quality weapon can kill a run of the mill ones. For elite bandits the threat level may prove extreme, and is typically has an absolute relationship with the bounty on their head. Some bandits such as Calamity Jan's crew are hesitant to kill, but mistaking this for unwillingness to do so would be a fatal mistake. Abilities: Fairly organized and in Teck armed with guns. In Shomura presumably lower technology weapons are used. Bandits are known at times to employ mages or mercenaries from far flung parts of Thae. Element: Same as for ordinary humans. Behavior: Packs of men and women who seek a comfortable living by plundering the product of others' hard work. Sometimes travel in large groups and are full of bravado until adequately threatened. Often will have leader who is capable of controlling even somewhat scared men. Though should the leader fall, the pack will often disperse. Elite crews will often be much smaller but more than make up for their lower numbers with greater skill and discipline. Bounty hunter (Session intro7, 20,21; Defeated: 2) Appearance: Completely variable, although typically easy to mistake for the bandits they hunt. Habitat: A few steps behind bandits throughout Thae Threat: Moderate to extreme. While bandits prey on small or lightly armed groups, bounty hunters face a far more challenging quarry. For those without bounties they are far less of threat, unless you get in their way or are competition. Abilities: Work as individuals or in groups, completely dependent on membership. Element: Same as for ordinary humans. Behavior: Prey on those who prey on the weak. Often thought to be barely a step above the bandits and criminals they hunt, if that. Mughs (Session 4; Killed: 1) Appearance: They're about four feet tall, with brown skin and fur over their backs, large pointed ears, yellow beady eyes, and squashed faces with pointed teeth. Most of them wear loincloths and carry crude stone weapons. Shaman wore robes and a cap made from a horse's skull, carrying a wooden staff Habitat: Cactus Forest, but may be found in other protected areas that allow for fortifications and hiding. Threat: Serious threat to an individual caught by surprise, but easily handled by a group. Leader is probably only real threat. Abilities: Shaman uses light and darkness magic. Kidnapped Mary Anne by unknown means, leaving an illusion behind that faded as the sun rose. All are Capable of speech with an unusual dialect. They also have the skill to create their own crude dwellings. Element: Powers are based in light and darkness. Weaknesses unknown, but earth based attacks effective. Behavior: Mughs other than the leader can ride Chikins which they call 'featherbacks' but seem to be weak fighters. Will cower when threatened. Shaman leader wouldn't cower when threatened and spoke for the group. Consider humans to be 'foodings' and are willing to capture and kill one for a tasty dinner. Willing to negotiate, particularly for food. Build and live in fortified settlements, containing tents and Chikin pens. Ninjas (Session 14,16; Killed: 0) Encountered: The party has encountered two Ninjas. Rocky appeared in the forest between the water shrine and the Tengu mountain. A human ninja on a mission to retrieve and protect Suzunosuke later snuck up at the Water Shrine. Appearance: They wear a full body cloth outfit, often but not always including mask and hood. Outfit is dark and allows for quick and quite movement. Based on the sample encountered, ninja's also tend to be very cute. Habitat: Shomura. Threat: Probably high when their target is you. Although Rocky never seemed very threatening. Abilities: Fast, quiet, and so stealthy as to be able to sneak up on others with great effectiveness. Said to have a range of other skills making them quite deadly. Behavior: According to Tairan "Ninja's a warrior class. Specialize in stealth, recon, espionage, assassination... anything that requires more subtlety than the average grunt can provide." Although Rocky seemed just to be a thief." Raccoons (Session 14; Killed: 0) Encountered: Rocky appeared in the forest between the water shrine and the Tengu mountain. Appearance: Adorable. Rocky wore a cute little ninja outfit. Furry, black hair around the eyes and bands of gray and black otherwise. Like normal Raccoons but bipedal. Habitat: Shomuran forest. Threat: Low. While apparently effective thieves, Rocky at least had no real desire to fight and was happy to flee when faced with a real threat. Abilities: Fast and quiet. Capable of moving quickly in trees and effectively pouncing on targets on the ground. Capable of speech. Fairly intelligent. Unknown if all talking Raccoons are ninjas, although Rocky seemed a natural for it. Element: Unknown Behavior: Does it all for the shinies, although they lack a real concept of money. Rather friendly when not being threatened and apparently fairly honest and good natured as thieves go. Behavior may vary depending on Raccoonality of the individual encountered. Samurai (Session most; Killed: 0) Appearance: Often in traditional Shomuran armor or uniform. Will typically display their allegiance prominently. Habitat: Very common in Shomura although known to travel to Teck. Threat: All Samurai have at least a good level of weapons training. Also are better organized and far more courageous than many other armed groups such as bandits. High emphasis on honor also means that starting a fight with one, even accidentally, can be relatively easy. Abilities: Tend to use swords or bows, although there are Samurai in Ki that use guns. Although they'd tend be less skilled with them than your average Teckan hired gun. Element: Same as for ordinary humans. Behavior: Put great emphasis on honor and service of their master. As a result they tend to be fairly serious and are at times quick to take offense. Suzonosuke did demonstrate though that their training also includes an artistic side putting great emphasis on poetry. Slayers (Session 8,17; Killed: 6) Encountered: Windswept prairie on the way to the Salamander mountains. Appearance: Human looking, wearing ordinary clothes and dirty brown masks over their eyes. Look fairly androgynous, sometimes wear armor and use a wide variety of weaponry. Supposedly also sometimes use martial arts. Habitat: Common throughout Thae. Threat: More threatening then similarly armed normal humans due to ability to withstand damage and apparent lack of concern for their own lives. However, they exhibit minimal signs of intelligence, which is for the best and a definite weakness. Abilities: They can take a fair amount of injury without being phased or retreating. Otherwise, they have not demonstrated abilities beyond those of ordinary humans. Style of fighting depends on equipment. They use a wide variety of equipment, although it is unclear whether they are specialists or simply use whatever they come across. Element: Earth is effective against them. Behavior: Said to seek only to kill. Never known to speak or communicate any desires or demands, they simply attack. Slayers seem to understand speech and may respond to taunts, but that is difficult to be certain. They travel in groups, but did not seem to exhibit any tactics, organization, or concern for one another. Tengu (Session 13; Killed: 1) Encountered: The party met the shape-shifter at the water temple south of Lady Yae's village. Appearance: Can appear as a human. When the party met one it was in the form of the priestess Kazue. Alternate form is that of a human-sized cross between a human and a crow. This shape posses a beak, wings, talons, and feathers. There is a transition stage while 'she' changes forms. Habitat: Shomura, 'Kazue' made her home in a cave in a mysterious small mountain. Threat: Quite high, shape shifting aside Tengu may use a variety of powerful magic. Fortunately they are not perfect actors, as a chance in Kazue's behavior was noticed after the priestess was replaced. Abilities: A changeling can disguise 'herself' in the form of a particular human, although we have yet to see the full range of this ability. 'Kazue' was also capable of transforming into crow-woman form. As a crow- woman, the changeling was capable of flight even while carrying Mary Anne. 'She' was also rather strong and had dangerous talons. 'Angry Temple Spirit' phenomenon likely entirely caused by Tengu, including dancing flames and striking terror in adversaries. Beyond these powers, the Tengu used impressive darkness based magic to shoot dangerous bolts and to produce a barrier capable of absorbing a great deal of damage. Element: Almost certainly darkness. Behavior: Tengu seem to be at least on a level with humans when it comes to intelligence. 'Kazue' seemed to enjoy toying with victims and was quite a pack-rat, gathering many items of negligible value. ~Unconfirmed~ Fire demons (Session intro3, 10) Mentioned: Tairan mentioned that an old shrine priest claimed that a fire demon was being contained in a rock by a shrine, guarded by wards. Details: Apparently quite old. Will stay trapped so long as one seal remains. Threat: Quite possibly high, although the fox spirit Fumio claimed Tairan could have handled it. Carnivorous Vultures (Session 3) Mentioned: Jinx mentioned the worst animals he'd faced were vultures that didn't wait for their meals to die. Details: Supposedly encountered during a sandstorm, but not necessarily limited to such. Threat: If Jinx's account can be trusted, quite unpleasant. Cockatrice (Session 4, interlude1) Mentioned: According to Millie, these were what the Mughs were riding. Details: Legendary creatures that apparently resemble Chikins. According to John they can fly. According to Millie they have nasty venom. Threat: High, can turn a victim to stone with a peck. Temple Spirits (Session: 13; Killed: 0) Mentioned: Ryoichi incorrectly thought disturbed spirits may have been causing the problems at his shrine. Details: Worshiped in shrines in the east. Injuns are said to also worship spirits, but the two may not be related. Threat: Unknown, perhaps high. Although the traditional response to disturbed spirits is placating, not fighting them.