Dec 27 00:19:56 ** Taki Wars, Episode 3. It's been nearly a week since the attack happened, and the kitchen still shows the damage. The damage isn't all that extensive, it's just that Gerald has had the police combing and recombing the area for 4 days straight. On a side note, staying in a hotel was a new experience for Sachiko. But, that's past, and the Fontains have been back long enough to be settled back in. Gerald's pull is still felt, though. He's not there, but, as is per standard currently, another officer's been stationed there as a guard. It's December 27th, 2004, early morning. The guard just arrived not more than 10 minutes ago, and is currently waiting and keeping watch in the den, and Sachiko's off with Gerald at work. Start. (Is he watching me, or just watching the house in general?) (The latter.) * Taka is outside, then, in the 'backyard', which is actually mostly beach. She's in the surf, practicing martial arts moves not unlike the fight in the kitchen a few days ago. * Guard is older-looking, with greying hairs and a thick mustache that's jet-black. His badge identifies him as 'Detective Bob.' But he's inside, so... * Taka 's sequence of moves do have a sort of flow, but they mainly just seem to have efficiency going for them. Her face is set determined as she practices these moves. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taka (2d6-2) and gets 4. During Taka's katas, she gets the suspicion that someone's around. It's confirmed by whatever it is ducking around the corner of the house the moment she looks, too fast to get a look at them. * Taka frowns in the midst of her movements, then stops practicing and walks over to her house, stopping before the door to wipe her bare feet off. * Guard is there to greet Taka when she gets in, waving at her with an acknowledging grunt. * Taka nods at him back and walks over to close to him. "Have you seen anything yet?" * Guard shakes his head. "Nothing yet." He pauses, and thinks for a moment. "I don't think I will. If your attacker hasn't shown by now, they've got enough patience to wait until you're alone again." * Taka mms and says more quietly, "Well, there is someone looking around outside, I am afraid." Thats' why Gerald won't allow you to be alo- *he immediately tenses.* * Guard drops his voice. "Where, and how long ago?" * Taka replies quietly, "A few minutes, off to that side of the house," she nods towards the side of the house. * Guard pulls out his gun, flicking off the safety and checking it over, before putting it back in it's holster, then clicks the radio on his chest. * Taka rolls her eyes and walks to the front of the house, putting on a pair of shoes once she gets there. * Guard pretty much says he's going to look into something over at the Fontains, and to send a car by just in case. All in police jargon, since the GM doesn't know it well enough to reproduce. * Guard then goes to check outside. (Back or front?) (For him.) (Back.) * Taka steps out the front door, shoes on now, and walks around the side of the house cautiously, assuming she doesn't see anything along the way... ( Going left or right? And you saw the person? on the left side. ) (Then on the left side. Pincer move!) (Gimme sneaky-sneaky rolls, if you're trying for them.) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taka (2d6) and gets 9. (Boo. Not sneaky enough.) THIS IS THE POLICE! HANDS UP- There's a sudden 'Bzzzt!' sound. * Taka should rush around the corner now, and so does so! Followed by Taka rounding the corner just in time to see a tall, asian girl run past the corner the guard approached form. The guard is still standing, but falls over slowly, a wierd look on his face. He smells slightly burnt. * Taka rushes after the 'asian girl'. (Gimme a body roll, margin matters.) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taka (2d6) and gets 5. (Made by 2.) The 'asian girl' runs into the house- Taka's right behind her, not even a foot behind her. She's got a blue&white uniform on, with a silver badge on the shoulder. She's carrying a gun, and her black hair's tied into a dual-ponytail which is wrapped into a helix. The lower half of the uniform is a (barely) decently long skirt, white with blue trim. She's rather tall for an asian girl, and she's got impossibly long legs. * Taka leaps forward for her, since a foot is no distance at all, and strikes at her legs in an attempt to make a takedown. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Taka (2d6+1) and gets 4. (Hooya!) * AsianGirl goes down! She tries to spin in midair so she lands on her back, although she loses her grip on her weapon when her shoulder hits the floor bad. * AsianGirl 'nnnghhs', then blinks. "Wait, wait! It's not what you think!" * Taka glares at her, looking quite prepared to do anything else as she stands above her, looking down. "What are you doing sneaking around my house?" It's a secret! ... but, you've been cleared to know, considering who you are. (Where's the gun?) * AsianGirl SLOWLY shifts to a more comfortable sitting position on the floor. ( ----> that way, 3 feet or so.) * Taka watches her, shifts around to where the gun is and kicks it incredibly clear of both of them. "It cannot be that much of a secret. But since you know who I am, perhaps you can tell me who you are?" Well, this is embarassing. *she grimaces* Okay, I'm Nina Okanbe, and I'm here to protect you. *she scratches the back of her head* This was supposed to go better. I didn't expect someone to be here already and pull a gun on me. * Nina , for the record, looks like someone you'd see in a beauty magazine. In other words, really really really damned good looking. * Taka looks her over and says, finally, "Well, you should have been more prepared, then. Why are you protecting me?" * Nina blinks, and hmms. "Uh... do you mind if I stand up? This is kinda of complicated, and I'd just sound dumb talking from the floor." * Taka looks down at her and says with a tinge of annoyance, "I was just attacked last week, Nina, and got sent to the hospital. You'll have to forgive my caution at more strange women showing up." * Nina perks up. "By yourself, right? I mean, you were attacked by yourself?" If you already know, then that makes it easier. * Taka takes a step back. "I... she called herself by my name, yes..." * Nina takes the opportunity to step up. She towers over Taka by 2 or 3 inches. Well, there's a whole lot of math and advanced theories that I don't remember, but the long and short of it is that there's a bunch of yous, and ... well, eventually, there's only going to be one. * Taka looks up at the woman. "... what? Do you work for the FBI? Did Gerald ask you here?" Now, the group I'm with doesn't want that to happen, so me and my partner have been dispatched to protect you and keep that from happening. * Nina blinks. "Gerald? No. Who's Gerald?" * Taka shakes her head. "My husband. Who is 'your group'?" Dimensional Investigation Special Corp, DISC. * Nina shifts position to bring a highlight to the badge on her shoulder. The badge says much the same thing. Nina Okanbe, DISC. * Taka frowns at her, and her badge. "Dimensional? Corporation?" I'll explain on the way. Come on, I've got to find something around here. On the way _where_? * Nina pulls out a device that looks like a GPS locater. "Well, the other you that attacked had a spring. We were gonna trace that, but it's around here somewhere." * Nina taps the device. "And from the looks of it, it's damaged. That makes this easier." * Taka looks a mixed between confused and annoyed. "I am getting tired of asking you to explain your words, Nina." Oh, don't worry, I'll show you it. But I've gotta find it, before someone else does. * Nina steps past Taka, and goes back outside. * Taka watches her go, then goes to retrieve Nina's weapon. The weapon beeps at Taka when she picks it up, then makes a whirring sound and shuts off. It's some kind of pistol- with a charge % readout on it? DISC is also imprinted on it. * Taka looks at it strangely, then holds it in one of her hand and goes back outside. * Nina is rooting around near the outside of kitchen window, glancing back at the GPS device every few seconds. The guard is still zonked out. * Taka looks at the woman strangely. "Yes, it is a window." * Nina crouches down, mostly ignoring Taka, and consults the device again. She then 'Aha!'s and pokes something, which changes appearance and comes into view. It's a black, oval-shaped thing, fist sized, that's got a bullethole in it. * Nina grabs it, stands up, and tosses the unit to Taka. "A spring." It's how I got here, how the other you got here. * Taka does a spectacularly bad job of catching it, since she's holding a gun in her hand. * Nina blinks. "Oh, uh, the gun won't work for you. It's coded to my fingerprints and voice." * Nina rubs her shoulder. "Not that you need it." Well, as long as I have it, it will not work for you, either. * Taka sighs slightly, then carefully puts it behind the waistband of the pants she was wearing out to train. THEN she picks up the 'spring'. It's pretty light. It's an oval, and it has a belt-clip on one side. It's black, too! * Taka looks at it quizzically. "This makes a poor explaination, Nina." It's a ... uhm. It's a dimensional transport device. There's a bunch of other universes, and that'll take someone from one to another. We keep them really closely gaurded, to keep something like what happened from happening. * Nina shrugs, and laughs half-heartedly. "Kinda too late for you, huh?" * Taka stares at Nina, then finally says, "I suppose so. Universes." She peers at it. "That's so horribly manga." * Taka shakes her head. "I do not understand. This woman... she said I had attacked her." You both seem like you believe what you are saying, but what you say makes no sense. * Nina pouts for a moment, then blinks and looks up. "Uh... I can explain that one. We traced her springroute, and found out that whoever the one that came here is, came from there. But there was an earlier springroute there, which is the one who started this whole mess." ... that explaination is as clear as octopus ink, Nina. We found her body, filled with... *holds up a hand, and starts counting fingers* ... 13 gunshots, I think. * Taka stares at her. But we couldn't find the native there. She's here. *she gestures vaguely* ... if I were a less patient woman, you would be in great trouble. You... said you had a partner in this foolishness? Perhaps their explaination will be more sensical? * Nina nods. "He's over in japan, checking over there. And, uh... I might be recognized there." So I'm here, and he's there. * Nina nods to herself. * Taka mms quietly, then says, "Why is your partner in Japan?" He's checking into the identical site in this universe. * Taka continues staring at her and says slowly, "Identical site as what?" I really didn't expect anyone to be here, I was just looking for the spring. Uh. Where the ... first body was found. * Taka clips the stupid spring thing to her belt, then takes the opportunity to rub her forehead. "I am going to drag Bob inside, and get myself a drink. I will keep your gun until you begin to make some sense. If you would like to try to make more sense, you may come in." Uh... I'm with DISC, another version of you is here, and we're trying to clean up? * Nina follows, shaking her head and typing in something on the GPS? device. * Nina lets Taka handle Bob herself, having dismissed his presence. * Taka crouches down, rearranges Bob, then slips her arm under his and stands. Slowly. * Nina grumbles to herself, typing more. "Dammit, Guy. Why do you get the fun part?" Bob is heavy! Maybe he should lay off the donuts... * Taka drags Bob inside, also slowly. "Oof... Oh, and by the way, no, that still does not make sense. If I had not fought a woman who looked and fought a lot like myself, I'd have told you to leave already. What does this DISC do? Simply guard random people?" No, we're dimensional cops, basically. We keep the universes seperate as much as we can, chase down unauthorized people who do spring dimensions. Guarding is kinda new, but you'll have to wait for my partner to explain why you need to be protected. There's a lot of theories and stuff, and I really don't understand it myself. * Taka grunts and continues dragging Bob. One day, she will reach a couch. "Well, sadly for you, I believe you will have to explain it to the police that my unconscious protector here called." * Nina hmms, and looks up for a moment. "Maybe it's a good thing he's over there. It's probably cold over there." * Nina shrugs. "Oh, that was jammed." ... ah. I supposse that is good for you. (Can I have reached a couch or something for Bob yet?) (Sure) * Nina nods. "Yeah. We've got people here high up who can sign off paperwork saying it's okay for us to do what we do by your rules, but it's best if they don't have to get involved." So, uh, anymore questions? * Taka dumps Bob onto the couch and exhales tiredly. "So... that really was me, and not just some sort of lunatic?" ... afraid so. * Nina sighs. "It's kinda of wierd, just to know that there are other mes. I can only imagine what it's like to have me trying to kill me." * Nina grumbles. "Instead, I'm just annoyed that they're all successful but I'm not. I get the crummy job, and all the other mes land big deals or contracts... it's kind of annoying." * Taka sits down in a chair, and stares at Nina. All my life I've aimed for that! To be famous, and pretty! I can sing, dance, I'm very photogenic... but no, -I- had to listen to my dad and try to do good for people! You... watch... the other yous? I'm not really supposed to... but I just can't help it. The movies, songs, some of the parts, and UGH. The one who had her breasts augmented got a really steamy bedroom scene with this hot guy... * Nina grumbles. "It's just not fair." * Taka continues to look at the woman as if she is crazy, and finally says, "And yet, you do not quit?" * Nina quirks her mouth. "It's kinda grew on me. The pays good, the benefits are awesome, so long as I'm discreet, I can basically go anywhere, any dimension I want to, claim it's just patrolling and checking on stuff..." But the assignments suck. ... you mean the actual work part of your job. Yeah, and all the paperwork. * Nina hmms, and digs out something from her uniform, and tosses it to Taka. "Here, it's a communicator. This'll get you in contact with me and my partner, when we're not here." * Taka actually manages to catch this one, because her hand is free. "How nice. If... I show up again to kill me, I'll be sure to call." That'd be great! We need to find her, but the only thing we can easily trace is the spring she had. * Taka shakes her head, then stands. "Would you like something to drink? I apologize, but strange visitors sometimes make me forget my manners." * Nina blinks, and taps her device-thingie. "Huh, a blocked call." Did you want me to unjam your phone? ... my husband may be calling. * Nina nods, and taps something on it. The phone starts ringing! * Guard is now known as Phone Ring! * Taka heads into the kitchen and picks up the phone. "Hello, Fontain Residence?" * Nina heads to the kitchen, following Taka. It's Gerald. He sounds just a tad worried, which is perfectly understandable. Hey, hun. Bob keeping good company? * Taka picks out a glass, sets it on the island, and walks over to the fridge. "Not really, I'm afraid." *he sounds slightly more concerned* Did he start on the story about his second ex-wife? He's exaggerating most of it. No, he's been very quiet. * Taka glances over at Nina, then says, "There's another nice visitor, though. I'm sure she and Bob will have much to talk about." ... what happened? * Nina looks up and waves at the phone. * Taka pours herself a glass of cold water. "She is waving hi at the phone. A very cheery Japanese girl." She looks over at Nina again. "Nobody to worry about." * Phone says slowly, emphasizing the words, "Do you want me to send someone over? Is everything okay?" No, everything is fine, Gerald. * Taka looks over at Nina again. "I do think we'll have some things to talk about when you get home, however." How's Sachi doing? * Phone exhales. "That's good to hear." There's a small laugh, then the phone shifts hands. It's Sachi on the phone, now. (Also, great timing. =p) (Mmm?) Ta! * Taka looks over at Nina and gestures at the fridge while she says cheerily, "Hello, Sachi. How are you enjoying your day at your father's work?" Busy! Da yells at people, then tells me not to yell at people, he gave me a donut, and I saw Friend of Da! Friend of Da says that I shouldn't have donuts because they have a lot of sugar. * Taka smiles slightly. "Eric is smart, but one donut should not hurt you. What flavor was it?" Chocolate! Good, good. Have a good day with your dad, dear. I'll see you when you come home. Friend of Da says that, but Da has them too. Is sugar bad? Should Da have sugar? * Taka laughs a little. "Da can have some sugar, as long as he doesn't have as much sugar as Bob." Okay! I will see you when Da's done yelling at people! * Taka smiles at the phone and says, "Okay. I love you, Sachi." The phone is pulled away, and then hung up. * Taka puts the phone down, then takes a drink before saying, "Did you want something?" * Nina nods. "A rum and coke, if you've got it." * Taka blinks at her, then opens the fridge and pulls out a coke, "Aren't you supposed to be on duty?" * Nina eyes the kitchen window. "Pssssh. I can have a drink or five, no problem." * Taka looks Nina over, slender yet tall thing that she is. "Five?" * Taka then goes over to get a glass and pours the coke into it. * Nina grins widely, with her perfect white teeth and full lips, and swishes her long, beautifal, ponytailed hair. "Easy." * Taka pulls a half-full bottle of rum out of an upper cupboard, and pours a little into the glass. "As much as I would like to be hospitable, I think you will have to settle for one. Trying to explain why I have an attractive drunk woman in my house to my husband may get Bob in trouble." She walks over to Nina, carrying Nina's drink. "Explaining where you come from will be difficult enough without you being incoherent." * Nina blinks, and looks over at the unconcious Bob. "Uh, no. Never. Never ever ever." I like them under stone-age, thank you very much. * Nina swirls the drink, then goes "Bottoms up!" and drains half the cup rapidly. She sets it down, tears coming from her eyes. * Taka looks at her oddly, and walks back to grab her own. "Well, the alternative, which is... some sort of strange detective who says she is from another dimension decided to get drunk instead of watch for me, is a fairly difficult thing to put on top of telling my husband that there are two of me." ... oh, that's a good point. And I'm not gonna get drunk, dammit! I can drink guys three times my weight under! * Taka takes a drink of her own water and heads over to the table. "Well, some 100 kilo men, no doubt, could be... drunk under the table by you." * Nina takes a sip of her drink. "Oh, yeah. Do you mind if I stay here for a bit? Since I've got to protect you, at least until my partner finishes up over in Japan." It'd be a lot easier if you went along with this willingly. *she smiles happily* * Taka sighs. "Well, I am not particularly surprised. We'll see what my husband thinks once you give your explaination a second attempt." * Nina nods, satisfied with that answer, and flashes a pearly smile. "I'm sure I'll be able to win him over to my side." * Taka takes a sip of water, then says, "Actually, we will find out whether Bob wants to arrest you for assaulting an officer, then we will see if you can stay." A faint grin plays across her face. * Nina shrugs. "He pulled the gun first. I'm not worried." * Taka stares at her. "That... is not how it works." * Nina takes another sip. "Regardless, I'm not worried. Nothing will stick, and if it does, the higher-ups I mentioned will intervene." Yes, but perhaps then I will be dead. That, I'm afraid, tends to stick. Not on my watch! * Taka takes another drink and closes her eyes. "At least you're enthusiastic." I may not like my job, but I do take it seriously. ^_~ * Taka shakes her head and reopens her eyes. "Is... uh, the other me just trying to find the woman who attacked her?" ... you mean the one with 17 bullet holes in her? That one's quite dead, I'm afraid. (Your bullet hole counts don't match.) (As a note.) * Taka rubs her head. "Perhaps that happened after she attacked me." ( I know. intentional. =p ) (Heh.) * Nina taps something on her thingie. "Date of death, December 17th, 2004." No exact time given, estimates say around 11pm. * Taka frowns. "Then why did she attack me and accuse me of trying to kill her?" She very clearly killed her assailant. * Nina shakes her head. "Dunno." You can ask her when we catch her. * Taka takes another drink and glances over towards the other room. "Of course. How long does whatever you did to him last?" * Nina hmms. "Well, I did stun someone, get drunk, pass out, wake up, and they were still stunned, once..." But usually an hour or three. ... aha. * Nina hmms some more. "On second thought, I don't recall if I just stunned that one guy or not..." * Taka stares at her. "You are definitely not getting another drink." * Nina pouts. Extremely pouty. The kind of pout that would make most men melt. * Taka looks at her, and chuckles. "My daughter does it far better." * Taka sips. * Nina keeps it up for a moment, then drops it, and laughs. * Nina leans a bit closer. "How old is she?" And I already know she's cute, if the moms any judge. * Taka smiles and says, "Just a little over 4." * Nina suppresses a 'Squee'. "Just getting to the good part, where they're not waking you up and being little brats! Oh, so cute! So lucky!" What's her name? * Taka chuckles very faintly and says, "Sachiko." * Nina finishes off her drink, setting the empty cup down. * Taka takes a sip and continues, "Sachiko's a very energetic and tough child. She even kicked my husband when she thought he was the other me." * Nina nods, slowly. "... wow." She sounds great. * Taka smiles warmly. "She is. I'm very lucky to have had the chance to have her." * Nina picks the cup back up, and grips it tightly. "And you'll continue to have that chance, I'll make sure of it! If there's one thing I can't bear to see, it's a sad child." * Taka looks at her for a second, then says, "No child of your own, then, I take it?" * Nina droops slightly. "Nope." Not gonna happen anytime soon. Or anytime, even. * Taka mms a little. "I... suppose... a job like yours wouldn't lend itelf to a strong family life." * Nina nods. "There's that, and springing is hell on carrying a child." * Taka looks at her strangely for a second, then just nods. Then she pulls the gun from where she'd stored it, and lays it on the table. * Nina reaches out and snags it, spinning it once and sticking it on her hip. So... about that 'no more drinks for me' thing... Dec 27 03:48:14 End!