Jai 'Jay' Raji (Halo)

Nationality: American (Indian (the country) Descent)
Born: August 12, 1977
Age: 16
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 180 lb.
Hobbies: Sports, pretty much all of them.
Powers: Projects light which can be focused into dangerous rays; highly efficient powerful body; and mutant healing.

Appearance: Jai's a tall guy with an obviously fit athletic build, but not to the point of being abnormal. He's regularly seen in jerseys and other sporting equipment, often covering the suit which contains his powers. When he's not wearing that suit his skin tends to be rather brightly glowing to the point of being painful to look at.

History: He grew up in the small town of Metropolis, Illinios and excelled at sports while just getting by academically. His nascent powers gave him extrordinary energy which ultimately sent him to the hospital in a state of continous combustion when his full powers began to manifest. Conventional medicine was able to provide him some assistance, but his recovery was greatly assisted when the Xavier Institute discovered him.