Tri-Stat dX Force Field attribute revision By Zegon Destructacon Cost: 1 Point/level Effective Level: 3 or 1 Point(s)/level Relevant Stat: Mind or Soul Required PMVs: Area Optional PMVs: Duration, Range Progression: Linear; +5 or +15 damage reduced/level Reduction: None Restrictions: See Disabilities The force field attribute blocks 5 damage per level from all incoming attacks while the force field is active. Normally, force fields are invisible and give off no indication of their existence until interacted with. If this is not the case, purchasing the linked defect Detectable combined with Force Field should do the trick. For effective level, three levels of armor equals one level for attributes such as Dynamic Powers, Nullify, and power conflicts. Force Fields becomes less effective as it is hit, although at a much more rapid rate than armor. Every time the force field is hit by an attack that deals 1/2th or more of its value in damage, the force field's effectiveness goes down by five points. Particularly powerful attacks can break down even the strongest force fields in a matter of rounds. Force Fields are generally inactive unless specified so. In most instances, 'shields up' is considered a hostile action, and may attract unwanted attention. Force Fields regain strength at the rate of 15 points per round they are inactive. While active, force fields regain strength at a rate of 10 points per hour, so a force field can be an effective barrier against natural hazards if it is strong enough. If shields reach an effectiveness of zero damage blocked, they automatically go down for a minimum of three rounds for that target. The area PMV is very important for this attribute. Area must be purchased at level one if this attribute is taken, and that is only if the character is using it as a maneuverable shield, as a wall, or is smaller than normal and can fit within a 10 cm area radius, in which case it is form-fitting. Level two is required for a form-fitting force field to a normal human-sized character. Any more and it creates a disk and/or sphere covering the appropriate area. The Duration PMV is required to leave force fields 'standing' unattended - if this is not the case, duration need not be purchased. Standing force fields stay for up to as long as the duration listed, and the creator need not stay in range for the field to remain active. Range is how far the character has to be from a field to keep it active if no duration is assigned, and how far a character can be from a location to create a field at that location, even if the duration PMV is assigned. Secondary force fields may be created at a fraction of the cost. They cost 1/3rd the normal amount of the force field (before defects) and may not have defects applied to them. They are assumed to have the same defects as the primary force field. Secondary force fields must be equal to or less than the level of the primary force field. Secondary force fields may be active while the primary force field or any other secondary force fields are. However, you may only have one of each force field active at a time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities Air-Tight - 10 damage Air-tight force fields are, of course, air-tight. They are fortified against the elements of deep space, high pressure, and other such conditions. Because of this, someone in an air-tight force field is immune to all types of gas and vacuum oriented attacks. Air-tight force fields do not supply their own air, so another method must be developed to keep characters inside from suffocating. Blocks Incorporeal - 7 damage/level This ability lets the force field block insubstantial enemies normally. Level 1 blocks characters and attacks of insubstantial value 3 or lower. Level 2 blocks characters of level 7 or lower. Level 3 blocks level 10 or lower, and level 4 blocks attacks and characters of any level. Depending on the commonality of insubstantial opponents, the GM may increase the cost of this ability by 5 or even 10 points a level. Force fields generally have issues against creatures of any type of insubstantiability, but engineering one to block such attempts at penetration is fairly easy in any universe where creatures of this type co-exist with such technology or magic. Blocks Teleport - 15 damage or 35 damage While the field is up, teleportation cannot be conducted through the barrier the force field creates without great effort. To create a 'teleportation null area', add twenty points to this ability's cost. This causes all teleportation attempts made in the area automatically fail if the teleportor does not succeed at a Use Powers check and spend 3 times X (where X is the dice size) energy points to make the attempt. If a character succeeds a teleportation attempt in or into the field, they are immune to the field's effects for twenty-four hours. Characters know of the block attempt and can decide weather to spend the energy or not before making the attempt. Field Penetrating - 15 damage Operates as presented in the dX book. Hard Shields - 5 damage/level Hardened shields are particularly strong, and remain active even when normal shields are broken down. Hard shields offer one point per level of protection that is active at all times, regardless of the current state of the field. It also ignores field-penetrating attacks. Optimized - 1 damage/level Optimized force fields are optimized versus a particular type of element, attack, energy type, or damage type. For every level of this ability, the force field blocks double the damage per attack of the type selected on creation. Furthermore, attacks of that type need to deal 1/2 of the newly adjusted amount of damage to weaken the force field five points. Example types of attack include: mental attacks, fire/heat, slashing damage, electricity, acid, sound, subdual damage, pressure, extreme cold, and spiritual. If the force field normally doesn't stop damage of this type (in particular mental and spiritual, which commonly have insubstantial to bypass force fields), this optimized portion of the force field is still effective against it. Offensive - 2 damage/level Offensive force fields not only protect those it wards, but also deals damage back to the attacker in the form of a shock, spikes, or some other countering- implement. Each level of offensive deals one damage back to any attacker in range that hits. This ability can be turned off and on at will. Note that if shields go down, the offensive ability goes down as well. Regenerating - 10 damage/level, 15 damage/level, or 20 damage/level Regenerating force fields grows back at an exceptional rate. Each level of regenerating lets the character spend an attack action to 'regenerate' one level of force fields (5 points), while the fields are active. For 15 points/level, the force fields can be regenerated five points/level with a non-combat action. For 20 points/level, this regeneration is automatic, and needs no action. Multiple levels increase the amount regenerated per action. Spending multiple actions per round regenerating force fields can cause them to regenerate faster than normal, but the maximum levels you can regenerate per round is limited by the force field's level in this ability squared. 'Automatic' regenerating force fields can have non-combat and combat actions spent to regenerate them. Unique Ability - ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disabilities Both Directions - 20 damage Force fields with this disability block attacks that come from both the inside and outside with equal potency. This means an attack coming from within has to punch through the force field to deal any damage, and its strength is reduced by the field if it manages to penetrate. Furthermore, it reduces the force field's strength as any other attack would. This disability cannot be combined with Shield or, if the field is not form-fitting, Cannot Act. Full Impact - 10 damage Full-impact force fields do not prevent knock back or impact from damage blocked by the shield. While the character may not receive damage, they do get knocked back as normal as if he suffered the attack's damage. Full-impact may reward ten or twenty more damage for campaigns that use stronger knock back rules and inflict knock back damage. Internal - 30 damage Internal force fields may be used only inside a specific structure, robot, or the like. They are commonly used as backup fields to protect the vitals of large vehicles, buildings, and other complex machinery. For every five effective levels the force field has, the return on this disability doubles. Shield - 8 damage/level One level of shield must be obtained for every five shield points the character has of force field for this disability (before disabilities and abilities are applied). This means someone with force field at level six (effective level two) must take this ability at level six or at level zero. There is no in-between. The force field generated by this ability is a disk the size of the area PMV. This means it can be used to create a force 'wall' with a high enough area PMV, or if no range is provided it can be used to create a 'force shield' usable only on block defense. Weak Point - 3 damage/level, 5 damage/level, or 10 damage/level Force fields with this disability has multiple weak points, and is easily breakable although they offers excellent initial protection. Attacks that deal 1/4th the s protection value reduce 5 protection, for 3 damage/level. For 5 damage/level, 1/4th reduces the force field value by the standard amount and 1/2 reduces it by twice the normal amount. For 8 damage/level, 1/4th reduces the force field by twice the normal amount, 1/2 reduces it by four times the normal amount, 3/4ths reduces it by eight times the normal amount. For every extra level of this purchased, the 'standard' amount of force field reduced is increased by 5 + previous level (1 = 5, 2 = 10, 3 = 25, 4 = 40, 5 = 60, 6 = 85). Unique Disability - ?